#!/usr/bin/env python # # (c)2011-2012 the Boeing Company # """ perflogserver.py - CORE server and node performace metrics logger and alarmer server metrics: loadave1, 5, 15, mem, used cpu% of total, cpu1, cpu2, ..., cpun node metrics: throughput, mem, cpu total, usr, sys, wait """ import commands import optparse import os import signal import sys import time def readfile(fname): lines = [] try: f = open(fname, "r") except IOError: if options.timestamp == True: print(str(time.time()),) print("ERROR: failed to open file %s\n" % fname) else: lines = f.readlines() f.close() return lines def numcpus(): lines = readfile("/proc/stat") n = 0 for l in lines[1:]: if l[:3] != "cpu": break n += 1 return n def handler(signum, frame): print("stop timestamp:", str(time.time()) + ", cyclecount=", cyclecount, ", caught signal", signum) sys.exit(0) class ServerMetrics(object): def __init__(self): self.smetrics = {"serverloadavg1": 0.0, "serverloadavg5": 0.0, "serverloadavg15": 0.0, "serverusedmemory": 0.0, "serverusedcputime": 0.0, "processorusedcputime": []} def setvalues(self, val): """ Set values from val = (nump, ldavg1, ldavg5, adavg15, mem, cpu, p1cpu, p2cpu...). """ self.smetrics["serverloadavg1"] = val[0] self.smetrics["serverloadavg5"] = val[1] self.smetrics["serverloadavg15"] = val[2] self.smetrics["serverusedmemory"] = val[4] self.smetrics["serverusedcputime"] = val[5] pcpu = [] for ind in range(5, len(val)): pcpu.append(val[ind]) self.smetrics["processorusedcputime"] = pcpu def setvalue(self, key, val): self.smetrics[key] = val def getvalue(self, key): return self.smetrics[key] def getkeys(self): return self.smetrics.keys() def tocsv(self): rv = "Server" for k in self.smetrics: if isinstance(self.smetrics[k], float): rv += ", %.2f" % self.smetrics[k] else: if isinstance(self.smetrics[k], list): values = ", ".join(str(round(x, 2)) for x in self.smetrics[k]) rv += ", [%s]" % values else: rv += ", " + str(self.smetrics[k]) return rv def readserverthresholds(filename): if filename is None: return lines = readfile(filename) for l in lines: mval = l.strip().split('=') if len(mval) > 1: thekey = mval[0].strip() theval = mval[1].strip() if thekey in serverthresholds.getkeys(): serverthresholds.setvalue(thekey, float(theval)) def checkserverthreshold(metricval): """ Print out an alarm if a ServerMetrics value crosses threshold. """ for key in serverthresholds.getkeys(): if key == "processorusedcputime": pcpus = metricval.getvalue(key) for ind, pcpu in enumerate(pcpus): if pcpu > serverthresholds.getvalue(key): alarm = ["server", os.uname()[1], str(ind) + key, "%.2f" % pcpus[ind], ">", serverthresholds.getvalue(key)] if options.timestamp: print(str(time.time()) + ",",) print(", ".join(str(x) for x in alarm)) else: if metricval.getvalue(key) > serverthresholds.getvalue(key): alarm = ["server", os.uname()[1], key, "%.2f" % metricval.getvalue(key), ">", serverthresholds.getvalue(key)] if options.timestamp: print(str(time.time()) + ",",) print(", ".join(str(x) for x in alarm)) def collectservercputimes(): """ Return cpu times in ticks of this server total and each processor 3*(1+#cpu) columns (user+nice, sys, idle) from each /proc/stat cpu lines assume columns are: cpu# user nice sys idle iowait irq softirq steal guest (man 5 proc) """ rval = {} lines = readfile("/proc/stat") for i in range(ncpus + 1): items = lines[i].split() user, nice, sys, idle = [int(x) for x in items[1:5]] rval[i] = [user+nice, sys, idle] return rval def csvservercputimes(cputimes): """ Return a csv string of this server total and each processor's cpu times (usr, sys, idle) in ticks. """ rval = '' for i in range(len(cputimes)): rval += ", ".join(str(x) for x in cputimes[i]) return rval def calcservercputimes(cputimea, cputimeb): """ Return cpu used/total % of this server total and each processor (1+#cpu columns). """ p = {} for n in range(ncpus + 1): p[n] = [] for i in range(len(cputimea[n])): p[n].append(cputimeb[n][i] - cputimea[n][i]) # cpu times total delta total = sum(p[n]) if total == 0: p[n] = 0.0 else: p[n] = 100 - ((100.0 * p[n][-1]) / total) return p def collectservermems(): """ Return memory (total, free) in KB from proc/meminfo. """ lines = readfile("/proc/meminfo") mem = [x.split() for x in lines[0:2]] return [int(x) for x in zip(*mem)[1]] def csvservermems(mems): """ Return a csv string of this server memory (total, free). """ return ", ".join(str(x) for x in mems) def calcserverusedmem(mems): """ Return int(100*(MemTotal-MemFree)/MemTotal) from /proc/meminfo. """ return 100 * (mems[0] - mems[1]) / mems[0] def collectservermetrics(cputimes, mems, thresholdcheck): """ Return ServerMetrics object with a dictionary of loadavg1,loadavg5,loadavg15, usedmem%, usedcpu% for total, cpu1, cpu2, ... """ metricval = [] ldavgs = os.getloadavg() for v in ldavgs: metricval.append(v) metricval.append(calcserverusedmem(mems)) for i in range(ncpus + 1): metricval.append(cputimes[i]) srvmetrics = ServerMetrics() srvmetrics.setvalues(metricval) if thresholdcheck: checkserverthreshold(srvmetrics) return srvmetrics def csvservermetrics(srvmetrics): """ Return a csv string of ServerMetrics.tocsv() loadavg1,loadavg5,loadavg15, usedmem%, usedcpu% for total, cpu1, cpu2, ... """ rv = "" if options.timestamp: rv = str(time.time()) + ", " rv += srvmetrics.tocsv() return rv def csvserverbaseline(): """ Return a csv string of raw server metrics data: memfree, memtotal, cpuused, cpusystem, cpuidle. """ return "memory (total, free) = " + csvservermems(collectservermems()) + "\ncputime (used, sys, idl) = " + csvservercputimes(collectservercputimes()) class NodeMetrics(object): def __init__(self): self.nmetrics = {"nodethroughput": 0.0, "nodeusedmemory": 0.0, "nodetotalcpu": 0.0, "nodeusercpu": 0.0, "nodesystemcpu": 0.0, "nodewaitcpu": 0.0} def setvalues(self, val): """ Set values from val = (throughput, mem, tcpu, ucpu, scpu, wcpu). """ self.nmetrics["nodethroughput"] = val[0] self.nmetrics["nodeusedmemory"] = val[1] self.nmetrics["nodetotalcpu"] = val[2] self.nmetrics["nodeusercpu"] = val[3] self.nmetrics["nodesystemcpu"] = val[4] self.nmetrics["nodewaitcpu"] = val[5] def setvalue(self, key, val): self.nmetrics[key] = val def getvalue(self, key): return self.nmetrics[key] def getkeys(self): return self.nmetrics.keys() def tocsv(self): return ", ".join(str(x) for x in self.nmetrics.values()) class LogSession(object): def __init__(self): self.nodethresholds = NodeMetrics() # set node threshold default values: # nodethroughput=20.0, nodeusedmemory=15.0, nodetotalcpu=90.0, # nodeusercpu=30.0, nodewaitcpu=50.0, nodesystemcpu=20.0} self.nodethresholds.setvalues([20.0, 15.0, 90.0, 30.0, 50.0, 20.0]) if options.configfile is not None: self.readnodethresholds(options.configfile) self.pids = {} self.nodemetricsA = {} self.nodemetricsB = {} self.nodemetricsC = {} def getpids(self): """ Return dict of all CORE session pids in a dict using node name as the keys parent pid (vnoded) is the first value. """ self.pids = {} nodes = commands.getstatusoutput( "ls /tmp/pycore.%s/*pid" % options.session) if nodes[0] != 0: return nodes = nodes[1].split('\n') for nod in nodes: nodename = nod.split('/')[-1].strip(".pid") self.pids[nodename] = commands.getoutput("cat %s" % nod) # do not expect failure of this command procs = commands.getoutput('ps -eo ppid,pid,comm').split('\n') # build self.pids dict with key=nodename and val="ppid,pid,cmd" for nname in self.pids: if self.pids[nname] == "": if options.timestamp == True: print(str(time.time()),) print("ERROR: null vnoded pid of node: %s" % nname) else: childprocs = [] ppid = self.pids[nname] for proc in procs: val = proc.split() if ppid == val[1]: childprocs.append([val[1], val[2]]) if ppid == val[0]: childprocs.append([val[1], val[2]]) self.pids[nname] = childprocs return self.pids def printsesspids(self): if self.pids == {}: return {} for pp in self.pids: if self.pids[pp] != []: for ap in range(len(self.pids[pp]) - 1): # ap pid print(", " + self.pids[pp][ap][0],) # ap cmd print(", " + self.pids[pp][ap][1],) procmetrics = [str(x) for x in self.pids[pp][ap][-1]] print(", " + ", ".join(procmetrics),) nodemetrics = [str(x) for x in self.pids[pp][-1]] print(", " + ", ".join(nodemetrics)) def getprocessmetrics(self, pid): """ Return [cpu#, vsize(kb), ttime, utime, stime, wtime] from a /proc/pid/stat (a single line file) assume