""" sdn.py defines services to start Open vSwitch and the Ryu SDN Controller. """ import re from core.service import CoreService from core.service import ServiceManager class SdnService(CoreService): """ Parent class for SDN services. """ _name = "SdnProcess" _group = "SDN" _depends = () _dirs = () _configs = () _startindex = 50 _startup = () _shutdown = () @classmethod def generateconfig(cls, node, filename, services): return "" class OvsService(SdnService): _name = "OvsService" _group = "SDN" _depends = () _dirs = ("/etc/openvswitch", "/var/run/openvswitch", "/var/log/openvswitch") _configs = ('OvsService.sh',) _startindex = 50 _startup = ('sh OvsService.sh',) _shutdown = ('killall ovs-vswitchd', 'killall ovsdb-server') @classmethod def generateconfig(cls, node, filename, services): # Check whether the node is running zebra has_zebra = 0 for s in services: if s._name == "zebra": has_zebra = 1 # Check whether the node is running an SDN controller has_sdn_ctrlr = 0 for s in services: if s._name == "ryuService": has_sdn_ctrlr = 1 cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n" cfg += "# auto-generated by OvsService (OvsService.py)\n" cfg += "/etc/init.d/openvswitch-switch start < /dev/null\n" cfg += "ovs-vsctl add-br ovsbr0\n" cfg += "ifconfig ovsbr0 up\n" for ifc in node.netifs(): if hasattr(ifc, 'control') and ifc.control is True: continue ifnumstr = re.findall(r"\d+", ifc.name) ifnum = ifnumstr[0] # create virtual interfaces cfg += "ip link add rtr%s type veth peer name sw%s\n" % (ifnum, ifnum) cfg += "ifconfig rtr%s up\n" % ifnum cfg += "ifconfig sw%s up\n" % ifnum # remove ip address of eths because quagga/zebra will assign same IPs to rtr interfaces # or assign them manually to rtr interfaces if zebra is not running for ifcaddr in ifc.addrlist: if ifcaddr.find(".") >= 0: cfg += "ip addr del %s dev %s\n" % (ifcaddr, ifc.name) if has_zebra == 0: cfg += "ip addr add %s dev rtr%s\n" % (ifcaddr, ifnum) elif ifcaddr.find(":") >= 0: cfg += "ip -6 addr del %s dev %s\n" % (ifcaddr, ifc.name) if has_zebra == 0: cfg += "ip -6 addr add %s dev rtr%s\n" % (ifcaddr, ifnum) else: raise ValueError("invalid address: %s" % ifcaddr) # add interfaces to bridge cfg += "ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 eth%s\n" % ifnum cfg += "ovs-vsctl add-port ovsbr0 sw%s\n" % ifnum # Add rule for default controller if there is one local (even if the controller is not local, it finds it) cfg += "ovs-vsctl set-controller ovsbr0 tcp:\n" # Setup default flows portnum = 1 for ifc in node.netifs(): if hasattr(ifc, 'control') and ifc.control is True: continue cfg += "ovs-ofctl add-flow ovsbr0 priority=1000,in_port=%d,action=output:%d\n" % (portnum, portnum + 1) cfg += "ovs-ofctl add-flow ovsbr0 priority=1000,in_port=%d,action=output:%d\n" % (portnum + 1, portnum) portnum += 2 return cfg class RyuService(SdnService): _name = "ryuService" _group = "SDN" _depends = () _dirs = () _configs = ('ryuService.sh',) _startindex = 50 _startup = ('sh ryuService.sh',) _shutdown = ('killall ryu-manager',) @classmethod def generateconfig(cls, node, filename, services): """ Return a string that will be written to filename, or sent to the GUI for user customization. """ app_path = "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ryu/app" cfg = "#!/bin/sh\n" cfg += "# auto-generated by ryuService (ryuService.py)\n" cfg += '/usr/local/bin/ryu-manager --observe-links %s/ofctl_rest.py %s/rest_topology.py' % (app_path, app_path) return cfg def load_services(): ServiceManager.add(OvsService) ServiceManager.add(RyuService)