""" Definition of CoreService class that is subclassed to define startup services and routing for nodes. A service is typically a daemon program launched when a node starts that provides some sort of service. The CoreServices class handles configuration messages for sending a list of available services to the GUI and for configuring individual services. """ import enum import logging import time from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from core import CoreCommandError, utils from core.constants import which from core.emulator.data import FileData from core.emulator.enumerations import MessageFlags, RegisterTlvs class ServiceBootError(Exception): pass class ServiceMode(enum.Enum): BLOCKING = 0 NON_BLOCKING = 1 TIMER = 2 class ServiceDependencies(object): """ Can generate boot paths for services, based on their dependencies. Will validate that all services will be booted and that all dependencies exist within the services provided. """ def __init__(self, services): # helpers to check validity self.dependents = {} self.booted = set() self.node_services = {} for service in services: self.node_services[service.name] = service for dependency in service.dependencies: dependents = self.dependents.setdefault(dependency, set()) dependents.add(service.name) # used to find paths self.path = [] self.visited = set() self.visiting = set() def boot_paths(self): """ Generates the boot paths for the services provided to the class. :return: list of services to boot, in order :rtype: list[core.coreservices.CoreService] """ paths = [] for name in self.node_services: service = self.node_services[name] if service.name in self.booted: logging.debug( "skipping service that will already be booted: %s", service.name ) continue path = self._start(service) if path: paths.append(path) if self.booted != set(self.node_services): raise ValueError( "failure to boot all services: %s != %s" % (self.booted, self.node_services.keys()) ) return paths def _reset(self): self.path = [] self.visited.clear() self.visiting.clear() def _start(self, service): logging.debug("starting service dependency check: %s", service.name) self._reset() return self._visit(service) def _visit(self, current_service): logging.debug("visiting service(%s): %s", current_service.name, self.path) self.visited.add(current_service.name) self.visiting.add(current_service.name) # dive down for service_name in current_service.dependencies: if service_name not in self.node_services: raise ValueError( "required dependency was not included in node services: %s" % service_name ) if service_name in self.visiting: raise ValueError( "cyclic dependency at service(%s): %s" % (current_service.name, service_name) ) if service_name not in self.visited: service = self.node_services[service_name] self._visit(service) # add service when bottom is found logging.debug("adding service to boot path: %s", current_service.name) self.booted.add(current_service.name) self.path.append(current_service) self.visiting.remove(current_service.name) # rise back up for service_name in self.dependents.get(current_service.name, []): if service_name not in self.visited: service = self.node_services[service_name] self._visit(service) return self.path class ServiceShim(object): keys = [ "dirs", "files", "startidx", "cmdup", "cmddown", "cmdval", "meta", "starttime", ] @classmethod def tovaluelist(cls, node, service): """ Convert service properties into a string list of key=value pairs, separated by "|". :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to get value list for :param CoreService service: service to get value list for :return: value list string :rtype: str """ start_time = 0 start_index = 0 valmap = [ service.dirs, service.configs, start_index, service.startup, service.shutdown, service.validate, service.meta, start_time, ] if not service.custom: valmap[1] = service.get_configs(node) valmap[3] = service.get_startup(node) vals = ["%s=%s" % (x, y) for x, y in zip(cls.keys, valmap)] return "|".join(vals) @classmethod def fromvaluelist(cls, service, values): """ Convert list of values into properties for this instantiated (customized) service. :param CoreService service: service to get value list for :param dict values: value list to set properties from :return: nothing """ # TODO: support empty value? e.g. override default meta with '' for key in cls.keys: try: cls.setvalue(service, key, values[cls.keys.index(key)]) except IndexError: # old config does not need to have new keys logging.exception("error indexing into key") @classmethod def setvalue(cls, service, key, value): """ Set values for this service. :param CoreService service: service to get value list for :param str key: key to set value for :param value: value of key to set :return: nothing """ if key not in cls.keys: raise ValueError("key `%s` not in `%s`" % (key, cls.keys)) # this handles data conversion to int, string, and tuples if value: if key == "startidx": value = int(value) elif key == "meta": value = str(value) else: value = utils.make_tuple_fromstr(value, str) if key == "dirs": service.dirs = value elif key == "files": service.configs = value elif key == "cmdup": service.startup = value elif key == "cmddown": service.shutdown = value elif key == "cmdval": service.validate = value elif key == "meta": service.meta = value @classmethod def servicesfromopaque(cls, opaque): """ Build a list of services from an opaque data string. :param str opaque: opaque data string :return: services :rtype: list """ servicesstring = opaque.split(":") if servicesstring[0] != "service": return [] return servicesstring[1].split(",") class ServiceManager(object): """ Manages services available for CORE nodes to use. """ services = {} @classmethod def add(cls, service): """ Add a service to manager. :param CoreService service: service to add :return: nothing """ name = service.name logging.debug("loading service: class(%s) name(%s)", service.