""" nodes.py: definition of an EmaneNode class for implementing configuration control of an EMANE emulation. An EmaneNode has several attached NEMs that share the same MAC+PHY model. """ import os from core import logger from core.coreobj import PyCoreNet from core.enumerations import LinkTypes from core.enumerations import NodeTypes from core.enumerations import RegisterTlvs try: from emane.events import LocationEvent except ImportError: try: from emanesh.events import LocationEvent except ImportError: logger.warn("compatible emane python bindings not installed") class EmaneNet(PyCoreNet): """ EMANE network base class. """ apitype = NodeTypes.EMANE.value linktype = LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value # icon used type = "wlan" class EmaneNode(EmaneNet): """ EMANE node contains NEM configuration and causes connected nodes to have TAP interfaces (instead of VEth). These are managed by the Emane controller object that exists in a session. """ def __init__(self, session, objid=None, name=None, start=True): PyCoreNet.__init__(self, session, objid, name, start) self.conf = "" self.up = False self.nemidmap = {} self.model = None self.mobility = None def linkconfig(self, netif, bw=None, delay=None, loss=None, duplicate=None, jitter=None, netif2=None): """ The CommEffect model supports link configuration. """ if not self.model: return return self.model.linkconfig(netif=netif, bw=bw, delay=delay, loss=loss, duplicate=duplicate, jitter=jitter, netif2=netif2) def config(self, conf): self.conf = conf def shutdown(self): pass def link(self, netif1, netif2): pass def unlink(self, netif1, netif2): pass def setmodel(self, model, config): """ set the EmaneModel associated with this node """ logger.info("adding model: %s", model.name) if model.config_type == RegisterTlvs.WIRELESS.value: # EmaneModel really uses values from ConfigurableManager # when buildnemxml() is called, not during init() self.model = model(session=self.session, object_id=self.objid) elif model.config_type == RegisterTlvs.MOBILITY.value: self.mobility = model(session=self.session, object_id=self.objid, values=config) def setnemid(self, netif, nemid): """ Record an interface to numerical ID mapping. The Emane controller object manages and assigns these IDs for all NEMs. """ self.nemidmap[netif] = nemid def getnemid(self, netif): """ Given an interface, return its numerical ID. """ if netif not in self.nemidmap: return None else: return self.nemidmap[netif] def getnemnetif(self, nemid): """ Given a numerical NEM ID, return its interface. This returns the first interface that matches the given NEM ID. """ for netif in self.nemidmap: if self.nemidmap[netif] == nemid: return netif return None def netifs(self, sort=True): """ Retrieve list of linked interfaces sorted by node number. """ return sorted(self._netif.values(), key=lambda ifc: ifc.node.objid) def buildplatformxmlentry(self, doc): """ Return a dictionary of XML elements describing the NEMs connected to this EmaneNode for inclusion in the platform.xml file. """ ret = {} if self.model is None: logger.info("warning: EmaneNode %s has no associated model", self.name) return ret for netif in self.netifs(): nementry = self.model.build_nem_xml(doc, self, netif) trans = self.model.build_transport_xml(doc, self, netif) nementry.appendChild(trans) ret[netif] = nementry return ret def build_xml_files(self, emane_manager): """ Let the configured model build the necessary nem, mac, and phy XMLs. :param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: core emane manager :return: nothing """ if self.model is None: return # build XML for overall network (EmaneNode) configs self.model.build_xml_files(emane_manager, interface=None) # build XML for specific interface (NEM) configs need_virtual = False need_raw = False vtype = "virtual" rtype = "raw" for netif in self.netifs(): self.model.build_xml_files(emane_manager, netif) if "virtual" in netif.transport_type: need_virtual = True vtype = netif.transport_type else: need_raw = True rtype = netif.transport_type # build transport XML files depending on type of interfaces involved if need_virtual: