# EMANE Antenna Profiles
* Table of Contents
## Overview
Introduction to using the EMANE antenna profile in CORE, based on the example
EMANE Demo linked below.
[EMANE Demo 6](https://github.com/adjacentlink/emane-tutorial/wiki/Demonstration-6)
for more specifics.
## Demo Setup
We will need to create some files in advance of starting this session.
Create directory to place antenna profile files.
mkdir /tmp/emane
Create `/tmp/emane/antennaprofile.xml` with the following contents.
Create `/tmp/emane/antenna30dsector.xml` with the following contents.
Create `/tmp/emane/blockageaft.xml` with the following contents.
## Run Demo
1. Select `Open...` within the GUI
1. Load `emane-demo-antenna.xml`
1. Click 
1. After startup completes, double click n1 to bring up the nodes terminal
## Example Demo
This demo will cover running an EMANE event service to feed in antenna,
location, and pathloss events to demonstrate how antenna profiles
can be used.
### EMANE Event Dump
On n1 lets dump EMANE events, so when we later run the EMANE event service
you can monitor when and what is sent.
root@n1:/tmp/pycore.44917/n1.conf# emaneevent-dump -i ctrl0
### Send EMANE Events
On the host machine create the following to send EMANE events.
> **WARNING:** make sure to set the `eventservicedevice` to the proper control
> network value
Create `eventservice.xml` with the following contents.
Create `eelgenerator.xml` with the following contents.
Create `scenario.eel` with the following contents.
0.0 nem:1 antennaprofile 1,0.0,0.0
0.0 nem:4 antennaprofile 2,0.0,0.0
0.0 nem:1 pathloss nem:2,60 nem:3,60 nem:4,60
0.0 nem:2 pathloss nem:3,60 nem:4,60
0.0 nem:3 pathloss nem:4,60
0.0 nem:1 location gps 40.025495,-74.315441,3.0
0.0 nem:2 location gps 40.025495,-74.312501,3.0
0.0 nem:3 location gps 40.023235,-74.315441,3.0
0.0 nem:4 location gps 40.023235,-74.312501,3.0
0.0 nem:4 velocity 180.0,0.0,10.0
30.0 nem:1 velocity 20.0,0.0,10.0
30.0 nem:1 orientation 0.0,0.0,10.0
30.0 nem:1 antennaprofile 1,60.0,0.0
30.0 nem:4 velocity 270.0,0.0,10.0
60.0 nem:1 antennaprofile 1,105.0,0.0
60.0 nem:4 antennaprofile 2,45.0,0.0
90.0 nem:1 velocity 90.0,0.0,10.0
90.0 nem:1 orientation 0.0,0.0,0.0
90.0 nem:1 antennaprofile 1,45.0,0.0
Run the EMANE event service, monitor what is output on n1 for events
dumped and see the link changes within the CORE GUI.
emaneeventservice -l 3 eventservice.xml
### Stages
The events sent will trigger 4 different states.
* State 1
* n2 and n3 see each other
* n4 and n3 are pointing away
* State 2
* n2 and n3 see each other
* n1 and n2 see each other
* n4 and n3 see each other
* State 3
* n2 and n3 see each other
* n4 and n3 are pointing at each other but blocked
* State 4
* n2 and n3 see each other
* n4 and n3 see each other