# # Copyright 2005-2013 the Boeing Company. # See the LICENSE file included in this distribution. # # # Copyright 2005-2008 University of Zagreb, Croatia. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # This work was supported in part by the Croatian Ministry of Science # and Technology through the research contract #IP-2003-143. # #****h* imunes/cfgparse.tcl # NAME # cfgparse.tcl -- file used for parsing the configuration # FUNCTION # This module is used for parsing the configuration, i.e. reading the # configuration from a file or a string and writing the configuration # to a file or a string. This module also contains a function for returning # a new ID for nodes, links and canvases. #**** #****f* nodecfg.tcl/dumpputs # NAME # dumpputs -- puts a string to a file or a string configuration # SYNOPSIS # dumpputs $method $destination $string # FUNCTION # Puts a sting to the file or appends the string configuration (used for # undo functions), the choice depends on the value of method parameter. # INPUTS # * method -- method used. Possiable values are file (if saving the string # to the file) and string (if appending the string configuration) # * dest -- destination used. File_id for files, and string name for string # configuration # * string -- the string that is inserted to a file or appended to the string # configuartion #**** proc dumpputs {method dest string} { switch -exact -- $method { file { puts $dest $string } string { global $dest append $dest "$string " } } } #****f* nodecfg.tcl/dumpCfg # NAME # dumpCfg -- puts the current configuraton to a file or a string # SYNOPSIS # dumpCfg $method $destination # FUNCTION # Writes the working (current) configuration to a file or a string. # INPUTS # * method -- used method. Possiable values are file (saving current congif # to the file) and string (saving current config in a string) # * dest -- destination used. File_id for files, and string name for string # configurations #**** proc dumpCfg {method dest} { global node_list plot_list link_list canvas_list annotation_list global g_comments if { [info exists g_comments] && $g_comments != "" } { dumpputs $method $dest "comments \{" foreach line [split $g_comments "\n"] { dumpputs $method $dest "$line" } dumpputs $method $dest "\}" dumpputs $method $dest "" } foreach node $node_list { global $node upvar 0 $node lnode dumpputs $method $dest "node $node \{" foreach element $lnode { if { "[lindex $element 0]" == "network-config" } { dumpputs $method $dest " network-config \{" foreach line [lindex $element 1] { dumpputs $method $dest " $line" } dumpputs $method $dest " \}" } elseif { "[lindex $element 0]" == "custom-config" } { dumpputs $method $dest " custom-config \{" foreach line [lindex $element 1] { if { $line != {} } { if { [catch {set str [lindex $line 0]} err] } { puts "error loading config: $err" puts "problem section: [lindex $element 0]" puts "problem line: $line" set str "" } if { $str == "config" } { dumpputs $method $dest " config \{" foreach element [lindex $line 1] { dumpputs $method $dest " $element" } dumpputs $method $dest " \}" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " $line" } } } dumpputs $method $dest " \}" } elseif { "[lindex $element 0]" == "ipsec-config" } { dumpputs $method $dest " ipsec-config \{" foreach line [lindex $element 1] { if { $line != {} } { dumpputs $method $dest " $line" } } dumpputs $method $dest " \}" } elseif { "[lindex $element 0]" == "custom-pre-config-commands" } { #Boeing custom pre config commands dumpputs $method $dest " custom-pre-config-commands \{" foreach line [lindex $element 1] { dumpputs $method $dest " $line" } dumpputs $method $dest " \}" } elseif { "[lindex $element 0]" == "custom-post-config-commands" } { #Boeing custom post config commands dumpputs $method $dest " custom-post-config-commands \{" foreach line [lindex $element 1] { dumpputs $method $dest " $line" } dumpputs $method $dest " \}" } elseif { "[lindex $element 0]" == "ine-config" } { # Boeing: INE config support dumpputs $method $dest " ine-config \{" foreach line [lindex $element 1] { dumpputs $method $dest " $line" } dumpputs $method $dest " \}" # end Boeing } else { dumpputs $method $dest " $element" } } dumpputs $method $dest "\}" dumpputs $method $dest "" } foreach obj "link annotation canvas plot" { upvar 0 ${obj}_list obj_list foreach elem $obj_list { global $elem upvar 0 $elem lelem dumpputs $method $dest "$obj $elem \{" foreach element $lelem { dumpputs $method $dest " $element" } dumpputs $method $dest "\}" dumpputs $method $dest "" } } global g_traffic_flows if { [info exists g_traffic_flows] && [llength $g_traffic_flows] > 0 } { dumpputs $method $dest "traffic \{" foreach flow $g_traffic_flows { dumpputs $method $dest " $flow" } dumpputs $method $dest "\}" dumpputs $method $dest "" } global g_hook_scripts if { [info exists g_hook_scripts] && [llength $g_hook_scripts] > 0 } { foreach hook $g_hook_scripts { set name [lindex $hook 0] set state [lindex $hook 1] set script [lindex $hook 2] dumpputs $method $dest "hook $state:$name \{" # remove the final newline here because dumpputs adds a # newline automatically if {[string index $script end] == "\n"} { set script [string replace $script end end] } dumpputs $method $dest $script dumpputs $method $dest "\}" dumpputs $method $dest "" } } dumpGlobalOptions $method $dest # session options dumpputs $method $dest "option session \{" foreach kv [getSessionOptionsList] { dumpputs $method $dest " $kv" } dumpputs $method $dest "\}" dumpputs $method $dest "" } proc dumpGlobalOptions { method dest } { global showIfNames showNodeLabels showLinkLabels global showIfIPaddrs showIfIPv6addrs global showBkgImage showGrid showAnnotations global showAPI global g_view_locked global g_traffic_start_opt global mac_addr_start dumpputs $method $dest "option global \{" if {$showIfNames == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " interface_names no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " interface_names yes" } if {$showIfIPaddrs == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " ip_addresses no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " ip_addresses yes" } if {$showIfIPv6addrs == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " ipv6_addresses no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " ipv6_addresses yes" } if {$showNodeLabels == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " node_labels no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " node_labels yes" } if {$showLinkLabels == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " link_labels no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " link_labels yes" } if {$showAPI == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " show_api no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " show_api yes" } if {$showBkgImage == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " background_images no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " background_images yes" } if {$showAnnotations == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " annotations no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " annotations yes" } if {$showGrid == 0} { dumpputs $method $dest " grid no" } else { dumpputs $method $dest " grid yes" } if {$g_view_locked == 1} { dumpputs $method $dest " locked yes" } if { [info exists g_traffic_start_opt] } { dumpputs $method $dest " traffic_start $g_traffic_start_opt" } if { [info exists mac_addr_start] && $mac_addr_start > 0 } { dumpputs $method $dest " mac_address_start $mac_addr_start" } dumpputs $method $dest "\}" dumpputs $method $dest "" } # get the global options into a list of key=value pairs proc getGlobalOptionList {} { global tmp set tmp "" dumpGlobalOptions string tmp ;# put "options global {items}" into tmp set items [lindex $tmp 2] return [listToKeyValues $items] } proc setGlobalOption { field value } { global showIfNames showNodeLabels showLinkLabels global showIfIPaddrs showIfIPv6addrs global showBkgImage showGrid showAnnotations global showAPI global mac_addr_start global g_traffic_start_opt global g_view_locked switch -exact -- $field { interface_names { if { $value == "no" } { set showIfNames 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showIfNames 1 } } ip_addresses { if { $value == "no" } { set showIfIPaddrs 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showIfIPaddrs 1 } } ipv6_addresses { if { $value == "no" } { set showIfIPv6addrs 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showIfIPv6addrs 1 } } node_labels { if { $value == "no" } { set showNodeLabels 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showNodeLabels 1 } } link_labels { if { $value == "no" } { set showLinkLabels 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showLinkLabels 1 } } show_api { if { $value == "no" } { set showAPI 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showAPI 1 } } background_images { if { $value == "no" } { set showBkgImage 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showBkgImage 1 } } annotations { if { $value == "no" } { set showAnnotations 