self.buildtransportxml(emane_manager, vtype) if need_raw: self.buildtransportxml(emane_manager, rtype) def buildtransportxml(self, emane, transport_type): """ Write a transport XML file for the Virtual or Raw Transport. """ transdoc = emane.xmldoc("transport") trans = transdoc.getElementsByTagName("transport").pop() trans.setAttribute("name", "%s Transport" % transport_type.capitalize()) trans.setAttribute("library", "trans%s" % transport_type.lower()) trans.appendChild(emane.xmlparam(transdoc, "bitrate", "0")) flowcontrol = False names = self.model.getnames() values = emane.getconfig(self.objid, self.model.name, self.model.getdefaultvalues())[1] if "flowcontrolenable" in names and values: i = names.index("flowcontrolenable") if self.model.booltooffon(values[i]) == "on": flowcontrol = True if "virtual" in transport_type.lower(): if os.path.exists("/dev/net/tun_flowctl"): trans.appendChild(emane.xmlparam(transdoc, "devicepath", "/dev/net/tun_flowctl")) else: trans.appendChild(emane.xmlparam(transdoc, "devicepath", "/dev/net/tun")) if flowcontrol: trans.appendChild(emane.xmlparam(transdoc, "flowcontrolenable", "on")) emane.xmlwrite(transdoc, self.transportxmlname(transport_type.lower())) def transportxmlname(self, type): """ Return the string name for the Transport XML file, e.g. 'n3transvirtual.xml' """ return "n%strans%s.xml" % (self.objid, type) def installnetifs(self, do_netns=True): """ Install TAP devices into their namespaces. This is done after EMANE daemons have been started, because that is their only chance to bind to the TAPs. """ if self.session.emane.genlocationevents() and self.session.emane.service is None: warntxt = "unable to publish EMANE events because the eventservice " warntxt += "Python bindings failed to load" logger.error(warntxt) for netif in self.netifs(): if do_netns and "virtual" in netif.transport_type.lower(): netif.install() netif.setaddrs() if not self.session.emane.genlocationevents(): netif.poshook = None continue # at this point we register location handlers for generating # EMANE location events netif.poshook = self.setnemposition x, y, z = netif.node.position.get() self.setnemposition(netif, x, y, z) def deinstallnetifs(self): """ Uninstall TAP devices. This invokes their shutdown method for any required cleanup; the device may be actually removed when emanetransportd terminates. """ for netif in self.netifs(): if "virtual" in netif.transport_type.lower(): netif.shutdown() netif.poshook = None def setnemposition(self, netif, x, y, z): """ Publish a NEM location change event using the EMANE event service. """ if self.session.emane.service is None: logger.info("position service not available") return nemid = self.getnemid(netif) ifname = netif.localname if nemid is None: logger.info("nemid for %s is unknown" % ifname) return lat, long, alt = self.session.location.getgeo(x, y, z) logger.info("setnemposition %s (%s) x,y,z=(%d,%d,%s)(%.6f,%.6f,%.6f)", ifname, nemid, x, y, z, lat, long, alt) event = LocationEvent() # altitude must be an integer or warning is printed # unused: yaw, pitch, roll, azimuth, elevation, velocity alt = int(round(alt)) event.append(nemid, latitude=lat, longitude=long, altitude=alt) self.session.emane.service.publish(0, event) def setnempositions(self, moved_netifs): """ Several NEMs have moved, from e.g. a WaypointMobilityModel calculation. Generate an EMANE Location Event having several entries for each netif that has moved. """ if len(moved_netifs) == 0: return if self.session.emane.service is None: logger.info("position service not available") return event = LocationEvent() i = 0 for netif in moved_netifs: nemid = self.getnemid(netif) ifname = netif.localname if nemid is None: logger.info("nemid for %s is unknown" % ifname) continue x, y, z = netif.node.getposition() lat, long, alt = self.session.location.getgeo(x, y, z) logger.info("setnempositions %d %s (%s) x,y,z=(%d,%d,%s)(%.6f,%.6f,%.6f)", i, ifname, nemid, x, y, z, lat, long, alt) # altitude must be an integer or warning is printed alt = int(round(alt)) event.append(nemid, latitude=lat, longitude=long, altitude=alt) i += 1 self.session.emane.service.publish(0, event)