comments { Sample scenario showing VPNClient and VPNServer service configuration. This topology features an OpenVPN client and server for virtual private networking. The client can access the private network via the VPN server. First wait until routing converges in the center routers (try using the Adjacency Widget and wait for blue lines, meaning full adjacencies), then open a shell on the vpnclient and try pinging the private address of the vpnserver: vpnclient> ping You can also access the other 10.0.6.* hosts behind the server. Try running tcpudmp on one of the center routers, e.g. the n2 eth1/ interface, and you'll see UDP packets with TLS encrypted data instead of ICMP packets. Keys are included as extra files in the VPNClient and VPNServer service configuration. } node n1 { type router model router network-config { hostname n1 ! interface eth2 ip address ipv6 address 2001:4::2/64 ! interface eth1 ip address ipv6 address 2001:2::1/64 ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:0::1/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {297.0 236.0} labelcoords {297.0 264.0} interface-peer {eth0 n6} interface-peer {eth1 n2} interface-peer {eth2 n3} } node n2 { type router model router network-config { hostname n2 ! interface eth1 ip address ipv6 address 2001:5::2/64 ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:2::2/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {298.0 432.0} labelcoords {298.0 460.0} interface-peer {eth0 n1} interface-peer {eth1 n4} } node n3 { type router model router network-config { hostname n3 ! interface eth1 ip address ipv6 address 2001:4::1/64 ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:3::1/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {573.0 233.0} labelcoords {573.0 261.0} interface-peer {eth0 n4} interface-peer {eth1 n1} } node n4 { type router model router network-config { hostname n4 ! interface eth2 ip address ipv6 address 2001:5::1/64 ! interface eth1 ip address ipv6 address 2001:3::2/64 ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:1::1/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {574.0 429.0} labelcoords {574.0 457.0} interface-peer {eth0 n5} interface-peer {eth1 n3} interface-peer {eth2 n2} } node n5 { type router model host network-config { hostname vpnserver ! interface eth1 ipv6 address 2001:6::10/64 ip address ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:1::10/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {726.0 511.0} labelcoords {726.0 543.0} interface-peer {eth0 n4} interface-peer {eth1 n7} custom-config { custom-config-id custom-command config { #!/bin/sh FILES="vpnserver.pem vpnserver.key ca-cert.pem dh1024.pem" mkdir -p /tmp/certs for f in $FILES; do cp $f /tmp/certs done } } custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNServer:dh1024.pem custom-command dh1024.pem config { -----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS----- MIGHAoGBAIYQUzZ+2aYWFfdRWRL/Tc8bFqK8ve/0ihW1BPhe0z3b5D5+2/r9HAsG u7oMkyM2oWp5N1DlzKgTizCRPRno5vgTz01kw4h6Y9ux496+huOHJGZXiCZlkZvM daP8CC8z1naCC9MZLImQTkb1d1sH9BDRZAyfQYiXVYrHdqtNtqQjAgEC -----END DH PARAMETERS----- } } custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNServer:ca-cert.pem custom-command