2020-07-16 09:26:08 -07:00

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# Installation
* Table of Contents
## Overview
CORE provides a script to help automate installing all required software
to build and run, including a python virtual environment to run it all in.
The following tools will be leveraged during installation:
|[pip](|used to install pipx|
|[pipx](|used to install standalone python tools (invoke, poetry)|
|[invoke](|used to run provided tasks (install, daemon, gui, tests, etc)|
|[poetry](|used to install the managed python virtual environment for running CORE|
## Required Hardware
Any computer capable of running Linux should be able to run CORE. Since the physical machine will be hosting numerous
containers, as a general rule you should select a machine having as much RAM and CPU resources as possible.
## Supported Linux Distributions
Plan is to support recent Ubuntu and CentOS LTS releases.
* Ubuntu - 18.04, 20.04
* CentOS - 7.8, 8.0*
> **NOTE:** Ubuntu 20.04 requires installing legacy ebtables for WLAN
> functionality
> **NOTE:** CentOS 8 does not provide legacy ebtables support, WLAN will not
> function properly
> **NOTE:** CentOS 8 does not have the netem kernel mod available by default
CentOS 8 Enabled netem:
sudo yum update
# restart into updated kernel
sudo yum install -y kernel-modules-extra
sudo modprobe sch_netem
## Utility Requirements
* iproute2 4.5+ is a requirement for bridge related commands
* ebtables not backed by nftables
## Upgrading
Please make sure to uninstall the previous installation of CORE cleanly
before proceeding to install.
Previous install was built from source:
cd $REPO
sudo make uninstall
make clean
./ clean
Installed from previously built packages:
# centos
sudo yum remove core
# ubuntu
sudo apt remove core
## Automated Installation
The automated install will install the various tools needed to help automate
the CORE installation (python3, pip, pipx, invoke, poetry). The script will
also automatically clone, build, and install the latest version of OSPF MDR.
Finally it will install CORE scripts and a systemd service, which have
been modified to use the installed poetry created virtual environment.
After installation has completed you should be able to run the various
CORE scripts for running core.
> **NOTE:** provide a prefix that will be found on path when running as sudo
> if the default prefix is not valid
# clone CORE repo
git clone
cd core
# run install script
# script usage: [-d] [-v]
# -v enable verbose install
# -d enable developer install
# -p install prefix, defaults to /usr/local
### Unsupported Linux Distribution
If you are on an unsupported distribution, you can look into the
files to see the various commands ran to install CORE and translate them to
your use case, assuming it is possible.
If you get install down entirely, feel free to contribute and help others.
## Installed Scripts
After the installation complete it will have installed the following scripts.
| Name | Description |
| core-daemon | runs the backed core server providing TLV and gRPC APIs |
| core-gui | runs the legacy tcl/tk based GUI |
| core-pygui | runs the new python/tk based GUI |
| core-cleanup | tool to help removed lingering core created containers, bridges, directories |
| core-imn-to-xml | tool to help automate converting a .imn file to .xml format |
| core-route-monitor | tool to help monitor traffic across nodes and feed that to SDT |
| core-service-update | tool to update automate modifying a legacy service to match current naming |
| coresendmsg | tool to send TLV API commands from command line |
| core-cli | tool to query, open xml files, and send commands using gRPC |
| core-manage | tool to add, remove, or check for services, models, and node types |
## Running User Scripts
If you create your own python scripts to run CORE directly or using the gRPC/TLV
APIs you will need to make sure you are running them within context of the
installed virtual environment.
> **NOTE:** the following assumes CORE has been installed successfully
There is an invoke task to help with this case.
cd $REPO
inv -h run
Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] run [--options] [other tasks here ...]
runs a user script in the core virtual environment
-f STRING, --file=STRING script file to run in the core virtual environment
-s, --sudo run script as sudo
Another way would be to enable the core virtual environment shell. Which
would allow you to run scripts in a more **normal** way.
cd $REPO/daemon
poetry shell
python run /path/to/
## Manually Install EMANE
EMANE can be installed from deb or RPM packages or from source. See the
[EMANE GitHub]( for full details.
There is an invoke task to help with installing EMANE, but has issues,
which attempts to build EMANE from source, but has issue on systems with
older protobuf-compilers.
cd $REPO
inv install-emane
Alternatively, you can
[build EMANE](
from source and install the python
bindings into the core virtual environment.
The following would install the EMANE python bindings after being
successfully built.
cd $REPO/daemon
poetry run pip install $EMANE_REPO/src/python
## Using Invoke Tasks
The invoke tool installed by way of pipx provides conveniences for running
CORE tasks to help ensure usage of the create python virtual environment.
inv --list
Available tasks:
daemon start core-daemon
install install core, poetry, scripts, service, and ospf mdr
install-emane install emane and the python bindings
install-scripts install core script files, modified to leverage virtual environment
install-service install systemd core service
run runs a user script in the core virtual environment
test run core tests
test-emane run core emane tests
test-mock run core tests using mock to avoid running as sudo
uninstall uninstall core, scripts, service, virtual environment, and clean build directory
Print help for a given task:
inv -h install
Usage: inv[oke] [--core-opts] install [--options] [other tasks here ...]
install core, poetry, scripts, service, and ospf mdr
-d, --dev install development mode
-p STRING, --prefix=STRING prefix where scripts are installed, default is /usr/local
-v, --verbose enable verbose