""" ns3.py: defines classes for running emulations with ns-3 simulated networks. """ import logging import subprocess import threading import time import ns.core import ns.internet import ns.lte import ns.mobility import ns.network import ns.tap_bridge import ns.wifi import ns.wimax from core import constants from core.emulator.enumerations import EventTypes from core.emulator.enumerations import LinkTypes from core.emulator.enumerations import NodeTypes from core.utils import make_tuple from core.location.mobility import WayPointMobility from core.nodes.base import CoreNode, CoreNetworkBase from core.emulator.session import Session ns.core.GlobalValue.Bind( "SimulatorImplementationType", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::RealtimeSimulatorImpl") ) ns.core.GlobalValue.Bind( "ChecksumEnabled", ns.core.BooleanValue("true") ) class CoreNs3Node(CoreNode, ns.network.Node): """ The CoreNs3Node is both a CoreNode backed by a network namespace and an ns-3 Node simulator object. When linked to simulated networks, the TunTap device will be used. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): ns.network.Node.__init__(self) # ns-3 ID starts at 0, CORE uses 1 _id = self.GetId() + 1 if '_id' not in kwds: kwds['_id'] = _id CoreNode.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) def newnetif(self, net=None, addrlist=None, hwaddr=None, ifindex=None, ifname=None): """ Add a network interface. If we are attaching to a CoreNs3Net, this will be a TunTap. Otherwise dispatch to CoreNode.newnetif(). """ if not addrlist: addrlist = [] if not isinstance(net, CoreNs3Net): return CoreNode.newnetif(self, net, addrlist, hwaddr, ifindex, ifname) ifindex = self.newtuntap(ifindex=ifindex, ifname=ifname, net=net) self.attachnet(ifindex, net) netif = self.netif(ifindex) netif.sethwaddr(hwaddr) for addr in make_tuple(addrlist): netif.addaddr(addr) addrstr = netif.addrlist[0] (addr, mask) = addrstr.split('/') tap = net._tapdevs[netif] tap.SetAttribute( "IpAddress", ns.network.Ipv4AddressValue(ns.network.Ipv4Address(addr)) ) tap.SetAttribute( "Netmask", ns.network.Ipv4MaskValue(ns.network.Ipv4Mask("/" + mask)) ) ns.core.Simulator.Schedule(ns.core.Time('0'), netif.install) return ifindex def getns3position(self): """ Return the ns-3 (x, y, z) position of a node. """ try: mm = self.GetObject(ns.mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId()) pos = mm.GetPosition() return pos.x, pos.y, pos.z except AttributeError: self.warn("ns-3 mobility model not found") return 0, 0, 0 def setns3position(self, x, y, z): """ Set the ns-3 (x, y, z) position of a node. """ try: mm = self.GetObject(ns.mobility.MobilityModel.GetTypeId()) if z is None: z = 0.0 mm.SetPosition(ns.core.Vector(x, y, z)) except AttributeError: self.warn("ns-3 mobility model not found, not setting position") class CoreNs3Net(CoreNetworkBase): """ The CoreNs3Net is a helper PyCoreNet object. Networks are represented entirely in simulation with the TunTap device bridging the emulated and simulated worlds. """ apitype = NodeTypes.WIRELESS_LAN.value linktype = LinkTypes.WIRELESS.value # icon used type = "wlan" def __init__( self, session, _id=None, name=None, start=True, server=None, policy=None ): CoreNetworkBase.__init__(self, session, _id, name, start, server) self.tapbridge = ns.tap_bridge.TapBridgeHelper() self._ns3devs = {} self._tapdevs = {} def attach(self, netif): """ Invoked from netif.attach(). Create a TAP device using the TapBridge object. Call getns3dev() to get model-specific device. """ self._netif[netif] = netif self._linked[netif] = {} ns3dev = self.getns3dev(netif.node) tap = self.tapbridge.Install(netif.node, ns3dev) tap.SetMode(ns.tap_bridge.TapBridge.CONFIGURE_LOCAL) tap.SetAttribute( "DeviceName", ns.core.StringValue(netif.localname) ) self._ns3devs[netif] = ns3dev self._tapdevs[netif] = tap def getns3dev(self, node): """ Implement depending on network helper. Install this network onto the given node and return the device. Register the ns3 device into self._ns3devs """ raise NotImplementedError def findns3dev(self, node): """ Given a node, return the interface and ns3 device associated with this network. """ for netif in node.netifs(): if netif in self._ns3devs: return netif, self._ns3devs[netif] return None, None def shutdown(self): """ Session.shutdown() will invoke this. """ pass def usecorepositions(self): """ Set position callbacks for interfaces on this net so the CORE GUI can update the ns-3 node position when moved with the mouse. """ for netif in self.netifs(): netif.poshook = self.setns3position def setns3position(self, netif, x, y, z): logging.info("setns3position: %s (%s, %s, %s)", netif.node.name, x, y, z) netif.node.setns3position(x, y, z) class Ns3LteNet(CoreNs3Net): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Uses a LteHelper to create an ns-3 based LTE network. """ CoreNs3Net.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.lte = ns.lte.LteHelper() # enhanced NodeB node list self.enbnodes = [] self.dlsubchannels = None self.ulsubchannels = None def setsubchannels(self, downlink, uplink): """ Set the downlink/uplink subchannels, which are a list of ints. These should be set prior to using CoreNs3Node.newnetif(). """ self.dlsubchannels = downlink self.ulsubchannels = uplink def setnodeb(self, node): """ Mark the given node as a nodeb (base transceiver station) """ self.enbnodes.append(node) def linknodeb(self, node, nodeb, mob, mobb): """ Register user equipment with a nodeb. Optionally install mobility model while we have the ns-3 devs handy. """ _tmp, nodebdev = self.findns3dev(nodeb) _tmp, dev = self.findns3dev(node) if nodebdev is None or dev is None: raise KeyError("ns-3 device for node not found") self.lte.RegisterUeToTheEnb(dev, nodebdev) if mob: self.lte.AddMobility(dev.GetPhy(), mob) if mobb: self.lte.AddDownlinkChannelRealization(mobb, mob, dev.GetPhy()) def getns3dev(self, node): """ Get the ns3 NetDevice using the LteHelper. """ if node in self.enbnodes: devtype = ns.lte.LteHelper.DEVICE_TYPE_ENODEB else: devtype = ns.lte.LteHelper.DEVICE_TYPE_USER_EQUIPMENT nodes = ns.network.NodeContainer(node) devs = self.lte.Install(nodes, devtype) devs.Get(0).GetPhy().SetDownlinkSubChannels(self.dlsubchannels) devs.Get(0).GetPhy().SetUplinkSubChannels(self.ulsubchannels) return devs.Get(0) def attach(self, netif): """ Invoked from netif.attach(). Create a TAP device using the TapBridge object. Call getns3dev() to get model-specific device. """ self._netif[netif] = netif self._linked[netif] = {} ns3dev = self.getns3dev(netif.node) self.tapbridge.SetAttribute("Mode", ns.core.StringValue("UseLocal")) # self.tapbridge.SetAttribute("Mode", # ns.core.IntegerValue(ns.tap_bridge.TapBridge.USE_LOCAL)) tap = self.tapbridge.Install(netif.node, ns3dev) # tap.SetMode(ns.tap_bridge.TapBridge.USE_LOCAL) logging.info("using TAP device %s for %s/%s", netif.localname, netif.node.name, netif.name) subprocess.check_call(['tunctl', '-t', netif.localname, '-n']) # check_call([IP_BIN, 'link', 'set', 'dev', netif.localname, \ # 'address', '%s' % netif.hwaddr]) subprocess.check_call([constants.IP_BIN, 'link', 'set', netif.localname, 'up']) tap.SetAttribute("DeviceName", ns.core.StringValue(netif.localname)) self._ns3devs[netif] = ns3dev self._tapdevs[netif] = tap class Ns3WifiNet(CoreNs3Net): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Uses a WifiHelper to create an ns-3 based Wifi network. """ rate = kwds.pop('rate', 'OfdmRate54Mbps') CoreNs3Net.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.wifi = ns.wifi.WifiHelper().Default() self.wifi.SetStandard(ns.wifi.WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211a) self.wifi.SetRemoteStationManager( "ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager", "DataMode", ns.core.StringValue(rate), "NonUnicastMode", ns.core.StringValue(rate) ) self.mac = ns.wifi.NqosWifiMacHelper.Default() self.mac.SetType("ns3::AdhocWifiMac") channel = ns.wifi.YansWifiChannelHelper.Default() self.phy = ns.wifi.YansWifiPhyHelper.Default() self.phy.SetChannel(channel.Create()) def getns3dev(self, node): """ Get the ns3 NetDevice using the WifiHelper. """ devs = self.wifi.Install(self.phy, self.mac, node) return devs.Get(0) class Ns3WimaxNet(CoreNs3Net): def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): CoreNs3Net.