""" xen.py: implementation of the XenNode and XenVEth classes that support generating Xen domUs based on an ISO image and persistent configuration area """ import base64 import os import shutil import string import subprocess import sys import threading import crypt from core import constants from core.coreobj import PyCoreNetIf from core.coreobj import PyCoreNode from core.enumerations import NodeTypes from core.misc import log from core.misc import nodeutils from core.misc import utils from core.netns.vnode import LxcNode logger = log.get_logger(__name__) try: import parted except ImportError: logger.error("failed to import parted for xen nodes") try: import fsimage except ImportError: # fix for fsimage under Ubuntu sys.path.append("/usr/lib/xen-default/lib/python") try: import fsimage except ImportError: logger.error("failed to import fsimage for xen nodes") # XXX move these out to config file AWK_PATH = "/bin/awk" KPARTX_PATH = "/sbin/kpartx" LVCREATE_PATH = "/sbin/lvcreate" LVREMOVE_PATH = "/sbin/lvremove" LVCHANGE_PATH = "/sbin/lvchange" MKFSEXT4_PATH = "/sbin/mkfs.ext4" MKSWAP_PATH = "/sbin/mkswap" TAR_PATH = "/bin/tar" SED_PATH = "/bin/sed" XM_PATH = "/usr/sbin/xm" UDEVADM_PATH = "/sbin/udevadm" class XenVEth(PyCoreNetIf): def __init__(self, node, name, localname, mtu=1500, net=None, start=True, hwaddr=None): # note that net arg is ignored PyCoreNetIf.__init__(self, node=node, name=name, mtu=mtu) self.localname = localname self.up = False self.hwaddr = hwaddr if start: self.startup() def startup(self): cmd = [XM_PATH, 'network-attach', self.node.vmname, 'vifname=%s' % self.localname, 'script=vif-core'] if self.hwaddr is not None: cmd.append('mac=%s' % self.hwaddr) subprocess.check_call(cmd) subprocess.check_call([constants.IP_BIN, "link", "set", self.localname, "up"]) self.up = True def shutdown(self): if not self.up: return if self.localname: if self.hwaddr is not None: pass # this should be doable, but some argument isn't a string # check_call([XM_PATH, 'network-detach', self.node.vmname, # self.hwaddr]) self.up = False class XenNode(PyCoreNode): apitype = NodeTypes.XEN.value FilesToIgnore = frozenset([ # 'ipforward.sh', 'quaggaboot.sh', ]) FilesRedirection = { 'ipforward.sh': '/core-tmp/ipforward.sh', } CmdsToIgnore = frozenset([ # 'sh ipforward.sh', # 'sh quaggaboot.sh zebra', # 'sh quaggaboot.sh ospfd', # 'sh quaggaboot.sh ospf6d', 'sh quaggaboot.sh vtysh', 'killall zebra', 'killall ospfd', 'killall ospf6d', 'pidof zebra', 'pidof ospfd', 'pidof ospf6d', ]) def RedirCmd_ipforward(self): sysctlFile = open(os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'sysctl.conf'), 'a') p1 = subprocess.Popen([AWK_PATH, '/^\/sbin\/sysctl -w/ {print $NF}', os.path.join(self.nodedir, 'core-tmp/ipforward.sh')], stdout=sysctlFile) p1.wait() sysctlFile.close() def RedirCmd_zebra(self): subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', 's/^zebra=no/zebra=yes/', os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'quagga/daemons')]) def RedirCmd_ospfd(self): subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', 's/^ospfd=no/ospfd=yes/', os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'quagga/daemons')]) def RedirCmd_ospf6d(self): subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', 's/^ospf6d=no/ospf6d=yes/', os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'quagga/daemons')]) CmdsRedirection = { 'sh ipforward.sh': RedirCmd_ipforward, 'sh quaggaboot.sh zebra': RedirCmd_zebra, 'sh quaggaboot.sh ospfd': RedirCmd_ospfd, 'sh quaggaboot.sh ospf6d': RedirCmd_ospf6d, } # CoreNode: no __init__, take from LxcNode & SimpleLxcNode def __init__(self, session, objid=None, name=None, nodedir=None, bootsh="boot.sh", start=True, model=None, vgname=None, ramsize=None, disksize=None, isofile=None): # SimpleLxcNode initialization PyCoreNode.