#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright (c)2011-2012 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # Test 3D range calculation of the BasicRangeModel by adding n nodes to a WLAN # stacked 100 units above each other (using z-axis). # import datetime import optparse import sys import time from core.misc import ipaddress, nodeutils from core.misc import nodemaps from core.mobility import BasicRangeModel from core.netns.nodes import WlanNode from core.netns.vnet import EbtablesQueue from core.netns.vnode import LxcNode from core.session import Session # node list - global so you can play using 'python -i' # e.g. >>> n[0].session.shutdown() n = [] def test(options): prefix = ipaddress.Ipv4Prefix("") session = Session(1, persistent=True) if options.enablesdt: # GUI default session.location.setrefgeo(47.57917, -122.13232, 50.0) session.location.refscale = 100.0 session.options.enablesdt = True session.options.sdturl = options.sdturl wlanid = options.numnodes + 1 net = session.add_object( cls=WlanNode, name="wlan%d" % wlanid, objid=wlanid ) values = list(BasicRangeModel.getdefaultvalues()) # values[0] = 5000000 # 5000km range net.setmodel(BasicRangeModel, values) for i in xrange(1, options.numnodes + 1): node = session.add_object(cls=LxcNode, name="n%d" % i, objid=i) address = "%s/%s" % (prefix.addr(i), prefix.prefixlen) print "setting node address: %s - %s" % (node.objid, address) node.newnetif(net, [address]) # set increasing Z coordinates node.setposition(10, 10, 100) n.append(node) # example setting node n2 to a high altitude # n[1].setposition(10, 10, 2000000) # 2000km # session.sdt.updatenode(n[1].objid, 0, 10, 10, 2000000) # launches terminal for the first node # n[0].term("bash") n[0].icmd(["ping", "-c", "5", ""]) # wait for rate seconds to allow ebtables commands to commit time.sleep(EbtablesQueue.rate) raw_input("press enter to exit") session.shutdown() def main(): usagestr = "usage: %prog [-h] [options] [args]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usagestr) parser.set_defaults(numnodes=2, enablesdt=False, sdturl="tcp://") parser.add_option( "-n", "--numnodes", dest="numnodes", type=int, help="number of nodes to test; default = %s" % parser.defaults["numnodes"] ) parser.add_option("-s", "--sdt", dest="enablesdt", action="store_true", help="enable SDT output") parser.add_option( "-u", "--sdturl", dest="sdturl", type="string", help="URL for SDT connection, default = %s" % parser.defaults["sdturl"] ) def usage(msg=None, err=0): sys.stdout.write("\n") if msg: sys.stdout.write(msg + "\n\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(err) # parse command line options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.numnodes < 2: usage("invalid number of nodes: %s" % options.numnodes) for a in args: sys.stderr.write("ignoring command line argument: '%s'\n" % a) start = datetime.datetime.now() test(options) print >> sys.stderr, "elapsed time: %s" % (datetime.datetime.now() - start) if __name__ == "__main__": # configure nodes to use node_map = nodemaps.NODES nodeutils.set_node_map(node_map) main()