# CORE Developer's Guide * Table of Contents {:toc} ## Repository Overview The CORE source consists of several different programming languages for historical reasons. Current development focuses on the Python modules and daemon. Here is a brief description of the source directories. | Directory | Description | |---|---| |daemon|Python CORE daemon code that handles receiving API calls and creating containers| |docs|Markdown Documentation currently hosted on GitHub| |gui|Tcl/Tk GUI| |man|Template files for creating man pages for various CORE command line utilities| |netns|Python C extension modules for creating CORE containers| |ns3|Experimental python ns3 script support for running CORE| |scripts|Template files used for running CORE as a service| ## Getting started Overview for setting up the pipenv environment, building core, installing the GUI and netns, then running the core-daemon for development. ### Clone CORE Repo ```shell git clone https://github.com/coreemu/core.git cd core ``` ### Setup Python Environment To leverage the dev environment you need python 3.6+. ```shell # change to daemon directory cd $REPO/daemon # copy setup.py for installation cp setup.py.in setup.py # install pipenv pip3 install pipenv # setup a virtual environment and install all required development dependencies python3 -m pipenv install --dev ``` ### Setup pre-commit Install pre-commit hooks to help automate running tool checks against code. Once installed every time a commit is made python utilities will be ran to check validity of code, potentially failing and backing out the commit. This allows one to review changes being made by tools ro the fix the issue noted. Then add the changes and commit again. ```shell python3 -m pipenv run pre-commit install ``` ### Build CORE ```shell ./bootstrap.sh ./configure --prefix=/usr make ``` ### Install netns and GUI Below commands assume your development will be focused on the daemon. ```shell # install GUI cd $REPO/gui sudo make install # install netns scripts cd $REPO/netns sudo make install ``` ### Adding EMANE to Pipenv EMANE bindings are not available through pip, you will need to build and install from source. [Build EMANE](https://github.com/adjacentlink/emane/wiki/Build#general-build-instructions) ```shell # after building emane above # ./autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=/usr && make python3 -m pipenv install $EMANEREPO/src/python ``` ### Running CORE This will run the core-daemon server using the configuration files within the repo. ```shell sudo python3 -m pipenv run core ``` ### Running CORE Python GUI Must be ran after the daemon above or will fail to connect. ```shell python3 -m pipenv run coretk ``` ## Linux Network Namespace Commands Linux network namespace containers are often managed using the *Linux Container Tools* or *lxc-tools* package. The lxc-tools website is available here http://lxc.sourceforge.net/ for more information. CORE does not use these management utilities, but includes its own set of tools for instantiating and configuring network namespace containers. This section describes these tools. ### vnoded The *vnoded* daemon is the program used to create a new namespace, and listen on a control channel for commands that may instantiate other processes. This daemon runs as PID 1 in the container. It is launched automatically by the CORE daemon. The control channel is a UNIX domain socket usually named */tmp/pycore.23098/n3*, for node 3 running on CORE session 23098, for example. Root privileges are required for creating a new namespace. ### vcmd The *vcmd* program is used to connect to the *vnoded* daemon in a Linux network namespace, for running commands in the namespace. The CORE daemon uses the same channel for setting up a node and running processes within it. This program has two required arguments, the control channel name, and the command line to be run within the namespace. This command does not need to run with root privileges. When you double-click on a node in a running emulation, CORE will open a shell window for that node using a command such as: ```shell gnome-terminal -e vcmd -c /tmp/pycore.50160/n1 -- bash ``` Similarly, the IPv4 routes Observer Widget will run a command to display the routing table using a command such as: ```shell vcmd -c /tmp/pycore.50160/n1 -- /sbin/ip -4 ro ``` ### core-cleanup script A script named *core-cleanup* is provided to clean up any running CORE emulations. It will attempt to kill any remaining vnoded processes, kill any EMANE processes, remove the :file:`/tmp/pycore.*` session directories, and remove any bridges or *ebtables* rules. With a *-d* option, it will also kill any running CORE daemon. ### netns command The *netns* command is not used by CORE directly. This utility can be used to run a command in a new network namespace for testing purposes. It does not open a control channel for receiving further commands. ### Other Useful Commands Here are some other Linux commands that are useful for managing the Linux network namespace emulation. ```shell # view the Linux bridging setup brctl show # view the netem rules used for applying link effects tc qdisc show # view the rules that make the wireless LAN work ebtables -L ```