Initial code structure
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNPlusKPatterns #-}
-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module BTree where
import Cp
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
data BTree a = Empty | Node(a, (BTree a, BTree a)) deriving Show
inBTree :: Either () (b,(BTree b,BTree b)) -> BTree b
inBTree = either (const Empty) Node
outBTree :: BTree a -> Either () (a,(BTree a,BTree a))
outBTree Empty = Left ()
outBTree (Node (a,(t1,t2))) = Right(a,(t1,t2))
baseBTree g f = id -|- g >< (f >< f)
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
recBTree f = id -|- id >< (f >< f) -- = baseBTree id f
cataBTree g = g . (recBTree (cataBTree g)) . outBTree
anaBTree g = inBTree . (recBTree (anaBTree g) ) . g
hyloBTree f g = cataBTree f . anaBTree g
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Functor BTree
where fmap f = cataBTree ( inBTree . baseBTree f id )
-- equivalent to:
-- where fmap f = anaBTree ( baseBTree f id . outBTree )
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- (4.1) Inversion (mirror) ----------------------------------------------------
mirrorBTree = cataBTree (inBTree . (id -|- id >< swap))
-- (4.2) Count and depth -------------------------------------------------------
countBTree = cataBTree (either (const 0) (succ . (uncurry (+)) . p2))
depthBTree = cataBTree (either zero (succ.umax.p2))
-- (4.3) Serialization ---------------------------------------------------------
inordt = cataBTree inord -- in-order traversal
preordt = cataBTree preord -- pre-order traversal
postordt = cataBTree posord -- post-order traversal
-- where
preord = either nil f where f(x,(l,r))=x:l++r
inord = either nil f where f(x,(l,r))=l++[x]++r
posord = either nil f where f(x,(l,r))=l++r++[x]
-- (4.4) Quicksort -------------------------------------------------------------
qSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
qSort = hyloBTree inord qsep -- the same as (cataBTree inord) . (anaBTree qsep)
-- where
qsep [] = i1 ()
qsep (h:t) = i2 (h,(s,l)) where (s,l) = part (<h) t
part:: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
part p [] = ([],[])
part p (h:t) | p h = let (s,l) = part p t in (h:s,l)
| otherwise = let (s,l) = part p t in (s,h:l)
{-- pointwise versions:
qSort [] = []
qSort (h:t) = let (t1,t2) = part (<h) t
in qSort t1 ++ [h] ++ qSort t2
or, using list comprehensions:
qSort [] = []
qSort (h:t) = qSort [ a | a <- t , a < h ] ++ [h] ++
qSort [ a | a <- t , a >= h ]
-- (4.5) Traces ----------------------------------------------------------------
traces :: Eq a => BTree a -> [[a]]
traces = cataBTree (either (const [[]]) tunion)
where tunion(a,(l,r)) = union (map (a:) l) (map (a:) r)
-- (4.6) Towers of Hanoi -------------------------------------------------------
-- pointwise:
-- hanoi(d,0) = []
-- hanoi(d,n+1) = (hanoi (not d,n)) ++ [(n,d)] ++ (hanoi (not d, n))
hanoi = hyloBTree present strategy
--- where
present = inord -- same as in qSort
strategy(d,0) = Left ()
strategy(d,n+1) = Right ((n,d),((not d,n),(not d,n)))
The Towers of Hanoi problem comes from a puzzle marketed in 1883
by the French mathematician Édouard Lucas, under the pseudonym
Claus. The puzzle is based on a legend according to which
there is a temple, apparently in Bramah rather than in Hanoi as
one might expect, where there are three giant poles fixed in the
ground. On the first of these poles, at the time of the world's
creation, God placed sixty four golden disks, each of different
size, in decreasing order of size. The Bramin monks were given
the task of moving the disks, one per day, from one pole to another
subject to the rule that no disk may ever be above a smaller disk.
The monks' task would be complete when they had succeeded in moving
all the disks from the first of the poles to the second and, on
the day that they completed their task the world would come to
an end!
There is a wellknown inductive solution to the problem given
by the pseudocode below. In this solution we make use of the fact
that the given problem is symmetrical with respect to all three
poles. Thus it is undesirable to name the individual poles. Instead
we visualize the poles as being arranged in a circle; the problem
is to move the tower of disks from one pole to the next pole in
a specified direction around the circle. The code defines H n d
to be a sequence of pairs (k,d') where n is the number of disks,
k is a disk number and d and d' are directions. Disks are numbered
from 0 onwards, disk 0 being the smallest. (Assigning number 0
to the smallest rather than the largest disk has the advantage
that the number of the disk that is moved on any day is independent
of the total number of disks to be moved.) Directions are boolean
values, true representing a clockwise movement and false an anticlockwise
movement. The pair (k,d') means move the disk numbered k from
its current position in the direction d'. The semicolon operator
concatenates sequences together, [] denotes an empty sequence
and [x] is a sequence with exactly one element x. Taking the pairs
in order from left to right, the complete sequence H n d prescribes
how to move the n smallest disks onebyone from one pole to the
next pole in the direction d following the rule of never placing
a larger disk on top of a smaller disk.
H 0 d = [],
H (n+1) d = H n ¬d ; [ (n, d) ] ; H n ¬d.
(excerpt from R. Backhouse, M. Fokkinga / Information Processing
Letters 77 (2001) 71--76)
-- (5) Depth and balancing (using mutual recursion) --------------------------
balBTree = p1.baldepth
baldepthBTree = p2.baldepth
baldepth = cataBTree g where
g = either (const(True,1)) (h.(id><f))
h(a,((b1,b2),(d1,d2))) = (b1 && b2 && abs(d1-d2)<=1,1+max d1 d2)
f((b1,d1),(b2,d2)) = ((b1,b2),(d1,d2))
-- (6) Going polytipic -------------------------------------------------------
-- natural transformation from base functor to monoid
tnat :: Monoid c => (a -> c) -> Either () (a,(c, c)) -> c
tnat f = either (const mempty) (theta . (f >< theta))
where theta = uncurry mappend
-- monoid reduction
monBTree f = cataBTree (tnat f)
-- alternative to (4.2) serialization ----------------------------------------
preordt' = monBTree singl
-- alternative to (4.1) counting ---------------------------------------------
countBTree' = monBTree (const (Sum 1))
-- (7) Zipper ----------------------------------------------------------------
data Deriv a = Dr Bool a (BTree a)
type Zipper a = [ Deriv a ]
plug :: Zipper a -> BTree a -> BTree a
plug [] t = t
plug ((Dr False a l):z) t = Node (a,(plug z t,l))
plug ((Dr True a r):z) t = Node (a,(r,plug z t))
---------------------------- end of library ----------------------------------
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-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module Cp where
infix 5 ><
infix 4 -|-
-- (1) Product -----------------------------------------------------------------
split :: (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> (b,c)
split f g x = (f x, g x)
(><) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (a,c) -> (b,d)
f >< g = split (f . p1) (g . p2)
-- the 0-adic split
(!) :: a -> ()
(!) = const ()
-- Renamings:
p1 = fst
p2 = snd
-- diagonal (dup)
diag = split id id
-- (2) Coproduct ---------------------------------------------------------------
-- Renamings:
i1 = Left
i2 = Right
-- either is predefined
(-|-) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Either a c -> Either b d
f -|- g = either (i1 . f) (i2 . g)
-- McCarthy's conditional:
cond p f g = (either f g) . (grd p)
-- codiagonal (join)
codiag = either id id
-- (3) Exponentiation ---------------------------------------------------------
-- curry is predefined
ap :: (a -> b,a) -> b
ap = uncurry ($)
expn :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
expn f = curry (f . ap)
p2p :: (a, a) -> Bool -> a
p2p p b = if b then (snd p) else (fst p) -- pair to predicate
-- exponentiation functor is (a->) predefined
-- instance Functor ((->) s) where fmap f g = f . g
-- (4) Others -----------------------------------------------------------------
--const :: a -> b -> a st const a x = a is predefined
-- guards
grd :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Either a a
grd p x = if p x then i1 x else i2 x
-- (5) Natural isomorphisms ----------------------------------------------------
swap :: (a,b) -> (b,a)
swap = split p2 p1
assocr :: ((a,b),c) -> (a,(b,c))
assocr = split ( p1 . p1 ) (p2 >< id)
assocl :: (a,(b,c)) -> ((a,b),c)
assocl = split ( id >< p1 ) ( p2 . p2 )
undistr :: Either (a,b) (a,c) -> (a,Either b c)
undistr = either ( id >< i1 ) ( id >< i2 )
undistl :: Either (b, c) (a, c) -> (Either b a, c)
undistl = either ( i1 >< id ) ( i2 >< id )
flatr :: (a,(b,c)) -> (a,b,c)
flatr (a,(b,c)) = (a,b,c)
flatl :: ((a,b),c) -> (a,b,c)
flatl ((b,c),d) = (b,c,d)
br :: a -> (a, ())
br = split id (!) -- 'bang' on the right
bl :: a -> ((), a)
bl = swap . br -- 'bang' on the left
coswap :: Either a b -> Either b a
coswap = either i2 i1
coassocr :: Either (Either a b) c -> Either a (Either b c)
coassocr = either (id -|- i1) (i2 . i2)
coassocl :: Either b (Either a c) -> Either (Either b a) c
coassocl = either (i1.i1) (i2 -|- id)
distl :: (Either c a, b) -> Either (c, b) (a, b)
distl = uncurry (either (curry i1)(curry i2))
distr :: (b, Either c a) -> Either (b, c) (b, a)
distr = (swap -|- swap) . distl . swap
colambda :: (a, a) -> Bool -> a
colambda (a,b) = f where f True = a; f False = b
lambda :: (Bool -> a) -> (a, a)
lambda f = (f False, f True)
-- (6) Class bifunctor ---------------------------------------------------------
class BiFunctor f where
bmap :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (f a c -> f b d)
instance BiFunctor Either where
bmap f g = f -|- g
instance BiFunctor (,) where
bmap f g = f >< g
-- (7) Monads: -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- (7.1) Kleisli monadic composition -------------------------------------------
infix 4 .!
(.!) :: Monad a => (b -> a c) -> (d -> a b) -> d -> a c
(f .! g) a = (g a) >>= f
mult :: (Monad m) => m (m b) -> m b
mult = (>>= id) -- also known as join
-- (7.2) Monadic binding ---------------------------------------------------------
ap' :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b, m a) -> m b
ap' = uncurry (flip (>>=))
-- (7.3) Lists
singl :: a -> [a]
singl = return
-- (7.4) Strong monads -----------------------------------------------------------
class (Functor f, Monad f) => Strong f where
rstr :: (f a,b) -> f(a,b)
rstr(x,b) = do a <- x ; return (a,b)
lstr :: (b,f a) -> f(b,a)
lstr(b,x) = do a <- x ; return (b,a)
instance Strong IO
instance Strong []
instance Strong Maybe
dstr :: Strong m => (m a, m b) -> m (a, b) --- double strength
dstr = rstr .! lstr
splitm :: Strong ff => ff (a -> b) -> a -> ff b
-- Exercise 4.8.13 in Jacobs' "Introduction to Coalgebra" (2012)
splitm = curry (fmap ap . rstr)
-- (7.5) Monad transformers ------------------------------------------------------
class (Monad m, Monad (t m)) => MT t m where -- monad transformer class
lift :: m a -> t m a
-- nested lifting:
dlift :: (MT t (t1 m), MT t1 m) => m a -> t (t1 m) a
dlift = lift . lift
-- (8) Basic functions, abbreviations ------------------------------------------
bang = (!)
