2020-10-11 12:06:35 -07:00
.. updates to layout core module packages in a more logical way, including renaming methods from objects to nodes and nodes.objid to 2019-04-29 23:31:47 -07:00 daemon: refactored missed LinkTlv INTERFACE_NAME fields to IFACE_NAME to match other refactoring done in 7.0.0 release 2020-08-17 20:04:42 -07:00 docs: updated example custom emane model to use type hinting and embedded it into the emane documentation page, daemon: adjustment to correct rj45 not being provided an iface id when deleting a link from core tlv 2020-10-11 12:06:35 -07:00 added flake8/black, pre-commit integration for flake8/black, and black formatting changes 2019-09-10 15:10:24 -07:00 daemon: refactored NodeData to reference a node instead of replicating fields as an intermediate passthrough, removed data() functions from nodes due to this change 2020-06-18 09:06:31 -07:00 daemon: refactored missed LinkTlv INTERFACE_NAME fields to IFACE_NAME to match other refactoring done in 7.0.0 release 2020-08-17 20:04:42 -07:00 first pass at removing all python2 specific dependencies, updating python requirements.txt/, and removing python2 compat imports 2019-10-17 14:52:31 -07:00