494 lines
16 KiB
494 lines
16 KiB
from xml.etree import ElementTree
import pytest
from core.emulator.emudata import LinkOptions, NodeOptions
from core.emulator.enumerations import NodeTypes
from core.errors import CoreError
from core.location.mobility import BasicRangeModel
from core.services.utility import SshService
class TestXml:
def test_xml_hooks(self, session, tmpdir):
Test save/load hooks in xml.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
# create hook
file_name = "runtime_hook.sh"
data = "#!/bin/sh\necho hello"
session.set_hook("hook:4", file_name, None, data)
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
runtime_hooks = session._hooks.get(4)
assert runtime_hooks
runtime_hook = runtime_hooks[0]
assert file_name == runtime_hook[0]
assert data == runtime_hook[1]
def test_xml_ptp(self, session, tmpdir, ip_prefixes):
Test xml client methods for a ptp network.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create ptp
ptp_node = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
node_two = session.add_node()
# link nodes to ptp net
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, ptp_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = node_one.id
n2_id = node_two.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
assert session.get_node(n1_id)
assert session.get_node(n2_id)
def test_xml_ptp_services(self, session, tmpdir, ip_prefixes):
Test xml client methods for a ptp neetwork.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create ptp
ptp_node = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER)
# create nodes
options = NodeOptions(model="host")
node_one = session.add_node(options=options)
node_two = session.add_node()
# link nodes to ptp net
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, ptp_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# set custom values for node service
session.services.set_service(node_one.id, SshService.name)
service_file = SshService.configs[0]
file_data = "# test"
node_one.id, SshService.name, service_file, file_data
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = node_one.id
n2_id = node_two.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# retrieve custom service
service = session.services.get_service(node_one.id, SshService.name)
# verify nodes have been recreated
assert session.get_node(n1_id)
assert session.get_node(n2_id)
assert service.config_data.get(service_file) == file_data
def test_xml_mobility(self, session, tmpdir, ip_prefixes):
Test xml client methods for mobility.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create wlan
wlan_node = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN)
session.mobility.set_model(wlan_node, BasicRangeModel, {"test": "1"})
# create nodes
options = NodeOptions(model="mdr")
options.set_position(0, 0)
node_one = session.add_node(options=options)
node_two = session.add_node(options=options)
# link nodes
for node in [node_one, node_two]:
interface = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node)
session.add_link(node.id, wlan_node.id, interface_one=interface)
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
wlan_id = wlan_node.id
n1_id = node_one.id
n2_id = node_two.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# retrieve configuration we set originally
value = str(session.mobility.get_config("test", wlan_id, BasicRangeModel.name))
# verify nodes and configuration were restored
assert session.get_node(n1_id)
assert session.get_node(n2_id)
assert session.get_node(wlan_id)
assert value == "1"
def test_network_to_network(self, session, tmpdir):
Test xml generation when dealing with network to network nodes.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
# create nodes
switch_one = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.SWITCH)
switch_two = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.SWITCH)
# link nodes
session.add_link(switch_one.id, switch_two.id)
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = switch_one.id
n2_id = switch_two.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
switch_one = session.get_node(n1_id)
switch_two = session.get_node(n2_id)
assert switch_one
assert switch_two
assert len(switch_one.all_link_data(0) + switch_two.all_link_data(0)) == 1
def test_link_options(self, session, tmpdir, ip_prefixes):
Test xml client methods for a ptp network.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
interface_one = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node_one)
switch = session.add_node(_type=NodeTypes.SWITCH)
# create link
link_options = LinkOptions()
link_options.per = 10.5
link_options.bandwidth = 50000
link_options.jitter = 10
link_options.delay = 30
link_options.dup = 5
node_one.id, switch.id, interface_one, link_options=link_options
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = node_one.id
n2_id = switch.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
assert session.get_node(n1_id)
assert session.get_node(n2_id)
links = []
for node_id in session.nodes:
node = session.nodes[node_id]
links += node.all_link_data(0)
link = links[0]
assert link_options.per == link.per
assert link_options.bandwidth == link.bandwidth
assert link_options.jitter == link.jitter
assert link_options.delay == link.delay
assert link_options.dup == link.dup
def test_link_options_ptp(self, session, tmpdir, ip_prefixes):
Test xml client methods for a ptp network.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
interface_one = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node_one)
node_two = session.add_node()
interface_two = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node_two)
# create link
link_options = LinkOptions()
link_options.per = 10.5
link_options.bandwidth = 50000
link_options.jitter = 10
link_options.delay = 30
link_options.dup = 5
node_one.id, node_two.id, interface_one, interface_two, link_options
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = node_one.id
n2_id = node_two.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
assert session.get_node(n1_id)
assert session.get_node(n2_id)
links = []
for node_id in session.nodes:
node = session.nodes[node_id]
links += node.all_link_data(0)
link = links[0]
assert link_options.per == link.per
assert link_options.bandwidth == link.bandwidth
assert link_options.jitter == link.jitter
assert link_options.delay == link.delay
assert link_options.dup == link.dup
def test_link_options_bidirectional(self, session, tmpdir, ip_prefixes):
Test xml client methods for a ptp network.
:param session: session for test
:param tmpdir: tmpdir to create data in
:param ip_prefixes: generates ip addresses for nodes
# create nodes
node_one = session.add_node()
interface_one = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node_one)
node_two = session.add_node()
interface_two = ip_prefixes.create_interface(node_two)
# create link
link_options_one = LinkOptions()
link_options_one.unidirectional = 1
link_options_one.bandwidth = 5000
link_options_one.delay = 10
link_options_one.per = 10.5
link_options_one.dup = 5
link_options_one.jitter = 5
node_one.id, node_two.id, interface_one, interface_two, link_options_one
link_options_two = LinkOptions()
link_options_two.unidirectional = 1
link_options_two.bandwidth = 10000
link_options_two.delay = 20
link_options_two.per = 10
link_options_two.dup = 10
link_options_two.jitter = 10
# instantiate session
# get ids for nodes
n1_id = node_one.id
n2_id = node_two.id
# save xml
xml_file = tmpdir.join("session.xml")
file_path = xml_file.strpath
# verify xml file was created and can be parsed
assert xml_file.isfile()
assert ElementTree.parse(file_path)
# stop current session, clearing data
# verify nodes have been removed from session
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n1_id)
with pytest.raises(CoreError):
assert not session.get_node(n2_id)
# load saved xml
session.open_xml(file_path, start=True)
# verify nodes have been recreated
assert session.get_node(n1_id)
assert session.get_node(n2_id)
links = []
for node_id in session.nodes:
node = session.nodes[node_id]
links += node.all_link_data(0)
assert len(links) == 2
link_one = links[0]
link_two = links[1]
assert link_options_one.bandwidth == link_one.bandwidth
assert link_options_one.delay == link_one.delay
assert link_options_one.per == link_one.per
assert link_options_one.dup == link_one.dup
assert link_options_one.jitter == link_one.jitter
assert link_options_two.bandwidth == link_two.bandwidth
assert link_options_two.delay == link_two.delay
assert link_options_two.per == link_two.per
assert link_options_two.dup == link_two.dup
assert link_options_two.jitter == link_two.jitter