#!/usr/bin/env bash # Hardcoded values set -g status-bg "#1d2021" set -g @unfocused-fg "#d4be98" set -g @focused-bg "#d4be98" set -g @focused-fg "#1d2021" # Set status bar position set -g status-position top # Set status bar style set -g status-style ' #[bg=#{status-bg},fg=#{@unfocused-fg}] ' # Set status bar justification set -g status-justify left # Set right side of the status bar set -g status-right '#[bg=#{status-bg},fg=#{@unfocused-fg}] #S' # Set window status format set -g window-status-format ' #[bg=#{status-bg},fg=#{@unfocused-fg}] #I:#W ' # Set window status format for the current window set -g window-status-current-format ' #[bg=#{@focused-bg},fg=#{@focused-fg}] #I:#W '