__init__(self, session=session, objid=objid, name=name) self.nodedir = nodedir self.model = model # indicates startup() has been invoked and disk has been initialized self.up = False # indicates boot() has been invoked and domU is running self.booted = False self.ifindex = 0 self.lock = threading.RLock() self._netif = {} # domU name self.vmname = "c" + str(session.sessionid) + "-" + name # LVM volume group name self.vgname = self.getconfigitem('vg_name', vgname) # LVM logical volume name self.lvname = self.vmname + '-' # LVM logical volume device path name self.lvpath = os.path.join('/dev', self.vgname, self.lvname) self.disksize = self.getconfigitem('disk_size', disksize) self.ramsize = int(self.getconfigitem('ram_size', ramsize)) self.isofile = self.getconfigitem('iso_file', isofile) # temporary mount point for paused VM persistent filesystem self.mountdir = None self.etcdir = self.getconfigitem('etc_path') # TODO: remove this temporary hack self.FilesRedirection['/usr/local/etc/quagga/Quagga.conf'] = \ os.path.join(self.getconfigitem('mount_path'), self.etcdir, 'quagga/Quagga.conf') # LxcNode initialization # self.makenodedir() if self.nodedir is None: self.nodedir = os.path.join(session.sessiondir, self.name + ".conf") self.mountdir = self.nodedir + self.getconfigitem('mount_path') if not os.path.isdir(self.mountdir): os.makedirs(self.mountdir) self.tmpnodedir = True else: raise Exception("Xen PVM node requires a temporary nodedir") self.tmpnodedir = False self.bootsh = bootsh if start: self.startup() def getconfigitem(self, name, default=None): """ Configuration items come from the xen.conf file and/or input from the GUI, and are stored in the session using the XenConfigManager object. self.model is used to identify particular profiles associated with a node type in the GUI. """ return self.session.xen.getconfigitem(name=name, model=self.model, node=self, value=default) # from class LxcNode (also SimpleLxcNode) def startup(self): logger.warn("XEN PVM startup() called: preparing disk for %s" % self.name) self.lock.acquire() try: if self.up: raise Exception, "already up" self.createlogicalvolume() self.createpartitions() persistdev = self.createfilesystems() subprocess.check_call([constants.MOUNT_BIN, '-t', 'ext4', persistdev, self.mountdir]) self.untarpersistent(tarname=self.getconfigitem('persist_tar_iso'), iso=True) self.setrootpassword(pw=self.getconfigitem('root_password')) self.sethostname(old='UBASE', new=self.name) self.setupssh(keypath=self.getconfigitem('ssh_key_path')) self.createvm() self.up = True finally: self.lock.release() # from class LxcNode (also SimpleLxcNode) def boot(self): logger.warn("XEN PVM boot() called") self.lock.acquire() if not self.up: raise Exception("Can't boot VM without initialized disk") if self.booted: self.lock.release() return self.session.services.bootnodeservices(self) tarname = self.getconfigitem('persist_tar') if tarname: self.untarpersistent(tarname=tarname, iso=False) try: subprocess.check_call([constants.UMOUNT_BIN, self.mountdir]) self.unmount_all(self.mountdir) subprocess.check_call([UDEVADM_PATH, 'settle']) subprocess.check_call([KPARTX_PATH, '-d', self.lvpath]) # time.sleep(5) # time.sleep(1) # unpause VM logger.warn("XEN PVM boot() unpause domU %s" % self.vmname) utils.mutecheck_call([XM_PATH, 'unpause', self.vmname]) self.booted = True finally: self.lock.release() def validate(self): self.session.services.validatenodeservices(self) # from class LxcNode (also SimpleLxcNode) def shutdown(self): logger.warn("XEN PVM shutdown() called") if not self.up: return self.lock.acquire() try: if self.up: # sketch from SimpleLxcNode for netif in self.netifs(): netif.shutdown() try: # RJE XXX what to do here if self.booted: utils.mutecheck_call([XM_PATH, 'destroy', self.vmname]) self.booted = False except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): # ignore this error too, the VM may have exited already logger.exception("error during shutdown") # discard LVM volume lvmRemoveCount = 0 while os.path.exists(self.lvpath): try: subprocess.check_call([UDEVADM_PATH, 'settle']) utils.mutecall([LVCHANGE_PATH, '-an', self.lvpath]) lvmRemoveCount += 1 utils.mutecall([LVREMOVE_PATH, '-f', self.lvpath]) except OSError: logger.exception("error during