ca-cert.pem config { Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: df:69:1f:ef:e5:af:bf:0f Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, ST=WA, O=core-dev, CN=CORE CA/emailAddress=root@localhost Validity Not Before: Mar 20 16:16:08 2012 GMT Not After : Mar 20 16:16:08 2015 GMT Subject: C=US, ST=WA, O=core-dev, CN=CORE CA/emailAddress=root@localhost Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (1024 bit) Modulus: 00:c4:d7:fc:c3:bc:a0:ee:76:7b:58:5c:96:6d:1f: 74:26:c2:93:c1:a4:94:95:13:5e:4f:8b:3f:00:27: e5:1b:b1:3b:70:3e:72:71:4d:c9:67:54:33:29:49: 1e:de:a6:91:d9:00:ec:84:b8:64:f8:06:51:82:f4: 84:9b:a2:fe:16:34:5c:e1:2f:3d:ad:34:b9:8e:ad: 8e:ea:8a:e9:40:56:5b:f5:09:2c:bf:a0:08:db:81: 7f:fb:d8:b9:6c:a6:be:4c:1f:b1:4e:b3:b0:8d:8d: e4:04:8e:f8:8e:e9:c7:aa:e7:4a:b4:87:89:a7:25: 72:38:74:bb:e5:b6:7f:86:7b Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 98:0E:C7:0A:74:5D:FB:56:5B:B7:91:80:2A:3A:D4:89:AD:6C:B9:51 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:98:0E:C7:0A:74:5D:FB:56:5B:B7:91:80:2A:3A:D4:89:AD:6C:B9:51 X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:TRUE Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 39:7e:99:fd:40:44:0a:20:4c:3c:9a:bf:01:aa:94:c8:76:bb: 80:53:4f:cd:28:2f:5b:7f:0b:52:09:14:cb:ac:ee:74:7f:17: 4b:79:21:db:e1:a3:9b:e5:b1:72:83:f7:88:02:20:d6:23:33: e4:ff:50:58:c6:88:e0:22:d7:2b:96:b3:dd:31:1a:80:52:0d: 61:4f:47:72:63:39:1e:7f:a1:ad:f0:2b:82:53:05:ca:3d:0a: 8f:3c:72:58:74:57:ae:8b:66:16:d9:a4:50:99:bc:d3:a7:c5: 54:63:f0:87:cd:06:1a:d4:61:ed:d3:b8:33:5d:5a:d6:a4:f0: a4:96 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICijCCAfOgAwIBAgIJAN9pH+/lr78PMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMF4xCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIDAJXQTERMA8GA1UECgwIY29yZS1kZXYxEDAOBgNVBAMM B0NPUkUgQ0ExHTAbBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDnJvb3RAbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTEyMDMy MDE2MTYwOFoXDTE1MDMyMDE2MTYwOFowXjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgM AldBMREwDwYDVQQKDAhjb3JlLWRldjEQMA4GA1UEAwwHQ09SRSBDQTEdMBsGCSqG SIb3DQEJARYOcm9vdEBsb2NhbGhvc3QwgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJ AoGBAMTX/MO8oO52e1hclm0fdCbCk8GklJUTXk+LPwAn5RuxO3A+cnFNyWdUMylJ Ht6mkdkA7IS4ZPgGUYL0hJui/hY0XOEvPa00uY6tjuqK6UBWW/UJLL+gCNuBf/vY uWymvkwfsU6zsI2N5ASO+I7px6rnSrSHiaclcjh0u+W2f4Z7AgMBAAGjUDBOMB0G A1UdDgQWBBSYDscKdF37Vlu3kYAqOtSJrWy5UTAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBSYDscKdF37 Vlu3kYAqOtSJrWy5UTAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAA4GBADl+ mf1ARAogTDyavwGqlMh2u4BTT80oL1t/C1IJFMus7nR/F0t5Idvho5vlsXKD94gC INYjM+T/UFjGiOAi1yuWs90xGoBSDWFPR3JjOR5/oa3wK4JTBco9Co88clh0V66L ZhbZpFCZvNOnxVRj8IfNBhrUYe3TuDNdWtak8KSW -----END CERTIFICATE----- } } custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNServer:vpnserver.pem custom-command vpnserver.pem config { Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: df:69:1f:ef:e5:af:bf:14 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, ST=WA, O=core-dev, CN=CORE CA/emailAddress=root@localhost Validity Not Before: Apr 12 15:09:45 2012 GMT Not After : Apr 10 15:09:45 2022 GMT Subject: C=US, ST=WA, O=core-dev, CN=vpnserver Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (1024 