# # Copyright 2005-2013 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # # Copyright 2005-2008 University of Zagreb, Croatia. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # This work was supported in part by Croatian Ministry of Science # and Technology through the research contract #IP-2003-143. # # default built-in model to use and its default parameters set DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL basic_range set DEFAULT_SCRIPT_MODEL ns2script set DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_TYPES "3 3 9 9 9" set DEFAULT_RANGE 275 set DEFAULT_WLAN_BW 54000000 set DEFAULT_WLAN_DELAY 20000 set DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_VALS [list "range=$DEFAULT_RANGE" \ "bandwidth=$DEFAULT_WLAN_BW" "jitter=0" "delay=$DEFAULT_WLAN_DELAY" \ "error=0" ] # default canvas reference point: X Y lat long alt set DEFAULT_REFPT "0 0 47.5791667 -122.132322 2.0" # # look for all wlan nodes connected to peer if specified, # otherwise in the global list of nodes proc findWlanNodes { peer } { global node_list set wlans { } # search the global node list for the first wlan node if { $peer == "" } { foreach node $node_list { if { [nodeType $node] == "wlan" } { lappend wlans $node } } # search peer for wlan node } else { foreach ifc [ifcList $peer] { set node [peerByIfc $peer $ifc] if { [nodeType $node] == "wlan" } { lappend wlans $node } } } return $wlans } # # Returns 1 if the given interface is wireless proc isIfcWireless { node ifc } { if { $ifc == "wireless" } { # wireless peudo-interface return false } set peer [logicalPeerByIfc $node $ifc] if { $peer != "" && [nodeType $peer] == "wlan" } { return true } return false } # # remove the (green) WLAN GUI links # proc clearWlanLinks { wlan } { global .c set search "wlanlink" if { $wlan != "" } { set search "wlanlink && $wlan" } foreach wlanlink [.c find withtag $search] { set tags [.c gettags $wlanlink] set lnode1 [lindex $tags 1] set lnode2 [lindex $tags 2] .c delete $wlanlink .c delete -withtags "linklabel && $lnode1 && $lnode2" # we could also remove wlan node hash table entry for # each wlanlink, but we are assuming wlan node will be # destroyed anyway } } # draws circles in GUI representing wlan range proc updateRangeCircles { wlan range } { global .c zoom g_selected_model set c .c set radius [expr {$zoom * $range/2}] $c delete -withtag rangecircles if { $radius == 0 } { return } if { $g_selected_model != "none" } { return } foreach ifc [ifcList $wlan] { set node [peerByIfc $wlan $ifc] set coords [getNodeCoords $node] set x [expr {[lindex $coords 0] * $zoom}] set y [expr {[lindex $coords 1] * $zoom}] set x1 [expr $x - $radius] set y1 [expr $y - $radius] set x2 [expr $x + $radius] set y2 [expr $y + $radius] set newcircle [$c create oval $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \ -width 2 -outline #00A000 -tags "circle rangecircles"] } } proc linkSelectedNodes { wlan nodes } { foreach node $nodes { if { $wlan == $node } { continue } ;# don't link to self if { [ifcByPeer $wlan $node] != "" } { continue } ;# already linked newGUILink $wlan $node } } proc linkAllNodes { wlan } { global node_list # vars related to the status bar graph set num 0 set num_nodes [llength $node_list] statgraph on $num_nodes set update_interval [expr {$num_nodes / 15}] .c config -cursor watch; update foreach node $node_list { statgraph inc 1 incr num # GUI update slows this down considerably, so update every so often if { $update_interval > 0 && \ [expr { ($num % $update_interval) }] == 0 } { update } if { [nodeType $node] != "router" } { continue } if { [ifcByPeer $wlan $node] != "" } { continue } ;# already linked newGUILink $wlan $node } .c config -cursor left_ptr; update statgraph off 0 } proc getWlanColor { wlan } { global node_list wlanLinkColors set colornum 0 foreach node $node_list { if {[nodeType $node] != "wlan"} { continue } if {$node == $wlan} { return [lindex $wlanLinkColors $colornum] } incr colornum if { $colornum >= [llength $wlanLinkColors] } { set colornum 0 } } # default color return [lindex $wlanLinkColors 0] } # move a node