/* * CORE * Copyright (c)2010-2012 the Boeing Company. * See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. * * author: Tom Goff <thomas.goff@boeing.com> * * vnode_server.h * */ #ifndef _VNODE_SERVER_H_ #define _VNODE_SERVER_H_ #include <limits.h> #include <ev.h> #include <sys/queue.h> #include "vnode_msg.h" typedef struct { TAILQ_HEAD(clientlist, cliententry) clientlisthead; TAILQ_HEAD(cmdlist, cmdentry) cmdlisthead; struct ev_loop *loop; char ctrlchnlname[PATH_MAX]; char pidfilename[PATH_MAX]; int serverfd; ev_io fdwatcher; ev_child childwatcher; } vnode_server_t; typedef struct cliententry { TAILQ_ENTRY(cliententry) entries; vnode_server_t *server; int clientfd; vnode_msgio_t msgio; } vnode_cliententry_t; vnode_server_t *vnoded(int newnetns, const char *ctrlchnlname, const char *logfilename, const char *pidfilename, const char *chdirname); void vnode_delserver(vnode_server_t *server); #endif /* _VNODE_SERVER_H_ */