382 lines
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382 lines
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Defines Emane Models used within CORE.
from core import logger
from core.enumerations import ConfigDataTypes
from core.misc import utils
from core.mobility import WirelessModel
from core.xml import xmlutils
def create_config_groups(config_mac, config_matrix):
mac_len = len(config_mac)
config_len = len(config_matrix)
return "MAC Parameters:1-%d|PHY Parameters:%d-%d" % (mac_len, mac_len + 1, config_len)
def value_to_params(doc, name, value):
Helper to convert a parameter to a paramlist. Returns an XML paramlist, or None if the value does not expand to
multiple values.
:param xml.dom.minidom.Document doc: xml document
:param name: name of element for params
:param str value: value string to convert to tuple
:return: xml document with added params or None, when an invalid value has been provided
values = utils.make_tuple_fromstr(value, str)
except SyntaxError:
logger.exception("error in value string to param list")
return None
if not hasattr(values, "__iter__"):
return None
if len(values) < 2:
return None
return xmlutils.add_param_list_to_parent(doc, parent=None, name=name, values=values)
class EmaneUniversalModel(object):
This Univeral PHY model is meant to be imported by other models,
not instantiated.
name = "emane_universal"
# universal PHY parameters
_xmlname = "universalphy"
_xmllibrary = "universalphylayer"
config_matrix = [
("bandwidth", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "1M", "", "rf bandwidth (Hz)"),
("fading.model", ConfigDataTypes.STRING.value, "none", "none,event,nakagami", "Defines fading model"),
("fading.nakagami.distance0", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "100.0", "",
"Nakagami D0: distance lower bound in meters"),
("fading.nakagami.distance1", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "250.0", "",
"Nakagami D1: distance upper bound in meters"),
("fading.nakagami.m0", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "0.75", "", "Nakagami M0: shape factor for distance < D0"),
("fading.nakagami.m1", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "1.0", "",
"Nakagami M1: shape factor for distance >= D0 < D1"),
("fading.nakagami.m2", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "200.0", "",
"Nakagami M2: shape factor for distance >= D1"),
("fixedantennagain", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "0.0", "", "antenna gain (dBi)"),
("fixedantennagainenable", ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, "1", "On,Off", "enable fixed antenna gain"),
("frequency", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "2.347G", "", "frequency (Hz)"),
("frequencyofinterest", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "2.347G", "", "frequency of interest (Hz)"),
("noisebinsize", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "20", "", "noise bin size in microseconds"),
("noisemaxclampenable", ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, "0", "On,Off", "Noise max clamp enable"),
("noisemaxmessagepropagation", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "200000", "",
"Noise maximum message propagation in microsecond"),
("noisemaxsegmentduration", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "1000000", "",
"Noise maximum segment duration in microseconds"),
("noisemaxsegmentoffset", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "300000", "",
"Noise maximum segment offset in microseconds"),
("noisemode", ConfigDataTypes.STRING.value, "none", "none,all,outofband", "noise processing mode"),
("propagationmodel", ConfigDataTypes.STRING.value, "2ray", "precomputed,2ray,freespace", "path loss mode"),
("subid", ConfigDataTypes.UINT16.value, "1", "", "subid"),
("systemnoisefigure", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "4.0", "", "system noise figure (dB)"),
("timesyncthreshold", ConfigDataTypes.UINT64.value, "10000", "", "Time sync threshold"),
("txpower", ConfigDataTypes.FLOAT.value, "0.0", "", "transmit power (dBm)"),
def __init__(self, session, object_id=None):
raise NotImplemented("Cannot use this class directly")
def get_phy_doc(cls, emane_manager, emane_model, values, phy_names):
Create a phy doc for a model based on the universal model.
:param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: core emane manager
:param core.emane.emanemodel.EmaneModel emane_model: model to create phy doc for
:param tuple values: emane model configuration values
:param phy_names: names for phy configuration values
phy_document = emane_manager.xmldoc("phy")
phy_element = phy_document.getElementsByTagName("phy").pop()
phy_element.setAttribute("name", cls._xmlname)
name = "frequencyofinterest"
value = emane_model.valueof(name, values)
frequencies = value_to_params(phy_document, name, value)
if frequencies:
phy_names = list(phy_names)
# append all PHY options to phydoc
for name in phy_names:
value = emane_model.valueof(name, values)
param = emane_manager.xmlparam(phy_document, name, value)
if frequencies:
return phy_document
class EmaneModel(WirelessModel):
EMANE models inherit from this parent class, which takes care of
handling configuration messages based on the list of
configurable parameters. Helper functions also live here.
_config_mac = []
_config_phy = EmaneUniversalModel.config_matrix
library = None
config_ignore = set()
config_matrix = _config_mac + _config_phy
config_groups = create_config_groups(_config_mac, config_matrix)
def __init__(self, session, object_id=None):
WirelessModel.__init__(self, session, object_id)
def build_xml_files(self, emane_manager, interface):
Builds xml files for emane. Includes a nem.xml file that points to both mac.xml and phy.xml definitions.