given incremental coordinates # dx dy should be adjusted for zoom proc moveNodeIncr { c node dx dy } { global node_list #puts "moveNodeIncr $node $dx $dy" # check that node exists if {[lsearch $node_list $node] == -1 } { return } # move the node and its links set img [$c find withtag "node && $node"] set coords [$c coords $img] set x [lindex $coords 0] set y [lindex $coords 1] # move doesn't take incremental coordinates set xpos [expr ($x + $dx)] set ypos [expr ($y + $dy)] moveNode $c $node $img $xpos $ypos $dx $dy } # move a node given absolute coordinates # xpos,ypos should be adjusted for zoom proc moveNodeAbs { c node xpos ypos } { global node_list # check that node exists if {[lsearch $node_list $node] == -1 } { return } # move the node and its links if {$xpos != 0 && $ypos != 0} { set img [$c find withtag "node && $node"] set coords [$c coords $img] set x [lindex $coords 0] set y [lindex $coords 1] # move doesn't take absolute coordinates set dx [expr ($xpos - $x)] set dy [expr ($ypos - $y)] moveNode $c $node $img $xpos $ypos $dx $dy } } # move a node on the canvas along with its labels and links # helper function used by moveNodeIncr and moveNodeAbs proc moveNode { c node img xpos ypos dx dy } { global zoom $c move $img $dx $dy set xposz [expr {$xpos / $zoom}]; set yposz [expr {$ypos / $zoom}] setNodeCoords $node "$xposz $yposz" $c move "nodelabel && $node" $dx $dy $c move "highlight && $node" $dx $dy $c move "rangecircles && $node" $dx $dy lassign [getDefaultLabelOffsets [nodeType $node]] ldx ldy setNodeLabelCoords $node "[expr {$xposz + $ldx}] [expr {$yposz + $ldy}]" $c addtag need_redraw withtag "link && $node" $c addtag need_redraw withtag "wlanlink && $node" foreach link [$c find withtag "link && need_redraw"] { redrawLink [lindex [$c gettags $link] 1] } foreach wlanlink [$c find withtag \ "wlanlink && need_redraw"] { redrawWlanLink $wlanlink } $c dtag node selected $c delete -withtags selectmark $c dtag link need_redraw $c dtag wlanlink need_redraw # callback for updating any widgets widgets_move_node $c $node 1 } # called from cfgparse when loading imn file proc upgradeWlanConfigs {} { global node_list set model_list [getPluginsCapList] foreach node $node_list { if { [nodeType $node] != "wlan" } { continue } set modcfg [netconfFetchSection $node "mobmodel"] if { [lindex $modcfg 0] == "range" } { upgradeWlanRangeConfig $node set modcfg [netconfFetchSection $node "mobmodel"] } foreach model [lrange $modcfg 1 end] { if { [lsearch $model_list "*=$model"] == -1 } { puts "***Warning: missing model '$model'!" } } } } # backwards compatibility with old config files # convert from "range" model to "basic_range" coreapi model proc upgradeWlanRangeConfig { wlan } { global DEFAULT_RANGE DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL global DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_TYPES DEFAULT_WLAN_BW DEFAULT_WLAN_DELAY netconfInsertSection $wlan [list mobmodel coreapi $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL] set range [getNodeRange $wlan] if { $range == "" } { set range $DEFAULT_RANGE } set bw [getLinkBandwidth $wlan] if { $bw == "" } { set bw $DEFAULT_WLAN_BW } set jitter 0 set delay [getLinkDelay $wlan] if { $delay == "" } { set delay $DEFAULT_WLAN_DELAY } set per [getLinkBER $wlan] if { $per == "" } { set per 0 } set types $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_TYPES set vals [list "range=$range" "bandwidth=$bw" "jitter=$jitter" \ "delay=$delay" "error=$per"] setCustomConfig $wlan $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL $types $vals 0 setNodeRange $wlan "" setLinkBandwidth $wlan "" setLinkDelay $wlan "" setLinkBER $wlan "" } # helper to populate popup config for wlan nodes proc wlanConfigDialogHelper { wi target apply } { global range DEFAULT_RANGE DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL changed global DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_VALS DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_TYPES global DEFAULT_SCRIPT_MODEL global systype global plugin_img_edit global g_selected_model global oper_mode