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527 lines
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Unit tests for testing basic CORE networks.
import os
import stat
import threading
import time
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import pytest
from mock import MagicMock
from conftest import EMANE_SERVICES
from core.data import ConfigData
from core.enumerations import MessageFlags
from core.mobility import BasicRangeModel
from core.netns import nodes
from core.netns import vnodeclient
from core.netns.vnodeclient import VnodeClient
from core.phys.pnodes import PhysicalNode
from core.service import ServiceManager
from core.xml import xmlsession
_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
_SERVICES_PATH = os.path.join(_PATH, "myservices")
_MOBILITY_FILE = os.path.join(_PATH, "mobility.scen")
_XML_VERSIONS = ["0.0", "1.0"]
_NODE_CLASSES = [nodes.PtpNet, nodes.HubNode, nodes.SwitchNode]
def createclients(sessiondir, clientcls=VnodeClient, cmdchnlfilterfunc=None):
Create clients
:param str sessiondir: session directory to create clients
:param class clientcls: class to create clients from
:param func cmdchnlfilterfunc: command channel filter function
:return: list of created clients
:rtype: list
direntries = map(lambda x: os.path.join(sessiondir, x), os.listdir(sessiondir))
cmdchnls = filter(lambda x: stat.S_ISSOCK(os.stat(x).st_mode), direntries)
if cmdchnlfilterfunc:
cmdchnls = filter(cmdchnlfilterfunc, cmdchnls)
return map(lambda x: clientcls(os.path.basename(x), x), cmdchnls)
class TestCore:
def test_import_service(self, core):
Test importing a custom service.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
assert ServiceManager.get("MyService")
assert ServiceManager.get("MyService2")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", _NODE_CLASSES)
def test_nodes(self, core, cls):
Test ptp node network.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
:param cls: node classes that work within a simple network
# create ptp
network_node = core.session.add_object(cls=cls)
# create nodes
# add interfaces
core.add_interface(network_node, "n1")
core.add_interface(network_node, "n2")
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
# ping n2 from n1 and assert success
status = core.ping("n1", "n2")
assert not status
@pytest.mark.parametrize("version", _XML_VERSIONS)
def test_xml(self, core, tmpdir, version):
Test xml client methods.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
:param str version: xml version to write and parse
# create ptp
ptp_node = core.session.add_object(cls=nodes.PtpNet)
# create nodes
# add interfaces
core.add_interface(ptp_node, "n1")
core.add_interface(ptp_node, "n2")
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = core.get_node("n1").objid
n2_id = core.get_node("n2").objid
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
xmlsession.save_session_xml(core.session, file_path, version)
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
assert not core.session.get_object_by_name(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
assert not core.session.get_object(n2_id)
# load saved xml
xmlsession.open_session_xml(core.session, file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
assert core.session.get_object(n1_id)
assert core.session.get_object(n2_id)
def test_vnode_client(self, core):
Test vnode client methods.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create ptp
ptp_node = core.session.add_object(cls=nodes.PtpNet)
# create nodes
# add interfaces
core.add_interface(ptp_node, "n1")
core.add_interface(ptp_node, "n2")
# get node client for testing
n1 = core.get_node("n1")
client = n1.client
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
# check we are connected
assert client.connected()
# check various command using vcmd module
command = ["ls"]
assert not client.cmd(command)
status, output = client.cmdresult(command)
assert not status
p, stdin, stdout, stderr = client.popen(command)
assert not p.status()
assert not client.icmd(command)
assert not client.redircmd(MagicMock(), MagicMock(), MagicMock(), command)
assert not client.shcmd(command[0])
# check various command using command line
assert not client.cmd(command)
status, output = client.cmdresult(command)
assert not status
p, stdin, stdout, stderr = client.popen(command)
assert not p.wait()
assert not client.icmd(command)
assert not client.shcmd(command[0])
# check module methods
assert createclients(core.session.session_dir)
# check convenience methods for interface information
assert client.getaddr("eth0")
assert client.netifstats()
def test_netif(self, core):
Test netif methods.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create ptp
ptp_node = core.session.add_object(cls=nodes.PtpNet)
# create nodes
# add interfaces
n1_interface = core.add_interface(ptp_node, "n1")
n2_interface = core.add_interface(ptp_node, "n2")
# get nodes
n1 = core.get_node("n1")
n2 = core.get_node("n2")
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
# check link data gets generated
assert ptp_node.all_link_data(MessageFlags.ADD.value)
# check common nets exist between linked nodes
assert n1.commonnets(n2)
assert n2.commonnets(n1)
# check we can retrieve netif index
assert n1.getifindex(n1_interface) == 0
assert n2.getifindex(n2_interface) == 0
# check interface parameters
n1_interface.setparam("test", 1)
assert n1_interface.getparam("test") == 1
assert n1_interface.getparams()
# delete netif and test that if no longer exists
assert not n1.netif(0)
def test_physical(self, core):
Test physical node network.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create switch node
switch_node = core.session.add_object(cls=nodes.SwitchNode)
# create a physical node
core.create_node(cls=PhysicalNode, name="p1")
# mock method that will not work
physical_node = core.get_node("p1")
physical_node.newnetif = MagicMock(return_value=0)
# create regular node
# add interface
core.add_interface(switch_node, "n1")
core.add_interface(switch_node, "p1")
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