__name__, name) # avoid duplicate services if name in cls.services: raise ValueError("duplicate service being added: %s" % name) # validate dependent executables are present for executable in service.executables: if not which(executable): logging.debug( "service(%s) missing executable: %s", service.name, executable ) raise ValueError( "service(%s) missing executable: %s" % (service.name, executable) ) # make service available cls.services[name] = service @classmethod def get(cls, name): """ Retrieve a service from the manager. :param str name: name of the service to retrieve :return: service if it exists, None otherwise :rtype: CoreService.class """ return cls.services.get(name) @classmethod def add_services(cls, path): """ Method for retrieving all CoreServices from a given path. :param str path: path to retrieve services from :return: list of core services that failed to load :rtype: list[str] """ service_errors = [] services = utils.load_classes(path, CoreService) for service in services: if not service.name: continue service.on_load() try: cls.add(service) except ValueError as e: service_errors.append(service.name) logging.debug("not loading service: %s", e) return service_errors class CoreServices(object): """ Class for interacting with a list of available startup services for nodes. Mostly used to convert a CoreService into a Config API message. This class lives in the Session object and remembers the default services configured for each node type, and any custom service configuration. A CoreService is not a Configurable. """ name = "services" config_type = RegisterTlvs.UTILITY.value def __init__(self, session): """ Creates a CoreServices instance. :param core.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to """ self.session = session # dict of default services tuples, key is node type self.default_services = {} # dict of node ids to dict of custom services by name self.custom_services = {} def reset(self): """ Called when config message with reset flag is received """ self.custom_services.clear() def get_default_services(self, node_type): """ Get the list of default services that should be enabled for a node for the given node type. :param node_type: node type to get default services for :return: default services :rtype: list[CoreService] """ logging.debug("getting default services for type: %s", node_type) results = [] defaults = self.default_services.get(node_type, []) for name in defaults: logging.debug("checking for service with service manager: %s", name) service = ServiceManager.get(name) if not service: logging.warning("default service %s is unknown", name) else: results.append(service) return results def get_service(self, node_id, service_name, default_service=False): """ Get any custom service configured for the given node that matches the specified service name. If no custom service is found, return the specified service. :param int node_id: object id to get service from :param str service_name: name of service to retrieve :param bool default_service: True to return default service when custom does not exist, False returns None :return: custom service from the node :rtype: CoreService """ node_services = self.custom_services.setdefault(node_id, {}) default = None if default_service: default = ServiceManager.get(service_name) return node_services.get(service_name, default) def set_service(self, node_id, service_name): """ Store service customizations in an instantiated service object using a list of values that came from a config message. :param int node_id: object id to set custom service for :param str service_name: name of service to set :return: nothing """ logging.debug("setting custom service(%s) for node: %s", service_name, node_id) service = self.get_service(node_id, service_name) if not service: service_class = ServiceManager.get(service_name) service = service_class() # add the custom service to dict node_services = self.custom_services.setdefault(node_id, {}) node_services[service.name] = service def add_services(self, node, node_type, services=None): """ Add services to a node. :param core.coreobj.PyCoreNode node: node to add services to :param str node_type: node type to add services to :param list[str] services: names of services to add to node :return: nothing """ if not services: logging.info( "using default services for node(%s) type(%s)", node.name, node_type ) services = self.default_services.get(node_type, []) logging.info("setting services for node(%s): %s", node.name, services) for service_name in services: service = self.get_service(node.id, service_name, default_service=True) if not service: logging.warning( "unknown service(%s) for node(%s)", service_name, node.name ) continue logging.info("adding service to node(%s): %s", node.name, service_name) node.addservice(service) def all_configs(self): """ Return (node_id, service) tuples for all stored configs. Used when reconnecting to a session or opening XML. :return: list of tuples of node ids and services :rtype: list[tuple] """ configs = [] for node_id in self.custom_services: custom_services = self.custom_services[node_id] for name in custom_services: service = custom_services[name] configs.append((node_id, service)) return configs def all_files(self, service): """ Return all customized files stored with a service. Used when reconnecting to a session or opening XML. :param CoreService service: service to get files for :return: list of all custom service files :rtype: list[tuple] """ files = [] if not service.custom: return files for filename in service.configs: data = service.config_data.get(filename) if data is None: continue files.append((filename, data)) return files def boot_services(self, node): """ Start all services on a node. :param core.netns.vnode.LxcNode node: node to start services on :return: nothing """ pool = ThreadPool() results = [] boot_paths = ServiceDependencies(node.services).boot_paths() for boot_path in boot_paths: result = pool.apply_async(self._start_boot_paths, (node, boot_path)) results.append(result) pool.close() pool.join() for result in results: result.get() def _start_boot_paths(self, node, boot_path): """ Start all service boot paths found, based on dependencies. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to start services on :param list[CoreService] boot_path: service to start in dependent order :return: nothing """ logging.info( "booting node services: %s", " -> ".join([x.name for x in boot_path]) ) for service in boot_path: try: self.boot_service(node, service) except Exception: logging.exception("exception booting service: %s", service.name) raise def boot_service(self, node, service): """ Start a service on a node. Create private dirs, generate config files, and execute startup commands. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to boot services on :param CoreService service: service to start :return: nothing """ logging.info( "starting node(%s) service(%s) validation(%s)", node.name, service.name, service.validation_mode.name, ) # create service directories for directory in service.dirs: try: node.privatedir(directory) except (CoreCommandError, ValueError) as e: logging.warning( "error mounting private dir '%s' for service '%s': %s", directory, service.name, e, ) # create service files self.create_service_files(node, service) # run startup wait = service.validation_mode == ServiceMode.BLOCKING status = self.startup_service(node, service, wait) if status: raise ServiceBootError( "node(%s) service(%s) error during startup" % (node.name, service.name) ) # blocking mode is finished if wait: return # timer mode, sleep and return if service.validation_mode == ServiceMode.TIMER: time.sleep(service.validation_timer) # non-blocking, attempt to validate periodically, up to validation_timer time elif service.validation_mode == ServiceMode.NON_BLOCKING: start = time.time() while True: status = self.validate_service(node, service) if not status: break if time.time() - start > service.validation_timer: break time.sleep(service.validation_period) if status: raise ServiceBootError( "node(%s) service(%s) failed validation" % (node.name, service.name) ) def copy_service_file(self, node, filename, cfg): """ Given a configured service filename and config, determine if the config references an existing file that should be copied. Returns True for local files, False for generated. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to copy service for :param str filename: file name for a configured service :param str cfg: configuration string :return: True if successful, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if cfg[:7] == "file://": src = cfg[7:] src = src.split("\n")[0] src = utils.expand_corepath(src, node.session, node) # TODO: glob here node.nodefilecopy(filename, src, mode=0o644) return True return False def validate_service(self, node, service): """ Run the validation command(s) for a service. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to validate service for :param CoreService service: service to validate :return: service validation status :rtype: int """ logging.info("validating node(%s) service(%s)", node.name, service.name) cmds = service.validate if not service.custom: cmds = service.get_validate(node) status = 0 for cmd in cmds: logging.debug("validating service(%s) using: %s", service.name, cmd) try: node.check_cmd(cmd) except CoreCommandError as e: logging.error( "node(%s) service(%s) validate failed", node.name, service.name ) logging.error("cmd(%s): %s", e.cmd, e.output) status = -1 break return status def stop_services(self, node): """ Stop all services on a node. :param core.netns.vnode.CoreNode node: node to stop services on :return: nothing """ for service in node.services: self.stop_service(node, service) def stop_service(self, node, service): """ Stop a service on a node. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to stop a service on :param CoreService service: service to stop :return: status for stopping the services :rtype: str """ status = 0 for args in service.shutdown: try: node.check_cmd(args) except CoreCommandError: logging.exception("error running stop command %s", args) status = -1 return status def get_service_file(self, node, service_name, filename): """ Send a File Message when the GUI has requested a service file. The file data is either auto-generated or comes from an existing config. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to get service file from :param str service_name: service to get file from :param str filename: file name to retrieve :return: file message for node """ # get service to get file from service = self.get_service(node.id, service_name, default_service=True) if not service: raise ValueError("invalid service: %s", service_name) # retrieve config files for default/custom service if service.custom: config_files = service.configs else: config_files = service.get_configs(node) if filename not in config_files: raise ValueError( "unknown service(%s) config file: %s", service_name, filename ) # get the file data data = service.config_data.get(filename) if data is None: data = "%s" % service.generate_config(node, filename) else: data = "%s" % data filetypestr = "service:%s" % service.name return FileData( message_type=MessageFlags.ADD.value, node=node.id, name=filename, type=filetypestr, data=data, ) def set_service_file(self, node_id, service_name, file_name, data): """ Receive a File Message from the GUI and store the customized file in the