""" commeffect.py: EMANE CommEffect model for CORE """ from core import logger from core.conf import ConfigGroup from core.emane import emanemanifest from core.emane import emanemodel try: from emane.events.commeffectevent import CommEffectEvent except ImportError: try: from emanesh.events.commeffectevent import CommEffectEvent except ImportError: logger.warn("compatible emane python bindings not installed") def convert_none(x): """ Helper to use 0 for None values. """ if type(x) is str: x = float(x) if x is None: return 0 else: return int(x) class EmaneCommEffectModel(emanemodel.EmaneModel): name = "emane_commeffect" shim_library = "commeffectshim" shim_xml = "/usr/share/emane/manifest/commeffectshim.xml" shim_defaults = {} config_shim = emanemanifest.parse(shim_xml, shim_defaults) @classmethod def configurations(cls): return cls.config_shim @classmethod def config_groups(cls): return [ ConfigGroup("CommEffect SHIM Parameters", 1, len(cls.configurations())) ] def build_xml_files(self, emane_manager, interface): """ Build the necessary nem and commeffect XMLs in the given path. If an individual NEM has a nonstandard config, we need to build that file also. Otherwise the WLAN-wide nXXemane_commeffectnem.xml, nXXemane_commeffectshim.xml are used. :param core.emane.emanemanager.EmaneManager emane_manager: core emane manager :param interface: interface for the emane node :return: nothing """ config = emane_manager.getifcconfig(self.object_id, interface, self.name) if not config: return # retrieve xml names nem_name = self.nem_name(interface) shim_name = self.shim_name(interface) nem_document = emane_manager.xmldoc("nem") nem_element = nem_document.getElementsByTagName("nem").pop() nem_element.setAttribute("name", "%s NEM" % self.name) nem_element.setAttribute("type", "unstructured") emane_manager.appendtransporttonem(nem_document, nem_element, self.object_id, interface) shim_xml = emane_manager.xmlshimdefinition(nem_document, shim_name) nem_element.appendChild(shim_xml) emane_manager.xmlwrite(nem_document, nem_name) shim_document = emane_manager.xmldoc("shim") shim_element = shim_document.getElementsByTagName("shim").pop() shim_element.setAttribute("name", "%s SHIM" % self.name) shim_element.setAttribute("library", self.shim_library) # append all shim options (except filterfile) to shimdoc for configuration in self.config_shim: name = configuration.id if name == "filterfile": continue value = config[name] param = emane_manager.xmlparam(shim_document, name, value) shim_element.appendChild(param) # empty filterfile is not allowed ff = config["filterfile"] if ff.strip() != "": shim_element.appendChild(emane_manager.xmlparam(shim_document, "filterfile", ff)) emane_manager.xmlwrite(shim_document, shim_name) def linkconfig(self, netif, bw=None, delay=None, loss=None, duplicate=None, jitter=None, netif2=None): """ Generate CommEffect events when a Link Message is received having link parameters. """ service = self.session.emane.service if service is None: logger.warn("%s: EMANE event service unavailable", self.name) return if netif is None or netif2 is None: logger.warn("%s: missing NEM information", self.name) return # TODO: batch these into multiple events per transmission # TODO: may want to split out seconds portion of delay and jitter event = CommEffectEvent() emane_node = self.session.get_object(self.object_id) nemid = emane_node.getnemid(netif) nemid2 = emane_node.getnemid(netif2) mbw = bw logger.info("sending comm effect event") event.append( nemid, latency=convert_none(delay), jitter=convert_none(jitter), loss=convert_none(loss), duplicate=convert_none(duplicate), unicast=long(convert_none(bw)), broadcast=long(convert_none(mbw)) ) service.publish(nemid2, event)