# gRPC API * Table of Contents {:toc} [gRPC](https://grpc.io/) is a client/server API for interfacing with CORE and used by the python GUI for driving all functionality. It is dependent on having a running `core-daemon` instance to be leveraged. A python client can be created from the raw generated grpc files included with CORE or one can leverage a provided gRPC client that helps encapsulate some of the functionality to try and help make things easier. ## Python Client A python client wrapper is provided at [CoreGrpcClient](https://github.com/coreemu/core/blob/master/daemon/core/api/grpc/client.py) to help provide some conveniences when using the API. ### Client HTTP Proxy Since gRPC is HTTP2 based, proxy configurations can cause issues. By default the client disables proxy support to avoid issues when a proxy is present. You can enable and properly account for this issue when needed. ## Proto Files Proto files are used to define the API and protobuf messages that are used for interfaces with this API. They can be found [here](https://github.com/coreemu/core/tree/master/daemon/proto/core/api/grpc) to see the specifics of what is going on and response message values that would be returned. ## Examples ### Node Models When creating nodes of type `NodeType.DEFAULT` these are the default models and the services they map to. * mdr * zebra, OSPFv3MDR, IPForward * PC * DefaultRoute * router * zebra, OSPFv2, OSPFv3, IPForward * host * DefaultRoute, SSH ### Interface Helper There is an interface helper class that can be leveraged for convenience when creating interface data for nodes. Alternatively one can manually create a `core.api.grpc.wrappers.Interface` class instead with appropriate information. Manually creating gRPC client interface: ```python from core.api.grpc.wrappers import Interface # id is optional and will set to the next available id # name is optional and will default to eth # mac is optional and will result in a randomly generated mac iface = Interface( id=0, name="eth0", ip4="", ip4_mask=24, ip6="2001::", ip6_mask=64, ) ``` Leveraging the interface helper class: ```python from core.api.grpc import client iface_helper = client.InterfaceHelper(ip4_prefix="", ip6_prefix="2001::/64") # node_id is used to get an ip4/ip6 address indexed from within the above prefixes # iface_id is required and used exactly for that # name is optional and would default to eth # mac is optional and will result in a randomly generated mac iface_data = iface_helper.create_iface( node_id=1, iface_id=0, name="eth0", mac="00:00:00:00:aa:00" ) ``` ### Listening to Events Various events that can occur within a session can be listened to. Event types: * session - events for changes in session state and mobility start/stop/pause * node - events for node movements and icon changes * link - events for link configuration changes and wireless link add/delete * config - configuration events when legacy gui joins a session * exception - alert/error events * file - file events when the legacy gui joins a session ```python from core.api.grpc import client from core.api.grpc.wrappers import EventType def event_listener(event): print(event) # create grpc client and connect core = client.CoreGrpcClient() core.connect() # add session session = core.add_session() # provide no events to listen to all events core.events(session.id, event_listener) # provide events to listen to specific events core.events(session.id, event_listener, [EventType.NODE]) ``` ### Configuring Links Links can be configured at the time of creation or during runtime. Currently supported configuration options: * bandwidth (bps) * delay (us) * duplicate (%) * jitter (us) * loss (%) ```python from core.api.grpc import client from core.api.grpc.wrappers import LinkOptions, Position # interface helper iface_helper = client.InterfaceHelper(ip4_prefix="", ip6_prefix="2001::/64") # create grpc client and connect core = client.CoreGrpcClient() core.connect() # add session session = core.add_session() # create nodes position = Position(x=100, y=100) node1 = session.add_node(1, position=position) position = Position(x=300, y=100) node2 = session.add_node(2, position=position) # configuring when creating a link options = LinkOptions( bandwidth=54_000_000, delay=5000, dup=5, loss=5.5, jitter=0, ) iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node1.id, 0) iface2 = iface_helper.create_iface(node2.id, 0) link = session.add_link(node1=node1, node2=node2, iface1=iface1, iface2=iface2) # configuring during runtime link.options.loss = 10.0 core.edit_link(session.id, link) ``` ### Peer to Peer Example ```python # required imports from core.api.grpc import client from core.api.grpc.core_pb2 import Position # interface helper iface_helper = client.InterfaceHelper(ip4_prefix="", ip6_prefix="2001::/64") # create grpc client and connect core = client.CoreGrpcClient() core.connect() # add session session = core.add_session() # create nodes position = Position(x=100, y=100) node1 = session.add_node(1, position=position) position = Position(x=300, y=100) node2 = session.add_node(2, position=position) # create link iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node1.id, 0) iface2 = iface_helper.create_iface(node2.id, 0) session.add_link(node1=node1, node2=node2, iface1=iface1, iface2=iface2) # start session core.start_session(session) ``` ### Switch/Hub Example ```python # required imports from core.api.grpc import client from core.api.grpc.core_pb2 import NodeType, Position # interface helper iface_helper = client.InterfaceHelper(ip4_prefix="", ip6_prefix="2001::/64") # create grpc client and connect core = client.CoreGrpcClient() core.connect() # add session session = core.add_session() # create