""" PyCoreNode and LxcNode classes that implement the network namespac virtual node. """ import errno import os import random import shutil import signal import string import threading from core import CoreCommandError from core import constants from core import logger from core.coreobj import PyCoreNetIf from core.coreobj import PyCoreNode from core.enumerations import NodeTypes from core.misc import nodeutils from core.misc import utils from core.misc.ipaddress import MacAddress from core.netns import vnodeclient from core.netns.vif import TunTap from core.netns.vif import VEth _DEFAULT_MTU = 1500 utils.check_executables([constants.IP_BIN]) class SimpleLxcNode(PyCoreNode): """ Provides simple lxc functionality for core nodes. :var nodedir: str :var ctrlchnlname: str :var client: core.netns.vnodeclient.VnodeClient :var pid: int :var up: bool :var lock: threading.RLock :var _mounts: list[tuple[str, str]] """ valid_address_types = {"inet", "inet6", "inet6link"} def __init__(self, session, objid=None, name=None, nodedir=None, start=True): """ Create a SimpleLxcNode instance. :param core.session.Session session: core session instance :param int objid: object id :param str name: object name :param str nodedir: node directory :param bool start: start flag """ PyCoreNode.__init__(self, session, objid, name, start=start) self.nodedir = nodedir self.ctrlchnlname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.session.session_dir, self.name)) self.client = None self.pid = None self.up = False self.lock = threading.RLock() self._mounts = [] def alive(self): """ Check if the node is alive. :return: True if node is alive, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ try: os.kill(self.pid, 0) except OSError: return False return True def startup(self): """ Start a new namespace node by invoking the vnoded process that allocates a new namespace. Bring up the loopback device and set the hostname. :return: nothing """ if self.up: raise ValueError("starting a node that is already up") # create a new namespace for this node using vnoded vnoded = [ constants.VNODED_BIN, "-v", "-c", self.ctrlchnlname, "-l", self.ctrlchnlname + ".log", "-p", self.ctrlchnlname + ".pid" ] if self.nodedir: vnoded += ["-C", self.nodedir] env = self.session.get_environment(state=False) env["NODE_NUMBER"] = str(self.objid) env["NODE_NAME"] = str(self.name) output = utils.check_cmd(vnoded, env=env) self.pid = int(output) # create vnode client self.client = vnodeclient.VnodeClient(self.name, self.ctrlchnlname) # bring up the loopback interface logger.info("bringing up loopback interface") self.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", "lo", "up"]) # set hostname for node logger.info("setting hostname: %s", self.name) self.check_cmd(["hostname", self.name]) # mark node as up self.up = True def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown logic for simple lxc nodes. :return: nothing """ # nothing to do if node is not up if not self.up: return # unmount all targets while self._mounts: source, target = self._mounts.pop(-1) self.umount(target) # shutdown all interfaces for netif in self.netifs(): netif.shutdown() # attempt to kill node process and wait for termination of children try: os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) os.waitpid(self.pid, 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 10: logger.exception("error killing process") # remove node directory if present try: os.unlink(self.ctrlchnlname) except OSError as e: # no such file or directory if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: logger.exception("error removing node directory") # clear interface data, close client, and mark self and not up self._netif.clear() self.client.close() self.up = False def boot(self): """ Boot logic. :return: nothing """ return None def cmd(self, args, wait=True): """ Runs shell command on node, with option to not wait for a result. :param list[str]|str args: command to run :param bool wait: wait for command to exit, defaults to True :return: exit status for command :rtype: int """ return self.client.cmd(args, wait) def cmd_output(self, args): """ Runs shell command on node and get exit status and output. :param list[str]|str args: command to run :return: exit status and combined stdout and stderr :rtype: tuple[int, str] """ return self.client.cmd_output(args) def check_cmd(self, args): """ Runs shell command on node. :param list[str]|str args: command to run :return: combined stdout and stderr :rtype: str :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ return self.client.check_cmd(args) def termcmdstring(self, sh="/bin/sh"): """ Create a terminal command string. :param str sh: shell to execute command in :return: str """ return self.client.termcmdstring(sh) def mount(self, source, target): """ Create and mount a directory. :param str source: source directory to mount :param str target: target directory to create :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ source = os.path.abspath(source) logger.info("mounting %s at %s", source, target) cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s" && %s -n --bind "%s" "%s"' % (target, constants.MOUNT_BIN, source, target) status, output = self.client.shcmd_result(cmd) if status: raise CoreCommandError(status, cmd, output) self._mounts.append((source, target)) def umount(self, target): """ Unmount a target directory. :param str target: target directory to unmount :return: nothing """ logger.info("unmounting: %s", target) try: self.check_cmd([constants.UMOUNT_BIN, "-n", "-l", target]) except CoreCommandError: logger.exception("error during unmount") def newifindex(self): """ Retrieve a new interface index. :return: new interface index :rtype: int """ with self.lock: return super(SimpleLxcNode, self).newifindex() def newveth(self, ifindex=None, ifname=None, net=None): """ Create a new interface. :param int ifindex: index for the new interface :param str ifname: name for the new interface :param net: network to associate interface with :return: nothing """ with self.lock: if ifindex is None: ifindex = self.newifindex() if ifname is None: ifname = "eth%d" % ifindex sessionid = self.session.short_session_id() try: suffix = "%x.