995 lines
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995 lines
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import atexit
import os
import signal
import sys
import core.services
from core import logger
from core.coreobj import PyCoreNode, PyCoreNet
from core.data import NodeData
from core.emane.nodes import EmaneNode
from core.enumerations import NodeTypes, EventTypes, LinkTypes
from core.misc import nodeutils
from core.misc.ipaddress import Ipv4Prefix
from core.netns.nodes import CoreNode
from core.session import Session
from core.xml.xmlparser import core_document_parser
from core.xml.xmlwriter import core_document_writer
def signal_handler(signal_number, _):
Handle signals and force an exit with cleanup.
:param int signal_number: signal number
:param _: ignored
:return: nothing
logger.info("caught signal: %s", signal_number)
signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, signal_handler)
class InterfaceData(object):
Convenience class for storing interface data.
def __init__(self, _id, name, mac, ip4, ip4_mask, ip6, ip6_mask):
Creates an InterfaceData object.
:param int _id:
:param str name:
:param str mac:
:param str ip4:
:param int ip4_mask:
:param str ip6:
:param int ip6_mask:
self.id = _id
self.name = name
self.mac = mac
self.ip4 = ip4
self.ip4_mask = ip4_mask
self.ip6 = ip6
self.ip6_mask = ip6_mask
def has_ip4(self):
return all([self.ip4, self.ip4_mask])
def has_ip6(self):
return all([self.ip6, self.ip6_mask])
def ip4_address(self):
if self.has_ip4():
return "%s/%s" % (self.ip4, self.ip4_mask)
return None
def ip6_address(self):
if self.has_ip6():
return "%s/%s" % (self.ip6, self.ip6_mask)
return None
def get_addresses(self):
ip4 = self.ip4_address()
ip6 = self.ip6_address()
return [i for i in [ip4, ip6] if i]
def get_interfaces(link_data):
Creates interface data objects for the interfaces defined within link data.
:param core.data.LinkData link_data: data to create interface data from
:return: interface one and two data
:rtype: tuple[InterfaceData]
interface_one = InterfaceData(
interface_two = InterfaceData(
return interface_one, interface_two
def create_interface(node, network, interface_data):
Create an interface for a node on a network using provided interface data.
:param node: node to create interface for
:param network: network to associate interface with
:param InterfaceData interface_data: interface data
:return: created interface
return node.netif(interface_data.id, network)
def link_config(network, interface, link_data, devname=None, interface_two=None):
Convenience method for configuring a link,
:param network: network to configure link for
:param interface: interface to configure
:param core.data.LinkData link_data: data to configure link with
:param str devname: device name, default is None
:param interface_two: other interface associated, default is None
:return: nothing
config = {
"netif": interface,
"bw": link_data.bandwidth,
"delay": link_data.delay,
"loss": link_data.per,
"duplicate": link_data.dup,
"jitter": link_data.jitter,
"netif2": interface_two
# hacky check here, because physical and emane nodes do not conform to the same linkconfig interface
if not nodeutils.is_node(network, [NodeTypes.EMANE, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL]):
config["devname"] = devname
def is_net_node(node):
Convenience method for testing if a legacy core node is considered a network node.
:param object node: object to test against
:return: True if object is an instance of a network node, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(node, PyCoreNet)
def is_core_node(node):
Convenience method for testing if a legacy core node is considered a core node.
:param object node: object to test against
:return: True if object is an instance of a core node, False otherwise
:rtype: bool
return isinstance(node, PyCoreNode)
class IdGen(object):
def __init__(self, _id=0):
self.id = _id
def next(self):
self.id += 1
return self.id
class FutureIpv4Prefix(Ipv4Prefix):
def get_address(self, node_id):
address = self.addr(node_id)
return "%s/%s" % (address, self.prefixlen)
class FutureSession(Session):
def __init__(self, session_id, config=None, persistent=True, mkdir=True):
super(FutureSession, self).__init__(session_id, config, persistent, mkdir)
# object management
self.node_id_gen = IdGen()
# set default services
self.services.defaultservices = {
"mdr": ("zebra", "OSPFv3MDR", "IPForward"),
"PC": ("DefaultRoute",),
"prouter": ("zebra", "OSPFv2", "OSPFv3", "IPForward"),
"router": ("zebra", "OSPFv2", "OSPFv3", "IPForward"),
"host": ("DefaultRoute", "SSH"),
def link_nodes(self, link_data):
Convenience method for retrieving nodes within link data.