shutdown") if lvmRemoveCount > 1: logger.warn("XEN PVM shutdown() required %d lvremove executions." % lvmRemoveCount) self._netif.clear() del self.session self.up = False finally: self.rmnodedir() self.lock.release() def createlogicalvolume(self): """ Create a logical volume for this Xen domU. Called from startup(). """ if os.path.exists(self.lvpath): raise Exception, "LVM volume already exists" utils.mutecheck_call([LVCREATE_PATH, '--size', self.disksize, '--name', self.lvname, self.vgname]) def createpartitions(self): """ Partition the LVM volume into persistent and swap partitions using the parted module. """ dev = parted.Device(path=self.lvpath) dev.removeFromCache() disk = parted.freshDisk(dev, 'msdos') constraint = parted.Constraint(device=dev) persist_size = int(0.75 * constraint.maxSize) self.createpartition(device=dev, disk=disk, start=1, end=persist_size - 1, type="ext4") self.createpartition(device=dev, disk=disk, start=persist_size, end=constraint.maxSize - 1, type="linux-swap(v1)") disk.commit() def createpartition(self, device, disk, start, end, type): """ Create a single partition of the specified type and size and add it to the disk object, using the parted module. """ geo = parted.Geometry(device=device, start=start, end=end) fs = parted.FileSystem(type=type, geometry=geo) part = parted.Partition(disk=disk, fs=fs, type=parted.PARTITION_NORMAL, geometry=geo) constraint = parted.Constraint(exactGeom=geo) disk.addPartition(partition=part, constraint=constraint) def createfilesystems(self): """ Make an ext4 filesystem and swap space. Return the device name for the persistent partition so we can mount it. """ output = subprocess.Popen([KPARTX_PATH, '-l', self.lvpath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] lines = output.splitlines() persistdev = '/dev/mapper/' + lines[0].strip().split(' ')[0].strip() swapdev = '/dev/mapper/' + lines[1].strip().split(' ')[0].strip() subprocess.check_call([KPARTX_PATH, '-a', self.lvpath]) utils.mutecheck_call([MKFSEXT4_PATH, '-L', 'persist', persistdev]) utils.mutecheck_call([MKSWAP_PATH, '-f', '-L', 'swap', swapdev]) return persistdev def untarpersistent(self, tarname, iso): """ Unpack a persistent template tar file to the mounted mount dir. Uses fsimage library to read from an ISO file. """ tarname = tarname.replace('%h', self.name) # filename may use hostname if iso: try: fs = fsimage.open(self.isofile, 0) except IOError: logger.exception("Failed to open ISO file: %s", self.isofile) return try: tardata = fs.open_file(tarname).read() except IOError: logger.exception("Failed to open tar file: %s", tarname) return finally: del fs else: try: f = open(tarname) tardata = f.read() f.close() except IOError: logger.exception("Failed to open tar file: %s", tarname) return p = subprocess.Popen([TAR_PATH, '-C', self.mountdir, '--numeric-owner', '-xf', '-'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) p.communicate(input=tardata) p.wait() def setrootpassword(self, pw): """ Set the root password by updating the shadow password file that is on the filesystem mounted in the temporary area. """ saltedpw = crypt.crypt(pw, '$6$' + base64.b64encode(os.urandom(12))) subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', '/^root:/s_^root:\([^:]*\):_root:' + saltedpw + ':_', os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'shadow')]) def sethostname(self, old, new): """ Set the hostname by updating the hostname and hosts files that reside on the filesystem mounted in the temporary area. """ subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', 's/%s/%s/' % (old, new), os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'hostname')]) subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', 's/%s/%s/' % (old, new), os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'hosts')]) def setupssh(self, keypath): """ Configure SSH access by installing host keys and a system-wide authorized_keys file. """ sshdcfg = os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'ssh/sshd_config') subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', 