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2022-11-19 11:35:14 +00:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XNPlusKPatterns #-}
-- (c) Ensico & UM (2022)
module Svg where
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import System.Process
import Cp
--- Basic -----------
open h = do { writeFile "_.html" h ; system ("open _.html") }
converse = map swap
a .><. b = [ (x,y) | x <- a, y <- b ]
a # b = zip a b
unrstr = (id >< head) . unzip
collapse = map unrstr . transpose
match p l i = p `isPrefixOf` (drop i l)
r2 = (/100) . fromIntegral . round .(100*)
-- Generic "derivative" / "integral"
gderiv :: a -> (a -> a -> c) -> [a] -> [c]
gderiv z f s = ttl (zipWith f s (z:s))
where ttl [] = []
ttl (a:t) = t
ginteg :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
ginteg f i s = i:aux i s
where aux i [] = []
aux i (h:t) = i':(aux i' t)
where i'=f h i
-- Repetitions
-- repeat anything
rep x = map (const x) [0..]
-- (9) Misc.
cut :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
cut n m = (take (m-n+1)) . drop (n-1)
inds :: [b] -> [Int]
inds = (map fst) . (zip [1..])
elems :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
elems = sort . nub
-- misc
sing a = [a]
dup a = [a,a]
a != b = not(a == b)
a |-> b = (a,b)
supermap f [] = []
supermap f (a:l) = a:(map f (supermap f l))
show2 = show.show
--- list of pairs to list
lp2l :: [(b, b)] -> [b]
lp2l = (concat . map f) where f(a,b)=[a,b]
frac n m = n%m
-- for combinator
for b i 0 = i
for b i (n+1) = b(for b i n)
presort f = map snd . sort . (map (split f id)) -- pre-sorting on f-preorder
apl :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
apl f l = map ap (zip f l)
--- HTML minimal API ("shallow embedding")
tag t l x = "<"++t++" "++ps++">"++x++"</"++t++">"
where ps = unwords [concat[t,"=",v]| (t,v)<-l]
tg t l = "<"++t++" "++ps++"/>"
where ps = unwords [concat[t,"=",v]| (t,v)<-l]
htm = tag "html" []
strong = tag "strong" []
tr = tag "tr" []
img fn = tag "img" [ "src" |-> (show fn) ] ""
uli = ul . (>>= li) where
li = tag "li" []
ul = tag "ul" []
htable = nest "table" [ "border" |-> "1" , "data-toggle" |-> "\"table\"" ]
(nest "tr" [] (tag "td" [ "align" |-> "center"]))
where nest t p f = (tag t p) . (>>=f)
pretty = (open . htm . htable)
--- remove diacritics where needed
cl '\237'= 'i'
cl '\243'= 'o'
cl '\227'= 'a'
cl '\231'= 'c'
cl c = c
--- basic -----------
mT :: Eq a => [(a, b)] -> a -> Maybe b
mT = flip lookup
pap :: Eq a => [(a, t)] -> a -> t
pap m = unJust . (mT m) where unJust (Just a) = a -- partial inspector of simple relation A->B
-- Abstract (point) level
infix 5 .|
infix 4 .+
infix 4 .-
a .| (x,y) = (a*x,a*y)
trans p = map (p .+)
(x,y) .+ (x',y') = (x+x',y+y')
(x,y) .- (x',y') = (x-x',y-y')
a .* (x,y) = (a*x,a*y)
amplia r = map (r .*)
amplia' s p = trans (p .- s .* p) . amplia s
reduz r = amplia (1/r)
-- SVG -----------------------------------
s = (200*)
sstep (x,y) = (200*x,-200*y)
scl p = sstep p .+ (-1400,1400)
shp (x,y) = show x ++ "," ++ show y -- format for coord list
shpts xs = intercalate " " (map (shp.scl) xs) -- with offset
