# # Copyright 2005-2014 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # # Copyright 2004-2008 University of Zagreb, Croatia. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # This work was supported in part by Croatian Ministry of Science # and Technology through the research contract #IP-2003-143. # #****h* imunes/initgui.tcl # NAME # initgui.tcl # FUNCTION # Initialize GUI. Not included when operating in batch mode. #**** # # GUI-related global variables # #****v* initgui.tcl/global variables # NAME # global variables # FUNCTION # GUI-related global varibles # # * newlink -- helps when creating a new link. If there is no # link currently created, this value is set to an empty string. # * selectbox -- the value of the box representing all the selected items # * selected -- containes the list of node_id's of all selected nodes. # * newCanvas -- # # * animatephase -- starting dashoffset. With this value the effect of # rotating line around selected itme is achived. # * undolevel -- control variable for undo. # * redolevel -- control variable for redo. # * undolog -- control variable for saving all the past configurations. # * changed -- control variable for indicating that there something changed # in active configuration. # * badentry -- control variable indicating that there has been a bad entry # in the text box. # * cursorstate -- control variable for animating cursor. # * clock_seconds -- control variable for animating cursor. # * oper_mode -- control variable reresenting operating mode, possible # values are edit and exec. # * grid -- control variable representing grid distance. All new # elements on the # canvas are snaped to grid. Default value is 24. # * sizex -- X size of the canvas. # * sizey -- Y size of the canvas. # * curcanvas -- the value of the current canvas. # * autorearrange_enabled -- control variable indicating is # autorearrange enabled. # # * defLinkColor -- defines the default link color, default link color is set # to red. # * defLinkWidth -- defines the width of the link, default is 2. # * defEthBandwidth -- defines the ethernet bandwidth, default is set to # 100000000. # * defSerBandwidth -- defines the serail link bandwidth, default is 2048000. # * defSerDelay -- defines the serail link delay, default is 2500. # * showIfNames -- control variable for showing interface names, default is 1 # * showIfIPaddrs -- control variable for showing interface IPv4 addresses, # default is 1 (addresses are visible). # * showIfIPv6addrs -- control variable for showing interface IPv4 # addresses, default is 1 (addresses are visible). # * showNodeLabels -- control variable for showing node labels, default is 1. # * showLinkLabels -- control variable for showing link labels, default is 1. # #**** set newlink "" set selectbox "" set selected "" newCanvas "" set animatephase 0 set undolevel 0 set redolevel 0 set undolog(0) "" set changed 0 set badentry 0 set cursorState 0 set clock_seconds 0 set oper_mode edit set grid 24 set showGrid 1 set zoom 1.0 set curcanvas [lindex $canvas_list 0] set autorearrange_enabled 0 set num_canvases $g_prefs(gui_num_canvases) while { $num_canvases > 1 } { newCanvas ""; incr num_canvases -1 } # resize Oval/Rectangle, "false" or direction: north/west/east/... set resizemode false set thruplotResize false # dictionary that maps cursor style to resize mode set cursorToResizemode [dict create top_left_corner lu] dict set cursorToResizemode bottom_left_corner ld dict set cursorToResizemode left_side l dict set cursorToResizemode top_right_corner ru dict set cursorToResizemode bottom_right_corner rd dict set cursorToResizemode right_side r dict set cursorToResizemode top_side u dict set cursorToResizemode bottom_side d # dictionary that maps thruplot to color set thruPlotColor [dict create default blue] set thruPlotDragStart false set thruPlotCur null set curPlotLineColor blue set curPlotFillColor "#7f9eee" set curPlotBgColor "#EEEEFF" # values for locking thruplot Max Height set thruPlotMaxKBPS 10 set defThruPlotMaxKBPS 10 # # Initialize a few variables to default values # set defLinkColor Red set defFillColor Gray set defLinkWidth 2 set defEthBandwidth 0 set defSerBandwidth 2048000 set defSerDelay 2500 set