def test_wlan_basic_range_good(self, core):
Test basic wlan network.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create wlan
wlan_node = core.session.add_object(cls=nodes.WlanNode)
values = BasicRangeModel.getdefaultvalues()
wlan_node.setmodel(BasicRangeModel, values)
# create nodes
core.create_node("n1", position=(0, 0), services=EMANE_SERVICES, model="mdr")
core.create_node("n2", position=(0, 0), services=EMANE_SERVICES, model="mdr")
# add interfaces
interface_one = core.add_interface(wlan_node, "n1")
interface_two = core.add_interface(wlan_node, "n2")
# link nodes in wlan
core.link(wlan_node, interface_one, interface_two)
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
# ping n2 from n1 and assert success
status = core.ping("n1", "n2")
assert not status
def test_wlan_basic_range_bad(self, core):
Test basic wlan network with leveraging basic range model.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create wlan
wlan_node = core.session.add_object(cls=nodes.WlanNode)
values = BasicRangeModel.getdefaultvalues()
wlan_node.setmodel(BasicRangeModel, values)
# create nodes
core.create_node("n1", position=(0, 0), services=EMANE_SERVICES, model="mdr")
core.create_node("n2", position=(0, 0), services=EMANE_SERVICES, model="mdr")
# add interfaces
interface_one = core.add_interface(wlan_node, "n1")
interface_two = core.add_interface(wlan_node, "n2")
# link nodes in wlan
core.link(wlan_node, interface_one, interface_two)
# move nodes out of range, default range check is 275
core.get_node("n1").setposition(0, 0)
core.get_node("n2").setposition(500, 500)
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
# ping n2 from n1 and assert failure )
status = core.ping("n1", "n2")
assert status
def test_mobility(self, core):
Test basic wlan network.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create wlan
wlan_node = core.session.add_object(cls=nodes.WlanNode)
values = BasicRangeModel.getdefaultvalues()
wlan_node.setmodel(BasicRangeModel, values)
# create nodes
core.create_node("n1", objid=1, position=(0, 0), services=EMANE_SERVICES, model="mdr")
core.create_node("n2", objid=2, position=(0, 0), services=EMANE_SERVICES, model="mdr")
# add interfaces
interface_one = core.add_interface(wlan_node, "n1")
interface_two = core.add_interface(wlan_node, "n2")
# link nodes in wlan
core.link(wlan_node, interface_one, interface_two)
# configure mobility script for session
config = ConfigData(
data_types=(10, 3, 11, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 0),
"map=|script_start=|script_pause=|script_stop=" % _MOBILITY_FILE
# add handler for receiving node updates
event = threading.Event()
def node_update(_):
# instantiate session
# assert node directories created
# validate we receive a node message for updating its location
assert event.wait(5)
def test_link_bandwidth(self, core):
Test ptp node network with modifying link bandwidth.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create link network
ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two = core.create_link_network()
# output csv index
bandwidth_index = 8
# run iperf, validate normal bandwidth
stdout = core.iperf("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
value = int(stdout.split(',')[bandwidth_index])
assert 900000 <= value <= 1100000
# change bandwidth in bits per second
bandwidth = 500000
core.configure_link(ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two, {
"bw": bandwidth
# run iperf again
stdout = core.iperf("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
value = int(stdout.split(',')[bandwidth_index])
assert 400000 <= value <= 600000
def test_link_loss(self, core):
Test ptp node network with modifying link packet loss.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create link network
ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two = core.create_link_network()
# output csv index
loss_index = -2
# run iperf, validate normal bandwidth
stdout = core.iperf("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
value = float(stdout.split(',')[loss_index])
assert 0 <= value <= 0.5
# change bandwidth in bits per second
loss = 50
core.configure_link(ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two, {
"loss": loss
# run iperf again
stdout = core.iperf("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
value = float(stdout.split(',')[loss_index])
assert 40 <= value <= 60
def test_link_delay(self, core):
Test ptp node network with modifying link packet delay.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create link network
ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two = core.create_link_network()
# run ping for delay information
stdout = core.ping_output("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
rtt_line = stdout.split("\n")[-1]
rtt_values = rtt_line.split("=")[1].split("ms")[0].strip()
rtt_avg = float(rtt_values.split("/")[2])
assert 0 <= rtt_avg <= 0.2
# change delay in microseconds
delay = 1000000
core.configure_link(ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two, {
"delay": delay
# run ping for delay information again
stdout = core.ping_output("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
rtt_line = stdout.split("\n")[-1]
rtt_values = rtt_line.split("=")[1].split("ms")[0].strip()
rtt_avg = float(rtt_values.split("/")[2])
assert 1800 <= rtt_avg <= 2200
def test_link_jitter(self, core):
Test ptp node network with modifying link packet jitter.
:param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with
# create link network
ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two = core.create_link_network()
# output csv index
jitter_index = 9
# run iperf
stdout = core.iperf("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
value = float(stdout.split(",")[jitter_index])
assert -0.5 <= value <= 0.05
# change jitter in microseconds
jitter = 1000000
core.configure_link(ptp_node, interface_one, interface_two, {
"jitter": jitter
# run iperf again
stdout = core.iperf("n1", "n2")
assert stdout
value = float(stdout.split(",")[jitter_index])
assert 200 <= value <= 500