%s.%s" % (self.objid, ifindex, sessionid) except TypeError: suffix = "%s.%s.%s" % (self.objid, ifindex, sessionid) localname = "veth" + suffix if len(localname) >= 16: raise ValueError("interface local name (%s) too long" % localname) name = localname + "p" if len(name) >= 16: raise ValueError("interface name (%s) too long" % name) veth = VEth(node=self, name=name, localname=localname, net=net, start=self.up) if self.up: utils.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", veth.name, "netns", str(self.pid)]) self.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", veth.name, "name", ifname]) veth.name = ifname if self.up: # TODO: potentially find better way to query interface ID # retrieve interface information output = self.check_cmd(["ip", "link", "show", veth.name]) logger.info("interface command output: %s", output) output = output.split("\n") veth.flow_id = int(output[0].strip().split(":")[0]) + 1 logger.info("interface flow index: %s - %s", veth.name, veth.flow_id) veth.hwaddr = MacAddress.from_string(output[1].strip().split()[1]) logger.info("interface mac: %s - %s", veth.name, veth.hwaddr) try: self.addnetif(veth, ifindex) except ValueError as e: veth.shutdown() del veth raise e return ifindex def newtuntap(self, ifindex=None, ifname=None, net=None): """ Create a new tunnel tap. :param int ifindex: interface index :param str ifname: interface name :param net: network to associate with :return: interface index :rtype: int """ with self.lock: if ifindex is None: ifindex = self.newifindex() if ifname is None: ifname = "eth%d" % ifindex sessionid = self.session.short_session_id() localname = "tap%s.%s.%s" % (self.objid, ifindex, sessionid) name = ifname tuntap = TunTap(node=self, name=name, localname=localname, net=net, start=self.up) try: self.addnetif(tuntap, ifindex) except ValueError as e: tuntap.shutdown() del tuntap raise e return ifindex def sethwaddr(self, ifindex, addr): """ Set hardware addres for an interface. :param int ifindex: index of interface to set hardware address for :param core.misc.ipaddress.MacAddress addr: hardware address to set :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ self._netif[ifindex].sethwaddr(addr) if self.up: args = [constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", "dev", self.ifname(ifindex), "address", str(addr)] self.check_cmd(args) def addaddr(self, ifindex, addr): """ Add interface address. :param int ifindex: index of interface to add address to :param str addr: address to add to interface :return: nothing """ if self.up: # check if addr is ipv6 if ":" in str(addr): args = [constants.IP_BIN, "addr", "add", str(addr), "dev", self.ifname(ifindex)] self.check_cmd(args) else: args = [constants.IP_BIN, "addr", "add", str(addr), "broadcast", "+", "dev", self.ifname(ifindex)] self.check_cmd(args) self._netif[ifindex].addaddr(addr) def deladdr(self, ifindex, addr): """ Delete address from an interface. :param int ifindex: index of interface to delete address from :param str addr: address to delete from interface :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ try: self._netif[ifindex].deladdr(addr) except ValueError: logger.exception("trying to delete unknown address: %s" % addr) if self.up: self.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "addr", "del", str(addr), "dev", self.ifname(ifindex)]) def delalladdr(self, ifindex, address_types=valid_address_types): """ Delete all addresses from an interface. :param int ifindex: index of interface to delete address types from :param tuple[str] address_types: address types to delete :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ interface_name = self.ifname(ifindex) addresses = self.client.getaddr(interface_name, rescan=True) for address_type in address_types: if address_type not in self.valid_address_types: raise ValueError("addr type must be in: %s" % " ".join(self.valid_address_types)) for address in addresses[address_type]: self.deladdr(ifindex, address) # update cached information self.client.getaddr(interface_name, rescan=True) def ifup(self, ifindex): """ Bring an interface up. :param int ifindex: index of interface to bring up :return: nothing """ if self.up: self.