import collections import os from xml.dom.minidom import Document import pwd from core import coreobj from core import logger from core.enumerations import EventTypes from core.enumerations import NodeTypes from core.enumerations import RegisterTlvs from core.misc import ipaddress from core.misc import nodeutils from core.netns import nodes from core.xml import xmlutils from core.xml.xmldeployment import CoreDeploymentWriter class Alias: ID = "COREID" class MembType: INTERFACE = "interface" CHANNEL = "channel" SWITCH = "switch" HUB = "hub" TUNNEL = "tunnel" NETWORK = "network" class NodeType: ROUTER = "router" HOST = "host" MDR = "mdr" PC = "PC" RJ45 = "rj45" SWITCH = "lanswitch" HUB = "hub" class DevType: HOST = "host" ROUTER = "router" SWITCH = "switch" HUB = "hub" class NetType: WIRELESS = "wireless" ETHERNET = "ethernet" PTP_WIRED = "point-to-point-wired" PTP_WIRELESS = "point-to-point-wireless" """ A link endpoint in CORE net: the network that the endpoint belongs to netif: the network interface at this end id: the identifier for the endpoint l2devport: if the other end is a layer 2 device, this is the assigned port in that device params: link/interface parameters """ Endpoint = collections.namedtuple('Endpoint', ['net', 'netif', 'type', 'id', 'l2devport', 'params']) class CoreDocumentWriter1(Document): """ Utility class for writing a CoreSession to XML in the NMF scenPlan schema. The init method builds an xml.dom.minidom.Document, and the writexml() method saves the XML file. """ def __init__(self, session): """ Create an empty Scenario XML Document, then populate it with objects from the given session. """ Document.__init__(self) logger.debug('Exporting to NMF XML version 1.0') with session._objects_lock: self.scenarioPlan = ScenarioPlan(self, session) if session.state == EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE.value: deployment = CoreDeploymentWriter(self, self.scenarioPlan, session) deployment.add_deployment() self.scenarioPlan.setAttribute('deployed', 'true') def writexml(self, filename): """ Commit to file """"saving session XML file %s", filename) f = open(filename, "w") Document.writexml(self, writer=f, indent="", addindent=" ", newl="\n", encoding="UTF-8") f.close() if self.scenarioPlan.coreSession.user is not None: uid = pwd.getpwnam(self.scenarioPlan.coreSession.user).pw_uid gid = os.stat(self.scenarioPlan.coreSession.session_dir).st_gid os.chown(filename, uid, gid) class XmlElement(object): """ The base class for all XML elements in the scenario plan. Includes convenience functions. """ def __init__(self, document, parent, element_type): self.document = document self.parent = parent self.base_element = document.createElement("%s" % element_type) if self.parent is not None: self.parent.appendChild(self.base_element) def createElement(self, element_tag): return self.document.createElement(element_tag) def getTagName(self): return self.base_element.tagName def createTextNode(self, node_tag): return self.document.createTextNode(node_tag) def appendChild(self, child): if isinstance(child, XmlElement): self.base_element.appendChild(child.base_element) else: self.base_element.appendChild(child) @staticmethod def add_parameter(doc, parent, key, value): if key and value: parm = doc.createElement("parameter") parm.setAttribute("name", str(key)) parm.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str(value))) parent.appendChild(parm) def addParameter(self, key, value): """ Add a parameter to the xml element """ self.add_parameter(self.document, self, key, value) def setAttribute(self, name, val): self.base_element.setAttribute(name, val) def getAttribute(self, name): return self.base_element.getAttribute(name) class NamedXmlElement(XmlElement): """ The base class for all "named" xml elements. Named elements are xml elements in the scenario plan that have an id and a name attribute. """ def __init__(self, scen_plan, parent, element_type, element_name): XmlElement.