import abc from typing import Any, Dict, List from core.config import Configuration from core.configservice.base import ConfigService, ConfigServiceMode from core.emane.nodes import EmaneNet from core.nodes.base import CoreNodeBase, NodeBase from core.nodes.interface import DEFAULT_MTU, CoreInterface from import WlanNode from core.nodes.wireless import WirelessNode GROUP: str = "FRR" FRR_STATE_DIR: str = "/var/run/frr" def is_wireless(node: NodeBase) -> bool: """ Check if the node is a wireless type node. :param node: node to check type for :return: True if wireless type, False otherwise """ return isinstance(node, (WlanNode, EmaneNet, WirelessNode)) def has_mtu_mismatch(iface: CoreInterface) -> bool: """ Helper to detect MTU mismatch and add the appropriate FRR mtu-ignore command. This is needed when e.g. a node is linked via a GreTap device. """ if iface.mtu != DEFAULT_MTU: return True if not return False for iface in if iface.mtu != iface.mtu: return True return False def get_min_mtu(iface: CoreInterface) -> int: """ Helper to discover the minimum MTU of interfaces linked with the given interface. """ mtu = iface.mtu if not return mtu for iface in if iface.mtu < mtu: mtu = iface.mtu return mtu def get_router_id(node: CoreNodeBase) -> str: """ Helper to return the first IPv4 address of a node as its router ID. """ for iface in node.get_ifaces(control=False): ip4 = iface.get_ip4() if ip4: return str(ip4.ip) return "" class FRRZebra(ConfigService): name: str = "FRRzebra" group: str = GROUP directories: List[str] = ["/usr/local/etc/frr", "/var/run/frr", "/var/log/frr"] files: List[str] = [ "/usr/local/etc/frr/frr.conf", "", "/usr/local/etc/frr/vtysh.conf", "/usr/local/etc/frr/daemons", ] executables: List[str] = ["zebra"] dependencies: List[str] = [] startup: List[str] = ["bash zebra"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof zebra"] shutdown: List[str] = ["killall zebra"] validation_mode: ConfigServiceMode = ConfigServiceMode.BLOCKING default_configs: List[Configuration] = [] modes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} def data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: frr_conf = self.files[0] frr_bin_search = self.node.session.options.get_config( "frr_bin_search", default="/usr/local/bin /usr/bin /usr/lib/frr" ).strip('"') frr_sbin_search = self.node.session.options.get_config( "frr_sbin_search", default="/usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /usr/lib/frr" ).strip('"') services = [] want_ip4 = False want_ip6 = False for service in self.node.config_services.values(): if not in service.dependencies: continue if not isinstance(service, FrrService): continue if service.ipv4_routing: want_ip4 = True if service.ipv6_routing: want_ip6 = True services.append(service) ifaces = [] for iface in self.node.get_ifaces(): ip4s = [] ip6s = [] for ip4 in iface.ip4s: ip4s.append(str(ip4.ip)) for ip6 in iface.ip6s: ip6s.append(str(ip6.ip)) ifaces.append((iface, ip4s, ip6s, iface.control)) return dict( frr_conf=frr_conf, frr_sbin_search=frr_sbin_search, frr_bin_search=frr_bin_search, frr_state_dir=FRR_STATE_DIR, ifaces=ifaces, want_ip4=want_ip4, want_ip6=want_ip6, services=services, ) class FrrService(abc.ABC): group: str = GROUP directories: List[str] = [] files: List[str] = [] executables: List[str] = [] dependencies: List[str] = ["FRRzebra"] startup: List[str] = [] validate: List[str] = [] shutdown: List[str] = [] validation_mode: ConfigServiceMode = ConfigServiceMode.BLOCKING default_configs: List[Configuration] = [] modes: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] = {} ipv4_routing: bool = False ipv6_routing: bool = False @abc.abstractmethod def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractmethod def frr_config(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError class FRROspfv2(FrrService, ConfigService): """ The OSPFv2 service provides IPv4 routing for wired networks. It does not build its own configuration file but has hooks for adding to the unified frr.conf file. """ name: str = "FRROSPFv2" shutdown: List[str] = ["killall ospfd"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof ospfd"] ipv4_routing: bool = True def frr_config(self) -> str: router_id = get_router_id(self.node) addresses = [] for iface in self.node.get_ifaces(control=False): for ip4 in iface.ip4s: addresses.append(str(ip4.ip)) data = dict(router_id=router_id, addresses=addresses) text = """ router ospf router-id ${router_id} % for addr in addresses: network ${addr} area 0 % endfor ! """ return self.render_text(text, data) def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: if has_mtu_mismatch(iface): return "ip ospf mtu-ignore" else: return "" class FRROspfv3(FrrService, ConfigService): """ The OSPFv3 service provides IPv6 routing for wired networks. It does not build its own configuration file but has hooks for adding to the unified frr.conf file. """ name: str = "FRROSPFv3" shutdown: List[str] = ["killall ospf6d"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof ospf6d"] ipv4_routing: bool = True ipv6_routing: bool = True def frr_config(self) -> str: router_id = get_router_id(self.node) ifnames = [] for iface in self.node.get_ifaces(control=False): ifnames.append( data = dict(router_id=router_id, ifnames=ifnames) text = """ router ospf6 router-id ${router_id} % for ifname in ifnames: interface ${ifname} area % endfor ! """ return self.render_text(text, data) def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: mtu = get_min_mtu(iface) if mtu < iface.mtu: return f"ipv6 ospf6 ifmtu {mtu}" else: return "" class FRRBgp(FrrService, ConfigService): """ The BGP service provides interdomain routing. Peers must be manually configured, with a full mesh for those having the same AS number. """ name: str = "FRRBGP" shutdown: List[str] = ["killall bgpd"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof bgpd"] custom_needed: bool = True ipv4_routing: bool = True ipv6_routing: bool = True def frr_config(self) -> str: router_id = get_router_id(self.node) text = f""" ! BGP configuration ! You should configure the AS number below ! along with this router's peers. router bgp {} bgp router-id {router_id} redistribute connected !neighbor remote-as 555 ! """ return self.clean_text(text) def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: return "" class FRRRip(FrrService, ConfigService): """ The RIP service provides IPv4 routing for wired networks. """ name: str = "FRRRIP" shutdown: List[str] = ["killall ripd"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof ripd"] ipv4_routing: bool = True def frr_config(self) -> str: text = """ router rip redistribute static redistribute connected redistribute ospf network ! """ return self.clean_text(text) def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: return "" class FRRRipng(FrrService, ConfigService): """ The RIP NG service provides IPv6 routing for wired networks. """ name: str = "FRRRIPNG" shutdown: List[str] = ["killall ripngd"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof ripngd"] ipv6_routing: bool = True def frr_config(self) -> str: text = """ router ripng redistribute static redistribute connected redistribute ospf6 network ::/0 ! """ return self.clean_text(text) def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: return "" class FRRBabel(FrrService, ConfigService): """ The Babel service provides a loop-avoiding distance-vector routing protocol for IPv6 and IPv4 with fast convergence properties. """ name: str = "FRRBabel" shutdown: List[str] = ["killall babeld"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof babeld"] ipv6_routing: bool = True def frr_config(self) -> str: ifnames = [] for iface in self.node.get_ifaces(control=False): ifnames.append( text = """ router babel % for ifname in ifnames: network ${ifname} % endfor redistribute static redistribute ipv4 connected ! """ data = dict(ifnames=ifnames) return self.render_text(text, data) def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: if is_wireless( text = """ babel wireless no babel split-horizon """ else: text = """ babel wired babel split-horizon """ return self.clean_text(text) class FRRpimd(FrrService, ConfigService): """ PIM multicast routing based on XORP. """ name: str = "FRRpimd" shutdown: List[str] = ["killall pimd"] validate: List[str] = ["pidof pimd"] ipv4_routing: bool = True def frr_config(self) -> str: ifname = "eth0" for iface in self.node.get_ifaces(): if != "lo": ifname = break text = f""" router mfea ! router igmp ! router pim !ip pim rp-address ip pim bsr-candidate {ifname} ip pim rp-candidate {ifname} !ip pim spt-threshold interval 10 bytes 80000 ! """ return self.clean_text(text) def frr_iface_config(self, iface: CoreInterface) -> str: text = """ ip mfea ip igmp ip pim """ return self.clean_text(text)