's/PermitRootLogin no/PermitRootLogin yes/', sshdcfg]) sshdir = os.path.join(self.getconfigitem('mount_path'), self.etcdir, 'ssh') sshdir = sshdir.replace('/', '\\/') # backslash slashes for use in sed subprocess.check_call([SED_PATH, '-i', '-e', 's/#AuthorizedKeysFile %h\/.ssh\/authorized_keys/' + \ 'AuthorizedKeysFile ' + sshdir + '\/authorized_keys/', sshdcfg]) for f in 'ssh_host_rsa_key', 'ssh_host_rsa_key.pub', 'authorized_keys': src = os.path.join(keypath, f) dst = os.path.join(self.mountdir, self.etcdir, 'ssh', f) shutil.copy(src, dst) if f[-3:] != "pub": os.chmod(dst, 0600) def createvm(self): """ Instantiate a *paused* domU VM Instantiate it now, so we can add network interfaces, pause it so we can have the filesystem open for configuration. """ args = [XM_PATH, 'create', os.devnull, '--paused'] args.extend(['name=' + self.vmname, 'memory=' + str(self.ramsize)]) args.append('disk=tap:aio:' + self.isofile + ',hda,r') args.append('disk=phy:' + self.lvpath + ',hdb,w') args.append('bootloader=pygrub') bootargs = '--kernel=/isolinux/vmlinuz --ramdisk=/isolinux/initrd' args.append('bootargs=' + bootargs) for action in ('poweroff', 'reboot', 'suspend', 'crash', 'halt'): args.append('on_%s=destroy' % action) args.append('extra=' + self.getconfigitem('xm_create_extra')) utils.mutecheck_call(args) # from class LxcNode def privatedir(self, path): # self.warn("XEN PVM privatedir() called") # Do nothing, Xen PVM nodes are fully private pass # from class LxcNode def opennodefile(self, filename, mode="w"): logger.warn("XEN PVM opennodefile() called") raise Exception("Can't open VM file with opennodefile()") # from class LxcNode # open a file on a paused Xen node def openpausednodefile(self, filename, mode="w"): dirname, basename = os.path.split(filename) if not basename: raise ValueError, "no basename for filename: " + filename if dirname and dirname[0] == "/": dirname = dirname[1:] # dirname = dirname.replace("/", ".") dirname = os.path.join(self.nodedir, dirname) if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname, mode=0755) hostfilename = os.path.join(dirname, basename) return open(hostfilename, mode) # from class LxcNode def nodefile(self, filename, contents, mode=0644): if filename in self.FilesToIgnore: # self.warn("XEN PVM nodefile(filename=%s) ignored" % [filename]) return if filename in self.FilesRedirection: redirFilename = self.FilesRedirection[filename] logger.warn("XEN PVM nodefile(filename=%s) redirected to %s" % (filename, redirFilename)) filename = redirFilename logger.warn("XEN PVM nodefile(filename=%s) called" % [filename]) self.lock.acquire() if not self.up: self.lock.release() raise Exception("Can't access VM file as VM disk isn't ready") if self.booted: self.lock.release() raise Exception("Can't access VM file as VM is already running") try: f = self.openpausednodefile(filename, "w") f.write(contents) os.chmod(f.name, mode) f.close() logger.info("created nodefile: '%s'; mode: 0%o" % (f.name, mode)) finally: self.lock.release() # from class SimpleLxcNode def alive(self): # is VM running? return False # XXX def cmd(self, args, wait=True): cmdAsString = string.join(args, ' ') if cmdAsString in self.CmdsToIgnore: # self.warn("XEN PVM cmd(args=[%s]) called and ignored" % cmdAsString) return 0 if cmdAsString in self.CmdsRedirection: self.CmdsRedirection[cmdAsString](self) return 0 logger("XEN PVM cmd(args=[%s]) called, but not yet implemented" % cmdAsString) return 0 def cmdresult(self, args): cmdAsString = string.join(args, ' ') if cmdAsString in self.CmdsToIgnore: # self.warn("XEN PVM cmd(args=[%s]) called and ignored" % cmdAsString) return 0, "" logger.warn("XEN PVM cmdresult(args=[%s]) called, but not yet implemented" % cmdAsString) return 0, "" def popen(self, args): cmdAsString = string.join(args, ' ') logger.warn("XEN PVM popen(args=[%s]) called, but not yet implemented" % cmdAsString) return def icmd(self, args): cmdAsString = string.join(args, ' ') logger.warn("XEN PVM icmd(args=[%s]) called, but not yet