shpts' xs = intercalate " " (map (shp.sstep) xs)
rscale p = let (x,y) = scl p in (round x,round y)
-- paths
path d = tg "path" [ "d" |-> show d ]
slice r (p1,p2) = path $ " M " ++ shp (scl p1) ++ arc (s r) (scl p2) ++ " L " ++ shp (scl p3) where
arc r p = " A " ++ shp (r,r) ++ " 0 0 0 " ++ shp p ++ " "
p3 = (0,0)
-- polylines
poly xs = tg "polyline" ["points" |-> show (shpts xs), "style" |-> show "fill:none;stroke-width:5" ]
poly' xs = tg "polyline" ["points" |-> show (shpts xs), "style" |-> show "fill:none;stroke-width:8" ] -- thicker
seg p q = poly [p,q]
-- polygons
polyg xs = tg "polygon" ["points" |-> show (shpts xs)]
tri = polyg
squ = polyg
rect x y = polyg [(0,0),(x,0),(x,y),(0,y),(0,0)]
sqr x = rect x x
cir (x,y) r = tg "circle" [
"cx" |-> show2 x',"cy" |-> show2 y', "r" |-> show2 r',
"stroke" |-> show "black", "stroke-width" |-> show2 3 ] where
(x',y') = scl (x,y)
(r',_) = sstep (r,0)
elp (x,y) (rx,ry) = tg "ellipse" [
"cx" |-> show2 x',"cy" |-> show2 y', "rx" |-> show2 rx', "ry" |-> show2 ry',
"stroke" |-> show "black", "stroke-width" |-> show2 3 ] where
(x',y') = scl (x,y)
(rx',_) = sstep (rx,0)
(ry',_) = sstep (ry,0)
-- points
point p = let (x,y) = scl p in tg "circle" ["cx" |-> show2 x,"cy" |-> show2 y, "r" |-> show2 15]
point' p = tag "g" ["font-size" |-> show2 60] (point p ++ black(stext (scl (p.+(-0.5,0.2))) (shows p))) where
shows(x,y) = "("++ s x ++ "," ++ s y ++ ")"
s x = if abs(x-fromIntegral (round x)) < 0.001 then show (round x) else show (r2 x)
points' = (>>= point')
points = (>>= point)
-- rotation
polar (x,y) = (atan2 y x,sqrt(x^2+y^2))
cart (a,r) = (cos a * r, sin a * r)
rad r = r*pi/180
rot r p = (x',y') where
(a,c) = polar p
a' = a + rad r
y' = c*sin a'
x' = c*cos a'
rotate r p a = tag "g" [ "transform" |-> show ("rotate(" ++ t ++ ")") ] a where
(x,y) = scl p
t = unwords [show r, show x, show y]
-- translation
translate p = tag "g" [ "transform" |-> show ("translate"++p') ] where p' = show(sstep p)
put = translate
-- (static) scaling
scale k p = translate (p' .- k .* p') .
tag "g" ["transform" |-> show("scale(" ++ show k ++ ")") ]
where p' = p .- (7,7)
-- colored regions
color c = tag "g" ["fill" |-> show c, "stroke" |-> show c]
white = color "white"
black = color "black"
gray = color "gray"
yellow = color "yellow"
green = color "green"
red = color "red"
blue = color "blue"
orange = color "orange"
magenta = color "magenta"
brown = color "brown"
-- grouping
grp = tag "g" [] . concat
-- vectors, lines and grid
vec p q =
let (x1,y1) = scl p
(x2,y2) = scl q
in tg "line" [
"x1" |-> show2 x1, "y1" |-> show2 y1, "x2" |-> show2 x2, "y2" |-> show2 y2,
"stroke-width" |-> show2 8, "marker-end" |-> show "url(#arrowhead)" ]
-- line (x1,y1)(x2,y2) = tag "line" ["x1" |-> x1, "y1" |-> y1, "x2" |-> x2, "y2" |-> y2]
lin (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = tg "line" ["x1" |-> show2 x1, "y1" |-> show2 y1, "x2" |-> show2 x2, "y2" |-> show2 y2]
grid n = f n ++ map (sym><sym) (f n) where
f n = [((n,-1500),(n,1500))]
sym (x,y) = (y,x)
-- definitions
dfs = tag "defs" [] .
