#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c)2010-2012 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # author: Jeff Ahrenholz # """ howmanynodes.py - This is a CORE script that creates network namespace nodes having one virtual Ethernet interface connected to a bridge. It continues to add nodes until an exception occurs. The number of nodes per bridge can be specified. """ import datetime import optparse import shutil import sys import time from core import constants from core.misc import ipaddress from core.netns import nodes from core.session import Session GBD = 1024.0 * 1024.0 def linuxversion(): """ Return a string having the Linux kernel version. """ f = open("/proc/version", "r") v = f.readline().split() version_str = " ".join(v[:3]) f.close() return version_str MEMKEYS = ("total", "free", "buff", "cached", "stotal", "sfree") def memfree(): """ Returns kilobytes memory [total, free, buff, cached, stotal, sfree]. useful stats are: free memory = free + buff + cached swap used = stotal - sfree """ f = open("/proc/meminfo", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() kbs = {} for k in MEMKEYS: kbs[k] = 0 for l in lines: if l[:9] == "MemTotal:": kbs["total"] = int(l.split()[1]) elif l[:8] == "MemFree:": kbs["free"] = int(l.split()[1]) elif l[:8] == "Buffers:": kbs["buff"] = int(l.split()[1]) elif l[:8] == "Cached:": kbs["cache"] = int(l.split()[1]) elif l[:10] == "SwapTotal:": kbs["stotal"] = int(l.split()[1]) elif l[:9] == "SwapFree:": kbs["sfree"] = int(l.split()[1]) break return kbs # node list (count from 1) nodelist = [None] switchlist = [] def main(): usagestr = "usage: %prog [-h] [options] [args]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usagestr) parser.set_defaults(waittime=0.2, numnodes=0, bridges=0, retries=0, logfile=None, services=None) parser.add_option("-w", "--waittime", dest="waittime", type=float, help="number of seconds to wait between node creation" \ " (default = %s)" % parser.defaults["waittime"]) parser.add_option("-n", "--numnodes", dest="numnodes", type=int, help="number of nodes (default = unlimited)") parser.add_option("-b", "--bridges", dest="bridges", type=int, help="number of nodes per bridge; 0 = one bridge " \ "(def. = %s)" % parser.defaults["bridges"]) parser.add_option("-r", "--retry", dest="retries", type=int, help="number of retries on error (default = %s)" % \ parser.defaults["retries"]) parser.add_option("-l", "--log", dest="logfile", type=str, help="log memory usage to this file (default = %s)" % \ parser.defaults["logfile"]) parser.add_option("-s", "--services", dest="services", type=str, help="pipe-delimited list of services added to each " "node (default = %s)\n(Example: zebra|OSPFv2|OSPFv3|" "IPForward)" % parser.defaults["services"]) def usage(msg=None, err=0): sys.stdout.write("\n") if msg: sys.stdout.write(msg + "\n\n") parser.print_help() sys.exit(err) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() for a in args: sys.stderr.write("ignoring command line argument: %s\n" % a) start = datetime.datetime.now() prefix = ipaddress.Ipv4Prefix("") print "Testing how many network namespace nodes this machine can create." print " - %s" % linuxversion() mem = memfree() print " - %.02f GB total memory (%.02f GB swap)" % \ (mem["total"] / GBD, mem["stotal"] / GBD) print " - using IPv4 network prefix %s" % prefix print " - using wait time of %s" % options.waittime print " - using %d nodes per bridge" % options.bridges print " - will retry %d times on failure" % options.retries print " - adding these services to each node: %s" % options.services print " " lfp = None if options.logfile is not None: # initialize a csv log file header lfp = open(options.logfile, "a") lfp.write("# log from howmanynodes.py %s\n" % time.ctime()) lfp.write("# options = %s\n#\n" % options) lfp.write("# numnodes,%s\n" % ",".join(MEMKEYS)) lfp.flush() session = Session(1, persistent=True) switch = session.add_object(cls=nodes.SwitchNode) switchlist.append(switch) print "Added bridge %s (%d)." % (switch.brname, len(switchlist)) i = 0 retry_count = options.retries while True: i += 1 # optionally add a bridge (options.bridges nodes per bridge) try: if options.bridges > 0 and switch.numnetif() >= options.bridges: switch = session.add_object(cls=nodes.SwitchNode) switchlist.append(switch) print "\nAdded bridge %s (%d) for node %d." % \ (switch.brname, len(switchlist), i) except Exception, e: print "At %d bridges (%d nodes) caught exception:\n%s\n" % \ (len(switchlist), i - 1, e) break # create a node try: n = session.add_object(cls=nodes.LxcNode, name="n%d" % i) n.newnetif(switch, ["%s/%s" % (prefix.addr(i), prefix.prefixlen)]) n.cmd([constants.SYSCTL_BIN, "net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=0"]) if options.services is not None: session.services.addservicestonode(n, "", options.services) n.boot() nodelist.append(n) if i % 25 == 0: print "\n%s nodes created " % i, mem = memfree() free = mem["free"] + mem["buff"] + mem["cached"] swap = mem["stotal"] - mem["sfree"] print "(%.02f/%.02f GB free/swap)" % (free / GBD, swap / GBD), if lfp: lfp.write("%d," % i) lfp.write("%s\n" % ",".join(str(mem[x]) for x in MEMKEYS)) lfp.flush() else: sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(options.waittime) except Exception, e: print "At %d nodes caught exception:\n" % i, e if retry_count > 0: print "\nWill retry creating node %d." % i shutil.rmtree(n.nodedir, ignore_errors=True) retry_count -= 1 i -= 1 time.sleep(options.waittime) continue else: print "Stopping at %d nodes!" % i break if i == options.numnodes: print "Stopping at %d nodes due to numnodes option." % i break # node creation was successful at this point retry_count = options.retries if lfp: lfp.flush() lfp.close() print "elapsed time: %s" % (datetime.datetime.now() - start) print "Use the core-cleanup script to remove nodes and bridges." if __name__ == "__main__": main()