import os from xml.dom.minidom import Document import pwd from core.coreobj import PyCoreNet from core.coreobj import PyCoreNode from core.enumerations import RegisterTlvs from core.misc import log from core.xml import xmlutils logger = log.get_logger(__name__) class CoreDocumentWriter0(Document): """ Utility class for writing a CoreSession to XML. The init method builds an xml.dom.minidom.Document, and the writexml() method saves the XML file. """ def __init__(self, session): """ Create an empty Scenario XML Document, then populate it with objects from the given session. """ Document.__init__(self) self.session = session self.scenario = self.createElement("Scenario") = self.createElement("NetworkPlan") = self.createElement("MotionPlan") self.sp = self.createElement("ServicePlan") self.meta = self.createElement("CoreMetaData") self.appendChild(self.scenario) self.scenario.appendChild( self.scenario.appendChild( self.scenario.appendChild(self.sp) self.scenario.appendChild(self.meta) self.populatefromsession() def populatefromsession(self): self.session.emane.setup() # not during runtime? self.addorigin() self.adddefaultservices() self.addnets() self.addnodes() self.addmetadata() def writexml(self, filename):"saving session XML file %s", filename) f = open(filename, "w") Document.writexml(self, writer=f, indent="", addindent=" ", newl="\n", encoding="UTF-8") f.close() if self.session.user is not None: uid = pwd.getpwnam(self.session.user).pw_uid gid = os.stat(self.session.sessiondir).st_gid os.chown(filename, uid, gid) def addnets(self): """ Add PyCoreNet objects as NetworkDefinition XML elements. """ with self.session._objects_lock: for net in self.session.objects.itervalues(): if not isinstance(net, PyCoreNet): continue self.addnet(net) def addnet(self, net): """ Add one PyCoreNet object as a NetworkDefinition XML element. """ n = self.createElement("NetworkDefinition") n.setAttribute("name", # could use net.brname n.setAttribute("id", "%s" % net.objid) n.setAttribute("type", "%s" % net.__class__.__name__) self.addnetinterfaces(n, net) # key used with tunnel node if hasattr(net, 'grekey') and net.grekey is not None: n.setAttribute("key", "%s" % net.grekey) # link parameters for netif in net.netifs(sort=True): self.addnetem(n, netif) # wireless/mobility models modelconfigs = net.session.mobility.getmodels(net) modelconfigs += net.session.emane.getmodels(net) self.addmodels(n, modelconfigs) self.addposition(net) def addnetem(self, n, netif): """ Similar to addmodels(); used for writing netem link effects parameters. TODO: Interface parameters should be moved to the model construct, then this separate method shouldn't be required. """ params = netif.getparams() if len(params) == 0: return model = self.createElement("model") model.setAttribute("name", "netem") model.setAttribute("netif", if hasattr(netif, "node") and netif.node is not None: model.setAttribute("peer", # link between switches uses one veth interface elif hasattr(netif, "othernet") and netif.othernet is not None: if == n.getAttribute("name"): model.setAttribute("peer", else: model.setAttribute("peer", model.setAttribute("netif", netif.localname) # hack used for upstream parameters for link between switches # (see LxBrNet.linknet()) if netif.othernet.objid == int(n.getAttribute("id")): netif.swapparams('_params_up') params = netif.getparams() netif.swapparams('_params_up') has_params = False for k, v in params: # default netem parameters are 0 or None if v is None or v == 0: continue if k == "has_netem" or k == "has_tbf": continue key = self.createElement(k) key.appendChild(self.createTextNode("%s" % v)) model.appendChild(key) has_params = True if has_params: n.appendChild(model) def addmodels(self, n, configs): """ Add models from a list of model-class, config values tuples. """ for m, conf in configs: model = self.createElement("model") n.appendChild(model) model.setAttribute("name", m._name) type = "wireless" if m._type == RegisterTlvs.MOBILITY.value: type = "mobility" model.setAttribute("type", type) for i, k in enumerate(m.getnames()): key = self.createElement(k) value = conf[i] if value is None: value = "" key.appendChild(self.createTextNode("%s" % value)) model.appendChild(key) def addnodes(self): """ Add PyCoreNode objects as node XML elements. """ with self.session._objects_lock: for node in self.session.objects.itervalues(): if not isinstance(node, PyCoreNode): continue self.addnode(node) def addnode(self, node): """ Add a PyCoreNode object as node XML elements. """ n = self.createElement("Node") n.setAttribute("name", n.setAttribute("id", "%s" % node.objid) if node.type: n.setAttribute("type", node.type) self.addinterfaces(n, node) self.addposition(node) xmlutils.add_param_to_parent(self, n, "icon", node.icon) xmlutils.add_param_to_parent(self, n, "canvas", node.canvas) self.addservices(node) def addinterfaces(self, n, node): """ Add PyCoreNetIfs to node XML elements. """ for ifc in node.netifs(sort=True): i = self.createElement("interface") n.appendChild(i) i.setAttribute("name", netmodel = None if i.setAttribute("net", if hasattr(, "model"): netmodel = if ifc.mtu and ifc.mtu != 1500: i.setAttribute("mtu", "%s" % ifc.mtu) # could use ifc.params, transport_type self.addaddresses(i, ifc) # per-interface models if netmodel and netmodel._name[:6] == "emane_": cfg = self.session.emane.getifcconfig(node.objid, netmodel._name, None, ifc) if cfg: self.addmodels(i, ((netmodel, cfg),)) def addnetinterfaces(self, n, net): """ Similar to addinterfaces(), but only adds interface elements to the supplied XML node that would not otherwise appear in the Node elements. These are any interfaces that link two switches/hubs together. """ for ifc in net.netifs(sort=True): if not hasattr(ifc, "othernet") or not ifc.othernet: continue i = self.createElement("interface") n.appendChild(i) if net.objid == i.setAttribute("name", ifc.localname) i.setAttribute("net", else: i.setAttribute("name", i.setAttribute("net", def addposition(self, node): """ Add object coordinates as location XML element. """ (x, y, z) = node.position.get() if x is None or y is None: return # mpn = self.createElement("Node") mpn.setAttribute("name", # motion = self.createElement("motion") motion.setAttribute("type", "stationary") mpn.appendChild(motion) # $X$,$Y$,$Z$ pt = self.createElement("point") motion.appendChild(pt) coordstxt = "%s,%s" % (x, y) if z: coordstxt += ",%s" % z coords = self.createTextNode(coordstxt) pt.appendChild(coords) def addorigin(self): """ Add origin to Motion Plan using canvas reference point. The CoreLocation class maintains this reference point. """ refgeo = self.session.location.refgeo origin = self.createElement("origin") attrs = ("lat", "lon", "alt") have_origin = False for i in xrange(3): if refgeo[i] is not None: origin.setAttribute(attrs[i], str(refgeo[i])) have_origin = True if not have_origin: return if self.session.location.refscale != 1.0: # 100 pixels = refscale m origin.setAttribute("scale100", str(self.session.location.refscale)) if self.session.location.refxyz != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): pt = self.createElement("point") origin.appendChild(pt) x, y, z = self.session.location.refxyz coordstxt = "%s,%s" % (x, y) if z: coordstxt += ",%s" % z coords = self.createTextNode(coordstxt) pt.appendChild(coords) def adddefaultservices(self): """ Add default services and node types to the ServicePlan. """ for type in defaults = spn = self.createElement("Node") spn.setAttribute("type", type) self.sp.appendChild(spn) for svc in defaults: s = self.createElement("Service") spn.appendChild(s) s.setAttribute("name", str(svc._name)) def addservices(self, node): """ Add services and their customizations to the ServicePlan. """ if len( == 0: return defaults = if == defaults: return spn = self.createElement("Node") spn.setAttribute("name", self.sp.appendChild(spn) for svc in s = self.createElement("Service") spn.appendChild(s) s.setAttribute("name", str(svc._name)) s.setAttribute("startup_idx", str(svc._startindex)) if svc._starttime != "": s.setAttribute("start_time", str(svc._starttime)) # only record service names if not a customized service if not svc._custom: continue s.setAttribute("custom", str(svc._custom)) xmlutils.add_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._dirs, "Directory", "name") for fn in svc._configs: if len(fn) == 0: continue f = self.createElement("File") f.setAttribute("name", fn) # all file names are added to determine when a file has been deleted s.appendChild(f) data =, fn) if data is None: # this includes only customized file contents and skips # the auto-generated files continue txt = self.createTextNode(data) f.appendChild(txt) xmlutils.add_text_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._startup, "Command", (("type", "start"),)) xmlutils.add_text_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._shutdown, "Command", (("type", "stop"),)) xmlutils.add_text_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._validate, "Command", (("type", "validate"),)) def addaddresses(self, i, netif): """ Add MAC and IP addresses to interface XML elements. """ if netif.hwaddr: h = self.createElement("address") i.appendChild(h) h.setAttribute("type", "mac") htxt = self.createTextNode("%s" % netif.hwaddr) h.appendChild(htxt) for addr in netif.addrlist: a = self.createElement("address") i.appendChild(a) # a.setAttribute("type", ) atxt = self.createTextNode("%s" % addr) a.appendChild(atxt) def addhooks(self): """ Add hook script XML elements to the metadata tag. """ hooks = self.createElement("Hooks") for state in sorted(self.session._hooks.keys()): for filename, data in self.session._hooks[state]: hook = self.createElement("Hook") hook.setAttribute("name", filename) hook.setAttribute("state", str(state)) txt = self.createTextNode(data) hook.appendChild(txt) hooks.appendChild(hook) if hooks.hasChildNodes(): self.meta.appendChild(hooks) def addmetadata(self): """ Add CORE-specific session meta-data XML elements. """ # options options = self.createElement("SessionOptions") defaults = self.session.options.getdefaultvalues() for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self.session.options.getkeyvaluelist()): if str(v) != str(defaults[i]): xmlutils.add_text_param_to_parent(self, options, k, v) # addparamtoparent(self, options, k, v) if options.hasChildNodes(): self.meta.appendChild(options) # hook scripts self.addhooks() # meta meta = self.createElement("MetaData") self.meta.appendChild(meta) for k, v in self.session.metadata.items(): xmlutils.add_text_param_to_parent(self, meta, k, v) # addparamtoparent(self, meta, k, v)