set wlan $target set emulation_type [lindex [getEmulPlugin $target] 1] set modcfg [netconfFetchSection $target "mobmodel"] set mobmodel [lindex [split $modcfg] 1] # apply values from the config dialog if { $apply } { # basic range selected if { $g_selected_model == "none" } { set mobmodel $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL # bw/delay/ber set rb $wi.wl.note.basic.rb set de $wi.wl.note.basic.de set jt $wi.wl.note.basic.jt set bw [$rb.value get] set jitter [$jt.value1 get] set delay [$de.value2 get] set per [$de.value3 get] set types $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_TYPES set vals [list "range=$range" "bandwidth=$bw" "jitter=$jitter" \ "delay=$delay" "error=$per"] setCustomConfig $wlan $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL $types $vals 0 # EMANE model selected } else { set mobmodel $g_selected_model } # ns-2 mobility script file set scriptcfg [getCustomConfigByID $wlan $DEFAULT_SCRIPT_MODEL] if { $scriptcfg != "" } { netconfInsertSection $target \ [list mobmodel coreapi $mobmodel $DEFAULT_SCRIPT_MODEL] } else { netconfInsertSection $target [list mobmodel coreapi $mobmodel] } # ipv4/ipv6 address set ipv4changed 0 set ipv6changed 0 set ipaddr [$wi.bottom.ipv4.addrv get] set oldipaddr [getIfcIPv4addr $target wireless] if { $ipaddr != $oldipaddr } { setIfcIPv4addr $target wireless $ipaddr set changed 1 set ipv4changed 1 } set ipaddr [$wi.bottom.ipv6.addrv get] set oldipaddr [getIfcIPv6addr $target wireless] if { $ipaddr != $oldipaddr } { setIfcIPv6addr $target wireless $ipaddr set changed 1 set ipv6changed 1 } foreach ifc [ifcList $target] { set lnode [lindex [linkByIfc $target $ifc] 0] # erase IPv4/IPv6 addresses as needed set peer [peerByIfc $target $ifc] set peerifc [ifcByPeer $peer $target] if { $ipv4changed } { setIfcIPv4addr $peer $peerifc "" } if { $ipv6changed } { setIfcIPv6addr $peer $peerifc "" } } # addresses have been zeroed above to force using the WLAN subnet foreach ifc [ifcList $target] { set peer [peerByIfc $target $ifc] set peerifc [ifcByPeer $peer $target] if { $ipv4changed } { autoIPv4addr $peer $peerifc } if { $ipv6changed } { autoIPv6addr $peer $peerifc } } # remove any range circles updateRangeCircles $target 0 if { $oper_mode == "exec" } { # this generates Config Messages for updating the model parameters pluginCapsInitialize $target "mobmodel" } return } # use default model/values when none configured for this node if { $mobmodel == "" } { set mobmodel $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL set vals $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_VALS # look for customized range/bw/jitter/delay/per } else { set vals [getCustomConfigByID $target $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL] if { $vals == "" } { set vals $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL_VALS } } # set radio button variable if { $mobmodel == $DEFAULT_WLAN_MODEL } { set g_selected_model "none" } else { set g_selected_model $mobmodel } set range [getServiceValuesItem $vals "range" 0] set bw [getServiceValuesItem $vals "bandwidth" 1] set jitter [getServiceValuesItem $vals "jitter" 2] set delay [getServiceValuesItem $vals "delay" 3] set per [getServiceValuesItem $vals "error" 4] ttk::labelframe $wi.wl -text "Wireless" pack $wi.wl -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4 ttk::notebook $wi.wl.note pack $wi.wl.note -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4 ttk::notebook::enableTraversal $wi.wl.note ## ## basic range ## ttk::frame $wi.wl.note.basic $wi.wl.note add $wi.wl.note.basic -text "Basic" -underline 0 set txt "The basic range model calculates on/off connectivity based on" set txt "$txt pixel\n distance between nodes." ttk::label $wi.wl.note.basic.tlab -text $txt pack $wi.wl.note.basic.tlab -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 # range and bandwidth (rb) frame set rb $wi.wl.note.basic.rb ttk::frame $rb ttk::label $rb.rlab -text "Range:" ttk::scale $rb.rscale -command "updateRangeCircles $target" \ -to 1500 -orient horizontal -variable range ttk::entry $rb.range -width 5 -textvariable