columns are: pid(0) comm(1) state ppid pgrp sess tty_nr tpgid flags minflt cmiflt majflt cmajflt # utime(12) stime cutime cstime priority nice num_threads itrealvalue starttime vsize(22) rss rsslim startcode endcode startstack kstkesp signal blocked sigignore sigcatch wchan nswap cnswap exit_signal processor(38) rt_priority policy ioblock guest_time cguest_time (man 5 proc) """ rval = {} lines = readfile("/proc/" + pid + "/stat") if lines == []: return rval items = lines[0].split() utime, stime, cutime, cstime = [int(x) for x in items[13:17]] rval = (items[38], # last run processor int(items[22])/1000, # process virtual mem in kb utime + stime + cutime + cstime, # totoal time utime, # user time stime, # system time cutime + cstime) # wait time return rval def getnodethroughput(self, pid): """ Return node throughput of total receive and transmit packets in kb. """ lines = readfile("/proc/" + pid + "/net/dev") if lines == []: return -0.00 ifs = [x.split() for x in lines[2:]] ifm = zip(*ifs) rv = sum(int(x) for x in ifm[1]) # received bytes tr = sum(int(x) for x in ifm[9]) # transmited bytes return (rv + tr)/1000 def getnodemetrics(self, mindex): """ Return NodeMetrics with indexed by nodename, values are rows of [ [ppid, vnoded, [cpu#, vmem(kb), ttime, utime, stime, wtime]], [cpid, cmd, [cpu#, vmem(kb), ttime, utime, stime, wtime]], ... , [thrput, vmem(kb), ttime, utime, stime, wtime]] """ if mindex == 'a': metricref = self.nodemetricsA else: metricref = self.nodemetricsB self.getpids() if self.pids == {}: return {} for nod in self.pids: nmetric = NodeMetrics() nmetric.__init__() nodeapps = {} for ap in range(len(self.pids[nod])): # get each process metrics procm = self.getprocessmetrics(self.pids[nod][ap][0]) if procm == []: if options.timestamp == True: print(str(time.time()),) print("WARNING: transient process", self.pids[nod][ap][1], "/", self.pids[nod][ap][0], "on node %s" % nod) else: nodeapps[ap] = procm self.pids[nod][ap].append(nodeapps[ap]) processm = zip(*nodeapps.values()) # get overall node metrics if len(processm) > 0: nmetric.setvalues((self.getnodethroughput(self.pids[nod][0][0]), # vsize(kb) sum(int(x) for x in processm[1]), # ttime sum(int(x) for x in processm[2]), # utime sum(int(x) for x in processm[3]), # stime sum(int(x) for x in processm[4]), sum(int(x) for x in processm[5]))) # wtime metricref[nod] = nmetric return metricref def setnodemetricsC(self, key, val): self.nodemetricsC[key] = val def printnodemetrics(self, mindex): if mindex == 'c': mm = self.nodemetricsC else: if mindex == 'a': mm = self.nodemetricsA else: mm = self.nodemetricsB for k in self.nodemetricsC: if options.timestamp: print(str(time.time()) + ",",) print(k, ",", mm[k].tocsv()) def readnodethresholds(self, filename): if filename is None: return lines = readfile(filename) for l in lines: mval = l.strip().split('=') if len(mval) > 1: thekey = mval[0].strip() theval = mval[1].strip() if thekey in self.nodethresholds.getkeys(): self.nodethresholds.setvalue(thekey, float(theval)) def checknodethresholds(self, nname): calcm = self.nodemetricsC[nname] for keyname in self.nodethresholds.getkeys(): if float(calcm.getvalue(keyname)) > float(self.nodethresholds.getvalue(keyname)): alarm = ["node", nname + "/" + self.pids[nname][0][0], keyname, calcm.getvalue(keyname), ">", self.nodethresholds.getvalue(keyname)] if options.timestamp: print(str(time.time()) + ",",) print(", ".join(str(x) for x in alarm)) def calcnodemetrics(self, cputimea, cputimeb, mems): """ Return a dict of nodemetrics indexed by node name nodemetrics[nodename][-1] = node/host%. """ p = [] for i in range(len(cputimeb[0])): p.append(cputimeb[0][i] - cputimea[0][i]) hostusedcpu = p[0] + p[1] hostusedmem = mems[0] - mems[1] if hostusedcpu == 0: print("WARNING: host used cpu = 0, ", p[0], p[1]) hostusedcpu = 1 if hostusedmem == 0: print("WARNING: host used mem = 0, ", mems[0], mems[1]) hostusedmem = 1 nodesa = self.nodemetricsA nodesb = self.nodemetricsB for nod in nodesb: calcm = self.nodemetricsC calcm = NodeMetrics() calcm.