127 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
127 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable file
# Copyright (c)2010-2013 the Boeing Company.
# See the LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# authors: Jeff Ahrenholz <jeffrey.m.ahrenholz@boeing.com>
# Randy Charland <rcharland@ll.mit.edu>
commeffect.py: EMANE CommEffect model for CORE
import sys
import string
from core.api import coreapi
from core.constants import *
from emane import EmaneModel
import emaneeventservice
import emaneeventcommeffect
except Exception, e:
class EmaneCommEffectModel(EmaneModel):
def __init__(self, session, objid = None, verbose = False):
EmaneModel.__init__(self, session, objid, verbose)
# model name
_name = "emane_commeffect"
# CommEffect parameters
_confmatrix_shim = [
("defaultconnectivity", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0',
'On,Off', 'defaultconnectivity'),
("filterfile", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '',
'', 'filter file'),
("groupid", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT32, '0',
'', 'NEM Group ID'),
("enablepromiscuousmode", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0',
'On,Off', 'enable promiscuous mode'),
("enabletighttimingmode", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0',
'On,Off', 'enable tight timing mode'),
("receivebufferperiod", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '1.0',
'', 'receivebufferperiod'),
_confmatrix = _confmatrix_shim
# value groupings
_confgroups = "CommEffect SHIM Parameters:1-%d" \
% len(_confmatrix_shim)
def buildnemxmlfiles(self, e, ifc):
''' Build the necessary nem and commeffect XMLs in the given path.
If an individual NEM has a nonstandard config, we need to build
that file also. Otherwise the WLAN-wide
nXXemane_commeffectnem.xml, nXXemane_commeffectshim.xml are used.
values = e.getifcconfig(self.objid, self._name,
self.getdefaultvalues(), ifc)
if values is None:
shimdoc = e.xmldoc("shim")
shim = shimdoc.getElementsByTagName("shim").pop()
shim.setAttribute("name", "commeffect SHIM")
shim.setAttribute("library", "commeffectshim")
names = self.getnames()
shimnames = list(names[:len(self._confmatrix_shim)])
# append all shim options (except filterfile) to shimdoc
map( lambda n: shim.appendChild(e.xmlparam(shimdoc, n, \
self.valueof(n, values))), shimnames)
# empty filterfile is not allowed
ff = self.valueof("filterfile", values)
if ff.strip() != '':
shim.appendChild(e.xmlparam(shimdoc, "filterfile", ff))
e.xmlwrite(shimdoc, self.shimxmlname(ifc))
nemdoc = e.xmldoc("nem")
nem = nemdoc.getElementsByTagName("nem").pop()
nem.setAttribute("name", "commeffect NEM")
nem.setAttribute("type", "unstructured")
nem.appendChild(e.xmlshimdefinition(nemdoc, self.shimxmlname(ifc)))
e.xmlwrite(nemdoc, self.nemxmlname(ifc))
def linkconfig(self, netif, bw = None, delay = None,
loss = None, duplicate = None, jitter = None, netif2 = None):
''' Generate CommEffect events when a Link Message is received having
link parameters.
def z(x):
''' Helper to use 0 for None values. '''
if type(x) is str:
x = float(x)
if x is None:
return 0
return int(x)
service = self.session.emane.service
if service is None:
self.session.warn("%s: EMANE event service unavailable" % \
if netif is None or netif2 is None:
self.session.warn("%s: missing NEM information" % self._name)
# TODO: batch these into multiple events per transmission
# TODO: may want to split out seconds portion of delay and jitter
event = emaneeventcommeffect.EventCommEffect(1)
index = 0
e = self.session.obj(self.objid)
nemid = e.getnemid(netif)
nemid2 = e.getnemid(netif2)
mbw = bw
event.set(index, nemid, 0, z(delay), 0, z(jitter), z(loss),
z(duplicate), long(z(bw)), long(z(mbw)))
nemid2, emaneeventservice.COMPONENTID_ANY,