""" tdma.py: EMANE TDMA model bindings for CORE """ import logging import os from core import constants from core.conf import Configuration from core.emane import emanemodel from core.enumerations import ConfigDataTypes from core.misc import utils class EmaneTdmaModel(emanemodel.EmaneModel): # model name name = "emane_tdma" # mac configuration mac_library = "tdmaeventschedulerradiomodel" mac_xml = "tdmaeventschedulerradiomodel.xml" # add custom schedule options and ignore it when writing emane xml schedule_name = "schedule" default_schedule = os.path.join(constants.CORE_DATA_DIR, "examples", "tdma", "schedule.xml") config_ignore = {schedule_name} @classmethod def load(cls, emane_prefix): cls.mac_defaults["pcrcurveuri"] = os.path.join( emane_prefix, "share/emane/xml/models/mac/tdmaeventscheduler/tdmabasemodelpcr.xml" ) super(EmaneTdmaModel, cls).load(emane_prefix) cls.mac_config.insert( 0, Configuration( _id=cls.schedule_name, _type=ConfigDataTypes.STRING, default=cls.default_schedule, label="TDMA schedule file (core)" ) ) def post_startup(self): """ Logic to execute after the emane manager is finished with startup. :return: nothing """ # get configured schedule config = self.session.emane.get_configs(node_id=self.object_id, config_type=self.name) if not config: return schedule = config[self.schedule_name] # get the set event device event_device = self.session.emane.event_device # initiate tdma schedule logging.info("setting up tdma schedule: schedule(%s) device(%s)", schedule, event_device) utils.check_cmd(["emaneevent-tdmaschedule", "-i", event_device, schedule])