__init__() if (nod in nodesa): try: if (nodesb[nod] == []) | (nodesa[nod] == []) | \ (False == isinstance(nodesb[nod], NodeMetrics)) | \ (False == isinstance(nodesa[nod], NodeMetrics)): if options.timestamp == True: print(str(time.time()),) print("Warning: nodes %s is not fully instanciated" % nod) else: # calc throughput kbps calcm.setvalue("nodethroughput", "%.2f" % (8 * (nodesb[nod].getvalue("nodethroughput") - nodesa[nod].getvalue("nodethroughput")) / options.interval)) # calc mem node used / host used calcm.setvalue("nodeusedmemory", "%.2f" % ( 100.0 * (nodesb[nod].getvalue("nodeusedmemory") / hostusedmem))) # calc total cpu time node / host calcm.setvalue("nodetotalcpu", "%.2f" % (100.0 * (nodesb[nod].getvalue("nodetotalcpu") - nodesa[nod].getvalue("nodetotalcpu")) / hostusedcpu)) # calc user cpu time node / host calcm.setvalue("nodeusercpu", "%.2f" % (100.0 * (nodesb[nod].getvalue("nodeusercpu") - nodesa[nod].getvalue("nodeusercpu")) / hostusedcpu)) # calc system cpu time node / host calcm.setvalue("nodesystemcpu", "%.2f" % (100.0 * (nodesb[nod].getvalue("nodesystemcpu") - nodesa[nod].getvalue("nodesystemcpu")) / hostusedcpu)) # calc waitcpu time node / host calcm.setvalue("nodewaitcpu", "%.2f" % (100.0 * (nodesb[nod].getvalue("nodewaitcpu") - nodesa[nod].getvalue("nodewaitcpu")) / hostusedcpu)) logsession.nodemetricsC[nod] = calcm if options.alarm is not None: logsession.checknodethresholds(nod) except IndexError: pass else: print("Warning: transient node %s " % nod) return nodesb def main(): usagestr = "%prog [-h] [options] [args]\n\nLog server and optional CORE session metrics to stdout." parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usagestr) parser.set_defaults(interval=2, timestamp=False, configfile="/etc/core/perflogserver.conf", alarm=True, session=None) parser.add_option("-i", "--interval", dest="interval", type=int, help="seconds to wait between samples; default=%s" % parser.defaults["interval"]) parser.add_option("-t", "--timestamp", action="store_true", dest="timestamp", help="include timestamp on each line") parser.add_option("-c", "--configfile", dest="configfile", type="string", help="read threshold values from the specified file;default=%s" % parser.defaults["configfile"]) parser.add_option("-a", "--alarm", action="store_true", dest="alarm", help="generate alarms based threshold check on each cycle") parser.add_option("-s", "--session", dest="session", type=int, help="CORE session id; default=%s" % parser.defaults["session"]) global options global ncpus global serverthresholds global logsession global cyclecount options, _args = parser.parse_args() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler) ncpus = numcpus() # server threshold dictionary - a ServerMetrics instant with default values serverthresholds = ServerMetrics() # set to server threshold default values: serverloadavg1=3.5, # serverloadavg5=3.5, serverloadavg15=3.5, serverusedmemory=80.0, # serverusedcputime=80.0, processorusedcputime=90.0 serverthresholds.setvalues([3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 80.0, 80.0, 90.0]) if options.alarm is True: # read server threshold values from configuration file readserverthresholds(options.configfile) if options.session is not None: logsession = LogSession() # mark host log baseline print("server: ", ", ".join(str(x) for x in os.uname()), ",", ncpus, "CPU cores") print("start timestamp:", time.time(), ", baseline data: ") print(csvserverbaseline()) print("server metrics: ", ", ".join(str(x) for x in serverthresholds.getkeys())) if options.session is not None: print("node metrics: nodename, ", ", ".join(str(x) for x in logsession.nodethresholds.getkeys())) cyclecount = 0 while True: cputimea = collectservercputimes() if options.session is not None: nodesa = logsession.getnodemetrics("a") time.sleep(options.interval) cputimeb = collectservercputimes() mems = collectservermems() calccputime = calcservercputimes(cputimea, cputimeb) m = csvservermetrics(collectservermetrics( calccputime, mems, options.alarm)) print(m) if options.session is not None: nodesb = logsession.getnodemetrics('b') if nodesb != {}: logsession.calcnodemetrics(cputimea, cputimeb, mems) logsession.printnodemetrics('c') sys.stdout.flush() cyclecount = cyclecount + 1 if __name__ == "__main__": main()