newoval "" set defOvalColor #CFCFFF set defOvalLabelFont "Arial 12" set newrect "" set defRectColor #C0C0FF set defRectLabelFont "Arial 12" set defTextFont "Arial 12" set defTextFontFamily "Arial" set defTextFontSize 12 set defTextColor #000000 set showIfNames 0 set showIfIPaddrs 1 set showIfIPv6addrs 1 set showNodeLabels 1 set showLinkLabels 1 set showBkgImage 0 set showAnnotations 1 set g_view_locked 0 set defSelectionColor #FEFFBA set def_router_model router set wlanLinkColors "#007000 #000070 #700000 #700070 #707070 #007070 #707000" set g_twoNodeSelect "" ;# flag for editor.tcl:button1 when selecting two nodes # assume displaying only 7 other distributed servers cpu usage array set server_cpuusage {} set cpu_palettes { black blue red yellow green magenta cyan white} # # Window / canvas setup section # wm minsize . 640 480 wm geometry . 1016x716-30+30 setGuiTitle "" wm iconbitmap . @$CORE_DATA_DIR/icons/normal/core-icon.xbm catch { set g_core_icon [image create photo -file \ "$CORE_DATA_DIR/icons/normal/core-icon.png"] wm iconphoto . -default $g_core_icon } menu .menubar . config -menu .menubar -bg white .menubar add cascade -label File -underline 0 -menu .menubar.file .menubar add cascade -label Edit -underline 0 -menu .menubar.edit .menubar add cascade -label Canvas -underline 0 -menu .menubar.canvas .menubar add cascade -label View -underline 0 -menu .menubar.view .menubar add cascade -label Tools -underline 0 -menu .menubar.tools .menubar add cascade -label Widgets -underline 0 -menu .menubar.widgets .menubar add cascade -label Session -underline 0 -menu .menubar.session .menubar add cascade -label Help -underline 0 -menu .menubar.help # # File # menu .menubar.file -tearoff 0 .menubar.file add command -label New -underline 0 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+N" -command { fileNewDialogBox } bind . "fileNewDialogBox" .menubar.file add command -label "Open..." -underline 0 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+O" -command { fileOpenDialogBox } bind . "fileOpenDialogBox" .menubar.file add command -label Save -underline 0 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+S" -command { fileSaveDialogBox "" } bind . "fileSaveDialogBox {}" .menubar.file add command -label "Save As XML..." -underline 8 \ -command { fileSaveDialogBox xml } .menubar.file add command -label "Save As imn..." -underline 8 \ -command { fileSaveDialogBox imn } .menubar.file add separator .menubar.file add command -label "Export Python script..." -command exportPython .menubar.file add command -label "Execute XML or Python script..." \ -command { execPython false } .menubar.file add command -label "Execute Python script with options..." \ -command { execPython true } .menubar.file add separator .menubar.file add command -label "Open current file in editor..." \ -underline 21 -command { global currentFile set ed [get_text_editor false] set t [get_term_prog false] if { [catch {eval exec $t "$ed $currentFile" & } err ] } { puts "Error running editor '$ed' in terminal '$t': $err" puts "Check the text editor setting under preferences." } } .menubar.file add command -label "Print..." -underline 0 \ -command { set w .entry1 catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Printing options" wm iconname $w "Printing options" label $w.msg -wraplength 5i -justify left -text "Print command:" pack $w.msg -side top frame $w.buttons pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m button $w.buttons.print -text Print -command "printCanvas $w" button $w.buttons.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "destroy $w" pack $w.buttons.print $w.buttons.cancel -side left -expand 1 entry $w.e1 -bg white $w.e1 insert 0 "lpr" pack $w.e1 -side top -pady 5 -padx 10 -fill x } # Boeing: added "Save Screenshot" function and most-recently-used file list .menubar.file add command -label "Save screenshot..." -command { global currentFile set initialfile [file tail $currentFile] # this chops off the .imn file extension set ext [file extension $initialfile] set extidx [expr {[string last $ext $initialfile] - 1}] if { $ext != "" && $extidx > 0 } { set initialfile [string range $initialfile 0 $extidx] } if { $initialfile == "" } { set initialfile "untitled" } set fname [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes {{ "PostScript file" {.ps} }} \ -initialfile $initialfile -defaultextension .ps] if { $fname != "" } { .c postscript -file $fname } } .menubar.file add separator foreach f $g_mrulist { .menubar.file add command -label "$f" -command "mrufile {$f}" } # end Boeing changes .menubar.file add separator .menubar.file add command -label Quit -underline 0 -command { exit } wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit # # Edit # menu .menubar.edit -tearoff 0 .menubar.edit add command -label "Undo" -underline 0 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+Z" -command undo -state disabled bind . undo .menubar.edit add command -label "Redo" -underline 0 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+Y" -command redo -state disabled bind . redo .menubar.edit add separator .menubar.edit add command -label "Cut" -underline 2 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+X" -command cutSelection bind . cutSelection .menubar.edit add command -label "Copy" -underline 0 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+C" -command copySelection bind . copySelection bind . copySelection .menubar.edit add command -label "Paste" -underline 0 \ -accelerator "Ctrl+V" -command pasteSelection bind . pasteSelection bind . copySelection .menubar.edit add separator .menubar.edit add command -label "Select all" \ -accelerator "Ctrl+A" -command { foreach obj [.c find withtag node] { selectNode .c $obj } } bind . { foreach obj [.c find withtag node] { selectNode .c $obj } } .menubar.edit add command -label "Select adjacent" \ -accelerator "Ctrl+J" -command selectAdjacent bind . selectAdjacent .menubar.edit add separator .menubar.edit add command -label "Find..." -underline 0 -accelerator "Ctrl+F" \ -command popupFind bind . popupFind .menubar.edit add command -label "Clear marker" -command clearMarker .menubar.edit add command -label "Preferences..." -command popupPrefs # # Canvas # menu .menubar.canvas -tearoff 0 .menubar.canvas add command -label "New" -command { newCanvas "" switchCanvas last set changed 1 updateUndoLog } .menubar.canvas add command -label "Manage..." -command {manageCanvasPopup 0 0} .menubar.canvas add command -label "Delete" -command { if { [llength $canvas_list] == 1 } { return } foreach obj [.c find withtag node] { selectNode .c $obj } deleteSelection set i [lsearch $canvas_list $curcanvas] set canvas_list [lreplace $canvas_list $i $i] set curcanvas [lindex $canvas_list $i] if { $curcanvas == "" } { set curcanvas [lindex $canvas_list end] } switchCanvas none set changed 1 updateUndoLog } .menubar.canvas add separator .menubar.canvas add command -label "Size/scale..." -command resizeCanvasPopup # Boeing .menubar.canvas add command -label "Wallpaper..." -command wallpaperPopup # end Boeing .menubar.canvas add separator .menubar.canvas add command -label "Previous" -accelerator "PgUp" \ -command { switchCanvas prev } bind . { switchCanvas prev } .menubar.canvas add command -label "Next" -accelerator "PgDown" \ -command { switchCanvas next } bind . { switchCanvas next } .menubar.canvas add command -label "First" -accelerator "Home" \ -command { switchCanvas first } bind . { switchCanvas first } .menubar.canvas add command -label "Last" -accelerator "End" \ -command { switchCanvas last } bind . { switchCanvas last } # # Tools # menu .menubar.tools -tearoff 0 .menubar.tools add checkbutton -label "Auto rearrange all" -underline 0 \ -command { rearrange all } .menubar.tools add checkbutton -label "Auto rearrange selected" -underline 0 \ -command { rearrange selected } .menubar.tools add separator .menubar.tools add command -label "Align to grid" -underline 0 \ -command { align2grid } .menubar.tools add separator .menubar.tools add command -label "Traffic..." -command popupTrafficDialog # Boeing # .menubar.tools add command -label "IP addresses..." -underline 0 \ -command { popupAddressConfig } .menubar.tools add command -label "MAC addresses..." -underline 0 \ -command { popupMacAddressConfig } .menubar.tools add command -label "Build hosts file..." -underline 0 \ -command { popupBuildHostsFile } .menubar.tools add command -label "Renumber nodes..." -underline 