:param core.data.LinkData link_data: data to retrieve nodes from
:return: nodes, network nodes if presetn, and tunnel
:rtype: tuple
logger.info("link message between node1(%s:%s) and node2(%s:%s)",
link_data.node1_id, link_data.interface1_id, link_data.node2_id, link_data.interface2_id)
# values to fill
net_one = None
net_two = None
# retrieve node one
n1_id = link_data.node1_id
n2_id = link_data.node2_id
node_one = self.get_object(n1_id)
node_two = self.get_object(n2_id)
# both node ids are provided
tunnel = self.broker.gettunnel(n1_id, n2_id)
logger.info("tunnel between nodes: %s", tunnel)
if nodeutils.is_node(tunnel, NodeTypes.TAP_BRIDGE):
net_one = tunnel
if tunnel.remotenum == n1_id:
node_one = None
node_two = None
# physical node connected via gre tap tunnel
elif tunnel:
if tunnel.remotenum == n1_id:
node_one = None
node_two = None
if is_net_node(node_one):
if not net_one:
net_one = node_one
net_two = node_one
node_one = None
if is_net_node(node_two):
if not net_one:
net_one = node_two
net_two = node_two
node_two = None
logger.info("link node types n1(%s) n2(%s) net1(%s) net2(%s) tunnel(%s)",
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel)
return node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel
# TODO: this doesn't appear to ever be used, EMANE or basic wireless range
def _link_wireless(self, objects, connect):
Objects to deal with when connecting/disconnecting wireless links.
:param list objects: possible objects to deal with
:param bool connect: link interfaces if True, unlink otherwise
:return: nothing
objects = [x for x in objects if x]
if len(objects) < 2:
raise ValueError("wireless link failure: %s", objects)
logger.info("handling wireless linking objects(%) connect(%s)", objects, connect)
common_networks = objects[0].commonnets(objects[1])
for common_network, interface_one, interface_two in common_networks:
if not nodeutils.is_node(common_network, [NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN, NodeTypes.EMANE]):
logger.info("skipping common network that is not wireless/emane: %s", common_network)
logger.info("wireless linking connect(%s): %s - %s", connect, interface_one, interface_two)
if connect:
common_network.link(interface_one, interface_two)
common_network.unlink(interface_one, interface_two)
raise ValueError("no common network found for wireless link/unlink")
def link_add(self, link_data):
Add a link between nodes.
:param core.data.LinkData link_data: data to create a link with
:return: nothing
# interface data
interface_one_data, interface_two_data = get_interfaces(link_data)
# get node objects identified by link data
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel = self.link_nodes(link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
# wireless link
if link_data.link_type == LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value:
objects = [node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two]
self._link_wireless(objects, connect=True)
# wired link
# 2 nodes being linked, ptp network
if all([node_one, node_two]) and not net_one:
ptp_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
start = self.state > EventTypes.DEFINITION_STATE.value
net_one = self.add_object(cls=ptp_class, start=start)
# node to network
if node_one and net_one:
interface = create_interface(node_one, net_one, interface_one_data)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
# network to node
if node_two and net_one:
interface = create_interface(node_two, net_one, interface_two_data)
if not link_data.unidirectional:
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
# network to network
if net_one and net_two:
if nodeutils.is_node(net_two, NodeTypes.RJ45):
interface = net_two.linknet(net_one)
interface = net_one.linknet(net_two)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
if not link_data.unidirectional:
link_config(net_two, interface, link_data, devname=interface.name)
# a tunnel node was found for the nodes
addresses = []
if not node_one and net_one:
if not node_two and net_two:
# tunnel node logic
key = link_data.key
if key and nodeutils.is_node(net_one, NodeTypes.TUNNEL):
if addresses:
if key and nodeutils.is_node(net_two, NodeTypes.TUNNEL):
if addresses:
# physical node connected with tunnel
if not net_one and not net_two and (node_one or node_two):
if node_one and nodeutils.is_node(node_one, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL):
addresses = interface_one_data.get_addresses()
node_one.adoptnetif(tunnel, link_data.interface1_id, link_data.interface1_mac, addresses)
link_config(node_one, tunnel, link_data)
elif node_two and nodeutils.is_node(node_two, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL):
addresses = interface_two_data.get_addresses()
node_two.adoptnetif(tunnel, link_data.interface2_id, link_data.interface2_mac, addresses)
link_config(node_two, tunnel, link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
def link_delete(self, link_data):
Delete a link between nodes.