dup = split id id
zero = const 0
one = const 1
nil = const []
cons = uncurry (:)
add = uncurry (+)
mul = uncurry (*)
conc = uncurry (++)
umax :: Ord a => (a,a) -> a
umax = uncurry max
true = const True
nothing = const Nothing
false = const False
inMaybe :: Either () a -> Maybe a
inMaybe = either (const Nothing) Just
nat0 = [0..] -- the natural numbers
-- (9) Advanced ----------------------------------------------------------------
class (Functor f) => Unzipable f where
unzp :: f(a,b) -> (f a,f b)
unzp = split (fmap p1)(fmap p2)
class Functor g => DistL g where
lamb :: Monad m => g (m a) -> m (g a)
instance DistL [] where lamb = sequence
instance DistL Maybe where
lamb Nothing = return Nothing
lamb (Just a) = fmap Just a -- where mp f = (return.f).!id
aap :: Monad m => m (a->b) -> m a -> m b
-- to convert Monad into Applicative
-- (<*>) = curry(lift ap) where lift h (x,y) = do { a <- x; b <- y; return ((curry h a b)) }
aap mf mx = do { f <- mf ; x <- mx ; return (f x) }
-- gather: n-ary split
gather :: [a -> b] -> a -> [b]
gather l x = map (flip ($) x) l
-- the dual of zip
cozip :: (Functor f) => Either (f a) (f b) -> f (Either a b)
cozip = either (fmap Left)(fmap Right)
tot :: (a -> b) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe b
tot f p = cond p (return . f) nothing
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-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module Exp where
import Cp
import BTree
import LTree
import FTree
import System.Process
import GHC.IO.Exception
import St
import List hiding (lookup)
import Data.List
import RelCalc
-- (0) Functions dependent on your OS -------------------------------------
wopen = ("start/b "++)
mopen = ("open "++)
--1) Windows
--open = wopen
--2) Mac OS
open = mopen
expShow fn e = do { expDisplay fn (mirrorExp e) ; system(open fn) }
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
data Exp v o = Var v -- expressions are either variables
| Term o [ Exp v o ] -- or terms involving operators and
-- subterms
deriving (Show,Eq)
inExp = either Var (uncurry Term)
outExp(Var v) = i1 v
outExp(Term o l) = i2(o,l)
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
baseExp f g h = f -|- (g >< map h)
recExp x = baseExp id id x
cataExp g = g . recExp (cataExp g) . outExp
anaExp g = inExp . recExp (anaExp g) . g
hyloExp h g = cataExp h . anaExp g
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance BiFunctor Exp
where bmap f g = cataExp ( inExp . baseExp f g id )
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
mirrorExp = cataExp (inExp . (id -|- (id><reverse)))
expLeaves :: Exp a b -> [a]
expLeaves = cataExp (either singl (concat . p2))
expOps :: Exp a b -> [b]
expOps = cataExp (either nil (cons . (id><concat)))
expWidth :: Exp a b -> Int
expWidth = length . expLeaves
expDepth :: Exp a b -> Int
expDepth = cataExp (either (const 1) (succ . (foldr max 0) . p2))
nodes :: Exp a a -> [a]
nodes = cataExp (either singl g) where g = cons . (id >< concat)
graph :: Exp (a, b) (c, d) -> Exp a c
graph = bmap fst fst
-- (5) Graphics (DOT / HTML) ---------------------------------------------------
cExp2Dot :: Exp (Maybe String) (Maybe String) -> String
cExp2Dot x = beg ++ main (deco x) ++ end where
main b = concat $ (map f . nodes) b ++ (map g . lnks . graph) b
beg = "digraph G {\n /* edge [label=0]; */\n graph [ranksep=0.5];\n"
end = "}\n"
g(k1,k2) = " " ++ show k1 ++ " -> " ++ show k2 ++ "[arrowhead=none];\n"
f(k,Nothing) = " " ++ show k ++ " [shape=plaintext, label=\"\"];\n"
f(k,Just s) = " " ++ show k ++ " [shape=circle, style=filled, fillcolor=\"#FFFF00\", label=\"" ++ s ++ "\"];\n"
dotpict t = do { writeFile "" (cExp2Dot t) ; system "open" }
exp2Html n (Var v) = [ LCell v n 1 ]
exp2Html n (Term o l) = g (expWidth (Term o l)) o (map (exp2Html (n-1)) l)
where g i o k = [ ICell o 1 i ] ++ (foldr (++) [] k)
expDisplay :: FilePath -> Exp String String -> IO ()
expDisplay fn = writeFile fn . exp2txt
exp2txt = concat . txtFlat . (html2Txt Str) . (uncurry exp2Html . (split expDepth id))
type Html a = [ Cell a ]
data Cell a = ICell a Int Int | LCell a Int Int deriving Show
data Txt = Str String | Blk [ Txt ] deriving Show
inds :: [a] -> [Int]
inds [] = []
inds (h:t) = inds t ++ [succ (length t)]
seq2ff :: [a] -> [(Int,a)]
seq2ff = (uncurry zip) . (split inds id)
ff2seq m = map p2 m
txtFlat :: Txt -> [[Char]]
txtFlat (Str s) = [s]
txtFlat (Blk []) = []
txtFlat (Blk (a:l)) = txtFlat a ++ txtFlat (Blk l)
html2Txt :: (a -> Txt) -> Html a -> Txt
html2Txt f = html . table . (foldr g u)
where u = Str "\n</tr>"
g c (Str s) = g c (Blk [Str s])
g (ICell a x y) (Blk b) = Blk ([ cell (f a) x y ] ++ b)
g (LCell a x y) (Blk b) = Blk ([ cell (f a) x y, Str "\n</tr>\n<tr>"] ++ b)
html t = Blk [ Str("<meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>"++"<html>\n<body bgcolor=\"#F4EFD8\" " ++
"text=\"#260000\" link=\"#008000\" " ++
Str "</html>\n"
table t = Blk [ Str "<table style=\"border-collapse:collapse;border:0.5px solid black;\" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=0>",
Str "</table>\n"
cell c x y = Blk [ Str("\n<td style=\"border-collapse:collapse;border:0.4px solid black;\" rowspan=" ++
itoa y ++
" colspan=" ++
itoa x ++
" align=\"left\"" ++
Str "\n</td>"
itoa x = show x
-- (6) Monad -------------------------------------------------------------------
muExp = cataExp (either id (uncurry Term))
-- (7) Auxiliary functions -----------------------------------------------------
class (Show t) => Expclass t where
pict :: t -> IO ExitCode
instance (Show v, Show o) => Expclass (Exp v o) where
pict = expShow "_.html" . bmap show show
instance (Show a) => Expclass (BTree a) where
pict = expShow "_.html" . cBTree2Exp . (fmap show)
cBTree2Exp :: BTree a -> Exp [Char] a
cBTree2Exp = cataBTree (either (const (Var "nil")) h)
where h(a,(b,c)) = Term a [b,c]
instance (Show a) => Expclass [a] where
pict = expShow "_.html" . cL2Exp . (fmap show)
cL2Exp [] = Var " "
cL2Exp l = Term "List" (map Var l)
instance (Show a) => Expclass (LTree a) where
pict = expShow "_.html" . cLTree2Exp . (fmap show)
cLTree2Exp = cataLTree (either Var h)
where h(a,b) = Term "Fork" [a,b]
cFTree2Exp = cataFTree (inExp . (id -|- (id><f))) where f(a,b)=[a,b]
lnks :: Exp a a -> [(a, a)]
lnks (Var n) = []
lnks (Term n x) = (x >>= lnks) ++ [ (n,m) | Term m _ <- x ] ++ [ (n,m) | Var m <- x ]
deco :: Num n => Exp v o -> Exp (n, v) (n, o)
deco e = fst (st (f e) 0) where
f (Var e) = do {n <- get ; put(n+1); return (Var(n,e)) }
f (Term o l) = do { n <- get ; put(n+1);
m <- sequence (map f l);
return (Term (n,o) m)
untar :: (Ord v, Ord o) => [([o], v)] -> [Exp v o]
untar = a . (base id id untar) . c where
|||| inExp -- algebra
c=join.(id><collect).sep. map((p2-|-assocr).distl.(outList >< id)) -- coalgebra
base a b y = map(b -|- a >< y)
tar = cataExp g where
g = either v o
v = singl . (split nil id)
o = (>>= f ) . lstr
f (o,l)=[(o:a,x)|(a,x)<-l]
instance (Ord v, Ord o) => Ord (Exp v o) where
Var v <= Var u = v <= u
Var v <= Term o x = False
Term o x <= Var v = True
Term o x <= Term o' x' = o >= o'
{-- instance Ord (Exp String String) where
Var v <= Var u = v <= u
Var v <= Term o x = False
Term o x <= Var v = True
Term o x <= Term o' x' = o >= o'
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNPlusKPatterns #-}
-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module FTree where
import Cp
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
data FTree a c = Unit c | Comp a (FTree a c, FTree a c) deriving Show
inFTree = either Unit (uncurry Comp)
outFTree (Unit c) = Left c
outFTree (Comp a (t1,t2)) = Right(a,(t1,t2))
baseFTree f g h = f -|- (g >< (h >< h))
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
recFTree f = baseFTree id id f
cataFTree a = a . (recFTree (cataFTree a)) . outFTree
anaFTree f = inFTree . (recFTree (anaFTree f) ) . f
hyloFTree a c = cataFTree a . anaFTree c
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance BiFunctor FTree
where bmap f g = cataFTree ( inFTree . baseFTree g f id )
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- (4.1) Inversion (mirror) ----------------------------------------------------
invFTree = cataFTree (inFTree . (id -|- id >< swap))
-- (4.2) Counting --------------------------------------------------------------
countFTree = cataFTree (either (const 1) (succ . (uncurry (+)) . p2))
-- (4.3) Flattening ------------------------------------------------------------
flatFTree = cataFTree flt
flt = either singl (cons.(id><conc))
-- (4.4) Generating lists of Booleans ------------------------------------------
genBoolTree = anaFTree gbt
gbt = f where
f(0,x)=i1 x
f(n+1,x) = i2(x,((n,False:x),(n,True:x)))
genBools = hyloFTree flt gbt
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-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module LTree where
import Cp
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import List
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
data LTree a = Leaf a | Fork (LTree a, LTree a) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
inLTree :: Either a (LTree a, LTree a) -> LTree a
inLTree = either Leaf Fork
outLTree :: LTree a -> Either a (LTree a,LTree a)
outLTree (Leaf a) = i1 a
outLTree (Fork (t1,t2)) = i2 (t1,t2)
baseLTree g f = g -|- f >< f
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
recLTree f = baseLTree id f -- that is: id -|- (f >< f)
cataLTree g = g . (recLTree (cataLTree g)) . outLTree
anaLTree f = inLTree . (recLTree (anaLTree f) ) . f
hyloLTree f g = cataLTree f . anaLTree g
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Functor LTree
where fmap f = cataLTree ( inLTree . baseLTree f id )
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- (4.0) Inversion (mirror) ----------------------------------------------------
mirrorLTree = cataLTree (inLTree . (id -|- swap))
-- (4.1) Count and depth -------------------------------------------------------
countLTree = cataLTree (either one add)
depth = cataLTree (either one (succ.umax))
-- (4.2) Serialization ---------------------------------------------------------
tips = cataLTree (either singl conc)
-- (4.3) Double factorial ------------------------------------------------------
dfac 0 = 1
dfac n = hyloLTree (either id mul) dfacd (1,n)
dfacd(n,m) | n==m = i1 n
| otherwise = i2 ((n,k),(k+1,m))
where k = div (n+m) 2
-- (4.4) Double square function ------------------------------------------------
dsq 0 = 0
dsq n = (cataLTree (either id add) . fmap (\n->2*n-1) . (anaLTree dfacd)) (1,n)
dsq 0 = 0
dsq n = (hyloLTree (either id add) (fdfacd nthodd)) (1,n)
where nthodd n = 2*n - 1
fdfacd f (n,m) | n==m = i1 (f n)
| otherwise = i2 ((n,k),(k+1,m))
where k = div (n+m) 2
-- (4.5) Fibonacci -------------------------------------------------------------
fib = hyloLTree (either one add) fibd
-- where
fibd n | n < 2 = i1 ()
| otherwise = i2 (n-1,n-2)
-- (4.6) Merge sort ------------------------------------------------------------
mSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mSort [] = []
mSort l = hyloLTree (either singl merge) lsplit l
-- singl x = [x]
merge (l,[]) = l
merge ([],r) = r
merge (x:xs,y:ys) | x < y = x : merge(xs,y:ys)
| otherwise = y : merge(x:xs,ys)
lsplit [x] = i1 x
lsplit l = i2 (sep l) where
sep [] = ([],[])
sep (h:t) = let (l,r) = sep t in (h:r,l) -- a List cata