tag "marker" [ "id" |-> show "arrowhead",
"markerWidth" |-> show2 10,
"markerHeight"|-> show2 8,
"refX" |-> show2 9,
"refY" |-> show2 4,
"orient" |-> show "auto"] $
tg "polygon" [ "fill" |-> show "gray", "points" |-> show "0,0 10,4 0,8" ]
-- the grid and X-Y plane
planoxy p x = wrap (dfs ++ grd ++ coords ++ axes ++ concat x)
wrap = tag "svg" [
"width" |-> show2 500,
"height" |-> show2 500,
"viewBox" |-> show "-1500 -1500 3000 3000",
"version" |-> show "1.1",
"xmlns" |-> show "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
trans p = tag "g" [ "transform" |-> show ("translate"++p') ] where p' = show p
xarrowhead = polyg [(0,-0.1),(0.3,0),(0,0.1)]
yarrowhead = polyg [(0.1,0),(0,0.3),(-0.1,0)]
base = let a =[0,40..1500] in a ++ map ((-1)*) a
xs = [0..13] >>= coordx
ys = [1..13] >>= coordy
coordx i = stext (scl (i,-0.4)) (show i)
coordy i = stext (scl (-0.4,i)) (show i)
coordy' i = stext (scl (-0.55,i)) (show i)
lx i = lin (i,-1400) (i,1400) ++ lin (-1400,i) (1400,i)
ly i = lin (-1400,i) (1400,i)
--- axes -------------------------------------------------
axes = blacklines [((-1400.0,1480.0),(-1400.0,-1480.0)),((-1480.0,1400.0),(1480.0,1400.0))] ++
trans (sstep (14.2,0)) xarrowhead ++
trans (sstep (0,14.2)) yarrowhead ++
tag "g" ["font-style" |-> show "italic", "font-size" |-> show2 100] (gray (
stext (scl (14,-0.5)) "x" ++
stext (scl (-0.5,14)) "y"
blacklines ls = tag "g" ["stroke" |-> show "black", "stroke-width" |-> show2 5.0] (ls >>= uncurry lin)
--- grid -------------------------------------------------
grd = graylines (base >>= grid) ++
tag "g" ["stroke" |-> show "gray", "stroke-width" |-> show2 3] ([-1400,-1200..1400] >>= lx)
graylines ls = tag "g" ["stroke" |-> show "gray", "stroke-width" |-> show2 p] (ls >>= uncurry lin)
--- coords -----------------------------------------------
coords = tag "g" ["font-size" |-> show2 80] (xs ++ ys)
-- Show in X-Y Cartesian plane
picd = open . htm . planoxy 0.9
picd' = open . htm . planoxy 0 -- gray intensity = 0
picd'' = open . htm . wrap . concat
wrap = tag "svg" [
"width" |-> show2 500,
"height" |-> show2 500,
"viewBox" |-> show "-1500 -1500 3000 3000",
"version" |-> show "1.1",
"xmlns" |-> show "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
-- HELPER: para mostrar polygs (apenas):
polyd t = picd [ green(polyg t) ++ points'' t ]
points'' ps = blue(points' ps) ++ red(points projs)
where projs = map f ps ++ map (swap.f.swap) ps
f(x,_) = (x,0)
--- Vectors
pnt p = red (vec (0,0) p)
pnts = grp . map pnt
--- Plotting
plt f = map (pnt f . (/10)) . take width $ [0..] where
pnt f x = (x, f x)
width = 142
plot = poly . plt
plot' = poly' . plt
-- Images
image fn d = tg "image" [ "href" |-> show fn, "height" |-> show2 h, "width" |-> show2 w ]
where (w,h) = (s >< s) d
-- Animations
anima t f x = animamea x p (show t++"s") where p = take t . map f $ [0..]
anima' t d (i,n,v) x = animamea x p (show d++"s") where
p = map v (take m y) -- v is the "view" extracting (x,y)
y = ana n i
ana n s = s : ana n (n s)
m = sample t d
anims d f t o = translate (-7,-7) x where
x = tag "g" [] (o' ++ st)
f' = unwords [show f,show f]
t' = unwords [show t,show t]
o' = translate (7,7) o
st = animT "0s" (show d++"s") "scale" f' t' "0"
animf t f a = animamea a (plt f) t --- animation over function graph
animamea o p t = tag "g" [] (o ++ (animM (shpath p) t "0"))
shpath p = "M " ++ shpts' p ++ " " -- no way back, cf shpath p = "M " ++ shpts' p ++ " Z"
animM p d c = tg "animateMotion" [
"path" |-> show p,
"dur" |-> show d,
"repeatCount" |-> show c
sample :: Float -> Float -> Int
sample t d = round(d/t)
-- animd o p t = picd [ animamea o p t ]
-- path i n = i : map n (path i n)
-- Reflections
refl q p = q .+ (q .- p)
hrefl y0 p = [ (x,2*y0-y) | (x,y) <- p ]
vrefl x0 p = [ (2*x0-x,y) | (x,y) <- p ]
-- Rotations
animT b d k f t c = tg "animateTransform" [
"attributeName" |-> show "transform",
"begin" |-> show b,
"dur" |-> show d,
"type" |-> show k,
"from" |-> show f,
"to" |-> show t,