:param core.data.LinkData link_data: data to delete link with
:return: nothing
# interface data
interface_one_data, interface_two_data = get_interfaces(link_data)
# get node objects identified by link data
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel = self.link_nodes(link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
# wireless link
if link_data.link_type == LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value:
objects = [node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two]
self._link_wireless(objects, connect=False)
# wired link
if all([node_one, node_two]):
# TODO: fix this for the case where ifindex[1,2] are not specified
# a wired unlink event, delete the connecting bridge
interface_one = node_one.netif(interface_one_data.id)
interface_two = node_two.netif(interface_two_data.id)
# get interfaces from common network, if no network node
# otherwise get interfaces between a node and network
if not interface_one and not interface_two:
common_networks = node_one.commonnets(node_two)
for network, common_interface_one, common_interface_two in common_networks:
if (net_one and network == net_one) or not net_one:
interface_one = common_interface_one
interface_two = common_interface_two
logger.info("deleting link for interfaces interface_one(%s) interface_two(%s)",
interface_one, interface_two)
if all([interface_one, interface_two]) and any([interface_one.net, interface_two.net]):
if interface_one.net != interface_two.net and all([interface_one.up, interface_two.up]):
raise ValueError("no common network found")
net_one = interface_one.net
if net_one.numnetif() == 0:
if node_one:
if node_two:
def link_update(self, link_data):
Update link information between nodes.
:param core.data.LinkData link_data: data to update link with
:return: nothing
# interface data
interface_one_data, interface_two_data = get_interfaces(link_data)
# get node objects identified by link data
node_one, node_two, net_one, net_two, tunnel = self.link_nodes(link_data)
if node_one:
if node_two:
# wireless link
if link_data.link_type == LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value:
raise ValueError("cannot update wireless link")
if not node_one and not node_two:
if net_one and net_two:
# modify link between nets
interface = net_one.getlinknetif(net_two)
upstream = False
if not interface:
upstream = True
interface = net_two.getlinknetif(net_one)
if not interface:
raise ValueError("modify unknown link between nets")
if upstream:
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data, devname=interface.name)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
if not link_data.unidirectional:
if upstream:
link_config(net_two, interface, link_data)
link_config(net_two, interface, link_data, devname=interface.name)
raise ValueError("modify link for unknown nodes")
elif not node_one:
# node1 = layer 2node, node2 = layer3 node
interface = node_two.netif(interface_two_data.id, net_one)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
elif not node_two:
# node2 = layer 2node, node1 = layer3 node
interface = node_one.netif(interface_one_data.id, net_one)
link_config(net_one, interface, link_data)
common_networks = node_one.commonnets(node_two)
for net_one, interface_one, interface_two in common_networks:
if interface_one_data.id and interface_one_data.id != node_one.getifindex(interface_one):
link_config(net_one, interface_one, link_data, interface_two=interface_two)
if not link_data.unidirectional:
link_config(net_one, interface_two, link_data, interface_two=interface_one)
raise ValueError("no common network found")
if node_one:
if node_two:
def node_add(self, node_data):
Add a node to the session, based on the provided node data.
:param core.data.NodeData node_data: data to create node with
:return: nothing
# retrieve node class for given node type
node_type = NodeTypes(node_data.node_type)
node_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(node_type)
except KeyError:
logger.error("invalid node type to create: %s", node_data.node_type)
return None
# set node start based on current session state, override and check when rj45
start = self.state > EventTypes.DEFINITION_STATE.value
enable_rj45 = getattr(self.options, "enablerj45", "0") == "1"
if node_type == NodeTypes.RJ45 and not enable_rj45:
start = False
# determine node id
node_id = node_data.id
if not node_id:
while True:
node_id = self.node_id_gen.next()
if node_id not in self.objects:
# generate name if not provided
name = node_data.name
if not name:
name = "%s%s" % (node_class.__name__, node_id)
# create node
logger.info("creating node(%s) id(%s) name(%s) start(%s)", node_class, node_id, name, start)
node = self.add_object(cls=node_class, objid=node_id, name=name, start=start)
# set node attributes
node.type = node_data.model or "router"
node.icon = node_data.icon
node.canvas = node_data.canvas
node.opaque = node_data.opaque
# set node position and broadcast it
self.node_set_position(node, node_data)
# add services to default and physical nodes only
services = node_data.services
if node_type in [NodeTypes.DEFAULT, NodeTypes.PHYSICAL]:
logger.info("setting model (%s) with services (%s)", node.type, services)
self.services.addservicestonode(node, node.type, services)
# boot nodes if created after runtime, LcxNodes, Physical, and RJ45 are all PyCoreNodes
is_boot_node = isinstance(node, PyCoreNode) and not nodeutils.is_node(node, NodeTypes.RJ45)
if self.state == EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE.value and is_boot_node:
self.add_remove_control_interface(node=node, remove=False)
# TODO: common method to both Physical and LxcNodes, but not the common PyCoreNode
# return node id, in case it was generated
return node_id
def node_update(self, node_data):
Update node information.
