This directory contains a sample custom service that you can use as a template
for creating your own services.
Follow these steps to add your own services:
1. Modify the sample service MyService to do what you want. It could generate
config/script files, mount per-node directories, start processes/scripts,
etc. is a Python file that defines one or more classes to be
imported. You can create multiple Python files that will be imported.
Add any new filenames to the file.
2. Put these files in a directory such as /home/username/.core/myservices
Note that the last component of this directory name 'myservices' should not
be named something like 'services' which conflicts with an existing Python
name (the syntax 'from myservices import *' is used).
3. Add a 'custom_services_dir = /home/username/.core/myservices' entry to the
/etc/core/core.conf file.
4. Restart the CORE daemon (core-daemon). Any import errors (Python syntax)
should be displayed in the /var/log/core-daemon.log log file (or on screen).
5. Start using your custom service on your nodes. You can create a new node
type that uses your service, or change the default services for an existing
node type, or change individual nodes.