{-- pointwise version:
mSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mSort [] = []
mSort [x] = [x]
mSort l = let (l1,l2) = sep l
in merge(mSort l1, mSort l2)
-- (4.7) Double map (unordered lists) ------------------------------------------
dmap :: (b -> a) -> [b] -> [a]
dmap f [] = []
dmap f x = (hyloLTree (either (singl.f) conc) lsplit) x
-- (4.8) Double map (keeps the order) ------------------------------------------
dmap1 :: (b -> a) -> [b] -> [a]
dmap1 f [] = []
dmap1 f x = (hyloLTree (either (singl.f) conc) divide) x
where divide [x] = i1 x
divide l = i2 (split (take m) (drop m) l) where m = div (length l) 2
-- (4.8) Combinations ----------------------------------------------------------
comb = hyloLTree (either id add) divide
where divide(n,k) = if k `elem` [0,n] then i1 1 else i2((n-1,k),(n-1,k-1))
{-- pointwise: comb (n,k) = if k `elem` [0,n] then 1 else comb(n-1,k)+comb(n-1,k-1) --}
-- (5) Monads ------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Monad LTree where
return = Leaf
t >>= g = (mu . fmap g) t
mu :: LTree (LTree a) -> LTree a
mu = cataLTree (either id Fork)
instance Strong LTree
{-- fmap :: (Monad m) => (t -> a) -> m t -> m a
fmap f t = do { a <- t ; return (f a) }
mcataLTree g = k where
k (Leaf a) = return(g1 a)
k (Fork(x,y)) = do { a <- k x; b <- k y; return(g2(a,b)) }
g1 = g . i1
g2 = g . i2
-- (6) Going polytipic -------------------------------------------------------
-- natural transformation from base functor to monoid
tnat :: Monoid c => (a -> c) -> Either a (c, c) -> c
tnat f = either f (uncurry mappend)
-- monoid reduction
monLTree f = cataLTree (tnat f)
-- alternative to (4.2) serialization ----------------------------------------
tips' = monLTree singl
-- alternative to (4.1) counting ---------------------------------------------
countLTree' = monLTree (const (Sum 1))
-- distributive law ----------------------------------------------------------
dlLTree :: Strong f => LTree (f a) -> f (LTree a)
dlLTree = cataLTree (either (fmap Leaf) (fmap Fork .dstr))
-- (7) Zipper ----------------------------------------------------------------
data Deriv a = Dr Bool (LTree a)
type Zipper a = [ Deriv a ]
plug :: Zipper a -> LTree a -> LTree a
plug [] t = t
plug ((Dr False l):z) t = Fork (plug z t,l)
plug ((Dr True r):z) t = Fork (r,plug z t)
-- (8) Advanced --------------------------------------------------------------
instance Applicative LTree where
pure = return
(<*>) = aap
-- (9) Spine representation --------------------------------------------------
roll = inLTree.(id -|- roll>< id).beta.(id><outList')
spinecata g = g . (id -|- (spinecata g)>< id).spineOut
spineOut = beta.(id><outList')
outList' [] = i1()
outList' x = i2(last x, blast x)
blast = reverse . tail . reverse
inList' = either nil snoc
snoc(a,x)= x++[a]
unroll = (id><inList').alpha.(id -|- unroll>< id).outLTree
alpha :: Either a ((a, t), t1) -> (a, Either () (t1, t))
alpha(Left a) = (a,Left())
alpha(Right ((a,ts),t)) = (a,Right(t,ts))
beta :: (a, Either () (t1, t)) -> Either a ((a, t), t1)
beta(a,Left()) = Left a
beta(a,Right(t,ts)) = Right ((a,ts),t)
height = cataLTree (either id (uncurry ht)) where ht a b = 1 + (max a b)
---------------------------- end of library ----------------------------------
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-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module List where
import Cp
import Data.List
import Nat hiding (fac)
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
--- Haskell lists are already defined, so the following is a dummy, informal declaration:
--- data [a] = [] | (a : [a])
inList = either nil cons
outList [] = i1 ()
outList (a:x) = i2(a,x)
baseList g f = id -|- g >< f
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
recList f = id -|- id >< f -- this is F f for this data type
cataList g = g . recList (cataList g) . outList
anaList g = inList . recList (anaList g) . g
hyloList f g = cataList f . anaList g
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- NB: already in the Haskell Prelude
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- (4.1) number representation (base b) evaluator ------------------------------
eval b = cataList (either zero (add.(id><(b*))))
-- eval b [] = 0
-- eval b (x:xs) = x + b * (eval b xs)
-- (4.2) inversion -------------------------------------------------------------
reverse' = cataList (either nil snoc) where snoc(a,l) = l ++ [a]
-- alternatively: snoc = conc . swap . (singl >< id)
-- where singl a = [a]
-- conc = uncurry (++)
-- (4.3) Look-up function ------------------------------------------------------
lookup :: Eq a => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
lookup k = cataList (either nothing aux)
where nothing = const Nothing
| a == k = Just b
| otherwise = r
-- (4.4) Insertion sort --------------------------------------------------------
iSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
iSort = cataList (either nil insert)
where insert(x,[]) = [x]
insert(x,a:l) | x < a = [x,a]++l
| otherwise = a:(insert(x,l))
-- also iSort = hyloList (either (const []) insert) outList
-- (4.5) take (cf GHC.List.take) -----------------------------------------------
utake = anaList aux
where aux(0,_) = i1()
aux(_,[]) = i1()
aux(n,x:xs) = i2(x,(n-1,xs))
-- pointwise version:
-- take 0 _ = []
-- take _ [] = []
-- take (n+1) (x:xs) = x : take n xs
-- (4.6) Factorial--------------------------------------------------------------
fac :: Integer -> Integer
fac = hyloList (either (const 1) mul) natg
natg = (id -|- (split succ id)) . outNat
-- (4.6.1) Factorial (alternative) ---------------------------------------------
fac' = hyloList (either (const 1) (mul . (succ >< id)))
((id -|- (split id id)) . outNat)
{-- cf:
fac' = hyloList (either (const 1) g) natg'
where g(n,m) = (n+1) * m
natg' 0 = i1 ()
natg' (n+1) = i2 (n,n)
-- (4.7) Square function -------------------------------------------------------
sq = hyloList summing oddd
summing = either (const 0) add
evens = anaList evend
odds = anaList oddd
evend = (id -|- (split (2*) id)) . outNat
oddd = (id -|- (split odd id)) . outNat
where odd n = 2*n+1
{-- pointwise:
sq 0 = 0
sq (n+1) = 2*n+1 + sq n
cf. Newton's binomial: (n+1)^2 = n^2 + 2n + 1
-- (4.7.1) Square function reusing anaList of factorial ----------------------------
sq' = (cataList summing) . fmap (\n->2*n-1) . (anaList natg)
-- (4.8) Prefixes and suffixes -------------------------------------------------
prefixes :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
prefixes = cataList (either (const [[]]) scan)
where scan(a,l) = [[]] ++ (map (a:) l)
suffixes = anaList g
where g = (id -|- (split cons p2)).outList
diff :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
diff x l = cataList (either nil (g l)) x
where g l (a,x) = if (a `elem` l) then x else (a:x)
-- (4.9) Grouping --------------------------------------------------------------
chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksOf n = anaList (g n) where
g n [] = i1()
g n x = i2(take n x,drop n x)
nest = chunksOf
-- (4.10) Relationship with foldr, foldl ----------------------------------------
myfoldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
myfoldr f u = cataList (either (const u) (uncurry f))
myfoldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
myfoldl f u = cataList' (either (const u) (uncurry f . swap))
where cataList' g = g . recList (cataList' g) . outList'
outList' [] = i1()
outList' x =i2(last x, blast x)
blast = tail . reverse
-- (4.11) No repeats ------------------------------------------------------------
nr :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
nr = p2 . aux where
aux = cataList (either f (split g h))
f _ = ([],True)
g(a,(t,b)) = a:t
h(a,(t,b)) = not(a `elem` t) && b
-- (4.12) Advanced --------------------------------------------------------------
-- (++) as a list catamorphism ------------------------------------------------
ccat :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
ccat = cataList (either (const id) compose). map (:) where
-- compose(f,g) = f.g
compose = curry(ap.(id><ap).assocr)
-- monadic map
-- mmap f = cataList $ either (return.nil)(fmap cons.dstr.(f><id))
mmap f [] = return []
mmap f (h:t) = do { b <- f h ; x <- mmap f t ; return (b:x) }
-- distributive law
lam :: Strong m => [m a] -> m [a]
lam = cataList ( either (return.nil)(fmap cons.dstr) )
-- monadic catas
mcataList :: Strong ff => (Either () (b, c) -> ff c) -> [b] -> ff c
mcataList g = g .! (dl . recList (mcataList g) . outList)
dl :: Strong m => Either () (b, m a) -> m (Either () (b, a))
dl = either (return.i1)(fmap i2. lstr)
--lam' = mcataList (either (return.nil)(fmap cons.rstr))
-- streaming -------------------------------------------------------------------
stream f g c x = case f c of
Just (b, c') -> b : stream f g c' x
Nothing -> case x of
a:x' -> stream f g (g c a) x'
[] -> []
-- heterogeneous lists ---------------------------------------------------------
join :: ([a], [b]) -> [Either a b]
join (a, b) = map i1 a ++ map i2 b
sep = split s1 s2 where
s1 []=[]; s1(Left a:x) = a:s1 x; s1(Right b:x)=s1 x
s2 []=[]; s2(Left a:x) = s2 x; s2(Right b:x)=b:s2 x
---- end of List.hs ------------------------------------------------------------
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module ListUtils where
-- create a singleton list
singleton :: a -> [a]
singleton x = [x]
-- create a list of length n
--replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
--replicate n x = take n (repeat x)
-- apply a function to the nth element of a list
onNth :: Int -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
-- onNth n f xs | n<1 = xs
-- onNth 1 f (x:xs) = f x:xs
-- onNth n f (x:xs) = x:onNth (n-1) f xs
onNth n f xs | n<1 = xs
onNth n f xs = case splitAt (n-1) xs of
(ys,[]) -> ys
(ys,z:zs') -> ys++f z:zs'
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-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module NEList where
import Cp
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
-- data [a] = a | (:) a ( a) deriving Show
inl = either singl (uncurry (:))
out [a] = Left a
out (a:x) = Right(a,x)
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
base g f = g -|- (g >< f)
rec f = base id f
cata g = g . rec (cata g) . out
ana g = inl . (rec (ana g) ) . g
hylo h g = cata h . ana g
-- (3) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
concatg ([],ys) = i1 ys
concatg (x:xs,ys) = i2([x],(xs,ys))
concath = either id f
where f([a],l) = a:l
glast = cata (either id p2)
merge (l,[]) = l
merge ([],r) = r
merge (x:xs,y:ys) | x < y = x : merge(xs,y:ys)
| otherwise = y : merge(x:xs,ys)
mrg (l,[]) = i1 l
mrg ([],r) = i1 r
mrg (x:xs,y:ys) | x < y = i2(x,(xs,y:ys))
| otherwise = i2(y,(x:xs,ys))
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNPlusKPatterns #-}
-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module Nat where
import Cp
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
-- "data Nat = 0 | succ Nat" -- in fact: Haskell Integer is used as carrier type
inNat = either (const 0) succ
outNat 0 = i1 ()
outNat (n+1) = i2 n
-- NB: inNat and outNat are isomorphisms only if restricted to non-negative integers
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
recNat f = id -|- f -- this is F f for this datatype