0 \ -command { popupRenumberNodes } menu .menubar.tools.experimental .menubar.tools add cascade -label "Experimental" \ -menu .menubar.tools.experimental .menubar.tools.experimental add command -label "Plugins..." \ -underline 0 -command "popupPluginsConfig" .menubar.tools.experimental add command -label "ns2imunes converter..." \ -underline 0 -command { toplevel .ns2im-dialog wm transient .ns2im-dialog . wm title .ns2im-dialog "ns2imunes converter" set f1 [frame .ns2im-dialog.entry1] set f2 [frame .ns2im-dialog.buttons] label $f1.l -text "ns2 file:" entry $f1.e -width 25 -textvariable ns2srcfile button $f1.b -text "Browse" -width 8 \ -command { set srcfile [tk_getOpenFile -parent .ns2im-dialog \ -initialfile $ns2srcfile] $f1.e delete 0 end $f1.e insert 0 "$srcfile" } button $f2.b1 -text "OK" -command { ns2im $srcfile destroy .ns2im-dialog } button $f2.b2 -text "Cancel" -command { destroy .ns2im-dialog} pack $f1.b $f1.e -side right pack $f1.l -side right -fill x -expand true pack $f2.b1 -side left -expand true -anchor e pack $f2.b2 -side left -expand true -anchor w pack $f1 $f2 -fill x } # Widgets # init_widget_menu # end Boeing # # View # menu .menubar.view -tearoff 1 menu .menubar.view.show -tearoff 1 .menubar.view add cascade -label "Show" -menu .menubar.view.show .menubar.view.show add command -label "All" -underline 5 -command { set showIfNames 1 set showIfIPaddrs 1 set showIfIPv6addrs 1 set showNodeLabels 1 set showLinkLabels 1 redrawAllLinks foreach object [.c find withtag linklabel] { .c itemconfigure $object -state normal } } .menubar.view.show add command -label "None" -underline 6 -command { set showIfNames 0 set showIfIPaddrs 0 set showIfIPv6addrs 0 set showNodeLabels 0 set showLinkLabels 0 redrawAllLinks foreach object [.c find withtag linklabel] { .c itemconfigure $object -state hidden } } .menubar.view.show add separator .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "Interface Names" \ -underline 5 -variable showIfNames \ -command { redrawAllLinks } .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "IPv4 Addresses " \ -underline 8 -variable showIfIPaddrs \ -command { redrawAllLinks } .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "IPv6 Addresses " \ -underline 8 -variable showIfIPv6addrs \ -command { redrawAllLinks } .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "Node Labels" \ -underline 5 -variable showNodeLabels -command { foreach object [.c find withtag nodelabel] { if { $showNodeLabels } { .c itemconfigure $object -state normal } else { .c itemconfigure $object -state hidden } } } .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "Link Labels" \ -underline 5 -variable showLinkLabels -command { foreach object [.c find withtag linklabel] { if { $showLinkLabels } { .c itemconfigure $object -state normal } else { .c itemconfigure $object -state hidden } } } # .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "Background Image" \ # -underline 5 -variable showBkgImage \ # -command { redrawAll } .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "Annotations" \ -underline 5 -variable showAnnotations -command redrawAll .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "Grid" \ -underline 5 -variable showGrid -command redrawAll .menubar.view.show add checkbutton -label "API Messages" \ -underline 5 -variable showAPI .menubar.view add command -label "Show hidden nodes" \ -command { global node_list foreach node $node_list { setNodeHidden $node 0 } redrawAll } .menubar.view add checkbutton -label "Locked" -variable g_view_locked .menubar.view add command -label "3D GUI..." -command { global g_prefs set gui "" set guipref "" if { [info exists g_prefs(gui_3d_path)] } { set guipref $g_prefs(gui_3d_path) set gui [auto_execok $guipref] } if { $gui == "" } { set msg "The 3D GUI command was not valid ('$guipref').