service config. The filename must match one from the list of config files in the service. :param int node_id: node id to set service file :param str service_name: service name to set file for :param str file_name: file name to set :param data: data for file to set :return: nothing """ # attempt to set custom service, if needed self.set_service(node_id, service_name) # retrieve custom service service = self.get_service(node_id, service_name) if service is None: logging.warning("received file name for unknown service: %s", service_name) return # validate file being set is valid config_files = service.configs if file_name not in config_files: logging.warning( "received unknown file(%s) for service(%s)", file_name, service_name ) return # set custom service file data service.config_data[file_name] = data def startup_service(self, node, service, wait=False): """ Startup a node service. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for :param CoreService service: service to reconfigure :param bool wait: determines if we should wait to validate startup :return: status of startup :rtype: int """ cmds = service.startup if not service.custom: cmds = service.get_startup(node) status = 0 for cmd in cmds: try: if wait: node.check_cmd(cmd) else: node.cmd(cmd, wait=False) except CoreCommandError: logging.exception("error starting command") status = -1 return status def create_service_files(self, node, service): """ Creates node service files. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for :param CoreService service: service to reconfigure :return: nothing """ logging.info( "node(%s) service(%s) creating config files", node.name, service.name ) # get values depending on if custom or not config_files = service.configs if not service.custom: config_files = service.get_configs(node) for file_name in config_files: logging.debug("generating service config: %s", file_name) if service.custom: cfg = service.config_data.get(file_name) if cfg is None: cfg = service.generate_config(node, file_name) # cfg may have a file:/// url for copying from a file try: if self.copy_service_file(node, file_name, cfg): continue except IOError: logging.exception("error copying service file: %s", file_name) continue else: cfg = service.generate_config(node, file_name) node.nodefile(file_name, cfg) def service_reconfigure(self, node, service): """ Reconfigure a node service. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to reconfigure service for :param CoreService service: service to reconfigure :return: nothing """ config_files = service.configs if not service.custom: config_files = service.get_configs(node) for file_name in config_files: if file_name[:7] == "file:///": # TODO: implement this raise NotImplementedError cfg = service.config_data.get(file_name) if cfg is None: cfg = service.generate_config(node, file_name) node.nodefile(file_name, cfg) class CoreService(object): """ Parent class used for defining services. """ # service name should not include spaces name = None # executables that must exist for service to run executables = () # sets service requirements that must be started prior to this service starting dependencies = () # group string allows grouping services together group = None # private, per-node directories required by this service dirs = () # config files written by this service configs = () # config file data config_data = {} # list of startup commands startup = () # list of shutdown commands shutdown = () # list of validate commands validate = () # validation mode, used to determine startup success validation_mode = ServiceMode.NON_BLOCKING # time to wait in seconds for determining if service started successfully validation_timer = 5 # validation period in seconds, how frequent validation is attempted validation_period = 0.5 # metadata associated with this service meta = None # custom configuration text custom = False custom_needed = False def __init__(self): """ Services are not necessarily instantiated. Classmethods may be used against their config. Services are instantiated when a custom configuration is used to override their default parameters. """ self.custom = True self.config_data = self.__class__.config_data.copy() @classmethod def on_load(cls): pass @classmethod def get_configs(cls, node): """ Return the tuple of configuration file filenames. This default method returns the cls._configs tuple, but this method may be overriden to provide node-specific filenames that may be based on other services. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to generate config for :return: configuration files :rtype: tuple """ return cls.configs @classmethod def generate_config(cls, node, filename): """ Generate configuration file given a node object. The filename is provided to allow for multiple config files. Return the configuration string to be written to a file or sent to the GUI for customization. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to generate config for :param str filename: file name to generate config for :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def get_startup(cls, node): """ Return the tuple of startup commands. This default method returns the cls.startup tuple, but this method may be overridden to provide node-specific commands that may be based on other services. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to get startup for :return: startup commands :rtype: tuple """ return cls.startup @classmethod def get_validate(cls, node): """ Return the tuple of validate commands. This default method returns the cls.validate tuple, but this method may be overridden to provide node-specific commands that may be based on other services. :param core.nodes.base.CoreNode node: node to validate :return: validation commands :rtype: tuple """ return cls.validate