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", self.ifname(ifindex), "up"]) def newnetif(self, net=None, addrlist=None, hwaddr=None, ifindex=None, ifname=None): """ Create a new network interface. :param net: network to associate with :param list addrlist: addresses to add on the interface :param core.misc.ipaddress.MacAddress hwaddr: hardware address to set for interface :param int ifindex: index of interface to create :param str ifname: name for interface :return: interface index :rtype: int """ if not addrlist: addrlist = [] with self.lock: # TODO: see if you can move this to emane specific code if nodeutils.is_node(net, NodeTypes.EMANE): ifindex = self.newtuntap(ifindex=ifindex, ifname=ifname, net=net) # TUN/TAP is not ready for addressing yet; the device may # take some time to appear, and installing it into a # namespace after it has been bound removes addressing; # save addresses with the interface now self.attachnet(ifindex, net) netif = self.netif(ifindex) netif.sethwaddr(hwaddr) for address in utils.make_tuple(addrlist): netif.addaddr(address) return ifindex else: ifindex = self.newveth(ifindex=ifindex, ifname=ifname, net=net) if net is not None: self.attachnet(ifindex, net) if hwaddr: self.sethwaddr(ifindex, hwaddr) for address in utils.make_tuple(addrlist): self.addaddr(ifindex, address) self.ifup(ifindex) return ifindex def connectnode(self, ifname, othernode, otherifname): """ Connect a node. :param str ifname: name of interface to connect :param core.netns.nodes.LxcNode othernode: node to connect to :param str otherifname: interface name to connect to :return: nothing """ tmplen = 8 tmp1 = "tmp." + "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in xrange(tmplen)]) tmp2 = "tmp." + "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in xrange(tmplen)]) utils.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "add", "name", tmp1, "type", "veth", "peer", "name", tmp2]) utils.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp1, "netns", str(self.pid)]) self.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp1, "name", ifname]) interface = PyCoreNetIf(node=self, name=ifname, mtu=_DEFAULT_MTU) self.addnetif(interface, self.newifindex()) utils.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp2, "netns", str(othernode.pid)]) othernode.check_cmd([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp2, "name", otherifname]) other_interface = PyCoreNetIf(node=othernode, name=otherifname, mtu=_DEFAULT_MTU) othernode.addnetif(other_interface, othernode.newifindex()) def addfile(self, srcname, filename): """ Add a file. :param str srcname: source file name :param str filename: file name to add :return: nothing :raises CoreCommandError: when a non-zero exit status occurs """ logger.info("adding file from %s to %s", srcname, filename) directory = os.path.dirname(filename) cmd = 'mkdir -p "%s" && mv "%s" "%s" && sync' % (directory, srcname, filename) status, output = self.client.shcmd_result(cmd) if status: raise CoreCommandError(status, cmd, output) class LxcNode(SimpleLxcNode): """ Provides lcx node functionality for core nodes. """ def __init__(self, session, objid=None, name=None, nodedir=None, bootsh="boot.sh", start=True): """ Create a LxcNode instance. :param core.session.Session session: core session instance :param int objid: object id :param str name: object name :param str nodedir: node directory :param bootsh: boot shell :param bool start: start flag """ super(LxcNode, self).__init__(session=session, objid=objid, name=name, nodedir=nodedir, start=start) self.bootsh = bootsh if start: self.startup() def boot(self): """ Boot the node. :return: nothing """ self.session.services.bootnodeservices(self) def validate(self): """ Validate the node. :return: nothing """ self.session.services.validatenodeservices(self) def startup(self): """ Startup logic for the node. :return: nothing """ with self.lock: self.makenodedir() super(LxcNode, self).startup() self.privatedir("/var/run") self.privatedir("/var/log") def shutdown(self): """ Shutdown logic for the node. :return: nothing """ if not self.up: return with self.lock: try: super(LxcNode, self).shutdown() except OSError: logger.exception("error during shutdown") finally: self.rmnodedir() def privatedir(self, path): """ Create a private directory. :param str path: path to create :return: nothing """ if path[0] != "/": raise ValueError("path not fully qualified: %s" % path) hostpath = os.path.join(self.nodedir, os.path.normpath(path).strip("/").replace("/", ".")) os.mkdir(hostpath) self.mount(hostpath, path) def hostfilename(self, filename): """ Return the name of a node"s file on the host filesystem. :param str filename: host file name :return: path to file """ dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) if not basename: raise ValueError("no basename for filename: %s" % filename) if dirname and dirname[0] == "/": dirname = dirname[1:] dirname = dirname.replace("/", ".") dirname = os.path.join(self.nodedir, dirname) return os.path.join(dirname, basename) def opennodefile(self, filename, mode="w"): """ Open a node file, within it"s directory. :param str filename: file name to open :param str mode: mode to open file in :return: open file :rtype: file """ hostfilename = self.hostfilename(filename) dirname, basename = os.path.split(hostfilename) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname, mode=0755) return open(hostfilename, mode) def nodefile(self, filename, contents, mode=0644): """ Create a node file with a given mode. :param str filename: name of file to create :param contents: contents of file :param int mode: mode for file :return: nothing """ with self.opennodefile(filename, "w") as open_file: open_file.write(contents) os.chmod(open_file.name, mode) logger.info("created nodefile: %s; mode: 0%o", open_file.name, mode) def nodefilecopy(self, filename, srcfilename, mode=None): """ Copy a file to a node, following symlinks and preserving metadata. Change file mode if specified. :param str filename: file name to copy file to :param str srcfilename: file to copy :param int mode: mode to copy to :return: nothing """ hostfilename = self.hostfilename(filename) shutil.copy2(srcfilename, hostfilename) if mode is not None: os.chmod(hostfilename, mode) logger.info("copied nodefile: %s; mode: %s", hostfilename, mode)