bit) Modulus: 00:af:da:e2:fb:f7:e1:ca:97:bb:94:1b:8f:f7:70: 2f:c5:dc:71:22:b6:d2:f3:8b:fc:3a:d1:ef:65:60: 21:0f:e5:49:ed:71:45:1c:e9:f7:b9:f7:00:74:05: a3:ab:63:05:5c:be:23:fd:18:c6:b7:17:52:21:3a: 86:5f:68:07:a6:1b:2f:fc:df:ce:ac:45:55:cd:2a: d4:8a:66:d1:46:99:e4:b2:57:49:53:df:d0:c0:1e: 0f:84:6f:52:8d:2c:6e:4b:cb:f7:7e:c4:27:51:72: cd:db:68:54:fd:4d:c4:42:1a:27:be:9f:03:03:d8: ff:11:58:46:2f:58:13:2c:37 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 56:F2:E8:73:73:76:FD:14:13:1C:1A:AB:F2:8F:30:D4:91:7D:83:62 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:98:0E:C7:0A:74:5D:FB:56:5B:B7:91:80:2A:3A:D4:89:AD:6C:B9:51 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 29:62:f5:4a:40:ce:65:e0:73:ff:d1:80:ca:89:a3:29:4e:d8: 63:52:f0:76:21:b7:83:49:a4:fa:54:f7:0d:58:eb:af:fb:59: 61:63:02:57:de:4d:c1:8d:f1:de:d6:00:40:53:12:25:3c:9b: 48:9a:a7:3b:95:5d:67:83:11:b2:b2:ef:c2:71:95:23:e5:42: 88:09:ac:95:c9:cf:e8:5c:d8:14:9e:d8:4f:6f:af:10:4f:f5: 19:a2:71:f3:96:5f:1b:19:53:e9:16:4d:4e:be:e5:8a:83:57: 0a:93:7a:a4:53:05:1a:64:bf:25:69:fc:3c:3b:9b:aa:43:f4: 1d:fc -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICmDCCAgGgAwIBAgIJAN9pH+/lr78UMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMF4xCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIDAJXQTERMA8GA1UECgwIY29yZS1kZXYxEDAOBgNVBAMM B0NPUkUgQ0ExHTAbBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDnJvb3RAbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTEyMDQx MjE1MDk0NVoXDTIyMDQxMDE1MDk0NVowQTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgM AldBMREwDwYDVQQKDAhjb3JlLWRldjESMBAGA1UEAwwJdnBuc2VydmVyMIGfMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCv2uL79+HKl7uUG4/3cC/F3HEittLzi/w6 0e9lYCEP5UntcUUc6fe59wB0BaOrYwVcviP9GMa3F1IhOoZfaAemGy/8386sRVXN KtSKZtFGmeSyV0lT39DAHg+Eb1KNLG5Ly/d+xCdRcs3baFT9TcRCGie+nwMD2P8R WEYvWBMsNwIDAQABo3sweTAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMCwGCWCGSAGG+EIBDQQfFh1PcGVu U1NMIEdlbmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUVvLoc3N2/RQTHBqr 8o8w1JF9g2IwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUmA7HCnRd+1Zbt5GAKjrUia1suVEwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEFBQADgYEAKWL1SkDOZeBz/9GAyomjKU7YY1LwdiG3g0mk+lT3DVjrr/tZ YWMCV95NwY3x3tYAQFMSJTybSJqnO5VdZ4MRsrLvwnGVI+VCiAmslcnP6FzYFJ7Y T2+vEE/1GaJx85ZfGxlT6RZNTr7lioNXCpN6pFMFGmS/JWn8PDubqkP0Hfw= -----END CERTIFICATE----- } } custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNServer:vpnserver.key custom-command vpnserver.key config { -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIICdwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmEwggJdAgEAAoGBAK/a4vv34cqXu5Qb j/dwL8XccSK20vOL/DrR72VgIQ/lSe1xRRzp97n3AHQFo6tjBVy+I/0YxrcXUiE6 hl9oB6YbL/zfzqxFVc0q1Ipm0UaZ5LJXSVPf0MAeD4RvUo0sbkvL937EJ1Fyzdto VP1NxEIaJ76fAwPY/xFYRi9YEyw3AgMBAAECgYBcUveOP5KsUULqvBm2V5DNOTGw fvl7Ycf3fZZIy9IvzTolzazyRCeJ25LCVt+ZsC/1g+HTE/nnz/ePeHFpj21LuVWJ uWsV9qmdO0K5WxfXM4M08df+EVRrOh4rmgnHZp7jBW6srwGSSJxsvRAe0cRlZcCW JsgJcyLJfZk0ypsSgQJBAOTtkUfJvqdU0CslBSmDY6skxjneS6kLQGvrELHRTZgd K31E5WDYJgkpVGhWur19kUYIj7Fs3/Z1Q0KC0bRWokECQQDEpp52u4ilaP9nJsMm 5l/JVEO5gIzbqStVTmU64wLgx3mapL6P8Sa1gbJMlc5NMyayjRP0PoN0cvz+V9t4 3cB3AkEAxhLHINXtn9pCQxJE5SZJlkq7OFaeICUcGEPKrg/qkzKp7jkuPhzGzCZ2 YdCowkti5rWBnoIVRakwCNwnlWFgAQJAEhyWc7EKANIO091KFAcbw1szcZ5ZWtHV 3+F8iVPnK/SzSn7p3jADtKvhVBRoD8wqQD+mGtS3Hr6IdpR47kTeOQJBAJhd4vi6 LxbQZlS009DamuSrqgwsmTcfylu58bhFN4YkWCw8CPk3iKJXH6beomDvYEIQl8C5 jWe+PqSX6XcwnTk= -----END PRIVATE KEY----- } } custom-config { custom-config-id custom-command config { #!