#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c)2010-2012 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # run iperf to measure the effective throughput between two nodes when # n nodes are connected to a virtual hub/switch; run test for testsec # and repeat for minnodes <= n <= maxnodes with a step size of # nodestep import datetime import optparse import sys from core.misc import ipaddress, nodeutils, nodemaps from core.misc.utils import mutecall from core.netns import nodes from core.session import Session try: mutecall(["iperf", "-v"]) except OSError: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: running iperf failed\n") sys.exit(1) def test(numnodes, testsec): # node list n = [] # IP subnet prefix = ipaddress.Ipv4Prefix("") session = Session(1) # emulated network net = session.add_object(cls=nodes.SwitchNode) for i in xrange(1, numnodes + 1): tmp = session.add_object(cls=nodes.LxcNode, name="n%d" % i) tmp.newnetif(net, ["%s/%s" % (prefix.addr(i), prefix.prefixlen)]) n.append(tmp) n[0].cmd(["iperf", "-s", "-D"]) n[-1].icmd(["iperf", "-t", str(int(testsec)), "-c", str(prefix.addr(1))]) n[0].cmd(["killall", "-9", "iperf"]) raw_input("press enter to exit") session.shutdown() def main(): usagestr = "usage: %prog [-h] [options] [args]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usagestr) parser.set_defaults(minnodes=2) parser.add_option("-m", "--minnodes", dest="minnodes", type=int, help="min number of nodes to test; default = %s" % parser.defaults["minnodes"]) parser.set_defaults(maxnodes=2) parser.add_option("-n", "--maxnodes", dest="maxnodes", type=int, help="max number of nodes to test; default = %s" % parser.defaults["maxnodes"]) parser.set_defaults(testsec=10) parser.add_option("-t", "--testsec", dest="testsec", type=int, help="test time in seconds; default = %s" % parser.defaults["testsec"]) parser.set_defaults(nodestep=1) parser.add_option("-s", "--nodestep", dest="nodestep", type=int, help="number of nodes step size; default = %s" % parser.defaults["nodestep"]) def usage(msg=None, err=0): sys.stdout.write("\n") if msg: sys.stdout.write(msg + "\n\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(err) # parse command line options (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.minnodes < 2: usage("invalid min number of nodes: %s" % options.minnodes) if options.maxnodes < options.minnodes: usage("invalid max number of nodes: %s" % options.maxnodes) if options.testsec < 1: usage("invalid test time: %s" % options.testsec) if options.nodestep < 1: usage("invalid node step: %s" % options.nodestep) for a in args: sys.stderr.write("ignoring command line argument: '%s'\n" % a) start = datetime.datetime.now() for i in xrange(options.minnodes, options.maxnodes + 1, options.nodestep): print >> sys.stderr, "%s node test:" % i test(i, options.testsec) print >> sys.stderr, "" print >> sys.stderr, "elapsed time: %s" % (datetime.datetime.now() - start) if __name__ == "__main__": # configure nodes to use node_map = nodemaps.NODES nodeutils.set_node_map(node_map) main()