# # CORE # Copyright (c)2013 Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # author: Name # ''' tdma.py: EMANE TDMA model bindings for CORE ''' import sys import string try: from emanesh.events import EventService except: pass from core.api import coreapi from core.constants import * from emane import Emane, EmaneModel from universal import EmaneUniversalModel class EmaneTdmaModel(EmaneModel): def __init__(self, session, objid = None, verbose = False): EmaneModel.__init__(self, session, objid, verbose) # model name _name = "emane_tdma" if Emane.version >= Emane.EMANE101: xml_path = '/usr/share/emane/xml/models/mac/tdmaeventscheduler' else: raise Exception("EMANE TDMA requires EMANE 1.0.1 or greater") # MAC parameters _confmatrix_mac = [ ("enablepromiscuousmode", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0', 'True,False', 'enable promiscuous mode'), ("flowcontrolenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0', 'On,Off', 'enable traffic flow control'), ("flowcontroltokens", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT16, '10', '', 'number of flow control tokens'), ("fragmentcheckthreshold", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT16, '2', '', 'rate in seconds for check if fragment reassembly efforts should be abandoned'), ("fragmenttimeoutthreshold", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT16, '5', '', 'threshold in seconds to wait for another packet fragment for reassembly'), ('neighbormetricdeletetime', coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '60.0', '', 'neighbor RF reception timeout for removal from neighbor table (sec)'), ('neighbormetricupdateinterval', coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '1.0', '', 'neighbor table update interval (sec)'), ("pcrcurveuri", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_STRING, '%s/tdmabasemodelpcr.xml' % xml_path, '', 'SINR/PCR curve file'), ("queue.aggregationenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '1', 'On,Off', 'enable transmit packet aggregation'), ('queue.aggregationslotthreshold', coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, '90.0', '', 'percentage of a slot that must be filled in order to conclude aggregation'), ("queue.depth", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_UINT16, '256', '', 'size of the per service class downstream packet queues (packets)'), ("queue.fragmentationenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '1', 'On,Off', 'enable packet fragmentation (over multiple slots)'), ("queue.strictdequeueenable", coreapi.CONF_DATA_TYPE_BOOL, '0', 'On,Off', 'enable strict dequeueing to specified queues only'), ] # PHY parameters from Universal PHY _confmatrix_phy = EmaneUniversalModel._confmatrix _confmatrix = _confmatrix_mac + _confmatrix_phy # value groupings _confgroups = "TDMA MAC Parameters:1-%d|Universal PHY Parameters:%d-%d" % \ (len(_confmatrix_mac), len(_confmatrix_mac) + 1, len(_confmatrix)) def buildnemxmlfiles(self, e, ifc): ''' Build the necessary nem, mac, and phy XMLs in the given path. If an individual NEM has a nonstandard config, we need to build that file also. Otherwise the WLAN-wide nXXemane_tdmanem.xml, nXXemane_tdmamac.xml, nXXemane_tdmaphy.xml are used. ''' values = e.getifcconfig(self.objid, self._name, self.getdefaultvalues(), ifc) if values is None: return nemdoc = e.xmldoc("nem") nem = nemdoc.getElementsByTagName("nem").pop() nem.setAttribute("name", "TDMA NEM") mactag = nemdoc.createElement("mac") mactag.setAttribute("definition", self.macxmlname(ifc)) nem.appendChild(mactag) phytag = nemdoc.createElement("phy") phytag.setAttribute("definition", self.phyxmlname(ifc)) nem.appendChild(phytag) e.xmlwrite(nemdoc, self.nemxmlname(ifc)) names = list(self.getnames()) macnames = names[:len(self._confmatrix_mac)] phynames = names[len(self._confmatrix_mac):] # make any changes to the mac/phy names here to e.g. exclude them from # the XML output macdoc = e.xmldoc("mac") mac = macdoc.getElementsByTagName("mac").pop() mac.setAttribute("name", "TDMA MAC") mac.setAttribute("library", "tdmaeventschedulerradiomodel") # append MAC options to macdoc map(lambda n: mac.appendChild(e.xmlparam(macdoc, n, \ self.valueof(n, values))), macnames) e.xmlwrite(macdoc, self.macxmlname(ifc)) phydoc = EmaneUniversalModel.getphydoc(e, self, values, phynames) e.xmlwrite(phydoc, self.phyxmlname(ifc))