
411 lines
13 KiB

import logging
import os
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple
from lxml import etree
from core import utils
from core.config import Configuration
from core.emane.nodes import EmaneNet
from core.emulator.distributed import DistributedServer
from core.emulator.enumerations import TransportType
from core.errors import CoreError
from core.nodes.interface import CoreInterface
from import CtrlNet
from core.nodes.physical import Rj45Node
from core.xml import corexml
from core.emane.emanemanager import EmaneManager
from core.emane.emanemodel import EmaneModel
_MAC_PREFIX = "02:02"
def is_external(config: Dict[str, str]) -> bool:
Checks if the configuration is for an external transport.
:param config: configuration to check
:return: True if external, False otherwise
return config.get("external") == "1"
def _value_to_params(value: str) -> Optional[Tuple[str]]:
Helper to convert a parameter to a parameter tuple.
:param value: value string to convert to tuple
:return: parameter tuple, None otherwise
values = utils.make_tuple_fromstr(value, str)
if not hasattr(values, "__iter__"):
return None
if len(values) < 2:
return None
return values
except SyntaxError:
logging.exception("error in value string to param list")
return None
def create_file(
xml_element: etree.Element,
doc_name: str,
file_path: str,
server: DistributedServer = None,
) -> None:
Create xml file.
:param xml_element: root element to write to file
:param doc_name: name to use in the emane doctype
:param file_path: file path to write xml file to
:param server: remote server to create file on
:return: nothing
doctype = (
f'<!DOCTYPE {doc_name} SYSTEM "file:///usr/share/emane/dtd/{doc_name}.dtd">'
if server:
temp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
corexml.write_xml_file(xml_element,, doctype=doctype)
server.remote_put(, file_path)
corexml.write_xml_file(xml_element, file_path, doctype=doctype)
def create_iface_file(
iface: CoreInterface, xml_element: etree.Element, doc_name: str, file_name: str
) -> None:
Create emane xml for an interface.
:param iface: interface running emane
:param xml_element: root element to write to file
:param doc_name: name to use in the emane doctype
:param file_name: name of xml file
node = iface.node
if isinstance(node, Rj45Node):
file_path = os.path.join(node.session.session_dir, file_name)
file_path = os.path.join(node.nodedir, file_name)
create_file(xml_element, doc_name, file_path, node.server)
def add_param(xml_element: etree.Element, name: str, value: str) -> None:
Add emane configuration parameter to xml element.
:param xml_element: element to append parameter to
:param name: name of parameter
:param value: value for parameter
:return: nothing
etree.SubElement(xml_element, "param", name=name, value=value)
def add_configurations(
xml_element: etree.Element,
configurations: List[Configuration],
config: Dict[str, str],
config_ignore: Set,
) -> None:
Add emane model configurations to xml element.
:param xml_element: xml element to add emane configurations to
:param configurations: configurations to add to xml
:param config: configuration values
:param config_ignore: configuration options to ignore
for configuration in configurations:
# ignore custom configurations
name =
if name in config_ignore:
# check if value is a multi param
value = str(config[name])
params = _value_to_params(value)
if params:
params_element = etree.SubElement(xml_element, "paramlist", name=name)
for param in params:
etree.SubElement(params_element, "item", value=param)
add_param(xml_element, name, value)
def build_platform_xml(
emane_manager: "EmaneManager",
control_net: CtrlNet,
emane_net: EmaneNet,
iface: CoreInterface,
nem_id: int,
) -> None:
Create platform xml for a specific node.
:param emane_manager: emane manager with emane
:param control_net: control net node for this emane
:param emane_net: emane network associated with interface
:param iface: interface running emane
:param nem_id: nem id to use for this interface
:return: the next nem id that can be used for creating platform xml files
# build nem xml
nem_definition = nem_file_name(iface)
nem_element = etree.Element(
"nem", id=str(nem_id), name=iface.localname, definition=nem_definition
# check if this is an external transport, get default config if an interface
# specific one does not exist
config = emane_manager.get_iface_config(emane_net, iface)
if is_external(config):
nem_element.set("transport", "external")
platform_endpoint = "platformendpoint"
add_param(nem_element, platform_endpoint, config[platform_endpoint])
transport_endpoint = "transportendpoint"
add_param(nem_element, transport_endpoint, config[transport_endpoint])
transport_name = transport_file_name(iface)
transport_element = etree.SubElement(
nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_name
add_param(transport_element, "device",
# determine platform element to add xml to
if iface.transport_type == TransportType.RAW:
otadev = control_net.brname
eventdev = control_net.brname
otadev = None
eventdev = None
platform_element = etree.Element("platform")
if otadev:
emane_manager.set_config("otamanagerdevice", otadev)
if eventdev:
emane_manager.set_config("eventservicedevice", eventdev)
for configuration in emane_manager.emane_config.emulator_config:
name =
value = emane_manager.get_config(name)
add_param(platform_element, name, value)
emane_net.setnemid(iface, nem_id)
mac = _MAC_PREFIX + ":00:00:"
mac += f"{(nem_id >> 8) & 0xFF:02X}:{nem_id & 0xFF:02X}"
doc_name = "platform"
file_name = f"{}-platform.xml"
create_iface_file(iface, platform_element, doc_name, file_name)
def create_transport_xml(iface: CoreInterface, config: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
Build transport xml file for node and transport type.
