import logging import math import tkinter as tk from tkinter import PhotoImage, font, messagebox, ttk from tkinter.ttk import Progressbar from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Type import grpc from core.gui import appconfig, images from core.gui import nodeutils as nutils from core.gui import themes from core.gui.appconfig import GuiConfig from core.gui.coreclient import CoreClient from core.gui.dialogs.error import ErrorDialog from core.gui.frames.base import InfoFrameBase from core.gui.frames.default import DefaultInfoFrame from core.gui.graph.manager import CanvasManager from core.gui.images import ImageEnum from core.gui.menubar import Menubar from core.gui.statusbar import StatusBar from core.gui.themes import PADY from core.gui.toolbar import Toolbar WIDTH: int = 1000 HEIGHT: int = 800 class Application(ttk.Frame): def __init__(self, proxy: bool, session_id: int = None) -> None: super().__init__() # load node icons nutils.setup() # widgets self.menubar: Optional[Menubar] = None self.toolbar: Optional[Toolbar] = None self.right_frame: Optional[ttk.Frame] = None self.manager: Optional[CanvasManager] = None self.statusbar: Optional[StatusBar] = None self.progress: Optional[Progressbar] = None self.infobar: Optional[ttk.Frame] = None self.info_frame: Optional[InfoFrameBase] = None self.show_infobar: tk.BooleanVar = tk.BooleanVar(value=False) # fonts self.fonts_size: Dict[str, int] = {} self.icon_text_font: Optional[font.Font] = None self.edge_font: Optional[font.Font] = None # setup self.guiconfig: GuiConfig = self.app_scale: float = self.guiconfig.scale self.setup_scaling() ttk.Style = ttk.Style() self.setup_theme() self.core: CoreClient = CoreClient(self, proxy) self.setup_app() self.draw() self.core.setup(session_id) def setup_scaling(self) -> None: self.fonts_size = {name: font.nametofont(name)["size"] for name in font.names()} text_scale = self.app_scale if self.app_scale < 1 else math.sqrt(self.app_scale) themes.scale_fonts(self.fonts_size, self.app_scale) self.icon_text_font = font.Font(family="TkIconFont", size=int(12 * text_scale)) self.edge_font = font.Font( family="TkDefaultFont", size=int(8 * text_scale), weight=font.BOLD ) def setup_theme(self) -> None: themes.load( self.master.bind_class("Menu", "<>", themes.theme_change_menu) self.master.bind("<>", themes.theme_change) def setup_app(self) -> None: self.master.title("CORE") self.master.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_closing) image = images.from_enum(ImageEnum.CORE, width=images.DIALOG_SIZE)"wm", "iconphoto", self.master._w, image) self.master.option_add("*tearOff", tk.FALSE) self.setup_file_dialogs() def setup_file_dialogs(self) -> None: """ Hack code that needs to initialize a bad dialog so that we can apply, global settings for dialogs to not show hidden files by default and display the hidden file toggle. :return: nothing """ try:"tk_getOpenFile", "-foobar") except tk.TclError: pass"set", "::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn", "1")"set", "::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar", "0") def center(self) -> None: screen_width = self.master.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = self.master.winfo_screenheight() x = int((screen_width / 2) - (WIDTH * self.app_scale / 2)) y = int((screen_height / 2) - (HEIGHT * self.app_scale / 2)) self.master.geometry( f"{int(WIDTH * self.app_scale)}x{int(HEIGHT * self.app_scale)}+{x}+{y}" ) def draw(self) -> None: self.master.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.master.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.grid(sticky=tk.NSEW) self.toolbar = Toolbar(self) self.toolbar.grid(sticky=tk.NS) self.right_frame = ttk.Frame(self) self.right_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.right_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.right_frame.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NSEW) self.draw_canvas() self.draw_infobar() self.draw_status() self.progress = Progressbar(self.right_frame, mode="indeterminate") self.menubar = Menubar(self) self.master.config(menu=self.menubar) def draw_infobar(self) -> None: self.infobar = ttk.Frame(self.right_frame, padding=5, relief=tk.RAISED) self.infobar.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.infobar.rowconfigure(1, weight=1) label_font = font.Font(weight=font.BOLD, underline=tk.TRUE) label = ttk.Label( self.infobar, text="Details", anchor=tk.CENTER, font=label_font ) label.grid(sticky=tk.EW, pady=PADY) def draw_canvas(self) -> None: self.manager = CanvasManager(self.right_frame, self, self.core) self.manager.notebook.grid(sticky=tk.NSEW) def draw_status(self) -> None: self.statusbar = StatusBar(self.right_frame, self) self.statusbar.grid(sticky=tk.EW, columnspan=2) def display_info(self, frame_class: Type[InfoFrameBase], **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not self.show_infobar.get(): return self.clear_info() self.info_frame = frame_class(self.infobar, **kwargs) self.info_frame.draw() self.info_frame.grid(sticky=tk.NSEW) def clear_info(self) -> None: if self.info_frame: self.info_frame.destroy() self.info_frame = None def default_info(self) -> None: self.clear_info() self.display_info(DefaultInfoFrame, app=self) def show_info(self) -> None: self.default_info() self.infobar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NSEW) def hide_info(self) -> None: self.infobar.grid_forget() def show_grpc_exception( self, message: str, e: grpc.RpcError, blocking: bool = False ) -> None: logging.exception("app grpc exception", exc_info=e) dialog = ErrorDialog(self, "GRPC Exception", message, e.details()) if blocking: else: self.after(0, lambda: def show_exception(self, message: str, e: Exception) -> None: logging.exception("app exception", exc_info=e) self.after( 0, lambda: ErrorDialog(self, "App Exception", message, str(e)).show() ) def show_exception_data(self, title: str, message: str, details: str) -> None: self.after(0, lambda: ErrorDialog(self, title, message, details).show()) def show_error(self, title: str, message: str, blocking: bool = False) -> None: if blocking: messagebox.showerror(title, message, parent=self) else: self.after(0, lambda: messagebox.showerror(title, message, parent=self)) def on_closing(self) -> None: if self.toolbar.picker: self.toolbar.picker.destroy() self.menubar.prompt_save_running_session(True) def save_config(self) -> None: def joined_session_update(self) -> None: if self.core.is_runtime(): self.menubar.set_state(is_runtime=True) self.toolbar.set_runtime() else: self.menubar.set_state(is_runtime=False) self.toolbar.set_design() def get_enum_icon(self, image_enum: ImageEnum, *, width: int) -> PhotoImage: return images.from_enum(image_enum, width=width, scale=self.app_scale) def get_file_icon(self, file_path: str, *, width: int) -> PhotoImage: return images.from_file(file_path, width=width, scale=self.app_scale) def close(self) -> None: self.master.destroy()