276 lines
8.8 KiB
276 lines
8.8 KiB
extern crate regex;
extern crate toml;
use clap::Arg;
use regex::Regex;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fs;
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::{exit, Command};
use toml::map::Map;
fn main() {
//Check if the user has provided a tokefile filename
let matches = clap::Command::new("toke")
.about("A simple command runner tool to execute targets in a tokefile")
.help("Sets the path to the tokefile"),
.help("Sets the target to execute"),
.value_delimiter(' ')
.help("User-defined variables in the format KEY=VALUE (these override variables in the tokefile)"),
// Get the target command to execute
let target = match matches.get_one::<String>("target") {
Some(target) => target,
None => {
eprintln!("No target provided");
let file_path = match matches.get_one::<String>("tokefile") {
Some(file_path) => file_path.to_owned(),
None => {
let file_names: Vec<String> =
["tokefile", "Tokefile", "tokefile.toml", "Tokefile.toml"]
.map(|s| s.to_string())
let tokefile_option =
.find_map(|file_name| match Path::new(file_name).exists() {
true => Some(file_name.to_owned()),
false => None,
tokefile_option.expect("No tokefile found")
let tokefile_contents = match fs::read_to_string(file_path) {
Ok(contents) => contents.to_string(),
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("No tokefile found: {}", err);
let cli_vars = match matches.get_many::<String>("variables") {
Some(vars) => vars.collect::<Vec<_>>(),
None => vec![],
// Split the variables into a HashMap
let cli_vars: HashMap<String, String> = cli_vars
.map(|var| {
let parts: Vec<&str> = var.split('=').collect();
if parts.len() != 2 {
eprintln!("Invalid variable format: {}", var);
(parts[0].to_string(), parts[1].to_string())
// Parse the tokefile into a TOML Value
let mut parsed_toml = match toml::from_str::<toml::Value>(&tokefile_contents) {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(err) => {
eprintln!("Error parsing tokefile: {}", err);
// Replace variable instances in commands
replace_variables(&mut parsed_toml, cli_vars);
// Determine if there are dependency cycles in the tokefile
// Check if the target exists
if parsed_toml
.and_then(|targets| targets.get(target))
eprintln!("Target '{}' not found in tokefile", target);
// Execute the target command
run_command(&parsed_toml, target.to_string());
fn detect_cycle(parsed_toml: &toml::Value) {
let mut visited_targets = HashSet::new();
let empty_table = toml::value::Table::new();
let targets = parsed_toml
.and_then(|targets| targets.as_table())
for (target_name, _) in targets.iter() {
detect_cycle_recursive(parsed_toml, target_name, &mut visited_targets);
fn detect_cycle_recursive(
parsed_toml: &toml::Value,
target: &str,
visited_targets: &mut HashSet<String>,
) {
if visited_targets.contains(target) {
eprintln!("Cycle detected: {}", target);
if let Some(target) = parsed_toml
.and_then(|targets| targets.get(target))
if let Some(target_table) = target.as_table() {
if let Some(dep_value) = target_table.get("deps") {
if let Some(dep_array) = dep_value.as_array() {
for dep in dep_array {
if let Some(dep_str) = dep.as_str() {
detect_cycle_recursive(parsed_toml, dep_str, visited_targets);
fn replace_variables(parsed_toml: &mut toml::Value, cli_vars: HashMap<String, String>) {
// Parse global variables
let map = toml::value::Table::new();
let value = &parsed_toml.clone();
let get = value.get("vars");
let global_vars = get.and_then(|vars| vars.as_table()).unwrap_or(&map);
// Get the targets table or return an error if it doesn't exist
let targets = match parsed_toml
.and_then(|targets| targets.as_table_mut())
Some(targets) => targets,
None => {
eprintln!("No targets found in tokefile");
// Iterate over each target
for (_, target_value) in targets.iter_mut() {
if let Some(target_table) = target_value.as_table_mut() {
// Parse local variables for the target
let map = toml::value::Table::new();
let local_vars = target_table
.and_then(|vars| vars.as_table())
// Merge global and local variables
let mut merged_vars = merge_vars(global_vars, local_vars);
// Override variables if they were provided via the CLI
for (key, value) in cli_vars.iter() {
merged_vars.insert(key.clone(), toml::Value::String(value.clone()));
// Replace variables in the target's cmd value
if let Some(cmd_value) = target_table.get_mut("cmd") {
if let Some(cmd_str) = cmd_value.as_str() {
*cmd_value =
toml::Value::String(replace_variables_in_cmd(cmd_str, &merged_vars));
fn merge_vars(
global_vars: &Map<String, toml::Value>,
local_vars: &Map<String, toml::Value>,
) -> toml::value::Table {
let mut merged_vars = global_vars.clone();
for (key, value) in local_vars.iter() {
merged_vars.insert(key.clone(), value.clone());
fn replace_variables_in_cmd(cmd: &str, vars: &toml::value::Table) -> String {
let mut replaced_cmd = cmd.to_string();
// Regular expression to match variable instances like "${var_name}"
let re = Regex::new(r#"\$\{([^}]+)\}"#).unwrap();
for capture in re.captures_iter(cmd) {
if let Some(var_name) = capture.get(1).map(|m| m.as_str()) {
if let Some(var_value) = vars.get(var_name).and_then(|v| v.as_str()) {
replaced_cmd = replaced_cmd.replace(&format!("${{{}}}", var_name), var_value);
fn run_command(parsed_toml: &toml::Value, target: String) {
if let Some(targets) = parsed_toml
.and_then(|targets| targets.as_table())
if let Some(target_table) = targets.get(&target) {
if let Some(dep_value) = target_table.get("deps") {
if let Some(dep_array) = dep_value.as_array() {
for dep in dep_array {
if let Some(dep_str) = dep.as_str() {
run_command(parsed_toml, dep_str.to_string());
if let Some(cmd_value) = target_table.get("cmd") {
if let Some(cmd_str) = cmd_value.as_str() {
eprintln!("{}", cmd_str);
let status = Command::new("sh")
.expect("Failed to execute command");
if !status.success() {
"Command '{}' failed with exit code {:?}",