""" Definition of CoreService class that is subclassed to define startup services and routing for nodes. A service is typically a daemon program launched when a node starts that provides some sort of service. The CoreServices class handles configuration messages for sending a list of available services to the GUI and for configuring individual services. """ import importlib import inspect import os import shlex import sys import time from itertools import repeat from core import logger from core.conf import Configurable from core.conf import ConfigurableManager from core.data import ConfigData from core.data import EventData from core.data import FileData from core.enumerations import ConfigDataTypes from core.enumerations import ConfigFlags from core.enumerations import EventTypes from core.enumerations import MessageFlags from core.enumerations import RegisterTlvs from core.misc import utils def _valid_module(path, file_name): """ Check if file is a valid python module. :param str path: path to file :param str file_name: file name to check :return: True if a valid python module file, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) if not os.path.isfile(file_path): return False if file_name.startswith("_"): return False if not file_name.endswith(".py"): return False return True def _is_service(module, member): """ Validates if a module member is a class and an instance of a CoreService. :param module: module to validate for service :param member: member to validate for service :return: True if a valid service, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if not inspect.isclass(member): return False if not issubclass(member, CoreService): return False if member.__module__ != module.__name__: return False return True class ServiceManager(object): """ Manages services available for CORE nodes to use. """ services = [] @classmethod def add(cls, service): """ Add a service to manager. :param CoreService service: service to add :return: nothing """ insert = 0 for index, known_service in enumerate(cls.services): if known_service._group == service._group: insert = index + 1 break logger.info("loading service: %s - %s: %s", insert, service, service._name) cls.services.insert(insert, service) @classmethod def get(cls, name): """ Retrieve a service from the manager. :param str name: name of the service to retrieve :return: service if it exists, None otherwise :rtype: CoreService """ for service in cls.services: if service._name == name: return service return None @classmethod def add_services(cls, path): """ Method for retrieving all CoreServices from a given path. :param str path: path to retrieve services from :return: list of core services :rtype: list """ # validate path exists logger.info("attempting to add services from path: %s", path) if not os.path.isdir(path): logger.warn("invalid custom service directory specified" ": %s" % path) # check if path is in sys.path logger.info("getting custom services from: %s", path) parent_path = os.path.dirname(path) if parent_path not in sys.path: logger.info("adding parent path to allow imports: %s", parent_path) sys.path.append(parent_path) # retrieve potential service modules, and filter out invalid modules base_module = os.path.basename(path) module_names = os.listdir(path) module_names = filter(lambda x: _valid_module(path, x), module_names) module_names = map(lambda x: x[:-3], module_names) # import and add all service modules in the path for module_name in module_names: import_statement = "%s.%s" % (base_module, module_name) logger.info("importing custom service module: %s", import_statement) try: module = importlib.import_module(import_statement) members = inspect.getmembers(module, lambda x: _is_service(module, x)) for member in members: clazz = member[1] clazz.on_load() cls.add(clazz) except: logger.exception("unexpected error during import, skipping: %s", import_statement) class CoreServices(ConfigurableManager): """ Class for interacting with a list of available startup services for nodes. Mostly used to convert a CoreService into a Config API message. This class lives in the Session object and remembers the default services configured for each node type, and any custom service configuration. A CoreService is not a Configurable. """ name = "services" config_type = RegisterTlvs.UTILITY.value _invalid_custom_names = ( 'core', 'addons', 'api', 'bsd', 'emane', 'misc', 'netns', 'phys', 'services', 'xen' ) def __init__(self, session): """ Creates a CoreServices instance. :param core.session.Session session: session this manager is tied to :return: nothing """ ConfigurableManager.