""" gRpc client for interfacing with CORE. """ import logging import threading from contextlib import contextmanager from pathlib import Path from queue import Queue from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple import grpc from core.api.grpc import core_pb2, core_pb2_grpc, emane_pb2, wrappers from core.api.grpc.configservices_pb2 import ( GetConfigServiceDefaultsRequest, GetConfigServiceRenderedRequest, GetNodeConfigServiceRequest, ) from core.api.grpc.core_pb2 import ( ExecuteScriptRequest, GetConfigRequest, GetWirelessConfigRequest, LinkedRequest, WirelessConfigRequest, WirelessLinkedRequest, ) from core.api.grpc.emane_pb2 import ( EmaneLinkRequest, GetEmaneEventChannelRequest, GetEmaneModelConfigRequest, SetEmaneModelConfigRequest, ) from core.api.grpc.mobility_pb2 import ( GetMobilityConfigRequest, MobilityActionRequest, MobilityConfig, SetMobilityConfigRequest, ) from core.api.grpc.services_pb2 import ( GetNodeServiceFileRequest, GetNodeServiceRequest, GetServiceDefaultsRequest, ServiceActionRequest, ServiceDefaults, SetServiceDefaultsRequest, ) from core.api.grpc.wlan_pb2 import ( GetWlanConfigRequest, SetWlanConfigRequest, WlanConfig, WlanLinkRequest, ) from core.api.grpc.wrappers import LinkOptions from core.emulator.data import IpPrefixes from core.errors import CoreError from core.utils import SetQueue logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MoveNodesStreamer: def __init__(self, session_id: int, source: str = None) -> None: self.session_id: int = session_id self.source: Optional[str] = source self.queue: SetQueue = SetQueue() def send_position(self, node_id: int, x: float, y: float) -> None: position = wrappers.Position(x=x, y=y) request = wrappers.MoveNodesRequest( session_id=self.session_id, node_id=node_id, source=self.source, position=position, ) self.send(request) def send_geo(self, node_id: int, lon: float, lat: float, alt: float) -> None: geo = wrappers.Geo(lon=lon, lat=lat, alt=alt) request = wrappers.MoveNodesRequest( session_id=self.session_id, node_id=node_id, source=self.source, geo=geo ) self.send(request) def send(self, request: wrappers.MoveNodesRequest) -> None: self.queue.put(request) def stop(self) -> None: self.queue.put(None) def next(self) -> Optional[core_pb2.MoveNodesRequest]: request: Optional[wrappers.MoveNodesRequest] = self.queue.get() if request: return request.to_proto() else: return request def iter(self) -> Iterable: return iter(self.next, None) class EmanePathlossesStreamer: def __init__(self) -> None: self.queue: Queue = Queue() def send(self, request: Optional[wrappers.EmanePathlossesRequest]) -> None: self.queue.put(request) def next(self) -> Optional[emane_pb2.EmanePathlossesRequest]: request: Optional[wrappers.EmanePathlossesRequest] = self.queue.get() if request: return request.to_proto() else: return request def iter(self): return iter(self.next, None) class InterfaceHelper: """ Convenience class to help generate IP4 and IP6 addresses for gRPC clients. """ def __init__(self, ip4_prefix: str = None, ip6_prefix: str = None) -> None: """ Creates an InterfaceHelper object. :param ip4_prefix: ip4 prefix to use for generation :param ip6_prefix: ip6 prefix to use for generation :raises ValueError: when both ip4 and ip6 prefixes have not been provided """ self.prefixes: IpPrefixes = IpPrefixes(ip4_prefix, ip6_prefix) def create_iface( self, node_id: int, iface_id: int, name: str = None, mac: str = None ) -> wrappers.Interface: """ Create an interface protobuf object. :param node_id: node id to create interface for :param iface_id: interface id :param name: name of interface :param mac: mac address for interface :return: interface protobuf """ iface_data = self.prefixes.gen_iface(node_id, name, mac) return wrappers.Interface( id=iface_id, name=iface_data.name, ip4=iface_data.ip4, ip4_mask=iface_data.ip4_mask, ip6=iface_data.ip6, ip6_mask=iface_data.ip6_mask, mac=iface_data.mac, ) def throughput_listener( stream: Any, handler: Callable[[wrappers.ThroughputsEvent], None] ) -> None: """ Listen for throughput events and provide them to the handler. :param stream: grpc stream that will provide events :param handler: function that handles an event :return: nothing """ try: for event_proto in stream: event = wrappers.ThroughputsEvent.from_proto(event_proto) handler(event) except grpc.RpcError as e: if e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED: logger.debug("throughput stream closed") else: logger.exception("throughput stream error") def cpu_listener( stream: Any, handler: Callable[[wrappers.CpuUsageEvent], None] ) -> None: """ Listen for cpu events and provide them to the handler. :param stream: grpc stream that will provide events :param handler: function that handles an event :return: nothing """ try: for event_proto in stream: event = wrappers.CpuUsageEvent.from_proto(event_proto) handler(event) except grpc.RpcError as e: if e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED: logger.debug("cpu stream closed") else: logger.exception("cpu stream error") def event_listener(stream: Any, handler: Callable[[wrappers.Event], None]) -> None: """ Listen for session events and provide them to the handler. :param stream: grpc stream that will provide events :param handler: function that handles an event :return: nothing """ try: for event_proto in stream: event = wrappers.Event.from_proto(event_proto) handler(event) except grpc.RpcError as e: if e.code() == grpc.StatusCode.CANCELLED: logger.debug("session stream closed") else: logger.exception("session stream error") class CoreGrpcClient: """ Provides convenience methods for interfacing with the CORE grpc server. """ def __init__(self, address: str = "localhost:50051", proxy: bool = False) -> None: """ Creates a CoreGrpcClient instance. :param address: grpc server address to connect to """ self.address: str = address self.stub: Optional[core_pb2_grpc.CoreApiStub] = None self.channel: Optional[grpc.Channel] = None self.proxy: bool = proxy def start_session( self, session: wrappers.Session, definition: bool = False ) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: """ Start a session. :param session: session to start :param definition: True to only define session data, False to start session :return: tuple of result and exception strings """ request = core_pb2.StartSessionRequest( session=session.to_proto(), definition=definition ) response = self.stub.StartSession(request) return response.result, list(response.exceptions) def stop_session(self, session_id: int) -> bool: """ Stop a running session. :param session_id: id of session :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.StopSessionRequest(session_id=session_id) response = self.stub.StopSession(request) return response.result def create_session(self, session_id: int = None) -> wrappers.Session: """ Create a session. :param session_id: id for session, default is None and one will be created for you :return: session id """ request = core_pb2.CreateSessionRequest(session_id=session_id) response = self.stub.CreateSession(request) return wrappers.Session.from_proto(response.session) def delete_session(self, session_id: int) -> bool: """ Delete a session. :param session_id: id of session :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.DeleteSessionRequest(session_id=session_id) response = self.stub.DeleteSession(request) return response.result def get_sessions(self) -> List[wrappers.SessionSummary]: """ Retrieves all currently known sessions. :return: response with a list of currently known session, their state and number of nodes """ response = self.stub.GetSessions(core_pb2.GetSessionsRequest()) sessions = [] for session_proto in response.sessions: session = wrappers.SessionSummary.from_proto(session_proto) sessions.append(session) return sessions def check_session(self, session_id: int) -> bool: """ Check if a session exists. :param session_id: id of session to check for :return: True if exists, False otherwise """ request = core_pb2.CheckSessionRequest(session_id=session_id) response = self.stub.CheckSession(request) return response.result def get_session(self, session_id: int) -> wrappers.Session: """ Retrieve a session. :param session_id: id of session :return: session :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.GetSessionRequest(session_id=session_id) response = self.stub.GetSession(request) return wrappers.Session.from_proto(response.session) def alert( self, session_id: int, level: wrappers.ExceptionLevel, source: str, text: str, node_id: int = None, ) -> bool: """ Initiate an alert to be broadcast out to all listeners. :param session_id: id of session :param level: alert level :param source: source of alert :param text: alert text :param node_id: node associated with alert :return: True for success, False otherwise """ request = core_pb2.SessionAlertRequest( session_id=session_id, level=level.value, source=source, text=text, node_id=node_id, ) response = self.stub.SessionAlert(request) return response.result def events( self, session_id: int, handler: Callable[[wrappers.Event], None], events: List[wrappers.EventType] = None, ) -> grpc.Future: """ Listen for session events. :param session_id: id of session :param handler: handler for received events :param events: events to listen to, defaults to all :return: stream processing events, can be used to cancel stream :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.EventsRequest(session_id=session_id, events=events) stream = self.stub.Events(request) thread = threading.Thread( target=event_listener, args=(stream, handler), daemon=True ) thread.start() return stream def throughputs( self, session_id: int, handler: Callable[[wrappers.ThroughputsEvent], None] ) -> grpc.Future: """ Listen for throughput events with information for interfaces and bridges. :param session_id: session id :param handler: handler for every event :return: stream processing events, can be used to cancel stream :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.ThroughputsRequest(session_id=session_id) stream = self.stub.Throughputs(request) thread = threading.Thread( target=throughput_listener, args=(stream, handler), daemon=True ) thread.start() return stream def cpu_usage( self, delay: int, handler: Callable[[wrappers.CpuUsageEvent], None] ) -> grpc.Future: """ Listen for cpu usage events with the given repeat delay. :param delay: delay between receiving events :param handler: handler for every event :return: stream processing events, can be used to cancel stream """ request = core_pb2.CpuUsageRequest(delay=delay) stream = self.stub.CpuUsage(request) thread = threading.Thread( target=cpu_listener, args=(stream, handler), daemon=True ) thread.start() return stream def add_node(self, session_id: int, node: wrappers.Node, source: str = None) -> int: """ Add node to session. :param session_id: session id :param node: node to add :param source: source application :return: id of added node :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.AddNodeRequest( session_id=session_id, node=node.to_proto(), source=source ) response = self.stub.AddNode(request) return response.node_id def get_node( self, session_id: int, node_id: int ) -> Tuple[wrappers.Node, List[wrappers.Interface], List[wrappers.Link]]: """ Get node details. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :return: tuple of node and its interfaces :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.GetNodeRequest(session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id) response = self.stub.GetNode(request) node = wrappers.Node.from_proto(response.node) ifaces = [] for iface_proto in response.ifaces: iface = wrappers.Interface.from_proto(iface_proto) ifaces.append(iface) links = [] for link_proto in response.links: link = wrappers.Link.from_proto(link_proto) links.append(link) return node, ifaces, links def edit_node( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, icon: str = None, source: str = None ) -> bool: """ Edit a node's icon and/or location, can only use position(x,y) or geo(lon, lat, alt), not both. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param icon: path to icon for gui to use for node :param source: application source :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.EditNodeRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, icon=icon, source=source ) response = self.stub.EditNode(request) return response.result def move_node( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, position: wrappers.Position = None, geo: wrappers.Geo = None, source: str = None, ) -> bool: """ Move node using provided position or geo location. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param position: x,y position to move to :param geo: geospatial position to move to :param source: source generating motion :return: nothing :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or nodes do not exist """ if not position and not geo: raise CoreError("must provide position or geo to move node") position = position.to_proto() if position else None geo = geo.to_proto() if geo else None request = core_pb2.MoveNodeRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, position=position, geo=geo, source=source, ) response = self.stub.MoveNode(request) return response.result def move_nodes(self, streamer: MoveNodesStreamer) -> None: """ Stream node movements using the provided iterator. :param streamer: move nodes streamer :return: nothing :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or nodes do not exist """ self.stub.MoveNodes(streamer.iter()) def delete_node(self, session_id: int, node_id: int, source: str = None) -> bool: """ Delete node from session. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param source: application source :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.DeleteNodeRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, source=source ) response = self.stub.DeleteNode(request) return response.result def node_command( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, command: str, wait: bool = True, shell: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[int, str]: """ Send command to a node and get the output. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param command: command to run on node :param wait: wait for command to complete :param shell: send shell command :return: returns tuple of return code and output :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.NodeCommandRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, command=command, wait=wait, shell=shell, ) response = self.stub.NodeCommand(request) return response.return_code, response.output def get_node_terminal(self, session_id: int, node_id: int) -> str: """ Retrieve terminal command string for launching a local terminal. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :return: node terminal :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.GetNodeTerminalRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id ) response = self.stub.GetNodeTerminal(request) return response.terminal def get_node_links(self, session_id: int, node_id: int) -> List[wrappers.Link]: """ Get current links for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :return: list of links :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.GetNodeLinksRequest(session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id) response = self.stub.GetNodeLinks(request) links = [] for link_proto in response.links: link = wrappers.Link.from_proto(link_proto) links.append(link) return links def add_link( self, session_id: int, link: wrappers.Link, source: str = None ) -> Tuple[bool, wrappers.Interface, wrappers.Interface]: """ Add a link between nodes. :param session_id: session id :param link: link to add :param source: application source :return: tuple of result and finalized interface values :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or one of the nodes don't exist """ request = core_pb2.AddLinkRequest( session_id=session_id, link=link.to_proto(), source=source ) response = self.stub.AddLink(request) iface1 = wrappers.Interface.from_proto(response.iface1) iface2 = wrappers.Interface.from_proto(response.iface2) return response.result, iface1, iface2 def edit_link( self, session_id: int, link: wrappers.Link, source: str = None ) -> bool: """ Edit a link between nodes. :param session_id: session id :param link: link to edit :param source: application source :return: response with result of success or failure :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or one of the nodes don't exist """ iface1_id = link.iface1.id if link.iface1 else None iface2_id = link.iface2.id if link.iface2 else None request = core_pb2.EditLinkRequest( session_id=session_id, node1_id=link.node1_id, node2_id=link.node2_id, options=link.options.to_proto(), iface1_id=iface1_id, iface2_id=iface2_id, source=source, ) response = self.stub.EditLink(request) return response.result def delete_link( self, session_id: int, link: wrappers.Link, source: str = None ) -> bool: """ Delete a link between nodes. :param session_id: session id :param link: link to delete :param source: application source :return: response with result of success or failure :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ iface1_id = link.iface1.id if link.iface1 else None iface2_id = link.iface2.id if link.iface2 else None request = core_pb2.DeleteLinkRequest( session_id=session_id, node1_id=link.node1_id, node2_id=link.node2_id, iface1_id=iface1_id, iface2_id=iface2_id, source=source, ) response = self.stub.DeleteLink(request) return response.result def get_mobility_config( self, session_id: int, node_id: int ) -> Dict[str, wrappers.ConfigOption]: """ Get mobility configuration for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :return: dict of config name to options :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = GetMobilityConfigRequest(session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id) response = self.stub.GetMobilityConfig(request) return wrappers.ConfigOption.from_dict(response.config) def set_mobility_config( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, config: Dict[str, str] ) -> bool: """ Set mobility configuration for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param config: mobility configuration :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ mobility_config = MobilityConfig(node_id=node_id, config=config) request = SetMobilityConfigRequest( session_id=session_id, mobility_config=mobility_config ) response = self.stub.SetMobilityConfig(request) return response.result def mobility_action( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, action: wrappers.MobilityAction ) -> bool: """ Send a mobility action for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param action: action to take :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = MobilityActionRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, action=action.value ) response = self.stub.MobilityAction(request) return response.result def get_config(self) -> wrappers.CoreConfig: """ Retrieve the current core configuration values. :return: core configuration """ request = GetConfigRequest() response = self.stub.GetConfig(request) return wrappers.CoreConfig.from_proto(response) def get_service_defaults(self, session_id: int) -> List[wrappers.ServiceDefault]: """ Get default services for different default node models. :param session_id: session id :return: list of service defaults :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = GetServiceDefaultsRequest(session_id=session_id) response = self.stub.GetServiceDefaults(request) defaults = [] for default_proto in response.defaults: default = wrappers.ServiceDefault.from_proto(default_proto) defaults.append(default) return defaults def set_service_defaults( self, session_id: int, service_defaults: Dict[str, List[str]] ) -> bool: """ Set default services for node models. :param session_id: session id :param service_defaults: node models to lists of services :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ defaults = [] for model in service_defaults: services = service_defaults[model] default = ServiceDefaults(model=model, services=services) defaults.append(default) request = SetServiceDefaultsRequest(session_id=session_id, defaults=defaults) response = self.stub.SetServiceDefaults(request) return response.result def get_node_service( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, service: str ) -> wrappers.NodeServiceData: """ Get service data for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param service: service name :return: node service data :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = GetNodeServiceRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, service=service ) response = self.stub.GetNodeService(request) return wrappers.NodeServiceData.from_proto(response.service) def get_node_service_file( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, service: str, file_name: str ) -> str: """ Get a service file for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param service: service name :param file_name: file name to get data for :return: file data :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = GetNodeServiceFileRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, service=service, file=file_name ) response = self.stub.GetNodeServiceFile(request) return