/bin/sh # custom VPN Server Configuration for service ( # -------- CUSTOMIZATION REQUIRED -------- # # The VPNServer service sets up the OpenVPN server for building VPN tunnels # that allow access via TUN/TAP device to private networks. # # note that the IPForward and DefaultRoute services should be enabled # directory containing the certificate and key described below, in addition to # a CA certificate and DH key keydir=/tmp/certs # the name used for a "$keyname.pem" certificate and "$keyname.key" private key. keyname=vpnserver # the VPN subnet address from which the client VPN IP (for the TUN/TAP) # will be allocated vpnsubnet= # public IP address of this vpn server (same as VPNClient vpnserver= setting) vpnserver= # optional list of private subnets reachable behind this VPN server # each subnet and next hop is separated by a space # ", , ..." privatenets="," # optional list of VPN clients, for statically assigning IP addresses to # clients; also, an optional client subnet can be specified for adding static # routes via the client # Note: VPN addresses x.x.x.0-3 are reserved # ",, ,, ..." #vpnclients="client1KeyFilename,, client2KeyFilename,," vpnclients="" # NOTE: you may need to enable the StaticRoutes service on nodes within the # private subnet, in order to have routes back to the client. # /sbin/ip ro add /24 via # /sbin/ip ro add /24 via # -------- END CUSTOMIZATION -------- echo > $PWD/vpnserver.log rm -f -r $PWD/ccd # validate key and certification files if [ ! -e $keydir\/$keyname.key ] || [ ! -e $keydir\/$keyname.pem ] \ || [ ! -e $keydir\/ca-cert.pem ] || [ ! -e $keydir\/dh1024.pem ]; then echo "ERROR: missing certification or key files under $keydir \ $keyname.key or $keyname.pem or ca-cert.pem or dh1024.pem" >> $PWD/vpnserver.log fi # validate configuration IP addresses checkip=0 if [ "$(dpkg -l | grep " sipcalc ")" = "" ]; then echo "WARNING: ip validation disabled because package sipcalc not installed\ " >> $PWD/vpnserver.log checkip=1 else if [ "$(sipcalc "$vpnsubnet" "$vpnserver" | grep ERR)" != "" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid vpn subnet or server address \ $vpnsubnet or $vpnserver " >> $PWD/vpnserver.log fi fi # create client vpn ip pool file ( cat << EOF EOF )> $PWD/ippool.txt # create server.conf file ( cat << EOF # openvpn server config local $vpnserver server $vpnsubnet push redirect-gateway def1 EOF )> $PWD/server.conf # add routes to VPN server private subnets, and push these routes to clients for privatenet in $privatenets; do if [ $privatenet != "" ]; then net=${privatenet%%,*} nexthop=${privatenet##*,} if [ $checkip = "0" ] && [ "$(sipcalc "$net" "$nexthop" | grep ERR)" != "" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid vpn server private net address \ $net or $nexthop " >> $PWD/vpnserver.log fi echo push route $net >> $PWD/server.conf /sbin/ip ro add $net/24 via $nexthop /sbin/ip ro add $vpnsubnet/24 via $nexthop fi done # allow subnet through this VPN, one route for each client subnet for client in $vpnclients; do if [ $client != "" ]; then cSubnetIP=${client##*,} cVpnIP=${client#*,} cVpnIP=${cVpnIP%%,*} cKeyFilename=${client%%,*} if [ "$cSubnetIP" != "" ]; then if [ $checkip = "0" ] && [ "$(sipcalc "$cSubnetIP" "$cVpnIP" | grep ERR)" != "" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalid vpn client and subnet address \ $cSubnetIP or $cVpnIP " >> $PWD/vpnserver.log fi echo route $cSubnetIP >> $PWD/server.conf if ! test -d $PWD/ccd; then mkdir -p $PWD/ccd echo client-config-dir $PWD/ccd >> $PWD/server.conf fi if test -e $PWD/ccd/$cKeyFilename; then echo iroute $cSubnetIP >> $PWD/ccd/$cKeyFilename else echo iroute $cSubnetIP > $PWD/ccd/$cKeyFilename fi fi if [ "$cVpnIP" != "" ]; then echo $cKeyFilename,$cVpnIP >> $PWD/ippool.txt fi fi done ( cat << EOF keepalive 10 120 ca $keydir/ca-cert.pem cert $keydir/$keyname.pem key $keydir/$keyname.key dh $keydir/dh1024.pem cipher AES-256-CBC status /var/log/openvpn-status.log log /var/log/openvpn-server.log ifconfig-pool-linear ifconfig-pool-persist $PWD/ippool.txt port 1194 proto udp dev tun verb 4 daemon EOF )>> $PWD/server.conf # start vpn server openvpn --config server.conf } } custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNServer custom-command VPNServer config { ('', 'vpnserver.key', 'vpnserver.pem', 'ca-cert.pem', 'dh1024.pem', '', ) 50 ('sh', 'sh', ) ('killall openvpn', ) ('pidof openvpn', ) } } services {IPForward DefaultRoute SSH VPNServer} } node n6 { type router model PC network-config { hostname vpnclient ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:0::20/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {120.0 133.0} labelcoords {120.0 165.0} interface-peer {eth0 n1} custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNClient:vpnclient.key custom-command vpnclient.key config { -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIICdgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAmAwggJcAgEAAoGBAM49tCuXw4Wjt8iY 84nU+fdOCw5M9RXXDfwHOxd1ILSP4KDLB7FfqVo9/DZOMlqNHYBeeF0WXLnr+zda kKQUWpWHJQGQ4qHIJ+xCsBRCVbTPsRngeQMCCQw5ekW7NZKpKj6ANWkIm4dhiuTr ZshR5Q6idNFG/b/ksNQsARK8vlJlAgMBAAECgYEAoKeKMKcAxJpasGUM2OJRcWaW 0CX8iG3EU/2h90zjFCQ7m6VsMaxN9KDyVa8mJElmoLd2VTT1OFLtlxnyMA423Hro 0tlKGErCH2yWMnrcjO30w7pmWSONn0yU/iAbzYAsmLNwYKCPAX2tJ9FZKsfVhctd MEDMf/skhYL6CFe4XwECQQD1pV7C9lj0vsno22WoVg8n6/7OZu/ZBtCXoAQKAo14 bUqknK+SDMgqnexDQjarkQFrq4yxrPmp3Mv4a6M9vKglAkEA1u8i+1m4VMAARe9N 3qiFA0hk9v3Nm7f/ZVrkddoZNChV8CQW9y3Caltrlrjj0ugTAaWKdOhOcWeRcDo9 EMrNQQJAbXwpgkf+Wgd3QrwW0TKaSrbauPAUUuzAp/QAGN4OY/CCZmAXuMbNqID+ vvOSHmHg+jZZ3Q81r8njd3OyLGAbqQJAURqn3qT6c7CH6dvlTHHWz2hQAQvAvFPw IbTspLQJ8q6NzzIvIFK6HBwnOxbFkV5VXbezyW2nvA9SyECRrnZ4gQJAfV2In/xB qxyrHHInJPtwzsKjfgw9787ulXeDa+gYQrmwfrqYvPo6NtfJ9i2ahl8tr3LIFWIH NavHWA5NKc4GVw== -----END PRIVATE KEY----- } } custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNClient:vpnclient.pem custom-command vpnclient.pem config { Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: df:69:1f:ef:e5:af:bf:13 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, ST=WA, O=core-dev, CN=CORE CA/emailAddress=root@localhost Validity Not Before: Apr 12 15:09:01 2012 GMT Not After : Apr 10 15:09:01 2022 GMT Subject: C=US, ST=WA, O=core-dev, CN=vpnclient Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption Public-Key: (1024 bit) Modulus: 00:ce:3d:b4:2b:97:c3:85:a3:b7:c8:98:f3:89:d4: f9:f7:4e:0b:0e:4c:f5:15:d7:0d:fc:07:3b:17:75: 20:b4:8f:e0:a0:cb:07:b1:5f:a9:5a:3d:fc:36:4e: 32:5a:8d:1d:80:5e:78:5d:16:5c:b9:eb:fb:37:5a: 90:a4:14:5a:95:87:25:01:90:e2:a1:c8:27:ec:42: b0:14:42:55:b4:cf:b1:19:e0:79:03:02:09:0c:39: 7a:45:bb:35:92:a9:2a:3e:80:35:69:08:9b:87:61: 8a:e4:eb:66:c8:51:e5:0e:a2:74:d1:46:fd:bf:e4: b0:d4:2c:01:12:bc:be:52:65 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: A0:59:F2:02:46:86:A3:2A:BD:C0:33:DA:31:71:1F:78:88:16:43:CE X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:98:0E:C7:0A:74:5D:FB:56:5B:B7:91:80:2A:3A:D4:89:AD:6C:B9:51 Signature Algorithm: sha1WithRSAEncryption 0a:39:71:f3:9f:50:68:f9:de:3e:47:eb:73:6b:4e:d8:6c:ff: d5:38:0a:a0:8f:52:8f:cb:7e:6f:95:62:b6:04:2f:1d:3f:42: 32:26:38:c5:89:ea:ef:fc:27:ab:f0:81:39:e2:58:d6:fd:f8: 3e:f8:db:22:ce:39:dd:13:49:6a:7b:eb:90:8a:cc:bc:7d:87: c5:d4:25:5f:f5:9a:0a:8f:1e:28:86:50:46:e2:fd:4e:ff:5d: b8:0e:48:2d:bd:0f:38:b4:85:0f:4e:05:c6:60:cf:5a:d9:d0: 5c:32:ed:70:3c:72:28:fd:75:c5:38:d5:52:cb:57:f9:4b:86: 0a:74 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIICmDCCAgGgAwIBAgIJAN9pH+/lr78TMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMF4xCzAJBgNV BAYTAlVTMQswCQYDVQQIDAJXQTERMA8GA1UECgwIY29yZS1kZXYxEDAOBgNVBAMM B0NPUkUgQ0ExHTAbBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDnJvb3RAbG9jYWxob3N0MB4XDTEyMDQx MjE1MDkwMVoXDTIyMDQxMDE1MDkwMVowQTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxCzAJBgNVBAgM AldBMREwDwYDVQQKDAhjb3JlLWRldjESMBAGA1UEAwwJdnBuY2xpZW50MIGfMA0G CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDOPbQrl8OFo7fImPOJ1Pn3TgsOTPUV1w38 BzsXdSC0j+CgywexX6laPfw2TjJajR2AXnhdFly56/s3WpCkFFqVhyUBkOKhyCfs QrAUQlW0z7EZ4HkDAgkMOXpFuzWSqSo+gDVpCJuHYYrk62bIUeUOonTRRv2/5LDU LAESvL5SZQIDAQABo3sweTAJBgNVHRMEAjAAMCwGCWCGSAGG+EIBDQQfFh1PcGVu U1NMIEdlbmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUoFnyAkaGoyq9wDPa MXEfeIgWQ84wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUmA7HCnRd+1Zbt5GAKjrUia1suVEwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEFBQADgYEACjlx859QaPnePkfrc2tO2Gz/1TgKoI9Sj8t+b5VitgQvHT9C MiY4xYnq7/wnq/CBOeJY1v34PvjbIs453RNJanvrkIrMvH2HxdQlX/WaCo8eKIZQ RuL9Tv9duA5ILb0POLSFD04FxmDPWtnQXDLtcDxyKP11xTjVUstX+UuGCnQ= -----END CERTIFICATE----- } } custom-config { custom-config-id custom-command config { #!/bin/sh FILES="vpnclient.pem vpnclient.key" mkdir -p /tmp/certs for f in $FILES; do cp $f /tmp/certs done } } custom-config { custom-config-id custom-command config { #!/bin/sh # custom VPN Client configuration for service ( # -------- CUSTOMIZATION REQUIRED -------- # # The VPNClient service builds a VPN tunnel to the specified VPN server using # OpenVPN software and a virtual TUN/TAP device. # directory containing the certificate and key described below keydir=/tmp/certs # the name used for a "$keyname.pem" certificate and "$keyname.key" private key. keyname=vpnclient # the public IP address of the VPN server this client should connect with vpnserver="" # optional next hop for adding a static