__init__(self, scen_plan.document, parent, element_type) self.scenPlan = scen_plan self.coreSession = scen_plan.coreSession element_path = '' = None if self.parent is not None and isinstance(self.parent, XmlElement) and self.parent.getTagName() != "scenario": element_path = "%s/" % self.parent.getAttribute("id") = "%s%s" % (element_path, element_name) self.setAttribute("name", element_name) self.setAttribute("id", def addPoint(self, core_object): """ Add position to an object """ (x, y, z) = core_object.position.get() if x is None or y is None: return lat, lon, alt = self.coreSession.location.getgeo(x, y, z) pt = self.createElement("point") pt.setAttribute("type", "gps") pt.setAttribute("lat", "%s" % lat) pt.setAttribute("lon", "%s" % lon) if z: pt.setAttribute("z", "%s" % alt) self.appendChild(pt) def createAlias(self, domain, value_str): """ Create an alias element for CORE specific information """ a = self.createElement("alias") a.setAttribute("domain", "%s" % domain) a.appendChild(self.createTextNode(value_str)) return a class ScenarioPlan(XmlElement): """ Container class for ScenarioPlan. """ def __init__(self, document, session): XmlElement.__init__(self, document, parent=document, element_type='scenario') self.coreSession = session self.setAttribute('version', '1.0') self.setAttribute("name", "%s" % self.setAttribute('xmlns', 'nmfPlan') self.setAttribute('xmlns:CORE', 'coreSpecific') self.setAttribute('compiled', 'true') self.all_channel_members = {} self.last_network_id = 0 self.addNetworks() self.addDevices() # XXX Do we need these? # self.session.emane.setup() # not during runtime? # self.addorigin() self.addDefaultServices() self.addSessionConfiguration() def addNetworks(self): """ Add networks in the session to the scenPlan. """ for net in self.coreSession.objects.itervalues(): if not isinstance(net, coreobj.PyCoreNet): continue if nodeutils.is_node(net, NodeTypes.CONTROL_NET): continue # Do not add switches and hubs that belong to another network if nodeutils.is_node(net, (NodeTypes.SWITCH, NodeTypes.HUB)): if in_other_network(net): continue try: NetworkElement(self, self, net) except: logger.exception("error adding node") if hasattr(net, "name") and logger.warn('Unsupported net name: %s, class: %s, type: %s',, net.__class__.__name__, net.type) else: logger.warn('Unsupported net class: %s', net.__class__.__name__) def addDevices(self): """ Add device elements to the scenario plan. """ for node in self.coreSession.objects.itervalues(): if not isinstance(node, nodes.PyCoreNode): continue try: DeviceElement(self, self, node) except: logger.exception("error adding device") if hasattr(node, "name") and logger.warn('Unsupported device name: %s, class: %s, type: %s',, node.__class__.__name__, node.type) else: logger.warn('Unsupported device: %s', node.__class__.__name__) def addDefaultServices(self): """ Add default services and node types to the ServicePlan. """ defaultservices = self.createElement("CORE:defaultservices") for type in defaults = spn = self.createElement("device") spn.setAttribute("type", type) defaultservices.appendChild(spn) for svc in defaults: s = self.createElement("service") spn.appendChild(s) s.setAttribute("name", str(svc._name)) if defaultservices.hasChildNodes(): self.appendChild(defaultservices) def addSessionConfiguration(self): """ Add CORE-specific session configuration XML elements. """ config = self.createElement("CORE:sessionconfig") # origin: geolocation of cartesian coordinate 0,0,0 refgeo = self.coreSession.location.refgeo origin = self.createElement("origin") attrs = ("lat", "lon", "alt") have_origin = False for i in xrange(3): if refgeo[i] is not None: origin.setAttribute(attrs[i], str(refgeo[i])) have_origin = True if have_origin: if self.coreSession.location.refscale != 1.0: # 100 pixels = refscale m origin.setAttribute("scale100", str(self.coreSession.location.refscale)) if self.coreSession.location.refxyz != (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): pt = self.createElement("point") origin.appendChild(pt) x, y, z = self.coreSession.location.refxyz coordstxt = "%s,%s" % (x, y) if z: coordstxt += ",%s" % z coords = self.createTextNode(coordstxt) pt.appendChild(coords) config.appendChild(origin) # options options = self.createElement("options") defaults = self.coreSession.options.getdefaultvalues() for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self.coreSession.options.getkeyvaluelist()): if