response.data def service_action( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, service: str, action: wrappers.ServiceAction, ) -> bool: """ Send an action to a service for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param service: service name :param action: action for service (start, stop, restart, validate) :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = ServiceActionRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, service=service, action=action.value ) response = self.stub.ServiceAction(request) return response.result def config_service_action( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, service: str, action: wrappers.ServiceAction, ) -> bool: """ Send an action to a config service for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param service: config service name :param action: action for service (start, stop, restart, validate) :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = ServiceActionRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, service=service, action=action.value ) response = self.stub.ConfigServiceAction(request) return response.result def get_wlan_config( self, session_id: int, node_id: int ) -> Dict[str, wrappers.ConfigOption]: """ Get wlan configuration for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :return: dict of names to options :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = GetWlanConfigRequest(session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id) response = self.stub.GetWlanConfig(request) return wrappers.ConfigOption.from_dict(response.config) def set_wlan_config( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, config: Dict[str, str] ) -> bool: """ Set wlan configuration for a node. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param config: wlan configuration :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ wlan_config = WlanConfig(node_id=node_id, config=config) request = SetWlanConfigRequest(session_id=session_id, wlan_config=wlan_config) response = self.stub.SetWlanConfig(request) return response.result def get_emane_model_config( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, model: str, iface_id: int = -1 ) -> Dict[str, wrappers.ConfigOption]: """ Get emane model configuration for a node or a node's interface. :param session_id: session id :param node_id: node id :param model: emane model name :param iface_id: node interface id :return: dict of names to options :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = GetEmaneModelConfigRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, model=model, iface_id=iface_id ) response = self.stub.GetEmaneModelConfig(request) return wrappers.ConfigOption.from_dict(response.config) def set_emane_model_config( self, session_id: int, emane_model_config: wrappers.EmaneModelConfig ) -> bool: """ Set emane model configuration for a node or a node's interface. :param session_id: session id :param emane_model_config: emane model config to set :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = SetEmaneModelConfigRequest( session_id=session_id, emane_model_config=emane_model_config.to_proto() ) response = self.stub.SetEmaneModelConfig(request) return response.result def save_xml(self, session_id: int, file_path: str) -> None: """ Save the current scenario to an XML file. :param session_id: session to save xml file for :param file_path: local path to save scenario XML file to :return: nothing :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = core_pb2.SaveXmlRequest(session_id=session_id) response = self.stub.SaveXml(request) with open(file_path, "w") as xml_file: xml_file.write(response.data) def open_xml(self, file_path: Path, start: bool = False) -> Tuple[bool, int]: """ Load a local scenario XML file to open as a new session. :param file_path: path of scenario XML file :param start: tuple of result and session id when successful :return: tuple of result and session id """ with file_path.open("r") as f: data = f.read() request = core_pb2.OpenXmlRequest(data=data, start=start, file=str(file_path)) response = self.stub.OpenXml(request) return response.result, response.session_id def emane_link(self, session_id: int, nem1: int, nem2: int, linked: bool) -> bool: """ Helps broadcast wireless link/unlink between EMANE nodes. :param session_id: session to emane link :param nem1: first nem for emane link :param nem2: second nem for emane link :param linked: True to link, False to unlink :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or nodes related to nems do not exist """ request = EmaneLinkRequest( session_id=session_id, nem1=nem1, nem2=nem2, linked=linked ) response = self.stub.EmaneLink(request) return response.result def get_ifaces(self) -> List[str]: """ Retrieves a list of interfaces available on the host machine that are not a part of a CORE session. :return: list of interfaces """ request = core_pb2.GetInterfacesRequest() response = self.stub.GetInterfaces(request) return list(response.ifaces) def get_config_service_defaults(self, name: str) -> wrappers.ConfigServiceDefaults: """ Retrieves config service default values. :param name: name of service to get defaults for :return: config service defaults """ request = GetConfigServiceDefaultsRequest(name=name) response = self.stub.GetConfigServiceDefaults(request) return wrappers.ConfigServiceDefaults.from_proto(response) def