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showAnnotations 1 } } grid { if { $value == "no" } { set showGrid 0 } elseif { $value == "yes" } { set showGrid 1 } } locked { if { $value == "yes" } { set g_view_locked 1 } else { set g_view_locked 0 } } mac_address_start { set mac_addr_start $value } traffic_start { set g_traffic_start_opt $value } } } # reset global vars when opening a new file proc cleanupGUIState {} { global node_list link_list plot_list canvas_list annotation_list global mac_addr_start g_comments global g_traffic_flows g_traffic_start_opt g_hook_scripts global g_view_locked set node_list {} set link_list {} set annotation_list {} set plot_list {} set canvas_list {} set g_traffic_flows "" set g_traffic_start_opt 0 set g_hook_scripts "" set g_comments "" set g_view_locked 0 resetSessionOptions } #****f* nodecfg.tcl/loadCfg # NAME # loadCfg -- loads the current configuration. # SYNOPSIS # loadCfg $cfg # FUNCTION # Loads the configuration written in the cfg string to a current # configuration. # INPUTS # * cfg -- string containing the new working configuration. #**** proc loadCfg { cfg } { global node_list plot_list link_list canvas_list annotation_list global g_traffic_flows g_traffic_start_opt g_hook_scripts global g_view_locked global g_comments # maximum coordinates set maxX 0 set maxY 0 set do_upgrade [upgradeOldConfig cfg] if { $do_upgrade == "no"} { return } # Cleanup first cleanupGUIState set class "" set object "" foreach entry $cfg { if {"$class" == ""} { set class $entry continue } elseif {"$object" == ""} { set object $entry if {"$class" == "node"} { lappend node_list $object } elseif {"$class" == "link"} { lappend link_list $object } elseif {"$class" == "canvas"} { lappend canvas_list $object } elseif {"$class" == "plot"} { lappend plot_list $object } elseif {"$class" == "option"} { # do nothing } elseif {"$class" == "traffic"} { ;# save traffic flows set g_traffic_flows [split [string trim $object] "\n"] set class ""; set object ""; continue } elseif {"$class" == "script"} { # global_script (old config) becomes a runtime hook set name "runtime_hook.sh" set script [string trim $object] lappend g_hook_scripts [list $name 4 $script] ;# 4=RUNTIME_STATE set class ""; set object ""; continue } elseif {"$class" == "hook"} { continue } elseif {"$class" == "comments"} { set g_comments [string trim $object] set class ""; set object ""; continue } elseif {"$class" == "annotation"} { lappend annotation_list $object } else { puts "configuration parsing error: unknown object class $class" #exit 1 } # create an empty global variable named object for most objects global $object set $object {} continue } else { set line [concat $entry] # uses 'key=value' instead of 'key value' if { $object == "session" } { # 'key=value', values with space needs quoting 'key={space val}' setSessionOptions "" [split $line "\n"] set class "" set object "" continue } # extracts "field { value }" elements from line if { [catch { set tmp [llength $line] } e] } { puts "*** Error with line ('$e'):\n$line" puts "*** Line will be skipped. This is a Tcl limitation, " puts "*** consider using XML or fixing with whitespace." continue } while {[llength $line] >= 2} { set field [lindex $line 0] if {"$field" == ""} { set line [lreplace $line 0 0] continue } # consume first two list elements from line set value [lindex $line 1] set line [lreplace $line 0 1] if {"$class" == "node"} { switch -exact -- $field { type { lappend $object "type $value" } mirror { lappend $object "mirror $value" } model { lappend $object "model $value" } cpu { lappend $object "cpu {$value}" } interface-peer { lappend $object "interface-peer {$value}" } network-config { set cfg "" foreach zline [split $value { }] { if { [string index "$zline" 0] == " " } { set zline [string replace "$zline" 0 0] } lappend cfg $zline } set cfg [lrange $cfg 1 [expr {[llength $cfg] - 2}]] lappend $object "network-config {$cfg}" } custom-enabled { lappend $object "custom-enabled $value" } custom-command { lappend $object "custom-command {$value}" } custom-config { set cfg "" set have_config 0 set ccfg {} foreach zline [split $value "\n"] { if { [string index "$zline" 0] == \ " " } { # remove leading tab character set zline [string replace "$zline" 0 0] } # flag for config lines if { $zline == "config \{" } { set have_config 1 # collect custom config lines into list } elseif { $have_config == 1 } { lappend ccfg $zline # add non-config lines } else { lappend cfg $zline } } # chop off last brace in config { } block and add it if { $have_config } { set