64 lines
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64 lines
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from lxml import etree
from core import logger
from core.misc import utils
from core.xml import corexml
def _value_to_params(value):
Helper to convert a parameter to a parameter tuple.
:param str value: value string to convert to tuple
:return: parameter tuple, None otherwise
values = utils.make_tuple_fromstr(value, str)
if not hasattr(values, "__iter__"):
return None
if len(values) < 2:
return None
return values
except SyntaxError:
logger.exception("error in value string to param list")
return None
def create_file(xml_element, doc_name, file_path):
doctype = '<!DOCTYPE %(doc_name)s SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/%(doc_name)s.dtd">' % {"doc_name": doc_name}
corexml.write_xml_file(xml_element, file_path, doctype=doctype)
def add_param(xml_element, name, value):
etree.SubElement(xml_element, "param", name=name, value=value)
def add_configurations(xml_element, configurations, config, config_ignore):
Add emane model configurations to xml element.
:param lxml.etree.Element xml_element: xml element to add emane configurations to
:param list[core.config.Configuration] configurations: configurations to add to xml
:param dict config: configuration values
:param set config_ignore: configuration options to ignore
for configuration in configurations:
# ignore custom configurations
name = configuration.id
if name in config_ignore:
# check if value is a multi param
value = str(config[name])
params = _value_to_params(value)
if params:
params_element = etree.SubElement(xml_element, "paramlist", name=name)
for param in params:
etree.SubElement(params_element, "item", value=param)
add_param(xml_element, name, value)