get_node_config_service( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, name: str ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Retrieves information for a specific config service on a node. :param session_id: session node belongs to :param node_id: id of node to get service information from :param name: name of service :return: config dict of names to values :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or node doesn't exist """ request = GetNodeConfigServiceRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, name=name ) response = self.stub.GetNodeConfigService(request) return dict(response.config) def get_config_service_rendered( self, session_id: int, node_id: int, name: str ) -> Dict[str, str]: """ Retrieve the rendered config service files for a node. :param session_id: id of session :param node_id: id of node :param name: name of service :return: dict mapping names of files to rendered data """ request = GetConfigServiceRenderedRequest( session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id, name=name ) response = self.stub.GetConfigServiceRendered(request) return dict(response.rendered) def get_emane_event_channel( self, session_id: int, nem_id: int ) -> wrappers.EmaneEventChannel: """ Retrieves the current emane event channel being used for a session. :param session_id: session to get emane event channel for :param nem_id: nem id for the desired event channel :return: emane event channel :raises grpc.RpcError: when session doesn't exist """ request = GetEmaneEventChannelRequest(session_id=session_id, nem_id=nem_id) response = self.stub.GetEmaneEventChannel(request) return wrappers.EmaneEventChannel.from_proto(response) def execute_script(self, script: str, args: str) -> Optional[int]: """ Executes a python script given context of the current CoreEmu object. :param script: script to execute :param args: arguments to provide to script :return: create session id for script executed """ request = ExecuteScriptRequest(script=script, args=args) response = self.stub.ExecuteScript(request) return response.session_id if response.session_id else None def wlan_link( self, session_id: int, wlan_id: int, node1_id: int, node2_id: int, linked: bool ) -> bool: """ Links/unlinks nodes on the same WLAN. :param session_id: session id containing wlan and nodes :param wlan_id: wlan nodes must belong to :param node1_id: first node of pair to link/unlink :param node2_id: second node of pair to link/unlin :param linked: True to link, False to unlink :return: True for success, False otherwise :raises grpc.RpcError: when session or one of the nodes do not exist """ request = WlanLinkRequest( session_id=session_id, wlan=wlan_id, node1_id=node1_id, node2_id=node2_id, linked=linked, ) response = self.stub.WlanLink(request) return response.result def emane_pathlosses(self, streamer: EmanePathlossesStreamer) -> None: """ Stream EMANE pathloss events. :param streamer: emane pathlosses streamer :return: nothing :raises grpc.RpcError: when a pathloss event session or one of the nodes do not exist """ self.stub.EmanePathlosses(streamer.iter()) def linked( self, session_id: int, node1_id: int, node2_id: int, iface1_id: int, iface2_id: int, linked: bool, ) -> None: """ Link or unlink an existing core wired link. :param session_id: session containing the link :param node1_id: first node in link :param node2_id: second node in link :param iface1_id: node1 interface :param iface2_id: node2 interface :param linked: True to connect link, False to disconnect :return: nothing """ request = LinkedRequest( session_id=session_id, node1_id=node1_id, node2_id=node2_id, iface1_id=iface1_id, iface2_id=iface2_id, linked=linked, ) self.stub.Linked(request) def wireless_linked( self, session_id: int, wireless_id: int, node1_id: int, node2_id: int, linked: bool, ) -> None: request = WirelessLinkedRequest( session_id=session_id, wireless_id=wireless_id, node1_id=node1_id, node2_id=node2_id, linked=linked, ) self.stub.WirelessLinked(request) def wireless_config( self, session_id: int, wireless_id: int, node1_id: int, node2_id: int, options1: LinkOptions, options2: LinkOptions = None, ) -> None: if options2 is None: options2 = options1 request = WirelessConfigRequest( session_id=session_id, wireless_id=wireless_id, node1_id=node1_id, node2_id=node2_id, options1=options1.to_proto(), options2=options2.to_proto(), ) self.stub.WirelessConfig(request) def get_wireless_config( self, session_id: int, node_id: int ) -> Dict[str, wrappers.ConfigOption]: request = GetWirelessConfigRequest(session_id=session_id, node_id=node_id) response = self.stub.GetWirelessConfig(request) return wrappers.ConfigOption.from_dict(response.config) def connect(self) -> None: """ Open connection to server, must be closed manually. :return: nothing """ self.channel = grpc.insecure_channel( self.address, options=[("grpc.enable_http_proxy", self.proxy)] ) self.stub = core_pb2_grpc.CoreApiStub(self.channel) def close(self) -> None: """ Close currently opened server channel connection. :return: nothing """ if self.channel: self.channel.close() self.channel = None @contextmanager def context_connect(self) -> Generator: """ Makes a context manager based connection to the server, will close after context ends. :return: nothing """ try: self.connect() yield finally: self.close()