:param core.data.NodeData node_data: data to update node with
:return: nothing
# get node to update
node = self.get_object(node_data.id)
# set node position and broadcast it
self.node_set_position(node, node_data)
# update attributes
node.canvas = node_data.canvas
node.icon = node_data.icon
except KeyError:
logger.error("failure to update node that does not exist: %s", node_data.id)
def node_delete(self, node_id):
Delete a node from the session and check if session should shutdown, if no nodes are left.
:param int node_id:
:return: True if node deleted, False otherwise
# delete node and check for session shutdown if a node was removed
result = self.custom_delete_object(node_id)
if result:
return result
def node_set_position(self, node, node_data):
Set position for a node, use lat/lon/alt if needed.
:param node: node to set position for
:param NodeData node_data: data for node
:return: nothing
# extract location values
x = node_data.x_position
y = node_data.y_position
lat = node_data.latitude
lon = node_data.longitude
alt = node_data.altitude
# check if we need to generate position from lat/lon/alt
has_empty_position = all(i is None for i in [x, y])
has_lat_lon_alt = all(i is not None for i in [lat, lon, alt])
using_lat_lon_alt = has_empty_position and has_lat_lon_alt
if using_lat_lon_alt:
x, y, _ = self.location.getxyz(lat, lon, alt)
# set position and broadcast
node.setposition(x, y, None)
# broadcast updated location when using lat/lon/alt
if using_lat_lon_alt:
def broadcast_node_location(self, node):
Broadcast node location to all listeners.
:param core.netns.nodes.PyCoreObj node: node to broadcast location for
:return: nothing
node_data = NodeData(
def start_mobility(self, node_ids=None):
Start mobility for the provided node ids.
:param list[int] node_ids: nodes to start mobility for
:return: nothing
def shutdown(self):
Shutdown session.
:return: nothing
self.set_state(state=EventTypes.DATACOLLECT_STATE.value, send_event=True)
self.set_state(state=EventTypes.SHUTDOWN_STATE.value, send_event=True)
super(FutureSession, self).shutdown()
def custom_delete_object(self, object_id):
Remove an emulation object.
:param int object_id: object id to remove
:return: True if object deleted, False otherwise
result = False
with self._objects_lock:
if object_id in self.objects:
obj = self.objects.pop(object_id)
result = True
return result
def is_active(self):
Determine if this session is considered to be active. (Runtime or Data collect states)
:return: True if active, False otherwise
result = self.state in {EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE.value, EventTypes.DATACOLLECT_STATE.value}
logger.info("checking if session is active: %s", result)
return result
def open_xml(self, file_name, start=False):
Import a session from the EmulationScript XML format.
:param str file_name: xml file to load session from
:param bool start: instantiate session if true, false otherwise
:return: nothing
# clear out existing session
# set default node class when one is not provided
node_class = nodeutils.get_node_class(NodeTypes.DEFAULT)
options = {"start": start, "nodecls": node_class}
core_document_parser(self, file_name, options)
if start:
self.name = os.path.basename(file_name)
self.file_name = file_name
def save_xml(self, file_name, version):
Export a session to the EmulationScript XML format.
:param str file_name: file name to write session xml to
:param str version: xml version type
:return: nothing
doc = core_document_writer(self, version)
def hook_add(self, state, file_name, source_name, data):
Store a hook from a received file message.
:param int state: when to run hook
:param str file_name: file name for hook
:param str source_name: source name
:param data: hook data
:return: nothing
# hack to conform with old logic until updated
state = ":%s" % state
self.set_hook(state, file_name, source_name, data)
def node_service_file(self, node_id, service_name, file_name, source_name, data):
Add a service file for a node.
