# # Copyright 2012 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # author: Jeff Ahrenholz <jeffrey.m.ahrenholz@boeing.com> # # This is a separate "addons" file because it is closely tied to Python # service definition for the IPsec service. # # # Helper dialog for configuring the IPsec service # proc popupServiceConfig_IPsec { parent w node service btn } { global plugin_img_add plugin_img_del plugin_img_edit set f $w.note.ipsec ttk::frame $f set h "This IPsec service helper will assist with building an ipsec.sh file" set h "$h (located on the Files tab).\nThe IPsec service builds ESP" set h "$h tunnels between the specified peers using the racoon IKEv2" set h "$h\nkeying daemon. You need to provide keys and the addresses of" set h "$h peers, along with the\nsubnets to tunnel." ttk::label $f.help -text $h pack $f.help -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 $w.note add $f -text "IPsec" -underline 0 global g_ipsec_key_dir g_ipsec_key_name set g_ipsec_key_dir "/etc/core/keys" set g_ipsec_key_name "ipsec1" ttk::labelframe $f.keys -text "Keys" ttk::frame $f.keys.dir ttk::label $f.keys.dir.lab -text "Key directory:" ttk::entry $f.keys.dir.ent -width 40 -textvariable g_ipsec_key_dir ttk::button $f.keys.dir.btn -width 5 -text "..." -command { set f .popupServicesCustomize.note.ipsec set d [$f.keys.dir.ent get] set d [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $d -title "Key directory"] if { $d != "" } { $f.keys.dir.ent delete 0 end $f.keys.dir.ent insert 0 $d } } pack $f.keys.dir.lab $f.keys.dir.ent $f.keys.dir.btn \ -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $f.keys.dir -side top -anchor w ttk::frame $f.keys.name ttk::label $f.keys.name.lab -text "Key base name:" ttk::entry $f.keys.name.ent -width 10 -textvariable g_ipsec_key_name pack $f.keys.name.lab $f.keys.name.ent -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $f.keys.name -side top -anchor w set h "The (name).pem x509 certificate and (name).key RSA private key need" set h "$h to exist in the\nspecified directory. These can be generated" set h "$h using the openssl tool. Also, a ca-cert.pem\nfile should exist" set h "$h in the key directory for the CA that issued the certs." ttk::label $f.keys.help -text $h pack $f.keys.help -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $f.keys -side top -pady 4 -pady 4 -expand true -fill x ttk::labelframe $f.t -text "IPsec Tunnel Endpoints" set h "(1) Define tunnel endpoints (select peer node using the button" set h "$h, then select address from the list)" ttk::label $f.t.lab1 -text $h pack $f.t.lab1 -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 ttk::frame $f.t.ep ttk::label $f.t.ep.lab1 -text "Local:" ttk::combobox $f.t.ep.combo1 -width 12 pack $f.t.ep.lab1 $f.t.ep.combo1 -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 populateComboWithIPs $f.t.ep.combo1 $node global g_twoNodeSelect g_twoNodeSelectCallback set g_twoNodeSelect "" set g_twoNodeSelectCallback selectTwoNodeIPsecCallback set h "Choose a node by clicking it on the canvas" set h "$h or\nby selecting it from the list below." ttk::label $f.t.ep.lab2 -text "Peer node:" ttk::checkbutton $f.t.ep.node -text " (none) " -variable g_twoNodeSelect \ -onvalue "$f.t.ep.node" -style Toolbutton \ -command "popupSelectNodes {$h} {} selectNodesIPsecCallback" ttk::label $f.t.ep.lab3 -text "Peer:" ttk::combobox $f.t.ep.combo2 -width 12 ttk::button $f.t.ep.add -text "Add Endpoint" -image $plugin_img_add \ -compound left -command "ipsecTreeHelper $f ep" pack $f.t.ep.lab2 $f.t.ep.node $f.t.ep.lab3 $f.t.ep.combo2 \ $f.t.ep.add -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $f.t.ep -side top -anchor w set h "(2) Select endpoints below and add the subnets to be encrypted" ttk::label $f.t.lab2 -text $h pack $f.t.lab2 -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 ttk::frame $f.t.sub ttk::label $f.t.sub.lab1 -text "Local subnet:" ttk::combobox $f.t.sub.combo1 -width 12 ttk::label $f.t.sub.lab2 -text "Remote subnet:" ttk::combobox $f.t.sub.combo2 -width 12 ttk::button $f.t.sub.add -text "Add Subnet" -image $plugin_img_add \ -compound left -command "ipsecTreeHelper $f sub" pack $f.t.sub.lab1 $f.t.sub.combo1 $f.t.sub.lab2 $f.t.sub.combo2 \ $f.t.sub.add -side left -padx 5 -pady 4 pack $f.t.sub -side top -anchor w global node_list set net_list [ipv4SubnetList $node_list] $f.t.sub.combo1 configure -values $net_list $f.t.sub.combo2 configure -values $net_list ttk::treeview $f.t.tree -height 5 -selectmode browse -show tree pack $f.t.tree -side top -padx 4 -pady 4 -fill both pack $f.t -side top -expand true -fill both ttk::frame $f.bottom ttk::button $f.bottom.del -image $plugin_img_del \ -command "ipsecTreeHelper $f del" ttk::button $f.bottom.gen -text "Generate ipsec.sh" \ -image $plugin_img_edit -compound left -command "generateIPsecScript $w" pack $f.bottom.del $f.bottom.gen -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $f.bottom -side top } # # Callback invoked when receiving configuration values # from a Configuration Message; this service helper depends on the ipsec.sh # file, not the other configuration values. # #proc popupServiceConfig_IPsec_vals { node values services w } { #} # # Callback invoked when receiving service file data from a File Message proc popupServiceConfig_IPsec_file { node name data w } { if { $name == "ipsec.sh" } { readIPsecScript $w } } # helper to insert all of a node's IP addresses into a combo proc populateComboWithIPs { combo node } { set ip_list [ipv4List $node 0] $combo configure -values $ip_list $combo delete 0 end $combo insert 0 [lindex $ip_list 0] } # called from editor.tcl:button1 when user clicks on a node # search for IP address and populate proc selectTwoNodeIPsecCallback {} { set w .popupServicesCustomize set f $w.note.ipsec if { ![winfo exists $w] } { return }; # user has closed window catch {destroy .nodeselect} set node [string trim [$f.t.ep.node cget -text]] if { [set node] == "(none)" } { set node "" } # populate peer interface combo with list of IPs populateComboWithIPs $f.t.ep.combo2 $node } # called from popupSelectNodes dialog when a node selection has been made proc selectNodesIPsecCallback { nodes } { global g_twoNodeSelect set w .popupServicesCustomize set f $w.note.ipsec set g_twoNodeSelect "" set node [lindex $nodes 0] if { $node == "" } { $f.t.ep.node configure -text "(none)" return } $f.t.ep.node configure -text " $node " # populate peer interface combo with list of IPs populateComboWithIPs $f.t.ep.combo2 $node } # helper to manipulate tree; cmd is "del", "ep" or "sub" proc ipsecTreeHelper { f cmd } { if { $cmd == "del" } { set sel [$f.t.tree selection] $f.t.tree delete $sel return } # add endpoint (ep) or subnet (sub) set l [string trim [$f.t.$cmd.combo1 get]] set p [string trim [$f.t.