cataNat g = g . recNat (cataNat g) . outNat
anaNat h = inNat . (recNat (anaNat h) ) . h
hyloNat g h = cataNat g . anaNat h
-- paraNat g = g . recNat (split id (paraNat g)) . outNat
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- (4.1) for is the "fold" of natural numbers
for b i = cataNat (either (const i) b)
somar a = cataNat (either (const a) succ) -- for succ a
multip a = cataNat (either (const 0) (a+)) -- for (a+) 0
exp a = cataNat (either (const 1) (a*)) -- for (a*) 1
-- (4.2) sq (square of a natural number)
sq 0 = 0
sq (n+1) = oddn n + sq n where oddn n = 2*n+1
-- sq = paraNat (either (const 0) g)i
sq' = p1 . aux
-- this is the outcome of calculating sq as a for loop using the
-- mutual recursion law
where aux = cataNat (either (split (const 0)(const 1)) (split (uncurry (+))((2+).p2)))
sq'' n = -- the same as a for loop (putting variables in)
p1 (for body (0,1) n)
where body(s,o) = (s+o,2+o)
-- (4.3) factorial
fac = p2. facfor
facfor = for (split (succ.p1) mul) (1,1)
-- factorial = paraNat (either (const 1) g) where g(n,r) = (n+1) * r
-- (4.4) integer division as an anamorphism --------------
idiv :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
{-- pointwise
x `idiv` y | x < y = 0
| x >= y = (x - y) `idiv` y + 1
idiv = flip aux
aux y = anaNat divide where
divide x | x < y = i1 ()
| x >= y = i2 (x - y)
--- (4.5) bubble sort -----------------------------------
bSort xs = for bubble xs (length xs) where
bubble (x:y:xs)
| x > y = y : bubble (x:xs)
| otherwise = x : bubble (y:xs)
bubble x = x
--- (5) While loop -------------------------------------
{-- pointwise
while p f x | not (p x) = x
| otherwise = while p f (f x)
while :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
while p f = w where w = (either id id) . (w -|- id) . (f -|- id) . (grd p)
--- (5) Monadic for -------------------------------------
mfor b i 0 = i
mfor b i (n+1) = do {x <- mfor b i n ; b x}
--- end of Nat.hs ----------------------------------------
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-- Credits: Erwig, Martin and Kollmannsberger, Steve
-- FUNCTIONAL PEARLS: Probabilistic functional programming in Haskell,
-- JFP, 2006
-- DOI: 10.1017/S0956796805005721
module Probability where
import qualified System.Random
import Data.List (sort,sortBy,transpose)
import Control.Monad
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import ListUtils
import Show
{- TO DO:
* create export list
* extend Dist by a constructor for continuous distributions:
C (Float -> Float)
* prove correctness of |||
--------- jno (to be checked) --------------
import Control.Applicative
instance Applicative Dist where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative Dist where
empty = D []
(<|>) = (>>)
--------- end jno --------------------------
-- Event
-- Probability
-- Events
type Event a = a -> Bool
oneOf :: Eq a => [a] -> Event a
oneOf = flip elem
just :: Eq a => a -> Event a
just = oneOf . singleton
-- Probabilities
newtype Probability = P ProbRep
type ProbRep = Float
precision :: Int
precision = 1
showPfix :: ProbRep -> String
showPfix f | precision==0 = showR 3 (round (f*100))++"%"
| otherwise = showR (4+precision) (fromIntegral (round (f*100*d))/d)++"%"
where d = 10^precision
-- -- mixed precision
-- --
-- showP :: ProbRep -> String
-- showP f | f>=0.1 = showR 3 (round (f*100))++"%"
-- | otherwise = show (f*100)++"%"
-- fixed precision
showP :: ProbRep -> String
showP = showPfix
instance Show Probability where
show (P p) = showP p
errorMargin :: ProbRep
errorMargin = 0.00001
-- Monad composition
-- (>@>) binary composition
-- sequ composition of a list of monadic functions
(>@>) :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> (b -> m c) -> a -> m c
f >@> g = (>>= g) . f
sequ :: Monad m => [a -> m a] -> a -> m a
sequ = foldl (>@>) return
-- Dist probability disribution
-- Spread functions to convert a list of values into a distribution
-- Distributions
newtype Dist a = D {unD :: [(a,ProbRep)]}
instance Monad Dist where
return x = D [(x,1)]
d >>= f = D [(y,q*p) | (x,p) <- unD d, (y,q) <- unD (f x)]
-- note: mzero is a zero for >>= and a unit for mplus
instance MonadPlus Dist where
mzero = D []
mplus d d' | isZero d || isZero d' = mzero
| otherwise = unfoldD $ choose 0.5 d d'
isZero :: Dist a -> Bool
isZero (D d) = null d
instance Functor Dist where
fmap f (D d) = D [(f x,p) | (x,p) <- d]
instance (Ord a,Eq a) => Eq (Dist a) where
D xs == D ys = map fst (norm' xs)==map fst (norm' ys) &&
all (\((_,p),(_,q))->abs (p-q)<errorMargin) (zip (norm' xs) (norm' ys))
-- auxiliary functions for constructing and working with distributions
onD :: ([(a,ProbRep)] -> [(a,ProbRep)]) -> Dist a -> Dist a
onD f = D . f . unD
sizeD :: Dist a -> Int
sizeD = length . unD
checkD :: Dist a -> Dist a
checkD (D d) | abs (1-sumP d) < errorMargin = D d
| otherwise = error ("Illegal distribution: total probability = "++show (sumP d))
mkD :: [(a,ProbRep)] -> Dist a
mkD = checkD . D
sumP :: [(a,ProbRep)] -> ProbRep
sumP = sum . map snd
sortP :: [(a,ProbRep)] -> [(a,ProbRep)]
sortP = sortBy (\x y->compare (snd y) (snd x))
-- normalization = grouping
normBy :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Dist a -> Dist a
normBy f = onD $ accumBy f . sort
accumBy :: Num b => (a -> a -> Bool) -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
accumBy f ((x,p):ys@((y,q):xs)) | f x y = accumBy f ((x,p+q):xs)
| otherwise = (x,p):accumBy f ys
accumBy _ xs = xs
norm :: Ord a => Dist a -> Dist a
norm = normBy (==)
norm' :: Ord a => [(a,ProbRep)] -> [(a,ProbRep)]
norm' = accumBy (==) . sort
-- pretty printing
instance (Ord a,Show a) => Show (Dist a) where
show (D []) = "Impossible"
show (D xs) = concatMap (\(x,p)->showR w x++' ':showP p++"\n") (sortP (norm' xs))
where w = maximum (map ( xs)
-- Operations on distributions
-- product of independent distributions
joinWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Dist a -> Dist b -> Dist c
joinWith f (D d) (D d') = D [ (f x y,p*q) | (x,p) <- d, (y,q) <- d']
prod :: Dist a -> Dist b -> Dist (a,b)
prod = joinWith (,)
-- distribution generators
type Spread a = [a] -> Dist a
certainly :: Trans a
certainly = return
impossible :: Dist a
impossible = mzero
choose :: ProbRep -> a -> a -> Dist a
choose p x y = enum [p,1-p] [x,y]
enum :: [ProbRep] -> Spread a
enum ps xs = mkD $ zip xs ps
enumPC :: [ProbRep] -> Spread a
enumPC ps = enum (map (/100) ps)
relative :: [Int] -> Spread a
relative ns = enum (map (\n->fromIntegral n/fromIntegral (sum ns)) ns)
shape :: (Float -> Float) -> Spread a
shape _ [] = impossible
shape f xs = scale (zip xs ps)
where incr = 1 / fromIntegral ((length xs) - 1)
ps = map f (iterate (+incr) 0)
linear :: Float -> Spread a
linear c = shape (c*)
uniform :: Spread a
uniform = shape (const 1)
negexp :: Spread a
negexp = shape (\x -> exp (-x))
normal :: Spread a
normal = shape (normalCurve 0.5 0.5)
normalCurve :: Float -> Float -> Float -> Float
normalCurve mean stddev x = 1 / sqrt (2 * pi) * exp (-1/2 * u^2)
where u = (x - mean) / stddev
-- extracting and mapping the domain of a distribution
extract :: Dist a -> [a]
extract = map fst . unD
mapD :: (a -> b) -> Dist a -> Dist b
mapD = fmap
-- unfold a distribution of distributions into one distribution
unfoldD :: Dist (Dist a) -> Dist a
unfoldD (D d) = D [ (x,p*q) | (d',q) <- d, (x,p) <- unD d' ]
-- conditional distribution
cond :: Dist Bool -> Dist a -> Dist a -> Dist a
cond b d d' = unfoldD $ choose p d d'
where P p = truth b
truth :: Dist Bool -> Probability
truth (D ((b,p):_)) = P (if b then p else 1-p)
-- conditional probability
(|||) :: Dist a -> Event a -> Dist a
(|||) = flip filterD
-- filtering distributions
data Select a = Case a | Other
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
above :: Ord a => ProbRep -> Dist a -> Dist (Select a)
above p (D d) = D (map (\(x,q)->(Case x,q)) d1++[(Other,sumP d2)])
where (d1,d2) = span (\(_,q)->q>=p) (sortP (norm' d))
scale :: [(a,ProbRep)] -> Dist a
scale xs = D (map (\(x,p)->(x,p/q)) xs)
where q = sumP xs
filterD :: (a -> Bool) -> Dist a -> Dist a
filterD p = scale . filter (p . fst) . unD
-- selecting from distributions
selectP :: Dist a -> ProbRep -> a
selectP (D d) p = scanP p d
scanP :: ProbRep -> [(a,ProbRep)] -> a
scanP p ((x,q):ps) | p<=q || null ps = x
| otherwise = scanP (p-q) ps
infix 8 ??
(??) :: Event a -> Dist a -> Probability
(??) p = P . sumP . filter (p . fst) . unD
-- TO DO: generalize Float to arbitrary Num type
class ToFloat a where
toFloat :: a -> Float
instance ToFloat Float where toFloat = id
instance ToFloat Int where toFloat = fromIntegral
instance ToFloat Integer where toFloat = fromIntegral
class FromFloat a where
fromFloat :: Float -> a
instance FromFloat Float where fromFloat = id
instance FromFloat Int where fromFloat = round
instance FromFloat Integer where fromFloat = round
-- expected :: ToFloat a => Dist a -> Float
-- expected = sum . map (\(x,p)->toFloat x*p) . unD
class Expected a where
expected :: a -> Float
-- instance ToFloat a => Expected a where
-- expected = toFloat
instance Expected Float where expected = id
instance Expected Int where expected = toFloat
instance Expected Integer where expected = toFloat
instance Expected a => Expected [a] where
expected xs = sum (map expected xs) / toFloat (length xs)
instance Expected a => Expected (Dist a) where
expected = sum . map (\(x,p)->expected x*p) . unD
instance Expected a => Expected (IO a) where
expected r = expected (System.IO.Unsafe.unsafePerformIO r)
-- statistical analyses
variance :: Expected a => Dist a -> Float
variance d@(D ps) = sum $ map (\(x,p)->p*sqr (expected x - ex)) ps
where sqr x = x * x
ex = expected d
stddev :: Expected a => Dist a -> Float
stddev = sqrt . variance
-- R random value
-- RDist random distribution
-- Random values
type R a = IO a
printR :: Show a => R a -> R ()
printR = (>>= print)
instance Show (IO a) where
show _ = ""
pick :: Dist a -> R a
-- pick d = do {p <- Random.randomRIO (0,1); return (selectP p d)}
pick d = System.Random.randomRIO (0,1) >>= return . selectP d
-- Randomized distributions
type RDist a = R (Dist a)
rAbove :: Ord a => ProbRep -> RDist a -> RDist (Select a)
rAbove p rd = do D d <- rd
let (d1,d2) = span (\(_,q)->q>=p) (sortP (norm' d))
return (D (map (\(x,q)->(Case x,q)) d1++[(Other,sumP d2)]))
-- Change deterministic generator
-- Trans probabilistic generator
-- SpreadC functions to convert a list of changes into a transition
-- SpreadT functions to convert a list of transitions into a transition
-- transitions
type Change a = a -> a
type Trans a = a -> Dist a
idT :: Trans a
idT = certainlyT id
-- mapT maps a change function to the result of a transformation
-- (mapT is somehow a lifted form of mapD)
-- The restricted type of f results from the fact that the
-- argument to t cannot be changed to b in the result Trans type.
mapT :: Change a -> Trans a -> Trans a
mapT f t = mapD f . t
-- unfold a distribution of transitions into one transition
-- NOTE: The argument transitions must be independent
unfoldT :: Dist (Trans a) -> Trans a
unfoldT (D d) x = D [ (y,p*q) | (f,p) <- d, (y,q) <- unD (f x) ]
-- spreading changes into transitions
type SpreadC a = [Change a] -> Trans a
certainlyT :: Change a -> Trans a
certainlyT f = certainly . f
-- certainlyT = (certainly .)