range pack $rb.rlab $rb.rscale $rb.range -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 # bandwidth set spinbox [getspinbox] ttk::label $rb.label -anchor w -text "Bandwidth (bps):" $spinbox $rb.value -justify right -width 10 -validate focus $rb.value configure -validatecommand {checkIntRange %P 0 1000000000} \ -from 0 -to 1000000000 -increment 1000000 $rb.value insert 0 $bw pack $rb.label $rb.value \ -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $rb -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 # delay and error (de) frame set de $wi.wl.note.basic.de ttk::frame $de ttk::label $de.label2 -anchor w -text "Delay (us):" $spinbox $de.value2 -justify right -width 10 -validate focus $de.value2 configure -validatecommand {checkIntRange %P 0 10000000} \ -from 0 -to 10000000 -increment 5000 $de.value2 insert 0 $delay pack $de.label2 $de.value2 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 $spinbox $de.value3 -justify right -width 5 -validate focus if { [lindex $systype 0] == "Linux" } { ttk::label $de.label3 -anchor w -text "Loss (%):" $de.value3 configure -from 0 -to 100.0 -increment 0.1 } else { ;# netgraph ttk::label $de.label3 -anchor w -text "Bit Error (1/N):" $de.value3 configure -width 10 -validatecommand \ {checkIntRange %P 0 10000000000000} \ -from 0 -to 10000000000000 -increment 1000 } $de.value3 insert 0 $per pack $de.label3 $de.value3 \ -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $de -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 # jitter frame set jt $wi.wl.note.basic.jt ttk::frame $jt ttk::label $jt.label1 -anchor w -text "Jitter (us):" $spinbox $jt.value1 -justify right -width 10 -validate focus $jt.value1 configure -validatecommand {checkIntRange %P 0 10000000} \ -from 0 -to 10000000 -increment 5000 $jt.value1 insert 0 $jitter pack $jt.label1 $jt.value1 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $jt -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 ### ### EMANE ### ttk::frame $wi.wl.note.emane $wi.wl.note add $wi.wl.note.emane -text "EMANE" -underline 0 set txt "The EMANE emulation system provides more complex wireless radio" set txt "$txt emulation\n using pluggable MAC and PHY modules." ttk::label $wi.wl.note.emane.tlab -text $txt pack $wi.wl.note.emane.tlab -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 # models set mod $wi.wl.note.emane.models ttk::labelframe $mod -text "EMANE Models" pack $mod -side top -fill both -expand true -padx 4 -pady 4 set side "nw" ttk::radiobutton $mod.none -text "none" -command "updateOptBtn $wi none" \ -value "none" -variable g_selected_model -width 12 pack $mod.none -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 0 set caplist [getPluginsCapList] set emane_models {} set have_emane_models false # TODO: a refresh button here would be nice foreach cap $caplist { set captype [lindex [split $cap =] 0] set capname [lindex [split $cap =] 1] if { [string range $capname 0 5] != "emane_" } { continue } set emane_model [capTitle $capname] ttk::radiobutton $mod.$capname -text $emane_model -value $capname \ -variable g_selected_model -width 12 \ -command "updateOptBtn $wi $emane_model" pack $mod.$capname -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 0 set have_emane_models true } if { ! $have_emane_models } { # show connection dialog box to indicate why there are no EMANE models $mod.none configure -text "none - connection to CORE daemon required!" \ -width "45" after 500 { update ;# allow dialog layout, otherwise strange results pluginConnect "" connect true } } # options buttons set opts $wi.wl.note.emane.opts ttk::frame $opts ttk::button $opts.model -text "model options" \ -image $plugin_img_edit -compound right -command "" -state disabled \ -command "configCap $target \[set g_selected_model\]" # global EMANE model uses no node in config request message, although any # config will be stored with the EMANE node having the lowest ID ttk::button $opts.gen -text "EMANE options" \ -image $plugin_img_edit -compound right \ -command "configCap -1 emane" #-command "popupPluginsCapConfigHelper $wi config $target" pack $opts.model $opts.gen -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $opts -side top -anchor c -padx 4 -pady 4 # show correct tab basic/emane based on selection if { $g_selected_model == "none" } { $wi.wl.note select $wi.wl.note.basic } else { $wi.wl.note select $wi.wl.note.emane } updateOptBtn $wi [capTitle $g_selected_model] # WLAN has not been linked yet, generate addresses here. if { [getIfcIPv4addr $target wireless] == "" } { setIfcIPv4addr $target wireless "[findFreeIPv4Net 24].0/32" } if { [getIfcIPv6addr $target wireless] == "" } { setIfcIPv6addr $target wireless "[findFreeIPv6Net 64]::0/128" } frame $wi.bottom -padx 4 -pady 4 # 4. IPv4/IPv6 addresses # # IPv4 address # frame $wi.bottom.ipv4 label $wi.bottom.ipv4.addrl -text "IPv4 subnet" \ -anchor w entry $wi.bottom.ipv4.addrv -bg white -width 30 \ -validate focus -invcmd "focusAndFlash %W" $wi.bottom.ipv4.addrv insert 0 \ [getIfcIPv4addr $target wireless] $wi.bottom.ipv4.addrv configure \ -vcmd {checkIPv4Net %P} # # IPv6 address # frame $wi.bottom.ipv6 label $wi.bottom.ipv6.addrl -text "IPv6 subnet" \ -anchor w entry $wi.bottom.ipv6.addrv -bg white -width 30 \ -validate focus -invcmd "focusAndFlash %W" $wi.bottom.ipv6.addrv insert 0 \ [getIfcIPv6addr $target wireless] $wi.bottom.ipv6.addrv configure \ -vcmd {checkIPv6Net %P} # # Link all nodes button # button $wi.bottom.script -text "ns-2 mobility script..." \ -command "sendConfRequestMessage -1 $target ns2script 0x1 -1 {}" button $wi.bottom.linkall -text "Link to all routers" \ -command "linkAllNodes $target" set msg "Select new WLAN $target members:" set cmd "linkSelectedNodes $target" button $wi.bottom.memb -text "Choose WLAN members" \ -command "popupSelectNodes \"$msg\" \"\" {$cmd}" # layout items pack $wi.bottom.ipv4.addrl $wi.bottom.ipv4.addrv -side left pack $wi.bottom.ipv4 -side top -anchor w pack $wi.bottom.ipv6.addrl $wi.bottom.ipv6.addrv -side left pack $wi.bottom.ipv6 -side top -anchor w pack $wi.bottom.script $wi.bottom.linkall $wi.bottom.memb \ -side left -anchor center pack $wi.bottom -side top -anchor w } # toggle the enabling/disabling of Basic/EMANE controls proc updateOptBtn { wi txt } { set s normal set bs disabled if { $txt == "none" } { set s disabled; set bs !disabled; set txt "model" } $wi.wl.note.emane.opts.model configure -text "$txt options" -state $s $wi.wl.note.basic.rb.range configure -state $bs $wi.wl.note.basic.rb.rscale state $bs if { $bs == "disabled" } { .c delete -withtag rangecircles } # spinbox state: disabled/!disabled (Tk 8.5.8) or disabled/normal (ttk) set spinboxstate $bs if { [info command ttk::spinbox] == "" && $spinboxstate == "!disabled" } { set spinboxstate normal } $wi.wl.note.basic.rb.value configure -state $spinboxstate $wi.wl.note.basic.de.value2 configure -state $spinboxstate $wi.wl.note.basic.de.value3 configure -state $spinboxstate $wi.wl.note.basic.jt.value1 configure -state $spinboxstate } proc wlanDoubleClick { node button } { set modeldata [netconfFetchSection $node "mobmodel"] # modeldata e.g. = "coreapi emane_rfpipe" set modeltype [lindex $modeldata 1] if { [string range $modeltype 0 4] == "emane" } { if { [string range $modeltype 6 end] == "commeffect" } { set cmd "emanecommeffectcontroller" if { [catch {exec $cmd & } e] } { tk_messageBox -icon error -message "Error launching $cmd: $e" } } } else { # TODO: non-EMANE WLAN dialog, e.g. mobility } } # helper returns true for WLANs configured with EMANE models proc isEmane { node } { if { [nodeType $node] != "wlan" } { return false } set modeldata [netconfFetchSection $node "mobmodel"] set modeltype [lindex $modeldata 1] if { [string range $modeltype 0 4] == "emane" } { return true } else { return false } } # return the EMANE node (WLAN) having the lowest node number # the EMANE global config will be stored with this node proc minEmaneNode {} { global node_list set min "" foreach node $node_list { if { ![isEmane $node] } { continue } set nodenum [string range $node 1 end] if { $min == "" || $nodenum < $min } { set min $nodenum } } if { $min != "" } { set min "n$min" } return $min }