__init__(self) self.session = session # dict of default services tuples, key is node type self.defaultservices = {} # dict of tuple of service objects, key is node number self.customservices = {} # TODO: remove need for cyclic import from core.services import startup self.is_startup_service = startup.Startup.is_startup_service def reset(self): """ Called when config message with reset flag is received """ self.defaultservices.clear() self.customservices.clear() def getdefaultservices(self, service_type): """ Get the list of default services that should be enabled for a node for the given node type. :param service_type: service type to get default services for :return: default services :rtype: list """ logger.debug("getting default services for type: %s", service_type) results = [] if service_type in self.defaultservices: defaults = self.defaultservices[service_type] for name in defaults: logger.debug("checking for service with service manager: %s", name) service = ServiceManager.get(name) if not service: logger.warn("default service %s is unknown", name) else: results.append(service) return results def getcustomservice(self, object_id, service): """ Get any custom service configured for the given node that matches the specified service name. If no custom service is found, return the specified service. :param int object_id: object id to get service from :param CoreService service: custom service to retrieve :return: custom service from the node :rtype: CoreService """ if object_id in self.customservices: for s in self.customservices[object_id]: if s._name == service._name: return s return service def setcustomservice(self, object_id, service, values): """ Store service customizations in an instantiated service object using a list of values that came from a config message. :param int object_id: object id to set custom service for :param class service: service to set :param list values: values to :return: """ if service._custom: s = service else: # instantiate the class, for storing config customization s = service() # values are new key=value format; not all keys need to be present # a missing key means go with the default if Configurable.haskeyvalues(values): for v in values: key, value = v.split('=', 1) s.setvalue(key, value) # old-style config, list of values else: s.fromvaluelist(values) # assume custom service already in dict if service._custom: return # add the custom service to dict if object_id in self.customservices: self.customservices[object_id] += (s,) else: self.customservices[object_id] = (s,) def addservicestonode(self, node, nodetype, services_str): """ Populate the node.service list using (1) the list of services requested from the services TLV, (2) using any custom service configuration, or (3) using the default services for this node type. :param core.coreobj.PyCoreNode node: node to add services to :param str nodetype: node type to add services to :param str services_str: string formatted service list :return: nothing """ if services_str is not None: logger.info("setting node specific services: %s", services_str) services = services_str.split("|") for name in services: s = ServiceManager.get(name) if s is None: logger.warn("configured service %s for node %s is unknown", name, node.name) continue logger.info("adding configured service %s to node %s", s._name, node.name) s = self.getcustomservice(node.objid, s) node.addservice(s) else: logger.info("setting default services for node (%s) type (%s)", node.objid, nodetype) services = self.getdefaultservices(nodetype) for s in services: logger.info("adding default service %s to node %s", s._name, node.name) s = self.getcustomservice(node.objid, s) node.addservice(s) def getallconfigs(self, use_clsmap=True): """ Return (nodenum, service) tuples for all stored configs. Used when reconnecting to a session or opening XML. :param bool use_clsmap: should a class map be used, default to True :return: list of tuples of node ids and services :rtype: list """ configs = [] for nodenum in self.customservices: for service in self.customservices[nodenum]: configs.append((nodenum, service)) return configs def getallfiles(self, service): """ Return all customized files stored with a service. Used when reconnecting to a session or opening XML. :param CoreService service: service to get files for :return: """ files = [] if not service._custom: return files for filename in service._configs: data = self.getservicefiledata(service, filename) if data is None: continue files.append((filename, data)) return files def bootnodeservices(self, node): """ Start all services on a node. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to start services on :return: """ services = sorted(node.services, key=lambda service: service._startindex) use_startup_service = any(map(self.is_startup_service, services)) for s in services: if len(str(s._starttime)) > 0: try: t = float(s._starttime) if t > 0.0: fn = self.bootnodeservice self.session.event_loop.add_event(t, fn, node, s, services, False) continue except ValueError: logger.exception("error converting start time to float") self.bootnodeservice(node, s, services, use_startup_service) def bootnodeservice(self, node, service, services, use_startup_service): """ Start a service on a node. Create private dirs, generate config files, and execute startup commands. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to boot services on :param CoreService service: service to start :param list services: service list :param bool use_startup_service: flag to use startup services or not :return: nothing """ if service._custom: self.bootnodecustomservice(node, service, services, use_startup_service) return logger.info("starting service %s (%s)" % (service._name, service._startindex)) for directory in service._dirs: try: node.privatedir(directory) except: logger.exception("Error making node %s dir %s", node.name, directory) for filename in service.getconfigfilenames(node.objid, services): cfg = service.generateconfig(node, filename, services) node.nodefile(filename, cfg) if use_startup_service and not self.is_startup_service(service): return for cmd in service.getstartup(node, services): try: # NOTE: this wait=False can be problematic! node.cmd(shlex.split(cmd), wait=False) except: logger.exception("error starting command %s", cmd) def bootnodecustomservice(self, node, service, services, use_startup_service): """ Start a custom service on a node. Create private dirs, use supplied config files, and execute supplied startup commands. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to boot services on :param CoreService service: service to start :param list services: service list :param bool use_startup_service: flag to use startup services or not :return: nothing """ logger.info("starting service(%s) %s (%s)(custom)", service, service._name, service._startindex) for directory in service._dirs: try: node.privatedir(directory) except: logger.exception("error making node %s dir %s", node.name, directory) logger.info("service configurations: %s", service._configs) for i, filename in enumerate(service._configs): logger.info("generating service config: %s", filename) if len(filename) == 0: continue cfg = self.getservicefiledata(service, filename) if cfg is None: cfg = service.generateconfig(node, filename, services) # cfg may have a file:/// url for copying from a file try: if self.copyservicefile(node, filename, cfg): continue except IOError: logger.exception("error copying service file '%s'", filename) continue node.nodefile(filename, cfg) if use_startup_service and not self.is_startup_service(service): return for cmd in service._startup: try: # NOTE: this wait=False can be problematic! node.cmd(shlex.split(cmd), wait=False) except: logger.exception("error starting command %s", cmd) def copyservicefile(self, node, filename, cfg): """ Given a configured service filename and config, determine if the config references an existing file that should be copied. Returns True for local files, False for generated. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to copy service for :param str filename: file name for a configured service :param str cfg: configuration string :return: True if successful, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ if cfg[:7] == 'file://': src = cfg[7:] src = src.split('\n')[0] src = utils.expandcorepath(src, node.session, node) # TODO: glob here node.nodefilecopy(filename, src, mode=0644) return True return False def validatenodeservices(self, node): """ Run validation commands for all services on a node. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to validate services for :return: nothing """ services = sorted(node.services, key=lambda service: service._startindex) for s in services: self.validatenodeservice(node, s, services) def validatenodeservice(self, node, service, services): """ Run the validation command(s) for a service. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to validate service for :param CoreService service: service to validate :param list services: services for node :return: service validation status :rtype: int """ logger.info("validating service for node (%s - %s): %s (%s)", node.objid, node.name, service._name, service._startindex) if service._custom: validate_cmds = service._validate else: validate_cmds = service.getvalidate(node, services) status = 0 # has validate commands if len(validate_cmds) > 0: for cmd in validate_cmds: logger.info("validating service %s using: %s", service._name, cmd) try: status, result = node.cmdresult(shlex.split(cmd)) if status != 0: raise ValueError("non-zero exit status") except: logger.exception("validate command failed: %s", cmd) status = -1 return status def stopnodeservices(self, node): """ Stop all services on a node. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to stop services on :return: nothing """ services = sorted(node.services, key=lambda service: service._startindex) for s in services: self.stopnodeservice(node, s) def stopnodeservice(self, node, service): """ Stop a service on a node. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to stop a service on :param CoreService service: service to stop :return: status for stopping the services :rtype: str """ status = "" if len(service._shutdown) == 0: # doesn't have a shutdown command status += "0" else: for cmd in service._shutdown: try: tmp = node.cmd(shlex.split(cmd), wait=True) status += "%s" % tmp except: logger.exception("error running stop command %s", cmd) status += "-1" return status def configure_request(self, config_data): """ Receive configuration message for configuring services. With a request flag set, a list of services has been requested. When the opaque field is present, a specific service is being configured or requested. :param core.conf.ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration :return: response messages :rtype: ConfigData """ node_id = config_data.node session_id = config_data.session opaque = config_data.opaque logger.info("configuration request: node(%s) session(%s) opaque(%s)", node_id, session_id, opaque) # send back a list of available services if opaque is None: type_flag = ConfigFlags.NONE.value data_types = tuple(repeat(ConfigDataTypes.BOOL.value, len(ServiceManager.services))) values = "|".join(repeat('0', len(ServiceManager.services))) names = map(lambda x: x._name, ServiceManager.services) captions = "|".join(names) possible_values = "" for s in ServiceManager.services: if s._custom_needed: possible_values += '1' possible_values += '|' groups = self.buildgroups(ServiceManager.services) # send back the properties for this service else: if node_id is None: return None node = self.session.get_object(node_id) if node is None: logger.warn("Request to configure service for unknown node %s", node_id) return None servicesstring = opaque.split(':') services, unknown = self.servicesfromopaque(opaque, node.objid) for u in unknown: logger.warn("Request for unknown service '%s'" % u) if len(services) < 1: return None if len(servicesstring) == 3: # a file request: e.g. "service:zebra:quagga.conf" file_data = self.getservicefile(services, node, servicesstring[2]) self.session.broadcast_file(file_data) # short circuit this request early to avoid returning response below return None # the first service in the list is the one being configured svc = services[0] # send back: # dirs, configs, startindex, startup, shutdown, metadata, config type_flag = ConfigFlags.UPDATE.value data_types = tuple(repeat(ConfigDataTypes.STRING.value, len(svc.keys))) values = svc.tovaluelist(node, services) captions = None possible_values = None groups = None return ConfigData( message_type=0, node=node_id, object=self.name, type=type_flag, data_types=data_types, data_values=values, captions=captions, possible_values=possible_values, groups=groups, session=session_id, opaque=opaque ) def configure_values(self, config_data): """ Receive configuration message for configuring services. With a request flag set, a list of services has been requested. When the opaque field is present, a specific service is being configured or requested. :param core.conf.ConfigData config_data: configuration data for carrying out a configuration :return: None """ data_types = config_data.data_types values = config_data.data_values node_id = config_data.node opaque = config_data.opaque error_message = "services config message that I don't know how to handle" if values is None: logger.error(error_message) return None else: values = values.split('|') if opaque is None: # store default services for a node type in self.defaultservices[] if data_types is None or data_types[0] != ConfigDataTypes.STRING.value: logger.info(error_message) return None key = values.pop(0) self.defaultservices[key] = values logger.info("default services for type %s set to %s" % (key, values)) else: # store service customized config in self.customservices[] if node_id is None: return None services, unknown = self.servicesfromopaque(opaque, node_id) for u in unknown: logger.warn("Request for unknown service '%s'" % u) if len(services) < 1: return None svc = services[0] self.setcustomservice(node_id, svc, values) return None def servicesfromopaque(self, opaque, object_id): """ Build a list of services from an opaque data string. :param str opaque: opaque data string :param int object_id: object id :return: services and unknown services lists tuple :rtype: tuple """ services = [] unknown = [] servicesstring = opaque.split(':') if servicesstring[0] != "service": return [] servicenames = servicesstring[1].split(',') for name in servicenames: s = ServiceManager.get(name) s = self.getcustomservice(object_id, s) if s is None: unknown.append(name) else: services.append(s) return services, unknown def buildgroups(self, servicelist): """ Build a string of groups for use in a configuration message given a list of services. The group list string has the format "title1:1-5|title2:6-9|10-12", where title is an optional group title and i-j is a numeric range of value indices; groups are separated by commas. :param list servicelist: service list to build group string from :return: groups string :rtype: str """ i = 0 r = "" lastgroup = "" for service in servicelist: i += 1 group = service._group if group != lastgroup: lastgroup = group # finish previous group if i > 1: r += "-%d|" % (i - 1) # optionally include group title if group == "": r += "%d" % i else: r += "%s:%d" % (group, i) # finish the last group list if i > 0: r += "-%d" % i return r def getservicefile(self, services, node, filename): """ Send a File Message when the GUI has requested a service file. The file data is either auto-generated or comes from an existing config. :param list services: service list :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to get service file from :param str filename: file name to retrieve :return: file message for node """ svc = services[0] # get the filename and determine the config file index if svc._custom: cfgfiles = svc._configs else: cfgfiles = svc.getconfigfilenames(node.objid, services) if filename not in cfgfiles: logger.warn("Request for unknown file '%s' for service '%s'" % (filename, services[0])) return None # get the file data data = self.getservicefiledata(svc, filename) if data is None: data = "%s" % (svc.generateconfig(node, filename, services)) else: data = "%s" % data filetypestr = "service:%s" % svc._name return FileData( message_type=MessageFlags.ADD.value, node=node.objid, name=filename, type=filetypestr, data=data ) def getservicefiledata(self, service, filename): """ Get the customized file data associated with a service. Return None for invalid filenames or missing file data. :param CoreService service: service to get file data from :param str filename: file name to get data from :return: file data """ try: i = service._configs.index(filename) except ValueError: return None if i >= len(service._configtxt) or service._configtxt[i] is None: return None return service._configtxt[i] def setservicefile(self, nodenum, type, filename, srcname, data): """ Receive a File Message from the GUI and store the customized file in the service config. The filename must match one from the list of config files in the service. :param int nodenum: node id to set service file :param str type: file type to set :param str filename: file name to set :param str srcname: source name of file to set :param data: data for file to set :return: nothing """ if len(type.split(':')) < 2: logger.warn("Received file type did not contain service info.") return if srcname is not None: raise NotImplementedError svcid, svcname = type.split(':')[:2] svc = ServiceManager.get(svcname) svc = self.getcustomservice(nodenum, svc) if svc is None: logger.warn("Received filename for unknown service '%s'" % svcname) return cfgfiles = svc._configs if filename not in cfgfiles: logger.warn("Received unknown file '%s' for service '%s'" % (filename, svcname)) return i = cfgfiles.index(filename) configtxtlist = list(svc._configtxt) numitems = len(configtxtlist) if numitems < i + 1: # add empty elements to list to support index assignment for j in range(1, (i + 2) - numitems): configtxtlist += None, configtxtlist[i] = data svc._configtxt = configtxtlist def handleevent(self, event_data): """ Handle an Event Message used to start, stop, restart, or validate a service on a given node. :param EventData event_data: event data to handle :return: nothing """ event_type = event_data.event_type node_id = event_data.node name = event_data.name try: node = self.session.get_object(node_id) except KeyError: logger.warn("Ignoring event for service '%s', unknown node '%s'", name, node_id) return fail = "" services, unknown = self.servicesfromopaque(name, node_id) for s in services: if event_type == EventTypes.STOP.value or event_type == EventTypes.RESTART.value: status = self.stopnodeservice(node, s) if status != "0": fail += "Stop %s," % s._name if event_type == EventTypes.START.value or event_type == EventTypes.RESTART.value: if s._custom: cmds = s._startup else: cmds = s.getstartup(node, services) if len(cmds) > 0: for cmd in cmds: try: # node.cmd(shlex.split(cmd), wait = False) status = node.cmd(shlex.split(cmd), wait=True) if status != 0: fail += "Start %s(%s)," % (s._name, cmd) except: logger.exception("error starting command %s", cmd) fail += "Start %s," % s._name if event_type == EventTypes.PAUSE.value: status = self.validatenodeservice(node, s, services) if status != 0: fail += "%s," % s._name if event_type == EventTypes.RECONFIGURE.value: if s._custom: cfgfiles = s._configs else: cfgfiles = s.getconfigfilenames(node.objid, services) if len(cfgfiles) > 0: for filename in cfgfiles: if filename[:7] == "file:///": # TODO: implement this raise NotImplementedError cfg = self.getservicefiledata(s, filename) if cfg is None: cfg = s.generateconfig(node, filename, services) try: node.nodefile(filename, cfg) except: logger.exception("error in configure file: %s", filename) fail += "%s," % s._name fail_data = "" if len(fail) > 0: fail_data += "Fail:" + fail unknown_data = "" num = len(unknown) if num > 0: for u in unknown: unknown_data += u if num > 1: unknown_data += ", " num -= 1 logger.warn("Event requested for unknown service(s): %s", unknown_data) unknown_data = "Unknown:" + unknown_data event_data = EventData( node=node_id, event_type=event_type, name=name, data=fail_data + ";" + unknown_data, time="%s" % time.time() ) self.session.broadcast_event(event_data) class CoreService(object): """ Parent class used for defining services. """ # service name should not include spaces _name = "" # group string allows grouping services together _group = "" # list name(s) of services that this service depends upon _depends = () keys = ["dirs", "files", "startidx", "cmdup", "cmddown", "cmdval", "meta", "starttime"] # private, per-node directories required by this service _dirs = () # config files written by this service _configs = () # index used to determine start order with other services _startindex = 0 # time in seconds after runtime to run startup commands _starttime = "" # list of startup commands _startup = () # list of shutdown commands _shutdown = () # list of validate commands _validate = () # metadata associated with this service _meta = "" # custom configuration text _configtxt = () _custom = False _custom_needed = False def __init__(self): """ Services are not necessarily instantiated. Classmethods may be used against their config. Services are instantiated when a custom configuration is used to override their default parameters. """ self._custom = True @classmethod def on_load(cls): pass @classmethod def getconfigfilenames(cls, nodenum, services): """ Return the tuple of configuration file filenames. This default method returns the cls._configs tuple, but this method may be overriden to provide node-specific filenames that may be based on other services. :param int nodenum: node id to get config file names for :param list services: node services :return: class configuration files :rtype: tuple """ return cls._configs @classmethod def generateconfig(cls, node, filename, services): """ Generate configuration file given a node object. The filename is provided to allow for multiple config files. The other services are provided to allow interdependencies (e.g. zebra and OSPF). Return the configuration string to be written to a file or sent to the GUI for customization. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to generate config for :param str filename: file name to generate config for :param list services: services for node :return: nothing """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def getstartup(cls, node, services): """ Return the tuple of startup commands. This default method returns the cls._startup tuple, but this method may be overridden to provide node-specific commands that may be based on other services. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to get startup for :param list services: services for node :return: startup commands :rtype: tuple """ return cls._startup @classmethod def getvalidate(cls, node, services): """ Return the tuple of validate commands. This default method returns the cls._validate tuple, but this method may be overriden to provide node-specific commands that may be based on other services. :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to validate :param list services: services for node :return: validation commands :rtype: tuple """ return cls._validate @classmethod def tovaluelist(cls, node, services): """ Convert service properties into a string list of key=value pairs, separated by "|". :param core.netns.nodes.CoreNode node: node to get value list for :param list services: services for node :return: value list string :rtype: str """ valmap = [cls._dirs, cls._configs, cls._startindex, cls._startup, cls._shutdown, cls._validate, cls._meta, cls._starttime] if not cls._custom: # this is always reached due to classmethod valmap[valmap.index(cls._configs)] = \ cls.getconfigfilenames(node.objid, services) valmap[valmap.index(cls._startup)] = \ cls.getstartup(node, services) vals = map(lambda a, b: "%s=%s" % (a, str(b)), cls.keys, valmap) return "|".join(vals) def fromvaluelist(self, values): """ Convert list of values into properties for this instantiated (customized) service. :param list values: value list to set properties from :return: nothing """ # TODO: support empty value? e.g. override default meta with '' for key in self.keys: try: self.setvalue(key, values[self.keys.index(key)]) except IndexError: # old config does not need to have new keys logger.exception("error indexing into key") def setvalue(self, key, value): """ Set values for this service. :param str key: key to set value for :param value: value of key to set :return: nothing """ if key not in self.keys: raise ValueError('key `%s` not in `%s`' % (key, self.keys)) # this handles data conversion to int, string, and tuples if value: if key == "startidx": value = int(value) elif key == "meta": value = str(value) else: value = utils.maketuplefromstr(value, str) if key == "dirs": self._dirs = value elif key == "files": self._configs = value elif key == "startidx": self._startindex = value elif key == "cmdup": self._startup = value elif key == "cmddown": self._shutdown = value elif key == "cmdval": self._validate = value elif key == "meta": self._meta = value elif key == "starttime": self._starttime = value