\n" set msg "$msg Make sure that SDT3D is installed and that an appropriate" set msg "$msg launch script is configured under preferences." tk_messageBox -type ok -icon warning -message $msg -title "Error" } else { if { [catch { exec $gui & }] } { puts "Error with 3D GUI command '$gui'." } statline "3D GUI command executed: $gui" } setSessionOption "enablesdt" 1 1 } .menubar.view add separator .menubar.view add command -label "Zoom In" -accelerator "+" \ -command "zoom up" bind . "+" "zoom up" .menubar.view add command -label "Zoom Out" -accelerator "-" \ -command "zoom down" bind . "-" "zoom down" # # Session # menu .menubar.session -tearoff 1 .menubar.session add command -label "Stop" -underline 1 \ -command "setOperMode edit" .menubar.session add command -label "Change sessions..." \ -underline 0 -command "requestSessions" .menubar.session add separator .menubar.session add command -label "Node types..." -underline 0 \ -command "popupNodesConfig" .menubar.session add command -label "Comments..." -underline 0 \ -command "popupCommentsConfig" .menubar.session add command -label "Hooks..." -underline 0 \ -command "popupHooksConfig" .menubar.session add command -label "Reset node positions" -underline 0 \ -command "resetAllNodeCoords reset" .menubar.session add command -label "Emulation servers..." \ -underline 0 -command "configRemoteServers" .menubar.session add command -label "Options..." \ -underline 0 -command "sendConfRequestMessage -1 0 session 0x1 -1 \"\"" # # Help # menu .menubar.help -tearoff 0 .menubar.help add command -label "Online manual (www)" -command \ "_launchBrowser http://downloads.pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/docs/core/core-html/" .menubar.help add command -label "CORE website (www)" -command \ "_launchBrowser http://www.nrl.navy.mil/itd/ncs/products/core" .menubar.help add command -label "Mailing list (www)" -command \ "_launchBrowser http://pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/mailman/listinfo/core-users" .menubar.help add command -label "About" -command popupAbout # # Left-side toolbar # frame .left pack .left -side left -fill y # Boeing: create images now, buttons in setOperMode #foreach b {select delete link hub lanswitch router host pc rj45} { foreach b {select } { set imgf "$CORE_DATA_DIR/icons/tiny/$b.gif" set image [image create photo -file $imgf] radiobutton .left.$b -indicatoron 0 \ -variable activetool -value $b -selectcolor $defSelectionColor \ -width 32 -height 32 -image $image \ -command "popupMenuChoose \"\" $b $imgf" pack .left.$b -side top leftToolTip $b .left } foreach b {hub lanswitch router host pc rj45 \ tunnel wlan oval text antenna } { set $b [image create photo -file "$CORE_DATA_DIR/icons/normal/$b.gif"] createScaledImages $b } set activetool_prev select set markersize 5 set markercolor black # end Boeing changes set pseudo [image create photo] set text [image create photo] . configure -background #808080 frame .grid frame .hframe frame .vframe set c [canvas .c -bd 0 -relief sunken -highlightthickness 0\ -background gray \ -xscrollcommand ".hframe.scroll set" \ -yscrollcommand ".vframe.scroll set"] canvas .hframe.t -width 300 -height 18 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -background gray \ -xscrollcommand ".hframe.ts set" bind .hframe.t <1> { set canvas [lindex [.hframe.t gettags current] 1] if { $canvas != "" && $canvas != $curcanvas } { set curcanvas $canvas switchCanvas none } } bind .hframe.t { set canvas [lindex [.hframe.t gettags current] 1] if { $canvas != "" } { if { $canvas != $curcanvas } { set curcanvas $canvas switchCanvas none } else { manageCanvasPopup %X %Y } } } scrollbar .hframe.scroll -orient horiz -command "$c xview" \ -bd 1 -width 14 scrollbar .vframe.scroll -command "$c yview" \ -bd 1 -width 14 scrollbar .hframe.ts -orient horiz -command ".hframe.t xview" \ -bd 1 -width 14 pack .hframe.ts .hframe.t -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 pack .hframe.scroll -side left -padx 0 -pady 0 -fill both -expand true pack .vframe.scroll -side top -padx 0 -pady 0 -fill both -expand true pack .grid -expand yes -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1 grid rowconfig .grid 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0 grid columnconfig .grid 0 -weight 1 -minsize 0 grid .c -in .grid -row 0 -column 0 \ -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news grid .vframe -in .grid -row 0 -column 1 \ -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news grid .hframe -in .grid -row 1 -column 0 \ -rowspan 1 -columnspan 1 -sticky news frame .bottom pack .bottom -side bottom -fill x