implemented" % cmdAsString) return def term(self, sh="/bin/sh"): logger.warn("XEN PVM term() called, but not yet implemented") return def termcmdstring(self, sh="/bin/sh"): """ We may add 'sudo' to the command string because the GUI runs as a normal user. Use SSH if control interface is available, otherwise use Xen console with a keymapping for easy login. """ controlifc = None for ifc in self.netifs(): if hasattr(ifc, 'control') and ifc.control == True: controlifc = ifc break cmd = "xterm " # use SSH if control interface is available if controlifc: controlip = controlifc.addrlist[0].split('/')[0] cmd += "-e ssh root@%s" % controlip return cmd # otherwise use 'xm console' # pw = self.getconfigitem('root_password') # cmd += "-xrm 'XTerm*VT100.translations: #override F1: " # cmd += "string(\"root\\n\") \\n F2: string(\"%s\\n\")' " % pw cmd += "-e sudo %s console %s" % (XM_PATH, self.vmname) return cmd def shcmd(self, cmdstr, sh="/bin/sh"): logger("XEN PVM shcmd(args=[%s]) called, but not yet implemented" % cmdstr) return def mount(self, source, target): logger.warn("XEN PVM Nodes can't bind-mount filesystems") def umount(self, target): logger.warn("XEN PVM Nodes can't bind-mount filesystems") def newifindex(self): self.lock.acquire() try: while self.ifindex in self._netif: self.ifindex += 1 ifindex = self.ifindex self.ifindex += 1 return ifindex finally: self.lock.release() def getifindex(self, netif): for ifindex in self._netif: if self._netif[ifindex] is netif: return ifindex return -1 def addnetif(self, netif, ifindex): logger.warn("XEN PVM addnetif() called") PyCoreNode.addnetif(self, netif, ifindex) def delnetif(self, ifindex): logger.warn("XEN PVM delnetif() called") PyCoreNode.delnetif(self, ifindex) def newveth(self, ifindex=None, ifname=None, net=None, hwaddr=None): logger.warn("XEN PVM newveth(ifindex=%s, ifname=%s) called" % (ifindex, ifname)) self.lock.acquire() try: if ifindex is None: ifindex = self.newifindex() if ifname is None: ifname = "eth%d" % ifindex sessionid = self.session.short_session_id() name = "n%s.%s.%s" % (self.objid, ifindex, sessionid) localname = "n%s.%s.%s" % (self.objid, ifname, sessionid) ifclass = XenVEth veth = ifclass(node=self, name=name, localname=localname, mtu=1500, net=net, hwaddr=hwaddr) veth.name = ifname try: self.addnetif(veth, ifindex) except: veth.shutdown() del veth raise return ifindex finally: self.lock.release() def newtuntap(self, ifindex=None, ifname=None, net=None): logger.warn("XEN PVM newtuntap() called but not implemented") def sethwaddr(self, ifindex, addr): self._netif[ifindex].sethwaddr(addr) if self.up: pass # self.cmd([IP_BIN, "link", "set", "dev", self.ifname(ifindex), # "address", str(addr)]) def addaddr(self, ifindex, addr): if self.up: pass # self.cmd([IP_BIN, "addr", "add", str(addr), # "dev", self.ifname(ifindex)]) self._netif[ifindex].addaddr(addr) def deladdr(self, ifindex, addr): try: self._netif[ifindex].deladdr(addr) except ValueError: logger.exception("trying to delete unknown address: %s", addr) if self.up: pass # self.cmd([IP_BIN, "addr", "del", str(addr), # "dev", self.ifname(ifindex)]) valid_deladdrtype = ("inet", "inet6", "inet6link") def delalladdr(self, ifindex, addrtypes=valid_deladdrtype): addr = self.getaddr(self.ifname(ifindex), rescan=True) for t in addrtypes: if t not in self.valid_deladdrtype: raise ValueError, "addr type must be in: " + \ " ".join(self.valid_deladdrtype) for a in addr[t]: self.deladdr(ifindex, a) # update cached information self.getaddr(self.ifname(ifindex), rescan=True) # Xen PVM relies on boot process to bring up links # def ifup(self, ifindex): # if self.up: # self.cmd([IP_BIN, "link", "set", self.ifname(ifindex), "up"]) def newnetif(self, net=None, addrlist=[], hwaddr=None, ifindex=None, ifname=None): logger.warn("XEN PVM newnetif(ifindex=%s, ifname=%s) called" % (ifindex, ifname)) self.lock.acquire() if not self.up: self.lock.release() raise Exception("Can't access add veth as VM disk isn't ready") if self.booted: self.lock.release() raise Exception("Can't access add