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.wimax = ns.wimax.WimaxHelper() self.scheduler = ns.wimax.WimaxHelper.SCHED_TYPE_SIMPLE self.phy = ns.wimax.WimaxHelper.SIMPLE_PHY_TYPE_OFDM # base station node list self.bsnodes = [] def setbasestation(self, node): self.bsnodes.append(node) def getns3dev(self, node): if node in self.bsnodes: devtype = ns.wimax.WimaxHelper.DEVICE_TYPE_BASE_STATION else: devtype = ns.wimax.WimaxHelper.DEVICE_TYPE_SUBSCRIBER_STATION nodes = ns.network.NodeContainer(node) devs = self.wimax.Install(nodes, devtype, self.phy, self.scheduler) if node not in self.bsnodes: devs.Get(0).SetModulationType(ns.wimax.WimaxPhy.MODULATION_TYPE_QAM16_12) # debug self.wimax.EnableAscii("wimax-device-%s" % node.name, devs) return devs.Get(0) @staticmethod def ipv4netifaddr(netif): for addr in netif.addrlist: if ':' in addr: # skip ipv6 continue ip = ns.network.Ipv4Address(addr.split('/')[0]) mask = ns.network.Ipv4Mask('/' + addr.split('/')[1]) return ip, mask return None, None def addflow(self, node1, node2, upclass, downclass): """ Add a Wimax service flow between two nodes. """ netif1, ns3dev1 = self.findns3dev(node1) netif2, ns3dev2 = self.findns3dev(node2) if not netif1 or not netif2: raise ValueError("interface not found") addr1, mask1 = self.ipv4netifaddr(netif1) addr2, mask2 = self.ipv4netifaddr(netif2) clargs1 = (addr1, mask1, addr2, mask2) + downclass clargs2 = (addr2, mask2, addr1, mask1) + upclass clrec1 = ns.wimax.IpcsClassifierRecord(*clargs1) clrec2 = ns.wimax.IpcsClassifierRecord(*clargs2) ns3dev1.AddServiceFlow(self.wimax.CreateServiceFlow( ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_DIRECTION_DOWN, ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_TYPE_RTPS, clrec1) ) ns3dev1.AddServiceFlow(self.wimax.CreateServiceFlow( ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_DIRECTION_UP, ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_TYPE_RTPS, clrec2) ) ns3dev2.AddServiceFlow(self.wimax.CreateServiceFlow( ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_DIRECTION_DOWN, ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_TYPE_RTPS, clrec2) ) ns3dev2.AddServiceFlow(self.wimax.CreateServiceFlow( ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_DIRECTION_UP, ns.wimax.ServiceFlow.SF_TYPE_RTPS, clrec1) ) class Ns3Session(Session): """ A Session that starts an ns-3 simulation thread. """ def __init__(self, _id, persistent=False, duration=600): self.duration = duration self.nodes = ns.network.NodeContainer() self.mobhelper = ns.mobility.MobilityHelper() Session.__init__(self, _id) def run(self, vis=False): """ Run the ns-3 simulation and return the simulator thread. """ def runthread(): ns.core.Simulator.Stop(ns.core.Seconds(self.duration)) logging.info("running ns-3 simulation for %d seconds", self.duration) if vis: try: import visualizer except ImportError: logging.exception("visualizer is not available") ns.core.Simulator.Run() else: visualizer.start() else: ns.core.Simulator.Run() # self.evq.run() # event queue may have WayPointMobility events self.set_state(EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE, send_event=True) t = threading.Thread(target=runthread) t.daemon = True t.start() return t def shutdown(self): # TODO: the following line tends to segfault ns-3 (and therefore core-daemon) ns.core.Simulator.Destroy() Session.shutdown(self) def addnode(self, name): """ A convenience helper for Session.addobj(), for adding CoreNs3Nodes to this session. Keeps a NodeContainer for later use. """ n = self.create_node(cls=CoreNs3Node, name=name) self.nodes.Add(n) return n def setupconstantmobility(self): """ Install a ConstantPositionMobilityModel. """ palloc = ns.mobility.ListPositionAllocator() for i in