# # CORE # Copyright (c)2012-2013 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # author: Jeff Ahrenholz # ''' sdt.py: Scripted Display Tool (SDT3D) helper ''' from core.constants import * from core.api import coreapi from coreobj import PyCoreNet, PyCoreObj from core.netns import nodes from urlparse import urlparse import socket class Sdt(object): ''' Helper class for exporting session objects to NRL's SDT3D. The connect() method initializes the display, and can be invoked when a node position or link has changed. ''' DEFAULT_SDT_URL = "tcp://" # default altitude (in meters) for flyto view DEFAULT_ALT = 2500 # TODO: read in user's nodes.conf here; below are default node types # from the GUI DEFAULT_SPRITES = [('router', 'router.gif'), ('host', 'host.gif'), ('PC', 'pc.gif'), ('mdr', 'mdr.gif'), ('prouter', 'router_green.gif'), ('xen', 'xen.gif'), ('hub', 'hub.gif'), ('lanswitch','lanswitch.gif'), ('wlan', 'wlan.gif'), ('rj45','rj45.gif'), ('tunnel','tunnel.gif'), ] class Bunch: ''' Helper class for recording a collection of attributes. ''' def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds) def __init__(self, session): self.session = session self.sock = None self.connected = False self.showerror = True self.url = self.DEFAULT_SDT_URL self.verbose = self.session.getcfgitembool('verbose', False) # node information for remote nodes not in session._objs # local nodes also appear here since their obj may not exist yet self.remotes = {} session.broker.handlers.add(self.handledistributed) def is_enabled(self): ''' Check for 'enablesdt' session option. Return False by default if the option is missing. ''' if not hasattr(self.session.options, 'enablesdt'): return False enabled = self.session.options.enablesdt if enabled in ('1', 'true', 1, True): return True return False def seturl(self): ''' Read 'sdturl' from session options, or use the default value. Set self.url, self.address, self.protocol ''' url = None if hasattr(self.session.options,'sdturl'): if self.session.options.sdturl != "": url = self.session.options.sdturl if url is None or url == "": url = self.DEFAULT_SDT_URL self.url = urlparse(url) self.address = (self.url.hostname, self.url.port) self.protocol = self.url.scheme def connect(self, flags=0): ''' Connect to the SDT address/port if enabled. ''' if not self.is_enabled(): return False if self.connected: return True if self.session.getstate() == coreapi.CORE_EVENT_SHUTDOWN_STATE: return False self.seturl() if self.showerror: self.session.info("connecting to SDT at %s://%s" \ % (self.protocol, self.address)) if self.sock is None: try: if (self.protocol.lower() == 'udp'): self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.connect(self.address) else: # Default to tcp self.sock = socket.create_connection(self.address, 5) except Exception, e: if self.showerror: self.session.warn("SDT socket connect error: %s" % e) self.showerror = False return False if not self.initialize(): return False self.connected = True # refresh all objects in SDT3D when connecting after session start if not flags & coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG: if not self.sendobjs(): return False return True def initialize(self): ''' Load icon sprites, and fly to the reference point location on the virtual globe. ''' if not self.cmd('path "%s/icons/normal"' % CORE_DATA_DIR): return False # send node type to icon mappings for (type, icon) in self.DEFAULT_SPRITES: if not self.cmd('sprite %s image %s' % (type, icon)): return False (lat, long) = self.session.location.refgeo[:2] return self.cmd('flyto %.6f,%.6f,%d' % (long, lat, self.DEFAULT_ALT)) def disconnect(self): try: self.sock.close() except: pass self.sock = None self.connected = False def shutdown(self): ''' Invoked from Session.shutdown() and Session.checkshutdown(). ''' self.cmd('clear all') self.disconnect() self.showerror = True def cmd(self, cmdstr): ''' Send an SDT command over a UDP socket. socket.sendall() is used as opposed to socket.sendto() because an exception is raised when there is no socket listener. ''' if self.sock is None: return False try: if self.verbose: self.session.info("sdt: %s" % cmdstr) self.sock.sendall("%s\n" % cmdstr) return True except Exception, e: if self.showerror: self.session.warn("SDT connection error: %s" % e) self.showerror = False self.sock = None self.connected = False return False def updatenode(self, nodenum, flags, x, y, z, name=None, type=None, icon=None): ''' Node is updated from a Node Message or mobility script. ''' if not self.connect(): return if flags & coreapi.CORE_API_DEL_FLAG: self.cmd('delete node,%d' % nodenum) return if x is None or y is None: return (lat, long, alt) = self.session.location.getgeo(x, y, z) pos = "pos %.6f,%.6f,%.6f" % (long, lat, alt) if flags & coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG: if icon is not None: type = name icon = icon.replace("$CORE_DATA_DIR", CORE_DATA_DIR) icon = icon.replace("$CORE_CONF_DIR", CORE_CONF_DIR) self.cmd('sprite %s image %s' % (type, icon)) self.cmd('node %d type %s label on,"%s" %s' % \ (nodenum, type, name, pos)) else: self.cmd('node %d %s' % (nodenum, pos)) def updatenodegeo(self, nodenum, lat, long, alt): ''' Node is updated upon receiving an EMANE Location Event. TODO: received Node Message with lat/long/alt. ''' if not self.connect(): return pos = "pos %.6f,%.6f,%.6f" % (long, lat, alt) self.cmd('node %d %s' % (nodenum, pos)) def updatelink(self, node1num, node2num, flags, wireless=False): ''' Link is updated from