:param int node_id: node to add service file to
:param str service_name: service file to add
:param str file_name: file name to use
:param str source_name: source file
:param str data: file data to save
:return: nothing
# hack to conform with old logic until updated
service_name = ":%s" % service_name
self.services.setservicefile(node_id, service_name, file_name, source_name, data)
def node_file(self, node_id, source_name, file_name, data):
Add a file to a node.
:param int node_id: node to add file to
:param str source_name: source file name
:param str file_name: file name to add
:param str data: file data
:return: nothing
node = self.get_object(node_id)
if source_name is not None:
node.addfile(source_name, file_name)
elif data is not None:
node.nodefile(file_name, data)
def clear(self):
Clear all CORE session data. (objects, hooks, broker)
:return: nothing
def start_events(self):
Start event loop.
:return: nothing
def services_event(self, event_data):
Handle a service event.
:param core.data.EventData event_data: event data to handle
def mobility_event(self, event_data):
Handle a mobility event.
:param core.data.EventData event_data: event data to handle
:return: nothing
def create_node(self, cls, name=None, model=None):
Create a node
:param cls:
:param name:
:param model:
object_id = self.node_id_gen.next()
if not name:
name = "%s%s" % (cls.__name__, object_id)
node = self.add_object(cls=cls, name=name, objid=object_id)
node.type = model
if node.type:
self.services.addservicestonode(node, node.type, services_str=None)
return node
def create_emane_node(self, name=None):
Create an EMANE node for use within an EMANE network.
:param str name: name to five node
:return: CoreNode
return self.create_node(cls=CoreNode, name=name, model="mdr")
def create_emane_network(self, model, geo_reference, geo_scale=None, name=None):
Convenience method for creating an emane network.
:param model: emane model to use for emane network
:param geo_reference: geo reference point to use for emane node locations
:param geo_scale: geo scale to use for emane node locations, defaults to 1.0
:param name: name for emane network, defaults to node class name
:return: create emane network
# required to be set for emane to function properly
if geo_scale:
self.location.refscale = geo_scale
# create and return network
emane_network = self.create_node(cls=EmaneNode, name=name)
self.set_emane_model(emane_network, model)
return emane_network
def set_emane_model(self, emane_node, model):
Set emane model for a given emane node.
:param emane_node: emane node to set model for
:param model: emane model to set
:return: nothing
values = list(model.getdefaultvalues())
self.emane.setconfig(emane_node.objid, model.name, values)
class CoreEmu(object):
Provides logic for creating and configuring CORE sessions and the nodes within them.
def __init__(self, config=None):
Create a CoreEmu object.
:param dict config: configuration options
# configuration
self.config = config
# session management
self.session_id_gen = IdGen(_id=59999)
self.sessions = {}
# load default services
# catch exit event
def shutdown(self):
Shutdown all CORE session.
:return: nothing
logger.info("shutting down all session")
for session in self.sessions.values():
def create_session(self, _id=None, master=False):
Create a new CORE session, set to master if running standalone.
:param int _id: session id for new session
:param bool master: sets session to master
:return: created session
:rtype: FutureSession
session_id = _id
if not session_id:
while True:
session_id = self.session_id_gen.next()
if session_id not in self.sessions:
session = FutureSession(session_id, config=self.config)
logger.info("created session: %s", session_id)
if master:
session.master = True
self.sessions[session_id] = session
return session
def delete_session(self, _id):
Deletes a CORE session.
:param int _id: session id to delete
:return: nothing
logger.info("deleting session: %s", _id)
session = self.sessions.pop(_id, None)
if not session:
logger.error("session to delete did not exist: %s", _id)
def set_wireless_model(self, node, model):
Convenience method for setting a wireless model.
:param node: node to set wireless model for
:param core.mobility.WirelessModel model: wireless model to set node to
:return: nothing
values = list(model.getdefaultvalues())
node.setmodel(model, values)
def wireless_link_all(self, network, nodes):
Link all nodes to the provided wireless network.
:param network: wireless network to link nodes to
:param nodes: nodes to link to wireless network
:return: nothing
for node in nodes:
for common_network, interface_one, interface_two in node.commonnets(network):
common_network.link(interface_one, interface_two)
def add_interface(self, network, node, prefix):
Convenience method for adding an interface with a prefix based on node id.
:param network: network to add interface with
:param node: node to add interface to
:param prefix: prefix to get address from for interface
:return: created interface
address = prefix.get_address(node.objid)
interface_index = node.newnetif(network, [address])
return node.netif(interface_index)