str(v) != str(defaults[i]): XmlElement.add_parameter(self.document, options, k, v) if options.hasChildNodes(): config.appendChild(options) # hook scripts hooks = self.createElement("hooks") for state in sorted(self.coreSession._hooks.keys()): for filename, data in self.coreSession._hooks[state]: hook = self.createElement("hook") hook.setAttribute("name", filename) hook.setAttribute("state", str(state)) txt = self.createTextNode(data) hook.appendChild(txt) hooks.appendChild(hook) if hooks.hasChildNodes(): config.appendChild(hooks) # metadata meta = self.createElement("metadata") for k, v in self.coreSession.metadata.items(): XmlElement.add_parameter(self.document, meta, k, v) if meta.hasChildNodes(): config.appendChild(meta) if config.hasChildNodes(): self.appendChild(config) class NetworkElement(NamedXmlElement): def __init__(self, scen_plan, parent, network_object): """ Add one PyCoreNet object as one network XML element. """ element_name = self.getNetworkName(scen_plan, network_object) NamedXmlElement.__init__(self, scen_plan, parent, "network", element_name) self.scenPlan = scen_plan self.addPoint(network_object) network_type = None if nodeutils.is_node(network_object, (NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN, NodeTypes.EMANE)): network_type = NetType.WIRELESS elif nodeutils.is_node(network_object, (NodeTypes.SWITCH, NodeTypes.HUB, NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER, NodeTypes.TUNNEL)): network_type = NetType.ETHERNET else: network_type = "%s" % network_object.__class__.__name__ type_element = self.createElement("type") type_element.appendChild(self.createTextNode(network_type)) self.appendChild(type_element) # Gather all endpoints belonging to this network self.endpoints = get_endpoints(network_object) # Special case for a network of switches and hubs create_alias = True self.l2devices = [] if nodeutils.is_node(network_object, (NodeTypes.SWITCH, NodeTypes.HUB)): create_alias = False self.appendChild(type_element) self.addL2Devices(network_object) if create_alias: a = self.createAlias(Alias.ID, "%d" % int(network_object.objid)) self.appendChild(a) # XXXX TODO: Move this to channel? # key used with tunnel node if hasattr(network_object, 'grekey') and network_object.grekey is not None: a = self.createAlias("COREGREKEY", "%s" % network_object.grekey) self.appendChild(a) self.addNetMembers(network_object) self.addChannels(network_object) presentation_element = self.createElement("CORE:presentation") add_presentation_element = False if network_object.icon and not network_object.icon.isspace(): presentation_element.setAttribute("icon", network_object.icon) add_presentation_element = True if network_object.canvas: presentation_element.setAttribute("canvas", str(network_object.canvas)) add_presentation_element = True if add_presentation_element: self.appendChild(presentation_element) def getNetworkName(self, scenario_plan, network_object): """ Determine the name to use for this network element :param ScenarioPlan scenario_plan: :param network_object: :return: """ if nodeutils.is_node(network_object, (NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER, NodeTypes.TUNNEL)): name = "net%s" % scenario_plan.last_network_id scenario_plan.last_network_id += 1 elif name = str( # could use net.brname for bridges? elif nodeutils.is_node(network_object, (NodeTypes.SWITCH, NodeTypes.HUB)): name = "lan%s" % network_object.objid else: name = '' return name def addL2Devices(self, network_object): """ Add switches and hubs """ # Add the netObj as a device self.l2devices.append(DeviceElement(self.scenPlan, self, network_object)) # Add downstream switches/hubs l2devs = [] neweps = [] for ep in self.endpoints: if ep.type and != network_object.objid: l2s, eps = get_dowmstream_l2_devices( l2devs.extend(l2s) neweps.extend(eps) for l2dev in l2devs: self.l2devices.append(DeviceElement(self.scenPlan, self, l2dev)) self.endpoints.extend(neweps) # XXX: Optimize later def addNetMembers(self, network_object): """ Add members to a network XML element. """ for ep in self.endpoints: if ep.type: MemberElement(self.scenPlan, self, referenced_type=ep.type, if