a Link Message or by a wireless model. ''' if node1num is None or node2num is None: return if not self.connect(): return if flags & coreapi.CORE_API_DEL_FLAG: self.cmd('delete link,%s,%s' % (node1num, node2num)) elif flags & coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG: attr = "" if wireless: attr = " line green,2" else: attr = " line red,2" self.cmd('link %s,%s%s' % (node1num, node2num, attr)) def sendobjs(self): ''' Session has already started, and the SDT3D GUI later connects. Send all node and link objects for display. Otherwise, nodes and links will only be drawn when they have been updated (e.g. moved). ''' nets = [] with self.session._objslock: for obj in self.session.objs(): if isinstance(obj, PyCoreNet): nets.append(obj) if not isinstance(obj, PyCoreObj): continue (x, y, z) = obj.getposition() if x is None or y is None: continue self.updatenode(obj.objid, coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG, x, y, z, obj.name, obj.type, obj.icon) for nodenum in sorted(self.remotes.keys()): r = self.remotes[nodenum] (x, y, z) = r.pos self.updatenode(nodenum, coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG, x, y, z, r.name, r.type, r.icon) for net in nets: # use tolinkmsgs() to handle various types of links msgs = net.tolinkmsgs(flags = coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG) for msg in msgs: msghdr = msg[:coreapi.CoreMessage.hdrsiz] flags = coreapi.CoreMessage.unpackhdr(msghdr)[1] m = coreapi.CoreLinkMessage(flags, msghdr, msg[coreapi.CoreMessage.hdrsiz:]) n1num = m.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_LINK_N1NUMBER) n2num = m.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_LINK_N2NUMBER) link_msg_type = m.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_LINK_TYPE) if isinstance(net, nodes.WlanNode) or \ isinstance(net, nodes.EmaneNode): if (n1num == net.objid): continue wl = (link_msg_type == coreapi.CORE_LINK_WIRELESS) self.updatelink(n1num, n2num, coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG, wl) for n1num in sorted(self.remotes.keys()): r = self.remotes[n1num] for (n2num, wl) in r.links: self.updatelink(n1num, n2num, coreapi.CORE_API_ADD_FLAG, wl) def handledistributed(self, msg): ''' Broker handler for processing CORE API messages as they are received. This is used to snoop the Node messages and update node positions. ''' if msg.msgtype == coreapi.CORE_API_LINK_MSG: return self.handlelinkmsg(msg) elif msg.msgtype == coreapi.CORE_API_NODE_MSG: return self.handlenodemsg(msg) def handlenodemsg(self, msg): ''' Process a Node Message to add/delete or move a node on the SDT display. Node properties are found in session._objs or self.remotes for remote nodes (or those not yet instantiated). ''' # for distributed sessions to work properly, the SDT option should be # enabled prior to starting the session if not self.is_enabled(): return False # node.(objid, type, icon, name) are used. nodenum = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_NODE_NUMBER) if not nodenum: return x = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_NODE_XPOS) y = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_NODE_YPOS) z = None name = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_NODE_NAME) nodetype = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_NODE_TYPE) model = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_NODE_MODEL) icon = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_NODE_ICON) net = False if nodetype == coreapi.CORE_NODE_DEF or \ nodetype == coreapi.CORE_NODE_PHYS or \ nodetype == coreapi.CORE_NODE_XEN: if model is None: model = "router" type = model elif nodetype != None: type = coreapi.node_class(nodetype).type net = True else: type = None try: node = self.session.obj(nodenum) except KeyError: node = None if node: self.updatenode(node.objid, msg.flags, x, y, z, node.name, node.type, node.icon) else: if nodenum in self.remotes: remote = self.remotes[nodenum] if name is None: name = remote.name if type is None: type = remote.type if icon is None: icon = remote.icon else: remote = self.Bunch(objid=nodenum, type=type, icon=icon, name=name, net=net, links=set()) self.remotes[nodenum] = remote remote.pos = (x, y, z) self.updatenode(nodenum, msg.flags, x, y, z, name, type, icon) def handlelinkmsg(self, msg): ''' Process a Link Message to add/remove links on the SDT display. Links are recorded in the remotes[nodenum1].links set for updating the SDT display at a later time. ''' if not self.is_enabled(): return False nodenum1 = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_LINK_N1NUMBER) nodenum2 = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_LINK_N2NUMBER) link_msg_type = msg.gettlv(coreapi.CORE_TLV_LINK_TYPE) # this filters out links to WLAN and EMANE nodes which are not drawn if self.wlancheck(nodenum1): return wl = (link_msg_type == coreapi.CORE_LINK_WIRELESS) if nodenum1 in self.remotes: r = self.remotes[nodenum1] if msg.flags & coreapi.CORE_API_DEL_FLAG: if (nodenum2, wl) in r.links: r.links.remove((nodenum2, wl)) else: r.links.add((nodenum2, wl)) self.updatelink(nodenum1, nodenum2, msg.flags, wireless=wl) def wlancheck(self, nodenum): ''' Helper returns True if a node number corresponds to a WlanNode or EmaneNode. ''' if nodenum in self.remotes: type = self.remotes[nodenum].type if type in ("wlan", "emane"): return True else: try: n = self.session.obj(nodenum) except KeyError: return False if isinstance(n, (nodes.WlanNode, nodes.EmaneNode)): return True return False