229 lines
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229 lines
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-- (c) MP-I (1998/9-2006/7) and CP (2005/6-2022/23)
module LTree where
import Cp
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Applicative
import List
-- (1) Datatype definition -----------------------------------------------------
data LTree a = Leaf a | Fork (LTree a, LTree a) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
inLTree :: Either a (LTree a, LTree a) -> LTree a
inLTree = either Leaf Fork
outLTree :: LTree a -> Either a (LTree a,LTree a)
outLTree (Leaf a) = i1 a
outLTree (Fork (t1,t2)) = i2 (t1,t2)
baseLTree g f = g -|- f >< f
-- (2) Ana + cata + hylo -------------------------------------------------------
recLTree f = baseLTree id f -- that is: id -|- (f >< f)
cataLTree g = g . (recLTree (cataLTree g)) . outLTree
anaLTree f = inLTree . (recLTree (anaLTree f) ) . f
hyloLTree f g = cataLTree f . anaLTree g
-- (3) Map ---------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Functor LTree
where fmap f = cataLTree ( inLTree . baseLTree f id )
-- (4) Examples ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- (4.0) Inversion (mirror) ----------------------------------------------------
mirrorLTree = cataLTree (inLTree . (id -|- swap))
-- (4.1) Count and depth -------------------------------------------------------
countLTree = cataLTree (either one add)
depth = cataLTree (either one (succ.umax))
-- (4.2) Serialization ---------------------------------------------------------
tips = cataLTree (either singl conc)
-- (4.3) Double factorial ------------------------------------------------------
dfac 0 = 1
dfac n = hyloLTree (either id mul) dfacd (1,n)
dfacd(n,m) | n==m = i1 n
| otherwise = i2 ((n,k),(k+1,m))
where k = div (n+m) 2
-- (4.4) Double square function ------------------------------------------------
dsq 0 = 0
dsq n = (cataLTree (either id add) . fmap (\n->2*n-1) . (anaLTree dfacd)) (1,n)
dsq 0 = 0
dsq n = (hyloLTree (either id add) (fdfacd nthodd)) (1,n)
where nthodd n = 2*n - 1
fdfacd f (n,m) | n==m = i1 (f n)
| otherwise = i2 ((n,k),(k+1,m))
where k = div (n+m) 2
-- (4.5) Fibonacci -------------------------------------------------------------
fib = hyloLTree (either one add) fibd
-- where
fibd n | n < 2 = i1 ()
| otherwise = i2 (n-1,n-2)
-- (4.6) Merge sort ------------------------------------------------------------
mSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mSort [] = []
mSort l = hyloLTree (either singl merge) lsplit l
-- singl x = [x]
merge (l,[]) = l
merge ([],r) = r
merge (x:xs,y:ys) | x < y = x : merge(xs,y:ys)
| otherwise = y : merge(x:xs,ys)
lsplit [x] = i1 x
lsplit l = i2 (sep l) where
sep [] = ([],[])
sep (h:t) = let (l,r) = sep t in (h:r,l) -- a List cata
{-- pointwise version:
mSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mSort [] = []
mSort [x] = [x]
mSort l = let (l1,l2) = sep l
in merge(mSort l1, mSort l2)
-- (4.7) Double map (unordered lists) ------------------------------------------
dmap :: (b -> a) -> [b] -> [a]
dmap f [] = []
dmap f x = (hyloLTree (either (singl.f) conc) lsplit) x
-- (4.8) Double map (keeps the order) ------------------------------------------
dmap1 :: (b -> a) -> [b] -> [a]
dmap1 f [] = []
dmap1 f x = (hyloLTree (either (singl.f) conc) divide) x
where divide [x] = i1 x
divide l = i2 (split (take m) (drop m) l) where m = div (length l) 2
-- (4.8) Combinations ----------------------------------------------------------
comb = hyloLTree (either id add) divide
where divide(n,k) = if k `elem` [0,n] then i1 1 else i2((n-1,k),(n-1,k-1))
{-- pointwise: comb (n,k) = if k `elem` [0,n] then 1 else comb(n-1,k)+comb(n-1,k-1) --}
-- (5) Monads ------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Monad LTree where
return = Leaf
t >>= g = (mu . fmap g) t
mu :: LTree (LTree a) -> LTree a
mu = cataLTree (either id Fork)
instance Strong LTree
{-- fmap :: (Monad m) => (t -> a) -> m t -> m a
fmap f t = do { a <- t ; return (f a) }
mcataLTree g = k where
k (Leaf a) = return(g1 a)
k (Fork(x,y)) = do { a <- k x; b <- k y; return(g2(a,b)) }
g1 = g . i1
g2 = g . i2
-- (6) Going polytipic -------------------------------------------------------
-- natural transformation from base functor to monoid
tnat :: Monoid c => (a -> c) -> Either a (c, c) -> c
tnat f = either f (uncurry mappend)
-- monoid reduction
monLTree f = cataLTree (tnat f)
-- alternative to (4.2) serialization ----------------------------------------
tips' = monLTree singl
-- alternative to (4.1) counting ---------------------------------------------
countLTree' = monLTree (const (Sum 1))
-- distributive law ----------------------------------------------------------
dlLTree :: Strong f => LTree (f a) -> f (LTree a)
dlLTree = cataLTree (either (fmap Leaf) (fmap Fork .dstr))
-- (7) Zipper ----------------------------------------------------------------
data Deriv a = Dr Bool (LTree a)
type Zipper a = [ Deriv a ]
plug :: Zipper a -> LTree a -> LTree a
plug [] t = t
plug ((Dr False l):z) t = Fork (plug z t,l)
plug ((Dr True r):z) t = Fork (r,plug z t)
-- (8) Advanced --------------------------------------------------------------
instance Applicative LTree where
pure = return
(<*>) = aap
-- (9) Spine representation --------------------------------------------------
roll = inLTree.(id -|- roll>< id).beta.(id><outList')
spinecata g = g . (id -|- (spinecata g)>< id).spineOut
spineOut = beta.(id><outList')
outList' [] = i1()
outList' x = i2(last x, blast x)
blast = reverse . tail . reverse
inList' = either nil snoc
snoc(a,x)= x++[a]
unroll = (id><inList').alpha.(id -|- unroll>< id).outLTree
alpha :: Either a ((a, t), t1) -> (a, Either () (t1, t))
alpha(Left a) = (a,Left())
alpha(Right ((a,ts),t)) = (a,Right(t,ts))
beta :: (a, Either () (t1, t)) -> Either a ((a, t), t1)
beta(a,Left()) = Left a
beta(a,Right(t,ts)) = Right ((a,ts),t)
height = cataLTree (either id (uncurry ht)) where ht a b = 1 + (max a b)
---------------------------- end of library ----------------------------------