2021-04-21 21:09:35 -07:00
.. refactored new apis to sit under the emulator module, also reverted moving files under a legacy module to help avoid breaking code using core internals for 5.0+ 2018-05-01 10:40:25 -07:00 updates to python based logging to use module named loggers, updated logging config file to align with these changes 2021-04-21 21:09:35 -07:00 daemon: added link option to configure buffer, added support in pygui to allow configuring buffer 2020-11-30 16:49:44 -08:00 updates to python based logging to use module named loggers, updated logging config file to align with these changes 2021-04-21 21:09:35 -07:00 daemon: properly go through the data collect state for grpc session shutdown, also check and avoid repeating data collect or shutdown when already past those states 2020-12-05 09:01:53 -08:00 updates to python based logging to use module named loggers, updated logging config file to align with these changes 2021-04-21 21:09:35 -07:00 daemon: updated to use dataclasses for config classes, updated naming and referencing. updated configurable options to self validate default values align with the config type. updated the example emane model to better align with the current state of things 2021-03-31 11:13:40 -07:00