"repeatCount" |-> show c
animr d f t o = animarot o d f t
animarot o d (f,p) (t,q) =
tag "g" [] (o ++ animT "0s" (show d ++ "s") "rotate" fs ts "indefinite") where
fs = unwords [show f, show x, show y]
ts = unwords [show t, show x', show y']
(x,y) = scl p
(x',y') = scl q
-- Text
txt p = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y, "font-size" |-> show2 100 ] where (x,y) = scl p
italic = tag "g" [ "font-style" |-> "italic" ]
anchor k = tag "g" [ "text-anchor" |-> show k ] -- k = "end"
-- Pie diagrams
mkp r ps = a # rtl a where -- polar coordinates
a = aux r ps
rtl [] = []
rtl x = tail x ++ [ head x ]
aux r = map (cart . curry swap r . (2*pi*)) . ginteg (+) 0
dist x = map (/t) x where t = sum x -- distribution
perc x = map (/t) x where t = maximum x -- percentage
dom = map fst
rng = map snd
pied db = picd' (pie (map snd db) ++ map f a) where
a = colours # [1,2..] # map sh (dom db # dist(rng db))
sh (a,n) = a ++ ": " ++ sprec n
f((c,y),s) = ap(c, txt (1,y) s)
pie d = y where
r = 4 -- radius
y = map (translate (9,9) . ap) (colours # x)
x = map (slice r) . mkp r . dist $ d
colours = [blue,green,yellow,orange,red,magenta,gray,brown,black] ++ colours
sprec n = show (round(n*100)) ++ " %"
-- histograms in svg
histd db = picd'' $ (db' >>= bar) where
span db = 13 / fromIntegral(length db)
wth db = 9 / fromIntegral(length db)
ylabels = (fromIntegral . maximum . map length . dom) db `min` 5
small p = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y, "font-size" |-> show2 80 ] where (x,y) = scl p
r = map fromIntegral (rng db)
db'=sort $ db # (perc r # [ span db * fromIntegral i | i <- [1..]] )
bar ((s,v),(p,x)) =
[ (brown . translate (x-w/2,y0)) (rect w y),
(blue . rotate 90 (x,y0-0.5) . txt (x,y0-0.5)) s,
(gray . anchor "middle" . small (x,y0+y + 0.2 ) . show) v
] where y = p*(12-y0)
w = wth db
y0 = ylabels
stext (x,y) = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y ] -- simple text
text x y t = tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 x, "y" |-> show2 y, "dy" |-> show "0.35em", "font-size" |-> show2 5] t
title t s = tag "title" ["id" |-> show "title"] t ++ s
bar s (y,(a,n)) = tag "g" [ "class" |-> show "bar", "transform" |-> show ("translate(0,"++show y++")") ]
$ aux (a,n) where
s' n = s (fromIntegral n)
aux (t,x) = rect (s' x) ++
tag "text" [ "x" |-> show2 (s' x+5),
"y" |-> show2 7.5,
"dy" |-> show "0.30em"] (t ++ " [ " ++ show (x) ++ " ]")
rect x = tag "rect" [ "width" |-> show2 x, "height" |-> show2 10, "style" |-> show "fill:rgb(185,181,180);stroke-width:1;stroke:rgb(256,256,256)"] ""
fdiv :: Int -> Int -> Float
fdiv n m = fromIntegral n / fromIntegral m
svg' x y = tag "svg"
[ "version" |-> show "1.1",
"xmlns" |-> show "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
"xmlns:xlink" |-> show "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
"class" |-> show "chart",
"width" |-> show2 1000,
"height" |-> show2 (y * 24),
"aria-labelledby" |-> show "title",
"role" |-> show "img"
src (x,y) t = grp [
red (point (x,y)),
blue (end (txt (x-0.29,y-0.15) t))
] where end = anchor "end"
dst (x,y) t = grp [
red (point (x,y)),
blue (txt (x+0.29,y-0.15) t)
ffdAux ff = (map (g><id) a,map (h><id) (converse b),[(g i,h(f i)) | i <- map fst a ]) where
a = zip [1..] l
b = zip r [1..]
f = pap b . pap ff . pap a
(l,r) = (nub >< nub) . unzip $ ff
g y = (5,y)
h y = (9,y)
bold = tag "g" [ "font-weight" |-> show "bold" ]
container n c x a = grp [
c (elp (x, (m+1)/2) (2,m')),
(red . center . bold) (txt (x,m + 2) n)
] where m = fromIntegral (length a)
m' = 0.6 * m
center = anchor "middle"
-- diagrams of functions
fund f = ffd (graph f [minBound .. maxBound])
ffd ff na nb = picd'' . singl . (translate (0,3)) . scale 1 (0,0) . grp $
[ container na yellow 4 a,
container nb orange 10 b,
gray (p >>= uncurry vec),
a >>= uncurry src,
b >>= uncurry dst
] where (a,b,p) = ffdAux ff
graph f = map (split show (show.f))
graph' f = map (split show f)
mhd f = histd (graph' f [minBound .. maxBound]) -- measure histograms