294 lines
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294 lines
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# Copyright (c)2010-2013 the Boeing Company.
# See the LICENSE file included in this distribution.
# author: Jeff Ahrenholz <jeffrey.m.ahrenholz@boeing.com>
nodes.py: definition of an EmaneNode class for implementing configuration
control of an EMANE emulation. An EmaneNode has several attached NEMs that
share the same MAC+PHY model.
import sys
from core.api import coreapi
from core.coreobj import PyCoreNet
import emaneeventservice
import emaneeventlocation
except Exception, e:
''' Don't require all CORE users to have EMANE libeventservice and its
Python bindings installed.
class EmaneNet(PyCoreNet):
''' EMANE network base class.
apitype = coreapi.CORE_NODE_EMANE
linktype = coreapi.CORE_LINK_WIRELESS
type = "wlan" # icon used
class EmaneNode(EmaneNet):
''' EMANE node contains NEM configuration and causes connected nodes
to have TAP interfaces (instead of VEth). These are managed by the
Emane controller object that exists in a session.
def __init__(self, session, objid = None, name = None, verbose = False,
start = True):
PyCoreNet.__init__(self, session, objid, name, verbose, start)
self.verbose = verbose
self.conf = ""
self.up = False
self.nemidmap = {}
self.model = None
self.mobility = None
def linkconfig(self, netif, bw = None, delay = None,
loss = None, duplicate = None, jitter = None, netif2 = None):
''' The CommEffect model supports link configuration.
if not self.model:
return self.model.linkconfig(netif=netif, bw=bw, delay=delay, loss=loss,
duplicate=duplicate, jitter=jitter, netif2=netif2)
def config(self, conf):
#print "emane", self.name, "got config:", conf
self.conf = conf
def shutdown(self):
def link(self, netif1, netif2):
def unlink(self, netif1, netif2):
def setmodel(self, model, config):
''' set the EmaneModel associated with this node
if (self.verbose):
self.info("adding model %s" % model._name)
if model._type == coreapi.CORE_TLV_REG_WIRELESS:
# EmaneModel really uses values from ConfigurableManager
# when buildnemxml() is called, not during init()
self.model = model(session=self.session, objid=self.objid,
elif model._type == coreapi.CORE_TLV_REG_MOBILITY:
self.mobility = model(session=self.session, objid=self.objid,
verbose=self.verbose, values=config)
def setnemid(self, netif, nemid):
''' Record an interface to numerical ID mapping. The Emane controller
object manages and assigns these IDs for all NEMs.
self.nemidmap[netif] = nemid
def getnemid(self, netif):
''' Given an interface, return its numerical ID.
if netif not in self.nemidmap:
return None
return self.nemidmap[netif]
def getnemnetif(self, nemid):
''' Given a numerical NEM ID, return its interface. This returns the
first interface that matches the given NEM ID.
for netif in self.nemidmap:
if self.nemidmap[netif] == nemid:
return netif
return None
def netifs(self, sort=True):
''' Retrieve list of linked interfaces sorted by node number.
return sorted(self._netif.values(), key=lambda ifc: ifc.node.objid)
def buildplatformxmlentry(self, doc):
''' Return a dictionary of XML elements describing the NEMs
connected to this EmaneNode for inclusion in the platform.xml file.
ret = {}
if self.model is None:
self.info("warning: EmaneNode %s has no associated model" % \
return ret
for netif in self.netifs():
# <nem name="NODE-001" definition="rfpipenem.xml">
nementry = self.model.buildplatformxmlnementry(doc, self, netif)
# <transport definition="transvirtual.xml" group="1">
# <param name="device" value="n1.0.158" />
# </transport>
trans = self.model.buildplatformxmltransportentry(doc, self, netif)
ret[netif] = nementry
return ret
def buildnemxmlfiles(self, emane):
''' Let the configured model build the necessary nem, mac, and phy
if self.model is None:
# build XML for overall network (EmaneNode) configs
self.model.buildnemxmlfiles(emane, ifc=None)
# build XML for specific interface (NEM) configs
need_virtual = False
need_raw = False
vtype = "virtual"
rtype = "raw"
for netif in self.netifs():
self.model.buildnemxmlfiles(emane, netif)
if "virtual" in netif.transport_type:
need_virtual = True
vtype = netif.transport_type
need_raw = True
rtype = netif.transport_type
# build transport XML files depending on type of interfaces involved
if need_virtual:
self.buildtransportxml(emane, vtype)
if need_raw:
self.buildtransportxml(emane, rtype)
def buildtransportxml(self, emane, type):
''' Write a transport XML file for the Virtual or Raw Transport.