-- certainlyT = maybeC 1
maybeT :: ProbRep -> Change a -> Trans a
maybeT p f = enumT [p,1-p] [f,id]
liftC :: Spread a -> [Change a] -> Trans a
liftC s cs x = s [f x | f <- cs]
-- liftC s cs x = s $ map ($ x) cs
uniformT = liftC uniform
normalT = liftC normal
linearT c = liftC (linear c)
enumT xs = liftC (enum xs)
-- spreading transitions into transitions
type SpreadT a = [Trans a] -> Trans a
liftT :: Spread (Trans a) -> [Trans a] -> Trans a
liftT s = unfoldT . s
uniformTT = liftT uniform
normalTT = liftT normal
linearTT c = liftT (linear c)
enumTT xs = liftT (enum xs)
-- RChange random change
-- RTrans random transition
-- Randomized changes
type RChange a = a -> R a
random :: Trans a -> RChange a
random t = pick . t
-- random = (pick .)
-- Randomized transitions
type RTrans a = a -> RDist a
type ApproxDist a = R [a]
-- rDist converts a list of randomly generated values into
-- a distribution by taking equal weights for all values
rDist :: Ord a => [R a] -> RDist a
rDist = fmap (norm . uniform) . sequence
-- Iterate class defining *.
-- Sim class defining ~.
Naming convention:
* takes n :: Int and a generator and iterates the generator n times
. produces a single result
.. produces a trace
~ takes k :: Int [and n :: Int] and a generator and simulates
the [n-fold repetition of the] generator k times
n *. t iterates t and produces a distribution
n *.. t iterates t and produces a trace
k ~. t simulates t and produces a distribution
(k,n) ~*. t simulates the n-fold repetition of t and produces a distribution
(k,n) ~.. t simulates the n-fold repetition of t and produces a trace
-- Iteration captures three iteration strategies:
-- iter builds an n-fold composition of a (randomized) transition
-- while and until implement conditional repetitions
-- The class Iterate allows the overloading of iteration for different
-- kinds of generators, namely transitions and random changes:
-- Trans a = a -> Dist a ==> c = Dist
-- RChange a = a -> R a ==> c = R = IO
class Iterate c where
(*.) :: Int -> (a -> c a) -> (a -> c a)
while :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> c a) -> (a -> c a)
until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> c a) -> (a -> c a)
until p = while (not.p)
infix 8 *.
-- iteration of transitions
instance Iterate Dist where
n *. t = head . (n *.. t)
while p t x = if p x then t x >>= while p t else certainly x
-- iteration of random changes
instance Iterate IO where
n *. r = (>>= return . head) . rWalk n r
while p t x = do {l <- t x; if p l then while p t l else return l}
-- Simulation means to repeat a random chage many times and
-- to accumulate all results into a distribution. Therefore,
-- simulation can be regarded as an approximation of distributions
-- through randomization.
-- The Sim class contains two functions:
-- ~. returns the final randomized transition
-- ~.. returns the whole trace
-- The Sim class allows the overloading of simulation for different
-- kinds of generators, namely transitions and random changes:
-- Trans a = a -> Dist a ==> c = Dist
-- RChange a = a -> R a ==> c = R = IO
class Sim c where
(~.) :: Ord a => Int -> (a -> c a) -> RTrans a
(~..) :: Ord a => (Int,Int) -> (a -> c a) -> RExpand a
(~*.) :: Ord a => (Int,Int) -> (a -> c a) -> RTrans a
infix 6 ~.
infix 6 ~..
-- simulation for transitions
instance Sim Dist where
(~.) x = (~.) x . random
(~..) x = (~..) x . random
(~*.) x = (~*.) x . random
-- simulation for random changes
instance Sim IO where
(~.) n t = rDist . replicate n . t
(~..) (k,n) t = mergeTraces . replicate k . rWalk n t
(~*.) (k,n) t = k ~. n *. t
infix 8 ~*.
--(~*.) :: (Iterate c,Sim c,Ord a) => (Int,Int) -> (a -> c a) -> RTrans a
--(k,n) ~*. t =
-- (R)Trace
-- (R)Space
-- (R)Walk
-- (R)Expand
type Trace a = [a]
type Space a = Trace (Dist a)
type Walk a = a -> Trace a
type Expand a = a -> Space a
-- >>: composes the result of a transition with a space
-- (transition is composed on the left)
-- (a -> m a) -> (a -> [m a]) -> (a -> [m a])
(>>:) :: Trans a -> Expand a -> Expand a
f >>: g = \x -> let ds@(D d:_)=g x in
D [ (z,p*q) | (y,p) <- d, (z,q) <- unD (f y)]:ds
infix 6 >>:
-- walk is a bounded version of the predefined function iterate
walk :: Int -> Change a -> Walk a
walk n f = take n . iterate f
-- *.. is identical to *., but returns the list of all intermediate
-- distributions
(*..) :: Int -> Trans a -> Expand a
0 *.. _ = singleton . certainly
1 *.. t = singleton . t
n *.. t = t >>: (n-1) *.. t
infix 8 *..
type RTrace a = R (Trace a)
type RSpace a = R (Space a)
type RWalk a = a -> RTrace a
type RExpand a = a -> RSpace a
-- (a -> m a) -> (a -> m [a]) -> (a -> m [a])
composelR :: RChange a -> RWalk a -> RWalk a
composelR f g x = do {rs@(r:_) <- g x; s <- f r; return (s:rs)}
-- rWalk computes a list of values by
-- randomly selecting one value from a distribution in each step.
rWalk :: Int -> RChange a -> RWalk a
rWalk 0 _ = return . singleton
rWalk 1 t = (>>= return . singleton) . t
rWalk n t = composelR t (rWalk (n-1) t)
-- mergeTraces converts a list of RTraces, into a list of randomized
-- distributions, i.e., an RSpace, by creating a randomized
-- distribution for each list position across all traces
mergeTraces :: Ord a => [RTrace a] -> RSpace a
mergeTraces = fmap (zipListWith (norm . uniform)) . sequence
zipListWith :: ([a] -> b) -> [[a]] -> [b]
zipListWith f = map f . transpose
const . pick = random . const
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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
-- (c) CP/MFP (2007/2022)
module RelCalc where
import Data.List
import Cp hiding (tot)
--- composition (left to right to be consistent with Alloy) ----
comp :: (Eq b, Ord a, Ord c) => [(a, b)] -> [(b, c)] -> [(a, c)]
comp m n = set [ (a,c) | (a,b) <- m, (b',c) <- n, b==b' ]
--- converse
conv :: (Ord b, Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> [(b, a)]
conv = smap swap
--- composition with a function
fcomp r f = smap (id><f) r
lcomp f s = conv(conv s `fcomp` f)
--- relational inclusion
sse r s = all ((flip elem) s) r -- sse: subset or equal
atmost = sse
--- union and intersection
inter s r = set (intersect s r)
runion s r = set (union s r)
--- kernel and image
ker r = r `comp` (conv r)
img r = conv r `comp` r
--- coreflexives
crflx :: Ord c => [c] -> [(c, c)]
crflx = smap (split id id)
point :: Ord c => c -> [(c, c)]
point = crflx . singl
-- domain and range
dom :: Ord a => [(a, b)] -> [a]
dom = smap p1
rng :: Ord b => [(a, b)] -> [b]
rng = smap p2
rho = crflx . rng
delta = rho . conv
-- properties of relations
coreflexive = all (uncurry(==))
injective = simple . conv
simple :: (Ord b, Ord a) => [(a, b)] -> Bool
simple = coreflexive . img
consistent m n = coreflexive (conv m `comp` n)
-- restriction operators
domr :: (Ord a, Ord t) => [a] -> [(a, t)] -> [(a, t)] -- domain restrict
domr s r = (crflx s) `comp` r
doms s r = r \\ (domr s r) -- domain subtract
r.-.s = doms (dom s) r
-- relation overriding
plus :: (Ord a, Ord t) => [(a, t)] -> [(a, t)] -> [(a, t)]
plus m n = runion (drminus (dom n) m) n
drminus s r = domr (sdiff (dom r) s) r
drplus s r = domr (inter (dom r) s) r
-- relation coproduct
reither a b = (set.conv) (runion (conv a `fcomp` i1) (conv b `fcomp` i2))
unreither r = (a,b) where
a = set [(x,y) | (Left x,y) <- r]
b = set [(x,y) | (Right x,y) <- r]
-- pairing
rjoin r s = discollect $ smap (id><dstr) $ meet (collect r)(collect s) where dstr(y,x) = nub [(b,a) | b <- y, a <- x]
meet m n = [ k |-> (pap m k, pap n k) | k <- inter (dom m) (dom n)] -- assumes m and n simple
rzipWith f a b = (rjoin a b `fcomp` f)
-- relation 'currying'
unvec = smap f where f(a,(c,b)) = ((a,b),c)
vec = smap f where f((a,b),c) = (a,(c,b))
-- constant relation on a set
pconst k s = smap (split id (const k)) s
--- power transpose
pT = flip tot [] . collect -- power transpose
collect :: (Ord b, Ord a) => [(b, a)] -> [(b, [a])]
collect x = set [ k |-> set [ d' | (k',d') <- x , k'==k ] | (k,d) <- x ]
-- Maybe transpose (assumes simplicity)
mT :: Eq a => [(a, b)] -> a -> Maybe b
mT = flip lookup
pap :: Eq a => [(a, t)] -> a -> t
pap m = unJust . (mT m) where unJust (Just a) = a -- partial inspector of simple relation A->B
-- tot m b a = if a `elem` dom m then pap m a else b -- total inspector of simple relation A->B
tot m b = maybe b id . mT m
-- tap m a = if a `elem` dom m then pap m a else a -- total inspector of simple relation, A->A
tap m a = tot m a a
condid p f = cond p f id
pmap = map . pap -- mapping a simple relation
idx x = pap (zip x [0..])