:param iface: interface to build transport xml for
:param config: all current configuration values
:return: nothing
transport_type = get_transport_type(iface)
transport_element = etree.Element(
name=f"{transport_type.value.capitalize()} Transport",
add_param(transport_element, "bitrate", "0")
# get emane model cnfiguration
flowcontrol = config.get("flowcontrolenable", "0") == "1"
if transport_type == TransportType.VIRTUAL:
device_path = "/dev/net/tun_flowctl"
if not os.path.exists(device_path):
device_path = "/dev/net/tun"
add_param(transport_element, "devicepath", device_path)
if flowcontrol:
add_param(transport_element, "flowcontrolenable", "on")
doc_name = "transport"
transport_name = transport_file_name(iface)
create_iface_file(iface, transport_element, doc_name, transport_name)
def create_phy_xml(
emane_model: "EmaneModel", iface: CoreInterface, config: Dict[str, str]
) -> None:
Create the phy xml document.
:param emane_model: emane model to create xml
:param iface: interface to create xml for
:param config: all current configuration values
:return: nothing
phy_element = etree.Element("phy", name=f"{} PHY")
if emane_model.phy_library:
phy_element.set("library", emane_model.phy_library)
phy_element, emane_model.phy_config, config, emane_model.config_ignore
file_name = phy_file_name(iface)
create_iface_file(iface, phy_element, "phy", file_name)
def create_mac_xml(
emane_model: "EmaneModel", iface: CoreInterface, config: Dict[str, str]
) -> None:
Create the mac xml document.
:param emane_model: emane model to create xml
:param iface: interface to create xml for
:param config: all current configuration values
:return: nothing
if not emane_model.mac_library:
raise CoreError("must define emane model library")
mac_element = etree.Element(
"mac", name=f"{} MAC", library=emane_model.mac_library
mac_element, emane_model.mac_config, config, emane_model.config_ignore
file_name = mac_file_name(iface)
create_iface_file(iface, mac_element, "mac", file_name)
def create_nem_xml(
emane_model: "EmaneModel", iface: CoreInterface, config: Dict[str, str]
) -> None:
Create the nem xml document.
:param emane_model: emane model to create xml
:param iface: interface to create xml for
:param config: all current configuration values
:return: nothing
nem_element = etree.Element("nem", name=f"{} NEM")
if is_external(config):
nem_element.set("type", "unstructured")
transport_name = transport_file_name(iface)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "transport", definition=transport_name)
mac_name = mac_file_name(iface)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "mac", definition=mac_name)
phy_name = phy_file_name(iface)
etree.SubElement(nem_element, "phy", definition=phy_name)
nem_name = nem_file_name(iface)
create_iface_file(iface, nem_element, "nem", nem_name)
def create_event_service_xml(
group: str,
port: str,
device: str,
file_directory: str,
server: DistributedServer = None,
) -> None:
Create a emane event service xml file.
:param group: event group
:param port: event port
:param device: event device
:param file_directory: directory to create file in
:param server: remote server node
will run on, default is None for localhost
:return: nothing
event_element = etree.Element("emaneeventmsgsvc")
for name, value in (
("group", group),
("port", port),
("device", device),
("mcloop", "1"),
("ttl", "32"),
sub_element = etree.SubElement(event_element, name)
sub_element.text = value
file_name = "libemaneeventservice.xml"
file_path = os.path.join(file_directory, file_name)
create_file(event_element, "emaneeventmsgsvc", file_path, server)
def get_transport_type(iface: CoreInterface) -> TransportType:
Get transport type for a given interface.
:param iface: interface to get transport type for
:return: transport type
transport_type = TransportType.VIRTUAL
if iface.transport_type == TransportType.RAW:
transport_type = TransportType.RAW
return transport_type
def transport_file_name(iface: CoreInterface) -> str:
Create name for a transport xml file.
:param iface: interface running emane
:return: transport xml file name
transport_type = get_transport_type(iface)
return f"{}-trans-{transport_type.value}.xml"
def nem_file_name(iface: CoreInterface) -> str:
Return the string name for the NEM XML file, e.g. "eth0-nem.xml"
:param iface: interface running emane
:return: nem xm file name
append = ""
if iface and iface.transport_type == TransportType.RAW:
append = "-raw"
return f"{}-nem{append}.xml"
def shim_file_name(iface: CoreInterface = None) -> str:
Return the string name for the SHIM XML file, e.g. "eth0-shim.xml"
:param iface: interface running emane
:return: shim xml file name
return f"{}-shim.xml"
def mac_file_name(iface: CoreInterface) -> str:
Return the string name for the MAC XML file, e.g. "eth0-mac.xml"
:param iface: interface running emane
:return: mac xml file name
return f"{}-mac.xml"
def phy_file_name(iface: CoreInterface) -> str:
Return the string name for the PHY XML file, e.g. "eth0-phy.xml"
:param iface: interface running emane
:return: phy xml file name
return f"{}-phy.xml"