""" Unit tests for testing with a CORE switch. """ import threading from core.api import coreapi, dataconversion from core.api.coreapi import CoreExecuteTlv from core.enumerations import CORE_API_PORT from core.enumerations import EventTlvs from core.enumerations import EventTypes from core.enumerations import ExecuteTlvs from core.enumerations import LinkTlvs from core.enumerations import LinkTypes from core.enumerations import MessageFlags from core.enumerations import MessageTypes from core.misc import ipaddress from core.netns.nodes import SwitchNode def command_message(node, command): """ Create an execute command TLV message. :param node: node to execute command for :param command: command to execute :return: packed execute message """ tlv_data = CoreExecuteTlv.pack(ExecuteTlvs.NODE.value, node.objid) tlv_data += CoreExecuteTlv.pack(ExecuteTlvs.NUMBER.value, 1) tlv_data += CoreExecuteTlv.pack(ExecuteTlvs.COMMAND.value, command) return coreapi.CoreExecMessage.pack(MessageFlags.STRING.value | MessageFlags.TEXT.value, tlv_data) def state_message(state): """ Create a event TLV message for a new state. :param core.enumerations.EventTypes state: state to create message for :return: packed event message """ tlv_data = coreapi.CoreEventTlv.pack(EventTlvs.TYPE.value, state.value) return coreapi.CoreEventMessage.pack(0, tlv_data) def switch_link_message(switch, node, address, prefix_len): """ Create a link TLV message for node to a switch, with the provided address and prefix length. :param switch: switch for link :param node: node for link :param address: address node on link :param prefix_len: prefix length of address :return: packed link message """ tlv_data = coreapi.CoreLinkTlv.pack(LinkTlvs.N1_NUMBER.value, switch.objid) tlv_data += coreapi.CoreLinkTlv.pack(LinkTlvs.N2_NUMBER.value, node.objid) tlv_data += coreapi.CoreLinkTlv.pack(LinkTlvs.TYPE.value, LinkTypes.WIRED.value) tlv_data += coreapi.CoreLinkTlv.pack(LinkTlvs.INTERFACE2_NUMBER.value, 0) tlv_data += coreapi.CoreLinkTlv.pack(LinkTlvs.INTERFACE2_IP4.value, address) tlv_data += coreapi.CoreLinkTlv.pack(LinkTlvs.INTERFACE2_IP4_MASK.value, prefix_len) return coreapi.CoreLinkMessage.pack(MessageFlags.ADD.value, tlv_data) def run_cmd(node, exec_cmd): """ Convenience method for sending commands to a node using the legacy API. :param node: The node the command should be issued too :param exec_cmd: A string with the command to be run :return: Returns the result of the command """ # Set up the command api message # tlv_data = CoreExecuteTlv.pack(ExecuteTlvs.NODE.value, node.objid) # tlv_data += CoreExecuteTlv.pack(ExecuteTlvs.NUMBER.value, 1) # tlv_data += CoreExecuteTlv.pack(ExecuteTlvs.COMMAND.value, exec_cmd) # message = coreapi.CoreExecMessage.pack(MessageFlags.STRING.value | MessageFlags.TEXT.value, tlv_data) message = command_message(node, exec_cmd) node.session.broker.handlerawmsg(message) # Now wait for the response server = node.session.broker.servers["localhost"] server.sock.settimeout(50.0) # receive messages until we get our execute response result = None status = False while True: message_header = server.sock.recv(coreapi.CoreMessage.header_len) message_type, message_flags, message_length = coreapi.CoreMessage.unpack_header(message_header) message_data = server.sock.recv(message_length) # If we get the right response return the results print "received response message: %s" % MessageTypes(message_type) if message_type == MessageTypes.EXECUTE.value: message = coreapi.CoreExecMessage(message_flags, message_header, message_data) result = message.get_tlv(ExecuteTlvs.RESULT.value) status = message.get_tlv(ExecuteTlvs.STATUS.value) break return result, status class TestGui: def test_broker(self, core, cored): """ Test session broker creation. :param conftest.Core core: core fixture to test with """ # set core daemon to run in the background thread = threading.Thread(target=cored.serve_forever) thread.daemon = True thread.start() # ip prefix for nodes prefix = ipaddress.Ipv4Prefix("") daemon = "localhost" # add server core.session.broker.addserver(daemon, "", CORE_API_PORT) # setup server core.session.broker.setupserver(daemon) # do not want the recvloop running as we will deal ourselves core.session.broker.dorecvloop = False # have broker handle a configuration state change core.session.set_state(EventTypes.CONFIGURATION_STATE.value) event_message = state_message(EventTypes.CONFIGURATION_STATE) core.session.broker.handlerawmsg(event_message) # create a switch node switch = core.session.add_object(cls=SwitchNode, name="switch", start=False) switch.setposition(x=80, y=50) switch.server = daemon # retrieve switch data representation, create a switch message for broker to handle switch_data = switch.data(MessageFlags.ADD.value) switch_message = dataconversion.convert_node(switch_data) core.session.broker.handlerawmsg(switch_message) # create node one core.create_node("n1") node_one = core.get_node("n1") node_one.server = daemon # create node two core.create_node("n2") node_two = core.get_node("n2") node_two.server = daemon # create node messages for the broker to handle for node in [node_one, node_two]: node_data = node.data(MessageFlags.ADD.value) node_message = dataconversion.convert_node(node_data) core.session.broker.handlerawmsg(node_message) # create links to switch from nodes for broker to handle for index, node in enumerate([node_one, node_two], start=1): ip4_address = prefix.addr(index) link_message = switch_link_message(switch, node, ip4_address, prefix.prefixlen) core.session.broker.handlerawmsg(link_message) # change session to instantiation state event_message = state_message(EventTypes.INSTANTIATION_STATE) core.session.broker.handlerawmsg(event_message) # Get the ip or last node and ping it from the first print "pinging from the first to the last node" output, status = run_cmd(node_one, "ip -4 -o addr show dev eth0") pingip = output.split()[3].split("/")[0] output, status = run_cmd(node_two, "ping -c 5 " + pingip) assert not status