ep.l2devport: MemberElement(self.scenPlan, self, referenced_type=MembType.INTERFACE, referenced_id="%s/%s" % (, ep.l2devport)) # XXX Revisit this # Create implied members given the network type if nodeutils.is_node(network_object, NodeTypes.TUNNEL): MemberElement(self.scenPlan, self, referenced_type=MembType.TUNNEL, referenced_id="%s/%s" % (, # XXX: Optimize later def addChannels(self, network_object): """ Add channels to a network XML element """ if nodeutils.is_node(network_object, (NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN, NodeTypes.EMANE)): modelconfigs = network_object.session.mobility.getmodels(network_object) modelconfigs += network_object.session.emane.getmodels(network_object) chan = None for model, conf in modelconfigs: # Handle mobility parameters below if model.config_type == RegisterTlvs.MOBILITY.value: continue # Create the channel if chan is None: name = "wireless" chan = ChannelElement(self.scenPlan, self, network_object,, channel_name=name, channel_domain="CORE") # Add wireless model parameters for i, key in enumerate(model.getnames()): value = conf[i] if value is not None: chan.addParameter(key, model.valueof(key, conf)) for model, conf in modelconfigs: if model.config_type == RegisterTlvs.MOBILITY.value: # Add wireless mobility parameters mobility = XmlElement(self.scenPlan, chan, "CORE:mobility") # Add a type child type_element = self.createElement("type") type_element.appendChild(self.createTextNode( mobility.appendChild(type_element) for i, key in enumerate(model.getnames()): value = conf[i] if value is not None: mobility.addParameter(key, value) # Add members to the channel if chan is not None: chan.addChannelMembers(self.endpoints) self.appendChild(chan.base_element) elif nodeutils.is_node(network_object, NodeTypes.PEER_TO_PEER): if len(self.endpoints) < 2: if len(self.endpoints) == 1: logger.warn('Pt2Pt network with only 1 endpoint: %s', self.endpoints[0].id) else: logger.warn('Pt2Pt network with no endpoints encountered in %s', return name = "chan%d" % (0) chan = ChannelElement(self.scenPlan, self, network_object, channel_type=NetType.ETHERNET, channel_name=name) # Add interface parameters if self.endpoints[0].params != self.endpoints[1].params: logger.warn('Pt2Pt Endpoint parameters do not match in %s', for key, value in self.endpoints[0].params: # XXX lifted from original addnetem function. revisit this. # default netem parameters are 0 or None if value is None or value == 0: continue if key == "has_netem" or key == "has_tbf": continue chan.addParameter(key, value) # Add members to the channel chan.addChannelMembers(self.endpoints) self.appendChild(chan) elif nodeutils.is_node(network_object, (NodeTypes.SWITCH, NodeTypes.HUB, NodeTypes.TUNNEL)): cidx = 0 channels = [] for ep in self.endpoints: # Create one channel member per ep if ep.type: name = "chan%d" % cidx chan = ChannelElement(self.scenPlan, self, network_object, channel_type=NetType.ETHERNET, channel_name=name) # Add interface parameters for key, value in ep.params: # XXX lifted from original addnetem function. revisit this. # default netem parameters are 0 or None if value is None or value == 0: continue if key == "has_netem" or key == "has_tbf": continue chan.addParameter(key, value) # Add members to the channel chan.addChannelMembers(ep) channels.append(chan) cidx += 1 for chan in channels: self.appendChild(chan) class DeviceElement(NamedXmlElement): """ A device element in the scenario plan. """ def __init__(self, scen_plan, parent, device_object): """ Add a PyCoreNode object as a device element. """ device_type = None core_device_type = None if hasattr(device_object, "type") and device_object.type: core_device_type = device_object.type if device_object.type in [NodeType.ROUTER, NodeType.MDR]: device_type = DevType.ROUTER elif device_object.type == NodeType.HUB: device_type = DevType.HUB elif device_object.type == NodeType.SWITCH: device_type = DevType.SWITCH # includes known node types (HOST, PC, RJ45) # Default custom types (defined in ~/.core/nodes.conf) to HOST else: device_type = DevType.HOST if device_type is None: raise ValueError("unknown device type: %s" % core_device_type) NamedXmlElement.