xrange(self.nodes.GetN()): (x, y, z) = ((100.0 * i) + 50, 200.0, 0.0) palloc.Add(ns.core.Vector(x, y, z)) node = self.nodes.Get(i) node.position.set(x, y, z) self.mobhelper.SetPositionAllocator(palloc) self.mobhelper.SetMobilityModel("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel") self.mobhelper.Install(self.nodes) def setuprandomwalkmobility(self, bounds, time=10, speed=25.0): """ Set up the random walk mobility model within a bounding box. - bounds is the max (x, y, z) boundary - time is the number of seconds to maintain the current speed and direction - speed is the maximum speed, with node speed randomly chosen from [0, speed] """ x, y, z = map(float, bounds) self.mobhelper.SetPositionAllocator( "ns3::RandomBoxPositionAllocator", "X", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0|Max=%s]" % x), "Y", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0|Max=%s]" % y), "Z", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0|Max=%s]" % z) ) self.mobhelper.SetMobilityModel( "ns3::RandomWalk2dMobilityModel", "Mode", ns.core.StringValue("Time"), "Time", ns.core.StringValue("%ss" % time), "Speed", ns.core.StringValue("ns3::UniformRandomVariable[Min=0|Max=%s]" % speed), "Bounds", ns.core.StringValue("0|%s|0|%s" % (x, y)) ) self.mobhelper.Install(self.nodes) def startns3mobility(self, refresh_ms=300): """ Start a thread that updates CORE nodes based on their ns-3 positions. """ self.set_state(EventTypes.INSTANTIATION_STATE) self.mobilitythread = threading.Thread( target=self.ns3mobilitythread, args=(refresh_ms,)) self.mobilitythread.daemon = True self.mobilitythread.start() def ns3mobilitythread(self, refresh_ms): """ Thread target that updates CORE nodes every refresh_ms based on their ns-3 positions. """ valid_states = ( EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE.value, EventTypes.INSTANTIATION_STATE.value ) while self.state in valid_states: for i in xrange(self.nodes.GetN()): node = self.nodes.Get(i) x, y, z = node.getns3position() if (x, y, z) == node.position.get(): continue # from WayPointMobility.setnodeposition(node, x, y, z) node.position.set(x, y, z) node_data = node.data(0) self.broadcast_node(node_data) self.sdt.updatenode(node.id, flags=0, x=x, y=y, z=z) time.sleep(0.001 * refresh_ms) def setupmobilitytracing(self, net, filename, nodes): """ Start a tracing thread using the ASCII output from the ns3 mobility helper. """ net.mobility = WayPointMobility(session=self, _id=net.id) net.mobility.setendtime() net.mobility.refresh_ms = 300 net.mobility.empty_queue_stop = False of = ns.network.OutputStreamWrapper(filename, filemode=0o777) self.mobhelper.EnableAsciiAll(of) self.mobilitytracethread = threading.Thread( target=self.mobilitytrace, args=(net, filename, nodes) ) self.mobilitytracethread.daemon = True self.mobilitytracethread.start() def mobilitytrace(self, net, filename, nodes, verbose): nodemap = {} # move nodes to initial positions for node in nodes: x, y, z = node.getns3position() net.mobility.setnodeposition(node, x, y, z) nodemap[node.GetId()] = node logging.info("mobilitytrace opening '%s'", filename) f = None try: f = open(filename) f.seek(0, 2) sleep = 0.001 kickstart = True while True: if self.state != EventTypes.RUNTIME_STATE.value: break line = f.readline() if not line: time.sleep(sleep) if sleep < 1.0: sleep += 0.001 continue sleep = 0.001 items = dict(x.split("=") for x in line.split()) logging.info("trace: %s %s %s", items['node'], items['pos'], items['vel']) x, y, z = map(float, items['pos'].split(':')) vel = map(float, items['vel'].split(':')) node = nodemap[int(items['node'])] net.mobility.addwaypoint(time=0, nodenum=node.id, x=x, y=y, z=z, speed=vel) if kickstart: kickstart = False self.event_loop.add_event(0, net.mobility.start) self.event_loop.run() else: if net.mobility.state != net.mobility.STATE_RUNNING: net.mobility.state = net.mobility.STATE_RUNNING self.event_loop.add_event(0, net.mobility.runround) except IOError: logging.exception("mobilitytrace error opening: %s", filename) finally: if f: f.close()