nodes position = Position(x=200, y=200) switch = session.add_node(1, _type=NodeType.SWITCH, position=position) position = Position(x=100, y=100) node1 = session.add_node(2, position=position) position = Position(x=300, y=100) node2 = session.add_node(3, position=position) # create links iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node1.id, 0) session.add_link(node1=node1, node2=switch, iface1=iface1) iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node2.id, 0) session.add_link(node1=node2, node2=switch, iface1=iface1) # start session core.start_session(session) ``` ### WLAN Example ```python # required imports from core.api.grpc import client from core.api.grpc.core_pb2 import NodeType, Position # interface helper iface_helper = client.InterfaceHelper(ip4_prefix="", ip6_prefix="2001::/64") # create grpc client and connect core = client.CoreGrpcClient() core.connect() # add session session = core.add_session() # create nodes position = Position(x=200, y=200) wlan = session.add_node(1, _type=NodeType.WIRELESS_LAN, position=position) position = Position(x=100, y=100) node1 = session.add_node(2, model="mdr", position=position) position = Position(x=300, y=100) node2 = session.add_node(3, model="mdr", position=position) # create links iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node1.id, 0) session.add_link(node1=node1, node2=wlan, iface1=iface1) iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node2.id, 0) session.add_link(node1=node2, node2=wlan, iface1=iface1) # set wlan config using a dict mapping currently # support values as strings wlan.set_wlan( { "range": "280", "bandwidth": "55000000", "delay": "6000", "jitter": "5", "error": "5", } ) # start session core.start_session(session) ``` ### EMANE Example For EMANE you can import and use one of the existing models and use its name for configuration. Current models: * core.emane.ieee80211abg.EmaneIeee80211abgModel * core.emane.rfpipe.EmaneRfPipeModel * core.emane.tdma.EmaneTdmaModel * core.emane.bypass.EmaneBypassModel Their configurations options are driven dynamically from parsed EMANE manifest files from the installed version of EMANE. Options and their purpose can be found at the [EMANE Wiki](https://github.com/adjacentlink/emane/wiki). If configuring EMANE global settings or model mac/phy specific settings, any value not provided will use the defaults. When no configuration is used, the defaults are used. ```python # required imports from core.api.grpc import client from core.api.grpc.core_pb2 import NodeType, Position from core.emane.ieee80211abg import EmaneIeee80211abgModel # interface helper iface_helper = client.InterfaceHelper(ip4_prefix="", ip6_prefix="2001::/64") # create grpc client and connect core = client.CoreGrpcClient() core.connect() # add session session = core.add_session() # create nodes position = Position(x=200, y=200) emane = session.add_node( 1, _type=NodeType.EMANE, position=position, emane=EmaneIeee80211abgModel.name ) position = Position(x=100, y=100) node1 = session.add_node(2, model="mdr", position=position) position = Position(x=300, y=100) node2 = session.add_node(3, model="mdr", position=position) # create links iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node1.id, 0) session.add_link(node1=node1, node2=emane, iface1=iface1) iface1 = iface_helper.create_iface(node2.id, 0) session.add_link(node1=node2, node2=emane, iface1=iface1) # setting global emane configuration session.set_emane({"eventservicettl": "2"}) # setting emane specific emane model configuration emane.set_emane_model(EmaneIeee80211abgModel.name, {"unicastrate": "3"}) # start session core.start_session(session) ``` EMANE Model Configuration: ```python # emane network specific config, set on an emane node # this setting applies to all nodes connected emane.set_emane_model(EmaneIeee80211abgModel.name, {"unicastrate": "3"}) # node specific config for an individual node connected to an emane network node.set_emane_model(EmaneIeee80211abgModel.name, {"unicastrate": "3"}) # node interface specific config for an individual node connected to an emane network node.set_emane_model(EmaneIeee80211abgModel.name, {"unicastrate": "3"}, iface_id=0) ``` ## Configuring a Service Services help generate and run bash scripts on nodes for a given purpose. Configuring the files of a service results in a specific hard coded script being generated, instead of the default scripts, that may leverage dynamic generation. The following features can be configured for a service: * files - files that will be generated * directories - directories that will be mounted unique to the node * startup - commands to run start a service * validate - commands to run to validate a service * shutdown - commands to run to stop a service Editing service properties: ```python # configure a service, for a node, for a given session node.service_configs[service_name] = NodeServiceData( configs=["file1.sh", "file2.sh"], directories=["/etc/node"], startup=["bash file1.sh"], validate=[], shutdown=[], ) ``` When editing a service file, it must be the name of `config` file that the service will generate. Editing a service file: ```python # to edit the contents of a generated file you can specify # the service, the file name, and its contents file_configs = node.service_file_configs.setdefault(service_name, {}) file_configs[file_name] = "echo hello world" ``` ## File Examples File versions of the network examples can be found [here](https://github.com/coreemu/core/tree/master/daemon/examples/grpc). These examples will create a session using the gRPC API when the core-daemon is running. You can then switch to and attach to these sessions using either of the CORE GUIs.