__init__(self, scen_plan, parent, device_type, if core_device_type is not None: type_element = self.createElement("type") type_element.setAttribute("domain", "CORE") type_element.appendChild(self.createTextNode("%s" % core_device_type)) self.appendChild(type_element) self.interfaces = [] self.addInterfaces(device_object) alias = self.createAlias(Alias.ID, "%s" % device_object.objid) self.appendChild(alias) self.addPoint(device_object) self.addServices(device_object) presentation_element = self.createElement("CORE:presentation") add_presentation_element = False if device_object.icon and not device_object.icon.isspace(): presentation_element.setAttribute("icon", device_object.icon) add_presentation_element = True if device_object.canvas: presentation_element.setAttribute("canvas", str(device_object.canvas)) add_presentation_element = True if add_presentation_element: self.appendChild(presentation_element) def addInterfaces(self, device_object): """ Add interfaces to a device element. """ idx = 0 for interface_object in device_object.netifs(sort=True): if and nodeutils.is_node(, NodeTypes.CONTROL_NET): continue if isinstance(device_object, nodes.PyCoreNode): interface_element = InterfaceElement(self.scenPlan, self, device_object, interface_object) else: # isinstance(node, (nodes.HubNode nodes.SwitchNode)): interface_element = InterfaceElement(self.scenPlan, self, device_object, interface_object, idx) idx += 1 netmodel = None if if hasattr(, "model"): netmodel = if interface_object.mtu and interface_object.mtu != 1500: interface_element.setAttribute("mtu", "%s" % interface_object.mtu) # The interfaces returned for Switches and Hubs are the interfaces of the nodes connected to them. # The addresses are for those interfaces. Don't include them here. if isinstance(device_object, nodes.PyCoreNode): # could use ifcObj.params, transport_type interface_element.addAddresses(interface_object) # per-interface models # XXX Remove??? if netmodel and[:6] == "emane_": cfg = self.coreSession.emane.getifcconfig(device_object.objid,, None, interface_object) if cfg: interface_element.addModels(((netmodel, cfg),)) self.interfaces.append(interface_element) def addServices(self, device_object): """ Add services and their customizations to the ServicePlan. """ if not hasattr(device_object, "services"): return if len( == 0: return defaults = if == defaults: return spn = self.createElement("CORE:services") spn.setAttribute("name", self.appendChild(spn) for svc in s = self.createElement("service") spn.appendChild(s) s.setAttribute("name", str(svc._name)) s.setAttribute("startup_idx", str(svc._startindex)) if svc._starttime != "": s.setAttribute("start_time", str(svc._starttime)) # only record service names if not a customized service if not svc._custom: continue s.setAttribute("custom", str(svc._custom)) xmlutils.add_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._dirs, "directory", "name") for fn in svc._configs: if len(fn) == 0: continue f = self.createElement("file") f.setAttribute("name", fn) # all file names are added to determine when a file has been deleted s.appendChild(f) data =, fn) if data is None: # this includes only customized file contents and skips # the auto-generated files continue txt = self.createTextNode("\n" + data) f.appendChild(txt) xmlutils.add_text_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._startup, "command", (("type", "start"),)) xmlutils.add_text_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._shutdown, "command", (("type", "stop"),)) xmlutils.add_text_elements_from_list(self, s, svc._validate, "command", (("type", "validate"),)) class ChannelElement(NamedXmlElement): """ A channel element in the scenario plan """ def __init__(self, scen_plan, parent, network_object, channel_type, channel_name, channel_domain=None): NamedXmlElement.