label .bottom.textbox -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 999 label .bottom.zoom -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 10 label .bottom.cpu_load -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 9 label .bottom.mbuf -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 9 label .bottom.indicators -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 5 pack .bottom.indicators .bottom.mbuf .bottom.cpu_load \ .bottom.zoom .bottom.textbox -side right -padx 0 -fill both # # Event bindings and procedures for main canvas: # $c bind node "+nodeEnter $c" $c bind nodelabel "nodeEnter $c" $c bind link "linkEnter $c" $c bind linklabel "linkEnter $c" $c bind node "anyLeave $c" $c bind nodelabel "anyLeave $c" $c bind link "anyLeave $c" $c bind linklabel "anyLeave $c" $c bind node "popupConfigDialog $c" $c bind nodelabel "popupConfigDialog $c" $c bind grid "double1onGrid $c %x %y" $c bind link "popupConfigDialog $c" $c bind linklabel "popupConfigDialog $c" $c bind node <3> "button3node $c %x %y \"\"" $c bind oval "popupConfigDialog $c" $c bind rectangle "popupConfigDialog $c" $c bind text "popupConfigDialog $c" $c bind text "textInsert $c %A" $c bind text "textInsert $c \\n" $c bind node <3> "button3node $c %x %y \"\"" $c bind nodelabel <3> "button3node $c %x %y \"\"" $c bind link <3> "button3link $c %x %y" $c bind linklabel <3> "button3link $c %x %y" $c bind oval <3> "button3annotation oval $c %x %y" $c bind rectangle <3> "button3annotation rectangle $c %x %y" $c bind text <3> "button3annotation text $c %x %y" $c bind selectmark "selectmarkEnter $c %x %y" $c bind selectmark "selectmarkLeave $c %x %y" bind $c <1> "button1 $c %x %y none" bind $c "button1 $c %x %y ctrl" bind $c "button1-motion $c %x %y" bind $c "button1-release $c %x %y" bind . deleteSelection bind .menubar {setOperMode edit} # Scrolling and panning support bind $c <2> "$c scan mark %x %y" bind $c "$c scan dragto %x %y 1" bind $c <4> "$c yview scroll -1 units" bind $c <5> "$c yview scroll 1 units" bind . ".c xview scroll 1 units" bind . ".c xview scroll -1 units" bind . ".c yview scroll 1 units" bind . ".c yview scroll -1 units" # Escape to Select mode bind . "set activetool select" $c bind node "button3node $c %x %y shift" $c bind node "button3node $c %x %y ctrl" $c bind marker <3> "button3annotation marker $c %x %y" bind .bottom.zoom <1> "zoom up" bind .bottom.zoom <3> "zoom down" bind .bottom.indicators <1> "popupExceptions" # # Popup-menu hierarchy # menu .button3menu -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.connect -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.assign -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.moveto -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.shell -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.services -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.ethereal -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.tcpdump -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.tshark -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.wireshark -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.tunnel -tearoff 0 menu .button3menu.color -tearoff 0 # # Restore window position # if { ( [info exists g_prefs(gui_save_pos)] && $g_prefs(gui_save_pos) ) || \ ( [info exists g_prefs(gui_save_size)] && $g_prefs(gui_save_size) ) } { set newgeo "" if { [info exists g_prefs(gui_save_size)] && $g_prefs(gui_save_size) && \ [info exists g_prefs(gui_window_size)] } { set newgeo "$g_prefs(gui_window_size)" } if { [info exists g_prefs(gui_save_pos)] && $g_prefs(gui_save_pos) && \ [info exists g_prefs(gui_window_pos] } { set newgeo "${newgeo}-$g_prefs(gui_window_pos)" } if { $newgeo != "" } { wm geometry . $newgeo } } # # Invisible pseudo links # set invisible -1 bind . { global invisible set invisible [expr $invisible * -1] redrawAll } # # Don't show hidden files by default under Linux # catch { tk_getOpenFile foo bar } set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar 0 set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn 1 # # Done with initialization, draw an empty canvas # switchCanvas first focus -force . # # Fire up the animation loop - used basically for selectbox # animate