--- sets modelled by sorted, repeat-free lists (naive but useful)
set = sort . nub
card = length . set
smap :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> [b] -> [a]
smap f = set . (map f)
--- histograms and distributions
hist :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
hist l = nub [ (x, count x l) | x <- l ]
where count a l = length [ x | x <- l, x == a]
dist :: (Eq a, Fractional b) => [a] -> [(a, b)]
dist l = [ (x, (fromIntegral n) / (fromIntegral t)) | (x,n) <- hist l ] where t = length l
histpair h1 h2 = both `fcomp` (split (tot h1 0)(tot h2 0)) where both = crflx (dom h1 `union` dom h2)
-- miscellaneous
discollect :: [(a, [b])] -> [(a, b)]
discollect = (>>=lstr)
presort f = map snd . sort . (map (split f id)) -- pre-sorting on f-preorder
rpresort f = reverse . (presort f) -- the same in reverse ordering
sdiff x y = set [ a | a <- x, not(elem a y) ]
a |-> b = (a,b)
(f `is` v) x = (f x) == v
(f `belongs` v) x = (f x) `elem` v
(v `can_be_found_in` f) x = v `elem` (f x)
(f `isnot` v) x = (f x) /= v
pair [a,b]=(a,b)
a .><. b = [ (x,y) | x <- a, y <- b ]
x .+. y = map Left x ++ map Right y
proj k a = map (split k a)
-- Sample data
data A = A1 | A2 | A3 | A4 | A5 deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum)
data B = B1 | B2 | B3 | B4 | B5 deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum)
tA = [A1 .. A5]
tB = [B1 .. B5]
idA = crflx tA
idB = crflx tB
rcons(x,a) = x++[a]
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNPlusKPatterns #-}
-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module Rose where
import Cp
import BTree
import Exp
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
data Rose a = Rose a [Rose a] deriving Show
inRose = uncurry Rose
outRose (Rose a x) = (a,x)
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
recRose g = baseRose id g
cataRose g = g . (recRose (cataRose g)) . outRose
anaRose g = inRose . (recRose (anaRose g) ) . g
hyloRose h g = cataRose h . anaRose g
baseRose f g = f >< map g
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Functor Rose
where fmap f = cataRose ( inRose . baseRose f id )
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- count
count = cataRose (succ.sum.p2)
sumRose = cataRose (add.(id><sum))
mirrorRose = cataRose (inRose.(id><reverse))
g = cataBTree (either (const Nothing) (Just . inRose . (id><f))) where
f(Nothing,Just a)=[a]
f(Just a,Nothing)=[a]
f(Just a,Just b)=[a,b]
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Show where
showL :: Show a => Int -> a -> String
showL n x = s++rep (n-length s) ' '
where s=show x
showR :: Show a => Int -> a -> String
showR n x = rep (n-length s) ' '++s
where s=show x
--showP :: Float -> String
--showP f = showR 3 (round (f*100))++"%"
rep :: Int -> a -> [a]
rep n x = take n (repeat x)
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-- (c) MP-I and CP (1998/99-2022/23)
module St where
import Cp
import Control.Applicative
-- NB: This is a small, pointfree "summary" of Control.Monad.State
data St s a = St { st :: (s -> (a, s)) }
inSt = St
outSt = st
-- NB: "values" of this monad are actions rather than states.
-- So this should be called the "action monad" and not the
-- "state monad".
-- (Unfortunately, it is to late to change terminology.)
instance Monad (St s) where
return = St . (curry id)
(St x) >>= g = St (uncurry(st . g) . x )
{-- ie:
(St x) >>= g = St (\s -> let (a,s') = x s
St k = g a
in k s')
instance Functor (St s) where
fmap f t = do { a <- t ; return (f a) } -- as in every monad
-- ie: fmap f (St g) = St(\s -> let (a,s') = g s in (f a,s'))
-- action execution
exec :: St s a -> s -> (a, s)
exec (St g) s = g s -- splits evalState and execState
-- generic actions
get :: St s s -- as in class MonadState
get = St(split id id)
modify :: (s -> s) -> St s ()
modify f = St(split (!) f)
put :: s -> St s () -- as in class MonadState
put s = modify (const s)
query :: (s -> a) -> St s a
query f = St(split f id)
trans :: (s -> s) -> (s -> a) -> St s a -- a simple transation
trans g f = do { modify g ; query f }
-- actions with input
meth :: ((a, s) -> (b, s)) -> a -> St s b
meth f = St.(curry f) -- create "method" from function
-- update state, then query
updfst :: (a -> s -> s) -> (a -> s -> b) -> a -> St s b
updfst g f a = St (split (f a) id . (g a))
-- updfst g f a = do { modify (g a) ; query (f a)}
-- example (ATM credit)
credit = updfst (+) (bal)
where bal a s = "credited= "++show a ++ ", bal= "++ show s
-- query state, then update
qryfst :: (a -> s -> s) -> (a -> s -> b) -> a -> St s b
qryfst g f a = St(split (f a) (g a))
-- qryfst g f a = do { b <- query (f a); modify (g a) ; return b }
-- example (pop)
pop_action = qryfst (\_ -> tail) (\_ -> head)
-- execute forever
loop :: Monad m => m a -> m b
loop x = do { x ; loop x }
instance Applicative (St s) where
(<*>) = aap
pure = return
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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNPlusKPatterns #-}
-- (c) Ensico & UM (2022)
module Svg where
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.Process
import Cp
--- Basic -----------
open h = do { writeFile "_.html" h ; system ("open _.html") }
converse = map swap
a .><. b = [ (x,y) | x <- a, y <- b ]
a # b = zip a b
unrstr = (id >< head) . unzip
collapse = map unrstr . transpose
match p l i = p `isPrefixOf` (drop i l)
r2 = (/100) . fromIntegral . round .(100*)
-- Generic "derivative" / "integral"
gderiv :: a -> (a -> a -> c) -> [a] -> [c]
gderiv z f s = ttl (zipWith f s (z:s))
where ttl [] = []
ttl (a:t) = t
ginteg :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
ginteg f i s = i:aux i s
where aux i [] = []
aux i (h:t) = i':(aux i' t)
where i'=f h i
-- Repetitions
-- repeat anything
rep x = map (const x) [0..]
-- (9) Misc.
cut :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
cut n m = (take (m-n+1)) . drop (n-1)
inds :: [b] -> [Int]
inds = (map fst) . (zip [1..])
elems :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
elems = sort . nub
-- misc
sing a = [a]
dup a = [a,a]
a != b = not(a == b)
a |-> b = (a,b)
supermap f [] = []
supermap f (a:l) = a:(map f (supermap f l))
show2 =
--- list of pairs to list
lp2l :: [(b, b)] -> [b]
lp2l = (concat . map f) where f(a,b)=[a,b]
frac n m = n%m
-- for combinator
for b i 0 = i
for b i (n+1) = b(for b i n)
presort f = map snd . sort . (map (split f id)) -- pre-sorting on f-preorder
apl :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
apl f l = map ap (zip f l)
--- HTML minimal API ("shallow embedding")
tag t l x = "<"++t++" "++ps++">"++x++"</"++t++">"
where ps = unwords [concat[t,"=",v]| (t,v)<-l]
tg t l = "<"++t++" "++ps++"/>"
where ps = unwords [concat[t,"=",v]| (t,v)<-l]
htm = tag "html" []
strong = tag "strong" []
tr = tag "tr" []
img fn = tag "img" [ "src" |-> (show fn) ] ""
uli = ul . (>>= li) where
li = tag "li" []
ul = tag "ul" []
htable = nest "table" [ "border" |-> "1" , "data-toggle" |-> "\"table\"" ]
(nest "tr" [] (tag "td" [ "align" |-> "center"]))
where nest t p f = (tag t p) . (>>=f)
pretty = (open . htm . htable)
--- remove diacritics where needed
cl '\237'= 'i'
cl '\243'= 'o'
cl '\227'= 'a'
cl '\231'= 'c'
cl c = c
--- basic -----------
mT :: Eq a => [(a, b)] -> a -> Maybe b
mT = flip lookup
pap :: Eq a => [(a, t)] -> a -> t
pap m = unJust . (mT m) where unJust (Just a) = a -- partial inspector of simple relation A->B
-- Abstract (point) level
infix 5 .|
infix 4 .+
infix 4 .-
a .| (x,y) = (a*x,a*y)
trans p = map (p .+)
(x,y) .+ (x',y') = (x+x',y+y')
(x,y) .- (x',y') = (x-x',y-y')
a .* (x,y) = (a*x,a*y)
amplia r = map (r .*)
amplia' s p = trans (p .- s .* p) . amplia s
reduz r = amplia (1/r)
-- SVG -----------------------------------
s = (200*)
sstep (x,y) = (200*x,-200*y)
scl p = sstep p .+ (-1400,1400)
shp (x,y) = show x ++ "," ++ show y -- format for coord list
shpts xs = intercalate " " (map (shp.scl) xs) -- with offset
shpts' xs = intercalate " " (map (shp.sstep) xs)
rscale p = let (x,y) = scl p in (round x,round y)
-- paths
path d = tg "path" [ "d" |-> show d ]
slice r (p1,p2) = path $ " M " ++ shp (scl p1) ++ arc (s r) (scl p2) ++ " L " ++ shp (scl p3) where
arc r p = " A " ++ shp (r,r) ++ " 0 0 0 " ++ shp p ++ " "
p3 = (0,0)
-- polylines
poly xs = tg "polyline" ["points" |-> show (shpts xs), "style" |-> show "fill:none;stroke-width:5" ]
poly' xs = tg "polyline" ["points" |-> show (shpts xs), "style" |-> show "fill:none;stroke-width:8" ] -- thicker
seg p q = poly [p,q]
-- polygons
polyg xs = tg "polygon" ["points" |-> show (shpts xs)]
tri = polyg
squ = polyg
rect x y = polyg [(0,0),(x,0),(x,y),(0,y),(0,0)]
sqr x = rect x x
cir (x,y) r = tg "circle" [
"cx" |-> show2 x',"cy" |-> show2 y', "r" |-> show2 r',
"stroke" |-> show "black", "stroke-width" |-> show2 3 ] where
(x',y') = scl (x,y)
(r',_) = sstep (r,0)
elp (x,y) (rx,ry) = tg "ellipse" [
"cx" |-> show2 x',"cy" |-> show2 y', "rx" |-> show2 rx', "ry" |-> show2 ry',
"stroke" |-> show "black", "stroke-width" |-> show2 3 ] where
(x',y') = scl (x,y)
(rx',_) = sstep (rx,0)
(ry',_) = sstep (ry,0)
-- points
point p = let (x,y) = scl p in tg "circle" ["cx" |-> show2 x,"cy" |-> show2 y, "r" |-> show2 15]
point' p = tag "g" ["font-size" |-> show2 60] (point p ++ black(stext (scl (p.+(-0.5,0.2))) (shows p))) where
shows(x,y) = "("++ s x ++ "," ++ s y ++ ")"
s x = if abs(x-fromIntegral (round x)) < 0.001 then show (round x) else show (r2 x)
points' = (>>= point')
points = (>>= point)
-- rotation
polar (x,y) = (atan2 y x,sqrt(x^2+y^2))
cart (a,r) = (cos a * r, sin a * r)
rad r = r*pi/180
rot r p = (x',y') where
(a,c) = polar p
a' = a + rad r
y' = c*sin a'
x' = c*cos a'
rotate r p a = tag "g" [ "transform" |-> show ("rotate(" ++ t ++ ")") ] a where
(x,y) = scl p
t = unwords [show r, show x, show y]
-- translation
translate p = tag "g" [ "transform" |-> show ("translate"++p') ] where p' = show(sstep p)
put = translate
-- (static) scaling
scale k p = translate (p' .- k .* p') .
tag "g" ["transform" |-> show("scale(" ++ show k ++ ")") ]
where p' = p .- (7,7)
-- colored regions
color c = tag "g" ["fill" |-> show c, "stroke" |-> show c]
white = color "white"
black = color "black"
gray = color "gray"
yellow = color "yellow"
green = color "green"
red = color "red"
blue = color "blue"
orange = color "orange"
magenta = color "magenta"
brown = color "brown"
-- grouping
grp = tag "g" [] . concat
-- vectors, lines and grid
vec p q =
let (x1,y1) = scl p
(x2,y2) = scl q
in tg "line" [
"x1" |-> show2 x1, "y1" |-> show2 y1, "x2" |-> show2 x2, "y2" |-> show2 y2,
"stroke-width" |-> show2 8, "marker-end" |-> show "url(#arrowhead)" ]
-- line (x1,y1)(x2,y2) = tag "line" ["x1" |-> x1, "y1" |-> y1, "x2" |-> x2, "y2" |-> y2]
lin (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = tg "line" ["x1" |-> show2 x1, "y1" |-> show2 y1, "x2" |-> show2 x2, "y2" |-> show2 y2]
grid n = f n ++ map (sym><sym) (f n) where
f n = [((n,-1500),(n,1500))]
sym (x,y) = (y,x)
-- definitions
dfs = tag "defs" [] .