__init__(self, scen_plan, parent, "channel", channel_name) ''' Create a channel element and append a member child referencing this channel element in the parent element. ''' # Create a member element for this channel in the parent MemberElement(self.scenPlan, parent, referenced_type=MembType.CHANNEL, # Add a type child type_element = self.createElement("type") if channel_domain is not None: type_element.setAttribute("domain", "%s" % channel_domain) type_element.appendChild(self.createTextNode(channel_type)) self.appendChild(type_element) def addChannelMembers(self, endpoints): """ Add network channel members referencing interfaces in the channel """ if isinstance(endpoints, list): # A list of endpoints is given. Create one channel member per endpoint idx = 0 for ep in endpoints: self.addChannelMember(ep.type,, idx) idx += 1 else: # A single endpoint is given. Create one channel member for the endpoint, # and if the endpoint is associated with a Layer 2 device port, add the # port as a second member ep = endpoints self.addChannelMember(ep.type,, 0) if ep.l2devport is not None: member_id = "%s/%s" % (self.parent.getAttribute("id"), ep.l2devport) self.addChannelMember(ep.type, member_id, 1) def addChannelMember(self, member_interface_type, member_interface_id, member_index): """ add a member to a given channel """ m = MemberElement(self.scenPlan, self, referenced_type=member_interface_type, referenced_id=member_interface_id, index=member_index) self.scenPlan.all_channel_members[member_interface_id] = m class InterfaceElement(NamedXmlElement): """ A network interface element """ def __init__(self, scen_plan, parent, device_object, interface_object, interface_index=None): """ Create a network interface element with references to channel that this interface is used. """ element_name = None if interface_index is not None: element_name = "e%d" % interface_index else: element_name = NamedXmlElement.__init__(self, scen_plan, parent, "interface", element_name) self.ifcObj = interface_object self.addChannelReference() def addChannelReference(self): """ Add a reference to the channel that uses this interface """ # cm is None when an interface belongs to a switch # or a hub within a network and the channel is yet to be defined cm = self.scenPlan.all_channel_members.get( if cm is not None: ch = cm.base_element.parentNode if ch is not None: net = ch.parentNode if net is not None: MemberElement(self.scenPlan, self, referenced_type=MembType.CHANNEL, referenced_id=ch.getAttribute("id"), index=int(cm.getAttribute("index"))) MemberElement(self.scenPlan, self, referenced_type=MembType.NETWORK, referenced_id=net.getAttribute("id")) def addAddresses(self, interface_object): """ Add MAC and IP addresses to interface XML elements. """ if interface_object.hwaddr: h = self.createElement("address") self.appendChild(h) h.setAttribute("type", "mac") htxt = self.createTextNode("%s" % interface_object.hwaddr) h.appendChild(htxt) for addr in interface_object.addrlist: a = self.createElement("address") self.appendChild(a) (ip, sep, mask) = addr.partition('/') # mask = int(mask) XXX? if ipaddress.is_ipv4_address(ip): a.setAttribute("type", "IPv4") else: a.setAttribute("type", "IPv6") # a.setAttribute("type", ) atxt = self.createTextNode("%s" % addr) a.appendChild(atxt) # XXX Remove? def addModels(self, configs): """ Add models from a list of model-class, config values tuples. """ for m, conf in configs: node_element = self.createElement("model") node_element.setAttribute("name", type_string = "wireless" if m.config_type == RegisterTlvs.MOBILITY.value: type_string = "mobility" node_element.setAttribute("type", type_string) for i, k in enumerate(m.getnames()): key = self.createElement(k) value = conf[i] if value is None: value = "" key.appendChild(self.createTextNode("%s" % value)) node_element.appendChild(key) self.appendChild(node_element) class MemberElement(XmlElement): """ Member elements are references to other elements in the network plan elements of the scenario. They are used in networks to reference channels, in channels to reference interfaces, and in interfaces to reference networks/channels. Member elements provided allow bi-directional traversal of network plan components. """ def __init__(self, scene_plan, parent, referenced_type, referenced_id, index=None): """ Create a member element """ XmlElement.