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214 lines
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Unit tests for testing basic CORE networks.
import os
import threading
import pytest
from core.emulator.emudata import NodeOptions
from core.emulator.enumerations import MessageFlags, NodeTypes
from core.errors import CoreCommandError
from core.location.mobility import BasicRangeModel, Ns2ScriptedMobility
_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
_MOBILITY_FILE = os.path.join(_PATH, "mobility.scen")
_WIRED = [NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER, NodeTypes.HUB, NodeTypes.SWITCH]
def ping(from_node, to_node, ip_prefixes):
address = ip_prefixes.ip4_address(to_node)
from_node.cmd(f"ping -c 3 {address}")
status = 0
except CoreCommandError as e:
status = e.returncode
return status
class TestCore:
@pytest.mark.parametrize("net_type", _WIRED)
def test_wired_ping(self, session, net_type, ip_prefixes):
Test ptp node network.
:param session: session for test
:param core.enumerations.NodeTypes net_type: type of net node to create
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create net node
net_node = session.add_node(_type=net_type)
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
node_two = session.add_node()
# link nodes to net node
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, net_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# instantiate session
# ping n2 from n1 and assert success
status = ping(node_one, node_two, ip_prefixes)
assert not status
def test_vnode_client(self, session, ip_prefixes):
Test vnode client methods.
:param session: session for test
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create ptp
ptp_node = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
node_two = session.add_node()
# link nodes to ptp net
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, ptp_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# get node client for testing
client = node_one.client
# instantiate session
# check we are connected
assert client.connected()
# validate command
assert client.check_cmd("echo hello") == "hello"
def test_netif(self, session, ip_prefixes):
Test netif methods.
:param session: session for test
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create ptp
ptp_node = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
node_two = session.add_node()
# link nodes to ptp net
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, ptp_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# instantiate session
# check link data gets generated
assert ptp_node.all_link_data(MessageFlags.ADD.value)
# check common nets exist between linked nodes
assert node_one.commonnets(node_two)
assert node_two.commonnets(node_one)
# check we can retrieve netif index
assert node_one.getifindex(0)
assert node_two.getifindex(0)
# check interface parameters
interface = node_one.netif(0)
interface.setparam("test", 1)
assert interface.getparam("test") == 1
assert interface.getparams()
# delete netif and test that if no longer exists
assert not node_one.netif(0)
def test_wlan_ping(self, session, ip_prefixes):
Test basic wlan network.
:param core.emulator.coreemu.EmuSession session: session for test
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create wlan
wlan_node = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
session.mobility.set_model(wlan_node, BasicRangeModel)
# create nodes
options = NodeOptions(model="mdr")
options.set_position(0, 0)
node_one = session.add_node(options=options)
node_two = session.add_node(options=options)
# link nodes
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, wlan_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# instantiate session
# ping n2 from n1 and assert success
status = ping(node_one, node_two, ip_prefixes)
assert not status
def test_mobility(self, session, ip_prefixes):
Test basic wlan network.
:param core.emulator.coreemu.EmuSession session: session for test
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create wlan
wlan_node = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
session.mobility.set_model(wlan_node, BasicRangeModel)
# create nodes
options = NodeOptions(model="mdr")
options.set_position(0, 0)
node_one = session.add_node(options=options)
node_two = session.add_node(options=options)
# link nodes
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, wlan_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# configure mobility script for session
config = {
"refresh_ms": "50",
"loop": "1",
"autostart": "0.0",
"map": "",
"script_start": "",
"script_pause": "",
"script_stop": "",
session.mobility.set_model(wlan_node, Ns2ScriptedMobility, config)
# add handler for receiving node updates
event = threading.Event()
def node_update(_):
# instantiate session
# validate we receive a node message for updating its location
assert event.wait(5)