route to reach the VPN server nexthop="" # --------- END CUSTOMIZATION -------- # validate addresses if [ "$(dpkg -l | grep " sipcalc ")" = "" ]; then echo "WARNING: ip validation disabled because package sipcalc not installed " > $PWD/vpnclient.log else if [ "$(sipcalc "$vpnserver" "$nexthop" | grep ERR)" != "" ]; then echo "ERROR: invalide address $vpnserver or $nexthop \ " > $PWD/vpnclient.log fi fi # validate key and certification files if [ ! -e $keydir\/$keyname.key ] || [ ! -e $keydir\/$keyname.pem ] \ || [ ! -e $keydir\/ca-cert.pem ] || [ ! -e $keydir\/dh1024.pem ]; then echo "ERROR: missing certification or key files under $keydir \ $keyname.key or $keyname.pem or ca-cert.pem or dh1024.pem" >> $PWD/vpnclient.log fi # if necessary, add a static route for reaching the VPN server IP via the IF vpnservernet=${vpnserver%.*}.0/24 if [ "$nexthop" != "" ]; then /sbin/ip route add $vpnservernet via $nexthop fi # create openvpn client.conf ( cat << EOF client dev tun proto udp remote $vpnserver 1194 nobind ca $keydir/ca-cert.pem cert $keydir/$keyname.pem key $keydir/$keyname.key dh $keydir/dh1024.pem cipher AES-256-CBC log /var/log/openvpn-client.log verb 4 daemon EOF ) > client.conf openvpn --config client.conf } } custom-config { custom-config-id service:VPNClient custom-command VPNClient config { ('', '', 'vpnclient.pem', 'vpnclient.key', ) 60 ('sh', 'sh', ) ('killall openvpn', ) ('pidof openvpn', ) } } services {DefaultRoute VPNClient} } node n7 { type lanswitch network-config { hostname n7 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {824.0 458.0} labelcoords {824.0 482.0} interface-peer {e0 n5} interface-peer {e1 n8} interface-peer {e2 n9} interface-peer {e3 n10} } node n8 { type router model PC network-config { hostname n8 ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:6::20/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {801.0 264.0} labelcoords {801.0 296.0} interface-peer {eth0 n7} } node n9 { type router model PC network-config { hostname n9 ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:6::21/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {885.0 305.0} labelcoords {885.0 337.0} interface-peer {eth0 n7} } node n10 { type router model PC network-config { hostname n10 ! interface eth0 ip address ipv6 address 2001:6::22/64 ! } canvas c1 iconcoords {954.0 353.0} labelcoords {954.0 385.0} interface-peer {eth0 n7} } link l1 { nodes {n6 n1} bandwidth 0 } link l2 { nodes {n4 n5} bandwidth 0 } link l3 { nodes {n1 n2} bandwidth 0 } link l4 { nodes {n3 n4} bandwidth 0 } link l5 { nodes {n3 n1} bandwidth 0 } link l6 { nodes {n4 n2} bandwidth 0 } link l7 { nodes {n5 n7} bandwidth 0 } link l8 { nodes {n8 n7} bandwidth 0 } link l9 { nodes {n9 n7} bandwidth 0 } link l10 { nodes {n10 n7} bandwidth 0 } annotation a1 { iconcoords {661.0 187.0 997.0 579.0} type rectangle label {private network} labelcolor black fontfamily {Arial} fontsize 12 color #e9e9fe width 0 border black rad 25 effects {bold} canvas c1 } canvas c1 { name {Canvas1} } option global { interface_names no ip_addresses yes ipv6_addresses no node_labels yes link_labels yes ipsec_configs yes exec_errors yes show_api no background_images no annotations yes grid yes traffic_start 0 }