211 lines
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211 lines
6.4 KiB
import json
import logging
import os
from core import utils
from core.emulator.enumerations import NodeTypes
from core.errors import CoreCommandError
from core.nodes.base import CoreNode
class DockerClient(object):
def __init__(self, name, image):
self.name = name
self.image = image
self.pid = None
def create_container(self):
"docker run -td --init --net=none --hostname {name} --name {name} "
"--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 "
"{image} /bin/bash".format(
self.pid = self.get_pid()
return self.pid
def get_info(self):
args = "docker inspect {name}".format(name=self.name)
output = utils.check_cmd(args)
data = json.loads(output)
if not data:
raise CoreCommandError(
-1, args, "docker({name}) not present".format(name=self.name)
return data[0]
def is_alive(self):
data = self.get_info()
return data["State"]["Running"]
except CoreCommandError:
return False
def stop_container(self):
utils.check_cmd("docker rm -f {name}".format(
def check_cmd(self, cmd):
if isinstance(cmd, list):
cmd = " ".join(cmd)
logging.info("docker cmd output: %s", cmd)
return utils.check_cmd("docker exec {name} {cmd}".format(
def ns_cmd(self, cmd, wait):
if isinstance(cmd, list):
cmd = " ".join(cmd)
args = "nsenter -t {pid} -u -i -p -n {cmd}".format(
return utils.check_cmd(args, wait=wait)
def get_pid(self):
args = "docker inspect -f '{{{{.State.Pid}}}}' {name}".format(name=self.name)
output = utils.check_cmd(args)
self.pid = output
logging.debug("node(%s) pid: %s", self.name, self.pid)
return output
def copy_file(self, source, destination):
args = "docker cp {source} {name}:{destination}".format(
return utils.check_cmd(args)
class DockerNode(CoreNode):
apitype = NodeTypes.DOCKER.value
def __init__(self, session, _id=None, name=None, nodedir=None, bootsh="boot.sh", start=True, image=None):
Create a DockerNode instance.
:param core.emulator.session.Session session: core session instance
:param int _id: object id
:param str name: object name
:param str nodedir: node directory
:param str bootsh: boot shell to use
:param bool start: start flag
:param str image: image to start container with
if image is None:
image = "ubuntu"
self.image = image
super(DockerNode, self).__init__(session, _id, name, nodedir, bootsh, start)
def alive(self):
Check if the node is alive.
:return: True if node is alive, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
return self.client.is_alive()
def startup(self):
Start a new namespace node by invoking the vnoded process that
allocates a new namespace. Bring up the loopback device and set
the hostname.
:return: nothing
with self.lock:
if self.up:
raise ValueError("starting a node that is already up")
self.client = DockerClient(self.name, self.image)
self.pid = self.client.create_container()
self.up = True
def shutdown(self):
Shutdown logic.
:return: nothing
# nothing to do if node is not up
if not self.up:
with self.lock:
self.up = False
def node_net_cmd(self, args, wait=True):
if not self.up:
logging.debug("node down, not running network command: %s", args)
return ""
return self.client.ns_cmd(args, wait)
def termcmdstring(self, sh="/bin/sh"):
Create a terminal command string.
:param str sh: shell to execute command in
:return: str
return "docker exec -it {name} bash".format(name=self.name)
def privatedir(self, path):
Create a private directory.
:param str path: path to create
:return: nothing
logging.debug("creating node dir: %s", path)
args = "mkdir -p {path}".format(path=path)
def mount(self, source, target):
Create and mount a directory.
:param str source: source directory to mount
:param str target: target directory to create
:return: nothing
:raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs
logging.debug("mounting source(%s) target(%s)", source, target)
raise Exception("not supported")
def nodefile(self, filename, contents, mode=0o644):
Create a node file with a given mode.
:param str filename: name of file to create
:param contents: contents of file
:param int mode: mode for file
:return: nothing
logging.debug("node dir(%s) ctrlchannel(%s)", self.nodedir, self.ctrlchnlname)
logging.debug("nodefile filename(%s) mode(%s)", filename, mode)
file_path = os.path.join(self.nodedir, filename)
with open(file_path, "w") as f:
os.chmod(f.name, mode)
self.client.copy_file(file_path, filename)
def nodefilecopy(self, filename, srcfilename, mode=None):
Copy a file to a node, following symlinks and preserving metadata.
Change file mode if specified.
:param str filename: file name to copy file to
:param str srcfilename: file to copy
:param int mode: mode to copy to
:return: nothing
logging.info("node file copy file(%s) source(%s) mode(%s)", filename, srcfilename, mode)
raise Exception("not supported")