transdoc = emane.xmldoc("transport")
trans = transdoc.getElementsByTagName("transport").pop()
trans.setAttribute("name", "%s Transport" % type.capitalize())
trans.setAttribute("library", "trans%s" % type.lower())
trans.appendChild(emane.xmlparam(transdoc, "bitrate", "0"))
flowcontrol = False
names = self.model.getnames()
values = emane.getconfig(self.objid, self.model._name,
if "flowcontrolenable" in names and values:
i = names.index("flowcontrolenable")
if self.model.booltooffon(values[i]) == "on":
flowcontrol = True
if "virtual" in type.lower():
trans.appendChild(emane.xmlparam(transdoc, "devicepath",
if flowcontrol:
trans.appendChild(emane.xmlparam(transdoc, "flowcontrolenable",
emane.xmlwrite(transdoc, self.transportxmlname(type.lower()))
def transportxmlname(self, type):
''' Return the string name for the Transport XML file,
e.g. 'n3transvirtual.xml'
return "n%strans%s.xml" % (self.objid, type)
def installnetifs(self):
''' Install TAP devices into their namespaces. This is done after
EMANE daemons have been started, because that is their only chance
to bind to the TAPs.
if not self.session.emane.doeventmonitor() and \
self.session.emane.service is None:
warntxt = "unable to publish EMANE events because the eventservice "
warntxt += "Python bindings failed to load"
self.session.exception(coreapi.CORE_EXCP_LEVEL_ERROR, self.name,
self.objid, warntxt)
for netif in self.netifs():
if "virtual" in netif.transport_type.lower():
# if we are listening for EMANE events, don't generate them
if self.session.emane.doeventmonitor():
netif.poshook = None
# at this point we register location handlers for generating
# EMANE location events
netif.poshook = self.setnemposition
(x,y,z) = netif.node.position.get()
self.setnemposition(netif, x, y, z)
def deinstallnetifs(self):
''' Uninstall TAP devices. This invokes their shutdown method for
any required cleanup; the device may be actually removed when
emanetransportd terminates.
for netif in self.netifs():
if "virtual" in netif.transport_type.lower():
netif.poshook = None
def setnemposition(self, netif, x, y, z):
''' Publish a NEM location change event using the EMANE event service.
if self.session.emane.service is None:
if self.verbose:
self.info("position service not available")
nemid = self.getnemid(netif)
ifname = netif.localname
if nemid is None:
self.info("nemid for %s is unknown" % ifname)
(lat, long, alt) = self.session.location.getgeo(x, y, z)
if self.verbose:
self.info("setnemposition %s (%s) x,y,z=(%d,%d,%s)"
"(%.6f,%.6f,%.6f)" % \
(ifname, nemid, x, y, z, lat, long, alt))
event = emaneeventlocation.EventLocation(1)
# altitude must be an integer or warning is printed
# unused: yaw, pitch, roll, azimuth, elevation, velocity
alt = int(round(alt))
event.set(0, nemid, lat, long, alt)
def setnempositions(self, moved_netifs):
''' Several NEMs have moved, from e.g. a WaypointMobilityModel
calculation. Generate an EMANE Location Event having several
entries for each netif that has moved.
if len(moved_netifs) == 0:
if self.session.emane.service is None:
if self.verbose:
self.info("position service not available")
event = emaneeventlocation.EventLocation(len(moved_netifs))
i = 0
for netif in moved_netifs:
nemid = self.getnemid(netif)
ifname = netif.localname
if nemid is None:
self.info("nemid for %s is unknown" % ifname)
(x, y, z) = netif.node.getposition()
(lat, long, alt) = self.session.location.getgeo(x, y, z)
if self.verbose:
self.info("setnempositions %d %s (%s) x,y,z=(%d,%d,%s)"
"(%.6f,%.6f,%.6f)" % \
(i, ifname, nemid, x, y, z, lat, long, alt))
# altitude must be an integer or warning is printed
alt = int(round(alt))
event.set(i, nemid, lat, long, alt)
i += 1