tag "marker" [ "id" |-> show "arrowhead",
"markerWidth" |-> show2 10,
"markerHeight"|-> show2 8,
"refX" |-> show2 9,
"refY" |-> show2 4,
"orient" |-> show "auto"] $
tg "polygon" [ "fill" |-> show "gray", "points" |-> show "0,0 10,4 0,8" ]
-- the grid and X-Y plane
planoxy p x = wrap (dfs ++ grd ++ coords ++ axes ++ concat x)
wrap = tag "svg" [
"width" |-> show2 500,
"height" |-> show2 500,
"viewBox" |-> show "-1500 -1500 3000 3000",
"version" |-> show "1.1",
"xmlns" |-> show ""
trans p = tag "g" [ "transform" |-> show ("translate"++p') ] where p' = show p
xarrowhead = polyg [(0,-0.1),(0.3,0),(0,0.1)]
yarrowhead = polyg [(0.1,0),(0,0.3),(-0.1,0)]
base = let a =[0,40..1500] in a ++ map ((-1)*) a
xs = [0..13] >>= coordx
ys = [1..13] >>= coordy
coordx i = stext (scl (i,-0.4)) (show i)
coordy i = stext (scl (-0.4,i)) (show i)
coordy' i = stext (scl (-0.55,i)) (show i)
lx i = lin (i,-1400) (i,1400) ++ lin (-1400,i) (1400,i)
ly i = lin (-1400,i) (1400,i)
--- axes -------------------------------------------------
axes = blacklines [((-1400.0,1480.0),(-1400.0,-1480.0)),((-1480.0,1400.0),(1480.0,1400.0))] ++
trans (sstep (14.2,0)) xarrowhead ++
trans (sstep (0,14.2)) yarrowhead ++
tag "g" ["font-style" |-> show "italic", "font-size" |-> show2 100] (gray (
stext (scl (14,-0.5)) "x" ++
stext (scl (-0.5,14)) "y"
blacklines ls = tag "g" ["stroke" |-> show "black", "stroke-width" |-> show2 5.0] (ls >>= uncurry lin)
--- grid -------------------------------------------------
grd = graylines (base >>= grid) ++
tag "g" ["stroke" |-> show "gray", "stroke-width" |-> show2 3] ([-1400,-1200..1400] >>= lx)
graylines ls = tag "g" ["stroke" |-> show "gray", "stroke-width" |-> show2 p] (ls >>= uncurry lin)
--- coords -----------------------------------------------
coords = tag "g" ["font-size" |-> show2 80] (xs ++ ys)
-- Show in X-Y Cartesian plane
picd = open . htm . planoxy 0.9
picd' = open . htm . planoxy 0 -- gray intensity = 0
picd'' = open . htm . wrap . concat
wrap = tag "svg" [
"width" |-> show2 500,
"height" |-> show2 500,
"viewBox" |-> show "-1500 -1500 3000 3000",
"version" |-> show "1.1",
"xmlns" |-> show ""
-- HELPER: para mostrar polygs (apenas):
polyd t = picd [ green(polyg t) ++ points'' t ]
points'' ps = blue(points' ps) ++ red(points projs)
where projs = map f ps ++ map (swap.f.swap) ps
f(x,_) = (x,0)
--- Vectors
pnt p = red (vec (0,0) p)
pnts = grp . map pnt
--- Plotting
plt f = map (pnt f . (/10)) . take width $ [0..] where
pnt f x = (x, f x)
width = 142
plot = poly . plt
plot' = poly' . plt
-- Images
image fn d = tg "image" [ "href" |-> show fn, "height" |-> show2 h, "width" |-> show2 w ]
where (w,h) = (s >< s) d
-- Animations
anima t f x = animamea x p (show t++"s") where p = take t . map f $ [0..]
anima' t d (i,n,v) x = animamea x p (show d++"s") where
p = map v (take m y) -- v is the "view" extracting (x,y)
y = ana n i
ana n s = s : ana n (n s)
m = sample t d
anims d f t o = translate (-7,-7) x where
x = tag "g" [] (o' ++ st)
f' = unwords [show f,show f]
t' = unwords [show t,show t]
o' = translate (7,7) o
st = animT "0s" (show d++"s") "scale" f' t' "0"
animf t f a = animamea a (plt f) t --- animation over function graph
animamea o p t = tag "g" [] (o ++ (animM (shpath p) t "0"))
shpath p = "M " ++ shpts' p ++ " " -- no way back, cf shpath p = "M " ++ shpts' p ++ " Z"
animM p d c = tg "animateMotion" [
"path" |-> show p,
"dur" |-> show d,
"repeatCount" |-> show c
sample :: Float -> Float -> Int
sample t d = round(d/t)
-- animd o p t = picd [ animamea o p t ]
-- path i n = i : map n (path i n)
-- Reflections
refl q p = q .+ (q .- p)
hrefl y0 p = [ (x,2*y0-y) | (x,y) <- p ]
vrefl x0 p = [ (2*x0-x,y) | (x,y) <- p ]
-- Rotations
animT b d k f t c = tg "animateTransform" [
"attributeName" |-> show "transform",
"begin" |-> show b,
"dur" |-> show d,
"type" |-> show k,
"from" |-> show f,
"to" |-> show t,
"repeatCount" |-> show c
animr d f t o = animarot o d f t
animarot o d (f,p) (t,q) =
tag "g" [] (o ++ animT "0s" (show d ++ "s") "rotate" fs ts "indefinite") where
fs = unwords [show f, show x, show y]
ts = unwords [show t, show x', show y']
(x,y) = scl p
(x',y') = scl q
-- Text
txt p = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y, "font-size" |-> show2 100 ] where (x,y) = scl p
italic = tag "g" [ "font-style" |-> "italic" ]
anchor k = tag "g" [ "text-anchor" |-> show k ] -- k = "end"
-- Pie diagrams
mkp r ps = a # rtl a where -- polar coordinates
a = aux r ps
rtl [] = []
rtl x = tail x ++ [ head x ]
aux r = map (cart . curry swap r . (2*pi*)) . ginteg (+) 0
dist x = map (/t) x where t = sum x -- distribution
perc x = map (/t) x where t = maximum x -- percentage
dom = map fst
rng = map snd
pied db = picd' (pie (map snd db) ++ map f a) where
a = colours # [1,2..] # map sh (dom db # dist(rng db))
sh (a,n) = a ++ ": " ++ sprec n
f((c,y),s) = ap(c, txt (1,y) s)
pie d = y where
r = 4 -- radius
y = map (translate (9,9) . ap) (colours # x)
x = map (slice r) . mkp r . dist $ d
colours = [blue,green,yellow,orange,red,magenta,gray,brown,black] ++ colours
sprec n = show (round(n*100)) ++ " %"
-- histograms in svg
histd db = picd'' $ (db' >>= bar) where
span db = 13 / fromIntegral(length db)
wth db = 9 / fromIntegral(length db)
ylabels = (fromIntegral . maximum . map length . dom) db `min` 5
small p = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y, "font-size" |-> show2 80 ] where (x,y) = scl p
r = map fromIntegral (rng db)
db'=sort $ db # (perc r # [ span db * fromIntegral i | i <- [1..]] )
bar ((s,v),(p,x)) =
[ (brown . translate (x-w/2,y0)) (rect w y),
(blue . rotate 90 (x,y0-0.5) . txt (x,y0-0.5)) s,
(gray . anchor "middle" . small (x,y0+y + 0.2 ) . show) v
] where y = p*(12-y0)
w = wth db
y0 = ylabels
stext (x,y) = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y ] -- simple text
text x y t = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y, "dy" |-> show "0.35em", "font-size" |-> show2 5] t
title t s = tag "title" ["id" |-> show "title"] t ++ s
bar s (y,(a,n)) = tag "g" [ "class" |-> show "bar", "transform" |-> show ("translate(0,"++show y++")") ]
$ aux (a,n) where
s' n = s (fromIntegral n)
aux (t,x) = rect (s' x) ++
tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 (s' x+5),
"y" |-> show2 7.5,
"dy" |-> show "0.30em"] (t ++ " [ " ++ show (x) ++ " ]")
rect x = tag "rect" [ "width" |-> show2 x, "height" |-> show2 10, "style" |-> show "fill:rgb(185,181,180);stroke-width:1;stroke:rgb(256,256,256)"] ""
fdiv :: Int -> Int -> Float
fdiv n m = fromIntegral n / fromIntegral m
svg' x y = tag "svg"
[ "version" |-> show "1.1",
"xmlns" |-> show "",
"xmlns:xlink" |-> show "",
"class" |-> show "chart",
"width" |-> show2 1000,
"height" |-> show2 (y * 24),
"aria-labelledby" |-> show "title",
"role" |-> show "img"
src (x,y) t = grp [
red (point (x,y)),
blue (end (txt (x-0.29,y-0.15) t))
] where end = anchor "end"
dst (x,y) t = grp [
red (point (x,y)),
blue (txt (x+0.29,y-0.15) t)
ffdAux ff = (map (g><id) a,map (h><id) (converse b),[(g i,h(f i)) | i <- map fst a ]) where
a = zip [1..] l
b = zip r [1..]
f = pap b . pap ff . pap a
(l,r) = (nub >< nub) . unzip $ ff
g y = (5,y)
h y = (9,y)
bold = tag "g" [ "font-weight" |-> show "bold" ]
container n c x a = grp [
c (elp (x, (m+1)/2) (2,m')),
(red . center . bold) (txt (x,m + 2) n)
] where m = fromIntegral (length a)
m' = 0.6 * m
center = anchor "middle"
-- diagrams of functions
fund f = ffd (graph f [minBound .. maxBound])
ffd ff na nb = picd'' . singl . (translate (0,3)) . scale 1 (0,0) . grp $
[ container na yellow 4 a,
container nb orange 10 b,
gray (p >>= uncurry vec),
a >>= uncurry src,
b >>= uncurry dst
] where (a,b,p) = ffdAux ff
graph f = map (split show (show.f))
graph' f = map (split show f)
mhd f = histd (graph' f [minBound .. maxBound]) -- measure histograms
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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
@String{pub-SUCSLI = "Stanford University Center for the
Study of Language and Information"}
@String{pub-SUCSLI:adr = "Stanford, CA, USA"}
author = "B.W. Kernighan and D.M. Richtie",
title= {The {C} Programming Language},
publisher= {Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.},
KEY = "Hu00",
AUTHOR = "P. Hudak",
TITLE = {\htmladdnormallink{The Haskell School of Expression - Learning Functional Programming Through Multimedia}{}},
PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
EDITION = "1st",
YEAR = "2000",
NOTE = "ISBN 0-521-64408-9"
longauthor = {Erwig, Martin and Kollmansberger, Steve},
author = {Erwig, M. and Kollmansberger, S.},
title = {FUNCTIONAL PEARLS: Probabilistic functional programming in {Haskell}},
journal = {J. Funct. Program.},
volume = {16},
issue = {1},
month = {January},
year = {2006},
noissn = {0956-7968},
pages = {21--34},
numpages = {14},
nourl = {},
nodoi = {10.1017/S0956796805005721},
acmid = {1114013},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
author = "D.E. Knuth",
longauthor = "Donald E. Knuth",
title = "Literate Programming",
publisher = pub-SUCSLI,
address = pub-SUCSLI:adr,
pages = "xv + 368",
year = "1992",
ISBN = "0-937073-80-6 (paper), 0-937073-81-4 (cloth)",
ISBN-13 = "978-0-937073-80-3 (paper), 978-0-937073-81-0 (cloth)",
LCCN = "QA76.6.K644",
bibdate = "Sun Jul 10 01:09:29 1994",
price = "US\$24.95",
series = "CSLI Lecture Notes Number 27"
, author = {D.E. Knuth}
, title = {The \TeX book}
, publisher = {Addison-Wesley Publishing Company}
, edition = {7th}
, year = {1986}
, title = {The LaTeX Graphics Companion}
, author = {Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach}
, publisher = {Addison-Wesley}
, year = {1997}
, note = {ISBN 0-201-85469-4}
, author = {J.N. Oliveira}
, title = {\href{}{Program Design by Calculation}}
, note = {Textbook in preparation, 310 pages. Informatics Department, University of Minho. Current version: Sept. 2022}
, year = {2022}
, author = {SelfKey}
, year = {2015}
, title = {What is a {Merkle} Tree and How Does it Affect Blockchain Technology?}
, note = {Blog:\\ \url{}. Last read: \today.}
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\indexentry{U.Minho!Departamento de Inform\IeC {\'a}tica|hyperpage}{1}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas|hyperpage}{1}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {for}|hyperpage}{2}
\indexentry{U.Minho!Departamento de Inform\IeC {\'a}tica|hyperpage}{2}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!Exp.hs|hyperpage}{2}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!Exp.hs|hyperpage}{2}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!Exp.hs|hyperpage}{2}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!Exp.hs|hyperpage}{3}
\indexentry{Fractal!Tapete de Sierpinski|hyperpage}{3}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas|hyperpage}{3}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!Rose.hs|hyperpage}{4}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!LTree.hs|hyperpage}{6}
\indexentry{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph {either}|hyperpage}{7}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!LTree.hs|hyperpage}{7}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{7}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{8}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!LTree.hs|hyperpage}{8}
\indexentry{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph {either}|hyperpage}{9}
\indexentry{Programa\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!liter\IeC {\'a}ria|hyperpage}{9}
\indexentry{Programa\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!liter\IeC {\'a}ria|hyperpage}{9}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico|hyperpage}{9}
\indexentry{Haskell!Literate Haskell|hyperpage}{9}
\indexentry{\LaTeX !\texttt {lhs2TeX}|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{\LaTeX |hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{\LaTeX !\texttt {bibtex}|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{\LaTeX !\texttt {makeindex}|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _1$|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _2$|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _1$|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _2$|hyperpage}{10}
\indexentry{N\IeC {\'u}meros naturais ($I\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}N$)|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{N\IeC {\'u}meros naturais ($I\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}N$)|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{N\IeC {\'u}meros naturais ($I\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}N$)|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{Programa\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!din\IeC {\^a}mica|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{N\IeC {\'u}meros naturais ($I\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}N$)|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _1$|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {for}|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{N\IeC {\'u}meros naturais ($I\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}N$)|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _1$|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {for}|hyperpage}{11}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{13}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{13}
\indexentry{C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas!Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico!Exp.hs|hyperpage}{13}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {length}|hyperpage}{13}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {length}|hyperpage}{13}
\indexentry{SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)|hyperpage}{13}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{14}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _2$|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _2$|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _1$|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _2$|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!\emph {map}|hyperpage}{15}
\indexentry{Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o!$\pi _2$|hyperpage}{15}
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This is makeindex, version 2.15 [TeX Live 2017] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning input file cp2223t.idx....done (85 entries accepted, 0 rejected).