__init__(self, scene_plan.document, parent, "member") self.setAttribute("type", "%s" % referenced_type) # See'Understanding the Network Modeling Framework document' if index is not None: self.setAttribute("index", "%d" % index) self.appendChild(self.createTextNode("%s" % referenced_id)) # # ======================================================================================= # Helpers # ======================================================================================= def get_endpoint(network_object, interface_object): """ Create an Endpoint object given the network and the interface of interest """ ep = None l2devport = None # skip if either are none if not network_object or not interface_object: return ep # if ifcObj references an interface of a node and is part of this network if == network_object.objid and hasattr(interface_object, 'node') and interface_object.node: params = interface_object.getparams() if nodeutils.is_node(, (NodeTypes.HUB, NodeTypes.SWITCH)): l2devport = "%s/e%d" % (, ep = Endpoint(network_object, interface_object, type=MembType.INTERFACE, id="%s/%s" % (,, l2devport=l2devport, params=params) # else if ifcObj references another node and is connected to this network elif hasattr(interface_object, "othernet"): if interface_object.othernet.objid == network_object.objid: # #hack used for upstream parameters for link between switches # #(see LxBrNet.linknet()) interface_object.swapparams('_params_up') params = interface_object.getparams() interface_object.swapparams('_params_up') owner = l2devport = "%s/e%d" % (, interface_object.othernet.getifindex(interface_object)) # Create the endpoint. # XXX the interface index might not match what is shown in the gui. For switches and hubs, # The gui assigns its index but doesn't pass it to the daemon and vice versa. # The gui stores it's index in the IMN file, which it reads and writes without daemon intervention. # Fix this! ep = Endpoint(owner, interface_object, type=MembType.INTERFACE, id="%s/%s/e%d" % (,, owner.getifindex(interface_object)), l2devport=l2devport, params=params) # else this node has an interface that belongs to another network # i.e. a switch/hub interface connected to another switch/hub and CORE has the other switch/hub # as the containing network else: ep = Endpoint(network_object, interface_object, type=None, id=None, l2devport=None, params=None) return ep def get_endpoints(network_object): """ Gather all endpoints of the given network """ # Get all endpoints endpoints = [] # XXX TODO: How to represent physical interfaces. # # NOTE: The following code works except it would be missing physical (rj45) interfaces from Pt2pt links # TODO: Fix data in net.netifs to include Pt2Pt physical interfaces # # Iterate through all the nodes in the scenario, then iterate through all the interface for each node, # and check if the interface is connected to this network. for interface_object in network_object.netifs(sort=True): try: ep = get_endpoint(network_object, interface_object) if ep is not None: endpoints.append(ep) except: logger.debug("error geting endpoints, was skipped before") return endpoints def get_dowmstream_l2_devices(network_object): """ Helper function for getting a list of all downstream layer 2 devices from the given netObj """ l2_device_objects = [network_object] allendpoints = [] myendpoints = get_endpoints(network_object) allendpoints.extend(myendpoints) for ep in myendpoints: if ep.type and != network_object.objid: l2s, eps = get_dowmstream_l2_devices( l2_device_objects.extend(l2s) allendpoints.extend(eps) return l2_device_objects, allendpoints def get_all_network_interfaces(session): """ Gather all network interfacecs in the session """ netifs = [] for node in session.objects.itervalues(): for netif in node.netifs(sort=True): if netif not in netifs: netifs.append(netif) return netifs def in_other_network(network_object): """ Determine if CORE considers a given network object to be part of another network. Note: CORE considers layer 2 devices to be their own networks. However, if a l2 device is connected to another device, it is possible that one of its ports belong to the other l2 device's network (thus, "othernet"). """ for netif in network_object.netifs(sort=True): if hasattr(netif, "othernet"): if netif.othernet.objid != network_object.objid: return True return False