#!/bin/bash # defaults theme_options=( "catppuccin-dark" "gruvbox-material-dark" "catppuccin-light" "gruvbox-material-light" ) # rofi script to get what theme to use chosen=$(printf '%s\n' "${theme_options[@]}" | rofi -dmenu -p "Theme" -theme-str "configuration {show-icons:false;}") if [[ -z $chosen ]]; then exit 0 fi theme=$(echo "${chosen}" | rev | cut -d- -f2- | rev) tmux_bg=$(echo "${chosen}" | awk -F'-' '{print $NF}') # change rofi theme rofi_conf=~/.config/rofi/config.rasi rofi_theme_check=~/.config/rofi/colors/"${chosen}".rasi if [[ ! -f $rofi_theme_check ]]; then echo "Rofi Theme ${chosen} not found" exit 1 fi sed -i "s/\(@import \"~\/.config\/rofi\/colors\/\).*/\1${theme}-${tmux_bg}.rasi\"/" $rofi_conf # change neovim theme sed -i "s/\(local color = \).*/\1\"${theme}\"/" ~/.config/nvim/lua/tsousa/plugins/colorscheme.lua sed -i "s/\(local background = \).*/\1\"${tmux_bg}\"/" ~/.config/nvim/lua/tsousa/plugins/colorscheme.lua # change xresources xresources_themes=".Xresources.d" sed -i "s/#include \".*\"/#include \"${xresources_themes}\/${theme}-${tmux_bg}\"/" ~/.Xresources xrdb ~/.Xresources # change tmux # add case for when tmux is not running tmux_bg=$(xrdb -get background) tmux_fg=$(xrdb -get foreground) sed -i "s/set -g status-style 'bg=.* fg=.*'/set -g status-style 'bg=${tmux_bg} fg=${tmux_fg}'/" ~/.config/tmux/tmux.conf tmux source "$HOME/.config/tmux/tmux.conf" # change dunst dunst_template=~/.config/dunst/template dunst_conf=~/.config/dunst/dunstrc dunst_bg=$(xrdb -get background) dunst_fg=$(xrdb -get foreground) dunst_red=$(xrdb -get color1) cp "${dunst_template}" "${dunst_conf}" sed -i "s/\${bg}/${dunst_bg}/" "${dunst_conf}" sed -i "s/\${fg}/${dunst_fg}/" "${dunst_conf}" sed -i "s/\${color1}/${dunst_red}/" "${dunst_conf}" systemctl --user restart dunst.service # NOTE: need to update fish theme for gruvbox # change fish fish -c "echo 'y' | fish_config theme save '${chosen}'" # maybe change gtk theme?? and discord?? # recompile i3 i3-msg -q restart