veth as VM is already running") try: if nodeutils.is_node(net, NodeTypes.EMANE): raise Exception("Xen PVM doesn't yet support Emane nets") # ifindex = self.newtuntap(ifindex = ifindex, ifname = ifname, # net = net) # # TUN/TAP is not ready for addressing yet; the device may # # take some time to appear, and installing it into a # # namespace after it has been bound removes addressing; # # save addresses with the interface now # self.attachnet(ifindex, net) # netif = self.netif(ifindex) # netif.sethwaddr(hwaddr) # for addr in maketuple(addrlist): # netif.addaddr(addr) # return ifindex else: ifindex = self.newveth(ifindex=ifindex, ifname=ifname, net=net, hwaddr=hwaddr) if net is not None: self.attachnet(ifindex, net) rulefile = os.path.join(self.getconfigitem('mount_path'), self.etcdir, 'udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules') f = self.openpausednodefile(rulefile, "a") f.write( '\n# Xen PVM virtual interface #%s %s with MAC address %s\n' % (ifindex, self.ifname(ifindex), hwaddr)) # Using MAC address as we're now loading PVM net driver "early" # OLD: Would like to use MAC address, but udev isn't working with paravirtualized NICs. Perhaps the "set hw address" isn't triggering a rescan. f.write( 'SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="%s", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="%s"\n' % ( hwaddr, self.ifname(ifindex))) # f.write('SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", DEVPATH=="/devices/vif-%s/?*", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="%s"\n' % (ifindex, self.ifname(ifindex))) f.close() if hwaddr: self.sethwaddr(ifindex, hwaddr) for addr in utils.maketuple(addrlist): self.addaddr(ifindex, addr) # self.ifup(ifindex) return ifindex finally: self.lock.release() def connectnode(self, ifname, othernode, otherifname): logger.warn("XEN PVM connectnode() called") # tmplen = 8 # tmp1 = "tmp." + "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) # for x in xrange(tmplen)]) # tmp2 = "tmp." + "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) # for x in xrange(tmplen)]) # check_call([IP_BIN, "link", "add", "name", tmp1, # "type", "veth", "peer", "name", tmp2]) # # check_call([IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp1, "netns", str(self.pid)]) # self.cmd([IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp1, "name", ifname]) # self.addnetif(PyCoreNetIf(self, ifname), self.newifindex()) # # check_call([IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp2, "netns", str(othernode.pid)]) # othernode.cmd([IP_BIN, "link", "set", tmp2, "name", otherifname]) # othernode.addnetif(PyCoreNetIf(othernode, otherifname), # othernode.newifindex()) def addfile(self, srcname, filename): self.lock.acquire() if not self.up: self.lock.release() raise Exception("Can't access VM file as VM disk isn't ready") if self.booted: self.lock.release() raise Exception("Can't access VM file as VM is already running") if filename in self.FilesToIgnore: # self.warn("XEN PVM addfile(filename=%s) ignored" % [filename]) return if filename in self.FilesRedirection: redirFilename = self.FilesRedirection[filename] logger.warn("XEN PVM addfile(filename=%s) redirected to %s" % (filename, redirFilename)) filename = redirFilename try: fin = open(srcname, "r") contents = fin.read() fin.close() fout = self.openpausednodefile(filename, "w") fout.write(contents) os.chmod(fout.name, mode) fout.close() logger.info("created nodefile: '%s'; mode: 0%o" % (fout.name, mode)) finally: self.lock.release() logger.warn("XEN PVM addfile(filename=%s) called" % [filename]) # shcmd = "mkdir -p $(dirname '%s') && mv '%s' '%s' && sync" % \ # (filename, srcname, filename) # self.shcmd(shcmd) def unmount_all(self, path): """ Namespaces inherit the host mounts, so we need to ensure that all namespaces have unmounted our temporary mount area so that the kpartx command will succeed. """ # Session.bootnodes() already has self.session._objslock for o in self.session.objects.itervalues(): if not isinstance(o, LxcNode): continue o.umount(path)