:param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: core emane manager
:param interface: interface for the emane node
:return: nothing
# retrieve configuration values
values = emane_manager.getifcconfig(self.object_id, self.name, self.getdefaultvalues(), interface)
if values is None:
# create document and write to disk
nem_name = self.nem_name(interface)
nem_document = self.create_nem_doc(emane_manager, interface)
emane_manager.xmlwrite(nem_document, nem_name)
# create mac document and write to disk
mac_name = self.mac_name(interface)
mac_document = self.create_mac_doc(emane_manager, values)
if mac_document:
emane_manager.xmlwrite(mac_document, mac_name)
# create phy document and write to disk
phy_name = self.phy_name(interface)
phy_document = self.create_phy_doc(emane_manager, values)
if phy_document:
emane_manager.xmlwrite(phy_document, phy_name)
def create_nem_doc(self, emane_manager, interface):
mac_name = self.mac_name(interface)
phy_name = self.phy_name(interface)
nem_document = emane_manager.xmldoc("nem")
nem_element = nem_document.getElementsByTagName("nem").pop()
nem_element.setAttribute("name", "%s NEM" % self.name)
emane_manager.appendtransporttonem(nem_document, nem_element, self.object_id, interface)
mac_element = nem_document.createElement("mac")
mac_element.setAttribute("definition", mac_name)
phy_element = nem_document.createElement("phy")
phy_element.setAttribute("definition", phy_name)
return nem_document
def create_mac_doc(self, emane_manager, values):
names = list(self.getnames())
mac_names = names[:len(self._config_mac)]
mac_document = emane_manager.xmldoc("mac")
mac_element = mac_document.getElementsByTagName("mac").pop()
mac_element.setAttribute("name", "%s MAC" % self.name)
if not self.library:
raise ValueError("must define emane model library")
mac_element.setAttribute("library", self.library)
for name in mac_names:
if name in self.config_ignore:
value = self.valueof(name, values)
param = emane_manager.xmlparam(mac_document, name, value)
return mac_document
def create_phy_doc(self, emane_manager, values):
names = list(self.getnames())
phy_names = names[len(self._config_mac):]
return EmaneUniversalModel.get_phy_doc(emane_manager, self, values, phy_names)
def configure_emane(cls, session, config_data):
Handle configuration messages for configuring an emane model.
:param core.session.Session session: session to configure emane
:param core.conf.ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration
return cls.configure(session.emane, config_data)
def post_startup(self, emane_manager):
Logic to execute after the emane manager is finished with startup.
:param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: emane manager for the session
:return: nothing
logger.info("emane model(%s) has no post setup tasks", self.name)
def build_nem_xml(self, doc, emane_node, interface):
Build the NEM definition that goes into the platform.xml file.
This returns an XML element that will be added to the <platform/> element.
This default method supports per-interface config (e.g. <nem definition="n2_0_63emane_rfpipe.xml" id="1">
or per-EmaneNode config (e.g. <nem definition="n1emane_rfpipe.xml" id="1">.
This can be overriden by a model for NEM flexibility; n is the EmaneNode.
<nem name="NODE-001" definition="rfpipenem.xml">
:param xml.dom.minidom.Document doc: xml document
:param core.emane.nodes.EmaneNode emane_node: emane node to get information from
:param interface: interface for the emane node
:return: created platform xml
# if this netif contains a non-standard (per-interface) config,
# then we need to use a more specific xml file here
nem_name = self.nem_name(interface)
nem = doc.createElement("nem")
nem.setAttribute("name", interface.localname)
nem.setAttribute("definition", nem_name)
return nem
def build_transport_xml(self, doc, emane_node, interface):
Build the transport definition that goes into the platform.xml file.
This returns an XML element that will be added to the nem definition.
This default method supports raw and virtual transport types, but may be
overridden by a model to support the e.g. pluggable virtual transport.
<transport definition="transvirtual.xml" group="1">
<param name="device" value="n1.0.158" />
:param xml.dom.minidom.Document doc: xml document
:param core.emane.nodes.EmaneNode emane_node: emane node to get information from
:param interface: interface for the emane node
:return: created transport xml
transport_type = interface.transport_type
if not transport_type:
logger.info("warning: %s interface type unsupported!", interface.name)
transport_type = "raw"
transport_name = emane_node.transportxmlname(transport_type)
transport = doc.createElement("transport")
transport.setAttribute("definition", transport_name)
param = doc.createElement("param")
param.setAttribute("name", "device")
param.setAttribute("value", interface.name)
return transport
def _basename(self, interface=None):
Create name that is leveraged for configuration file creation.
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: basename used for file creation
:rtype: str
name = "n%s" % self.object_id
emane_manager = self.session.emane
if interface:
node_id = interface.node.objid
if emane_manager.getifcconfig(node_id, self.name, None, interface) is not None:
name = interface.localname.replace(".", "_")
return "%s%s" % (name, self.name)
def nem_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the NEM XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipenem.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: nem xml filename
:rtype: str
basename = self._basename(interface)
append = ""
if interface and interface.transport_type == "raw":
append = "_raw"
return "%snem%s.xml" % (basename, append)
def shim_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the SHIM XML file, e.g. "commeffectshim.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: shim xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%sshim.xml" % self._basename(interface)
def mac_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the MAC XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipemac.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: mac xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%smac.xml" % self._basename(interface)
def phy_name(self, interface=None):
Return the string name for the PHY XML file, e.g. "n3rfpipephy.xml"
:param interface: interface for this model
:return: phy xml filename
:rtype: str
return "%sphy.xml" % self._basename(interface)
def update(self, moved, moved_netifs):
Invoked from MobilityModel when nodes are moved; this causes
emane location events to be generated for the nodes in the moved
list, making EmaneModels compatible with Ns2ScriptedMobility.
:param bool moved: were nodes moved
:param list moved_netifs: interfaces that were moved
wlan = self.session.get_object(self.object_id)
except KeyError:
logger.exception("error during update")
def linkconfig(self, netif, bw=None, delay=None, loss=None, duplicate=None, jitter=None, netif2=None):
Invoked when a Link Message is received. Default is unimplemented.
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif: interface one
:param bw: bandwidth to set to
:param delay: packet delay to set to
:param loss: packet loss to set to
:param duplicate: duplicate percentage to set to
:param jitter: jitter to set to
:param core.netns.vif.Veth netif2: interface two
:return: nothing
logger.warn("emane model(%s) does not support link configuration", self.name)