$cmd.combo2 get]] if { $l == "" || $p == "" } { if { $cmd == "ep" } { set h "tunnel interface addresses" } else { set h "subnet addresses" } tk_messageBox -type ok -icon warning -message \ "You need to select local and peer $h." return } if { $cmd == "ep" } { set item [$f.t.tree insert {} end -text "$l <--> $p" -open true] $f.t.tree selection set $item } elseif { $cmd == "sub" } { set parent [$f.t.tree selection] if { $parent == "" } { tk_messageBox -type ok -icon warning -message \ "You need to first select endpoints, then configure their subnets." return } if { [$f.t.tree parent $parent] != {} } { set parent [$f.t.tree parent $parent] } $f.t.tree insert $parent end -text "$l <===> $p" } } # update an ipsec.sh file that was generated by the IPsec service proc generateIPsecScript { w } { #puts "generateIPsecScript $w..." set cfg [$w.note.files.txt get 0.0 end-1c] set newcfg "" # # Gather data for a new config # set f $w.note.ipsec set keydir [$f.keys.dir.ent get] set keyname [$f.keys.name.ent get] set tunnelhosts "" set subnet_list "" set ti 0 set th_items [$f.t.tree children {}] foreach th $th_items { set ep [$f.t.tree item $th -text] set i [string first " " $ep] # replace " <--> " with "AND" set ep [string replace $ep $i $i+5 "AND"] # build a list e.g.: # tunnelhosts="" lappend tunnelhosts $ep set subnets "" foreach subnet_item [$f.t.tree children $th] { set sn [$f.t.tree item $subnet_item -text] set i [string first " " $sn] # replace " <===> " with "AND" set sn [string replace $sn $i $i+6 "AND"] lappend subnets $sn } incr ti set subnetstxt [join $subnets " "] # build a list e.g.: # T2="" set subnets "T$ti=\"$subnetstxt\"" lappend subnet_list $subnets } # # Perform replacements in existing ipsec.sh file. # set have_subnets 0 foreach line [split $cfg "\n"] { if { [string range $line 0 6] == "keydir=" } { set line "keydir=$keydir" } elseif { [string range $line 0 8] == "certname=" } { set line "certname=$keyname" } elseif { [string range $line 0 11] == "tunnelhosts=" } { set tunnelhosts [join $tunnelhosts " "] set line "tunnelhosts=\"$tunnelhosts\"" } elseif { [string range $line 0 0] == "T" && \ [string is digit [string range $line 1 1]] } { if { $have_subnets } { continue ;# skip this line } else { set line [join $subnet_list "\n"] set have_subnets 1 } } lappend newcfg $line } $w.note.files.txt delete 0.0 end $w.note.files.txt insert 0.0 [join $newcfg "\n"] $w.note select $w.note.files $w.btn.apply configure -state normal } proc readIPsecScript { w } { set cfg [$w.note.files.txt get 0.0 end-1c] set f $w.note.ipsec $f.keys.dir.ent delete 0 end $f.keys.name.ent delete 0 end $f.t.tree delete [$f.t.tree children {}] set ti 1 foreach line [split $cfg "\n"] { if { [string range $line 0 6] == "keydir=" } { $f.keys.dir.ent insert 0 [string range $line 7 end] } elseif { [string range $line 0 8] == "certname=" } { $f.keys.name.ent insert 0 [string range $line 9 end] } elseif { [string range $line 0 11] == "tunnelhosts=" } { set tunnelhosts [string range $line 13 end-1] set ti 0 foreach ep [split $tunnelhosts " "] { incr ti set i [string first "AND" $ep] set ep [string replace $ep $i $i+2 " <--> "] $f.t.tree insert {} end -id "T$ti" -text "$ep" -open true } } elseif { [string range $line 0 0] == "T" && \ [string is digit [string range $line 1 1]] } { set i [string first "=" $line] set ti [string range $line 0 $i-1] set subnets [split [string range $line $i+2 end-1] " "] foreach sn $subnets { set i [string first "AND" $sn] set sn [string replace $sn $i $i+2 " <===> "] if { [catch {$f.t.tree insert $ti end -text "$sn"} e] } { puts "IPsec service ignoring line '$ti='" } } } } }