Sorting entries....done (547 comparisons).
Generating output file cp2223t.ind....done (62 lines written, 0 warnings).
Output written in cp2223t.ind.
Transcript written in cp2223t.ilg.
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\item \LaTeX , \hyperpage{10}
\subitem \texttt {bibtex}, \hyperpage{10}
\subitem \texttt {lhs2TeX}, \hyperpage{10}
\subitem \texttt {makeindex}, \hyperpage{10}
\item C\IeC {\'a}lculo de Programas, \hyperpage{1}, \hyperpage{3},
\hyperpage{10, 11}
\subitem Material Pedag\IeC {\'o}gico, \hyperpage{9}
\subsubitem Exp.hs, \hyperpage{2, 3}, \hyperpage{13}
\subsubitem LTree.hs, \hyperpage{6--8}
\subsubitem Rose.hs, \hyperpage{4}
\item Combinador ``pointfree''
\subitem \emph {either}, \hyperpage{7}, \hyperpage{9}
\item Fractal, \hyperpage{3}
\subitem Tapete de Sierpinski, \hyperpage{3}
\item Fun\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o
\subitem $\pi _1$, \hyperpage{10, 11}, \hyperpage{15}
\subitem $\pi _2$, \hyperpage{10}, \hyperpage{15}
\subitem \emph {for}, \hyperpage{2}, \hyperpage{11}
\subitem \emph {length}, \hyperpage{13}
\subitem \emph {map}, \hyperpage{7, 8}, \hyperpage{13--15}
\item Functor, \hyperpage{5}, \hyperpage{8, 9}, \hyperpage{11, 12},
\hyperpage{15, 16}
\item Haskell, \hyperpage{1}, \hyperpage{10}
\subitem Biblioteca
\subsubitem PFP, \hyperpage{12}
\subsubitem Probability, \hyperpage{12}
\subitem interpretador
\subsubitem GHCi, \hyperpage{10}, \hyperpage{12}
\subitem Literate Haskell, \hyperpage{9}
\item N\IeC {\'u}meros naturais ($I\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}\tmspace -\thinmuskip {.1667em}N$),
\item Programa\IeC {\c c}\IeC {\~a}o
\subitem din\IeC {\^a}mica, \hyperpage{11}
\subitem liter\IeC {\'a}ria, \hyperpage{9}
\item SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), \hyperpage{13}
\item U.Minho
\subitem Departamento de Inform\IeC {\'a}tica, \hyperpage{1, 2}
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@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
%================= Standard packages ==========================================%
\usepackage{mathptmx} % math font
%----------------- testing ----------------------------------------------------%
\newtheorem{teste}{\underline{Teste unitário}}%
\newtheorem{propriedade}{\relax{Propriedade [\href{}{QuickCheck}]}}%
%----------------- verbatim ---------------------------------------------------%
%----------------- Using xy ---------------------------------------------------%
\def\larrow#1#2#3{\xymatrix{ #3 & #1 \ar[l]_-{#2} }}
\def\rarrow#1#2#3{\xymatrix{ #1 \ar[r]^-{#2} & #3 }}
\def\u{u} % unidade de um mónade
\def\fun#1{{\sf #1}\index{Functor}}
%----------------- Colors -----------------------------------------------------%
%----------------- Listings ---------------------------------------------------%
%----------------- tikz -------------------------------------------------------%
%----------------- anamorphism's brackets -------------------------------------%
%---------------- boxes -------------------------------------------------------%
sharp corners,
colback = white,
before skip = 0.5cm,
after skip = 0.5cm,
colback = Dandelion!7.5,
colframe = Dandelion!7.5,
borderline west = {4pt}{0pt}{Dandelion!50},
colback = url!5,
colframe = url!5,
borderline west = {4pt}{0pt}{RoyalBlue!50},
sharp corners,
colback = white,
before skip = 0.5cm,
after skip = 0.5cm,
colback = white,
colframe = black,
boxrule = 0.5pt,
%----------------- Using makeidx ----------------------------------------------%
\def\tree#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Árvore (Estrutura de Dados)}}
\def\dijkstra#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Edsger W. Dijkstra}}
\def\shuntingYard#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Shunting Yard}}
\def\sierpCarpet#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Fractal!Tapete de Sierpinski}}
\def\sierpTriangle#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Fractal!Tri\^angulo de Sierpinski}}
\def\svg{\href{}{SVG}\index{SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)}}
\def\xml{\href{}{XML}\index{XML (Extensible Markup Language)}}
\def\DSL{\href{}{DSL}\index{DSL (linguaguem específica para domínio)}}
\def\DL{\href{}{Deep Learning}\index{Deep Learning)}}
\def\catalan#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Números de Catalan}}
\def\bezier#1{\href{\%C3\%A9zier_curve}{#1}\index{Curvas de Bézier}}
\def\Nat{\href{}{Nat}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!Nat.hs}}
\def\Cp{\href{}{Cp}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!Cp.hs}}
\def\truchet#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Mosaico de Truchet}}
\def\BTree{\href{}{BTree}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!BTree.hs}}
\def\Exp{\href{}{Exp}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!Exp.hs}}
\def\Rose{\href{}{Rose Tree}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!Rose.hs}}
\def\LTree{\href{}{\textit{LTree}}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!LTree.hs}}
\def\FTree{\href{}{\textit{FTree}}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!FTree.hs}}
\def\mTree#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Merkle tree}}
\def\MerkleTree{\mTree{Merkle tree}}
\def\List{\href{}{List}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico!List.hs}}
\def\MaterialPedagogico{\material{material pedagógico}}
\def\R{I\!\!R\index{Números reais ($I\!\!R$)}}
\def\TUG{TUG\index{TeX!TeX Users Group (TUG)}}
\def\alt#1#2{\mathopen{[}#1 , #2\mathclose{]}\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{either}}} % "either" is reserved...
\def\CP{\href{}{Cálculo de Programas}\index{Cálculo de Programas}}
\def\N{\mathbb{N}\index{Números naturais ($I\!\!N$)}}
\def\cata#1{\mathopen{\llparenthesis}#1\mathclose{\rrparenthesis}\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{cata}}}
\def\cataList#1{\mathopen{\llparenthesis}#1\mathclose{\rrparenthesis}\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{cata}!Listas}}
\def\anaList#1{\lanabracket#1\ranabracket\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{ana}!Listas}}
\def\cataNat#1{\mathopen{\llparenthesis}#1\mathclose{\rrparenthesis}\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{cata}!Naturais}}
\def\cp#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Cálculo de Programas}}
\def\dium{\htmladdnormallink{Departamento de Informática}{}\index{U.Minho!Departamento de Informática}}
\def\pda#1{\href{\#Simple_compilers}{#1}\index{Stack machine}}
\def\hcata{cata\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{cata}}}
\def\iso{\mathbin{\cong}\index{Relação de isomorfismo}}
\def\kons#1{\underline{#1}\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!função constante}}
\def\lhaskell#1{#1\index{Haskell!Literate Haskell}}
\def\map#1{\mathsf{map}\ #1\index{Função!\emph{map}}}
\def\for#1#2{\mathsf{for}\ #1 #2\index{Função!\emph{for}}}
\def\material#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Cálculo de Programas!Material Pedagógico}}
\def\ana#1{\lanabracket#1\ranabracket\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{ana}}}
\def\split#1#2{\mathopen{\langle}#1 , #2\mathclose{\rangle}\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!\emph{split}}} % <a,b,...z>
\def\succ#1{\mathsf{succ}\ #1\index{Função!\emph{succ}}}
\def\taylor#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Taylor series!Maclaurin series}}
\def\trans#1{\overline{#1\rule{0pt}{.6em}}\index{Combinador ``pointfree''!transposição}}
\def\uncurry #1{\widehat{#1}\index{Função!\emph{uncurry}}}
\def\wc#1{\href{}{#1}\index{Unix shell!wc}}
%----------------- Extracted from jnobasics.sty -------------------------------%
\def\mcond#1#2#3{#1 \rightarrow #2 , #3}
\def\super#1{\mbox{{\scriptsize #1}}}
\def\deff{\stackrel{\rm def}{=}} % Function definition symbol
\def\conj#1#2{\mathopen{\langle} #1, #2 \mathclose{\rangle}}
\def\just#1#2{\\ & \rule{2em}{0pt} \{ \mbox{\rule[-.7em]{0pt}{1.8em} \small #2 \/} \} \nonumber\\ && }
%----------------- Cross references -------------------------------------------%
\newlabel{eq:fokkinga}{{3.95}{112}{The mutual-recursion law}{section.3.17}{}}
%----------------- Importing/modifying isolatin1 ------------------------------%
%\catcode181=13 \def^^b5{\mu} % 181, '265, "b5
%\catcode186=13 \def^^ba{${\kern-.1em}^{\mbox{\scriptsize o}}$} % 186, '272, "ba
%\catcode183=13 \def^^b7{\comp} % 183, '267, "b7
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\let\htmladdnormallink=\quoteId % HTML links disabled by default
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%----------------- Date -------------------------------------------------------%
Janeiro\or Fevereiro\or Março\or Abril\or Maio\or Junho\or Julho\or Agosto\or Setembro\or Outubro\or Novembro\or Dezembro\fi \ de \number\year
%----------------- Problemas ----------------------------------------------------%
\newcount\pn \pn=1 % Problem number
%\def\Problema{\section*{Problema \number\pn}\global\advance\pn by 1}
\def\Problema{\section*{Problema \number\pn}\global\advance\pn by 1}
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