ccfg [lrange $ccfg 0 \ [expr {[llength $ccfg] - 3}]] lappend cfg [list config $ccfg] } #set cfg [lrange $cfg 1 [expr {[llength $cfg] - 2}]] lappend $object "custom-config {$cfg}" } ipsec-enabled { lappend $object "ipsec-enabled $value" } ipsec-config { set cfg "" foreach zline [split $value { }] { if { [string index "$zline" 0] == " " } { set zline [string replace "$zline" 0 0] } lappend cfg $zline } set cfg [lrange $cfg 1 [expr {[llength $cfg] - 2}]] lappend $object "ipsec-config {$cfg}" } iconcoords { checkMaxCoords $value maxX maxY lappend $object "iconcoords {$value}" } labelcoords { checkMaxCoords $value maxX maxY lappend $object "labelcoords {$value}" } canvas { lappend $object "canvas $value" } hidden { lappend $object "hidden $value" } /* { set comment "$field $value" foreach c $line { lappend comment $c # consume one element from line set line [lreplace $line 0 0] if { $c == "*/" } { break } } lappend $object "$comment" } custom-pre-config-commands { # Boeing - custom pre config commands set cfg "" foreach zline [split $value { }] { if { [string index "$zline" 0] == " " } { set zline [string replace "$zline" 0 0] } lappend cfg $zline } set cfg [lrange $cfg 1 [expr [llength $cfg] - 2]] lappend $object "custom-pre-config-commands {$cfg}" } custom-post-config-commands { # Boeing - custom post config commands set cfg "" foreach zline [split $value { }] { if { [string index "$zline" 0] == " " } { set zline [string replace "$zline" 0 0] } lappend cfg $zline } set cfg [lrange $cfg 1 [expr [llength $cfg] - 2]] lappend $object "custom-post-config-commands {$cfg}" } custom-image { # Boeing - custom-image lappend $object "custom-image $value" } ine-config { # Boeing - INE set cfg "" foreach zline [split $value { }] { if { [string index "$zline" 0] == " " } { set zline [string replace "$zline" 0 0] } lappend cfg $zline } set cfg [lrange $cfg 1 [expr [llength $cfg] - 2]] lappend $object "ine-config {$cfg}" } tunnel-peer { # Boeing - Span tunnels lappend $object "tunnel-peer {$value}" } range { # Boeing - WLAN range lappend $object "range $value" } bandwidth { # Boeing - WLAN bandwidth lappend $object "bandwidth $value" } cli-enabled { puts "Warning: cli-enabled setting is deprecated" } delay { # Boeing - WLAN delay lappend $object "delay $value" } ber { # Boeing - WLAN BER lappend $object "ber $value" } location { # Boeing - node location lappend $object "location $value" } os { # Boeing - node OS # just ignore it, set at runtime } services { lappend $object "services {$value}" } default { # Boeing - added warning puts -nonewline "config file warning: unknown confi" puts "guration item '$field' ignored for $object" } } } elseif {"$class" == "plot"} { switch -exact -- $field { name { lappend $object "name $value" } height { lappend $object "height $value" } width { lappend $object "width $value" } x { lappend $object "x $value" } y { lappend $object "y $value" } color { lappend $object "color $value" } } } elseif {"$class" == "link"} { switch -exact -- $field { nodes { lappend $object "nodes {$value}" } mirror { lappend $object "mirror $value" } bandwidth - delay - ber - duplicate - jitter { if { [llength $value] > 1 } { ;# down/up-stream lappend $object "$field {$value}" } else { lappend $object "$field $value" } } color { lappend $object "color $value" } width { lappend $object "width $value" } default { # this enables opaque data to be stored along with # each link (any key is stored) lappend $object "$field $value" # Boeing - added warning #puts -nonewline "config file warning: unknown conf" #puts "iguration item '$field' ignored for $object" } } } elseif {"$class" == "canvas"} { switch -exact -- $field { name { lappend $object "name {$value}" } size { lappend $object "size {$value}" } bkgImage { lappend $object "wallpaper {$value}" } wallpaper { lappend $object "wallpaper {$value}" } wallpaper-style { lappend $object "wallpaper-style {$value}" } scale { lappend $object "scale {$value}" } refpt { lappend $object "refpt {$value}" } } } elseif {"$class" == "option"} { setGlobalOption $field $value } elseif {"$class" == "annotation"} { switch -exact -- $field { type { lappend $object "type $value" } iconcoords { lappend $object "iconcoords {$value}" } color { lappend $object "color $value" } border { lappend $object "border $value" } label { lappend $object "label {$value}" } labelcolor { lappend $object "labelcolor $value" } size { lappend $object "size $value" } canvas { lappend $object "canvas $value" } font { lappend $object "font {$value}" } fontfamily { lappend $object "fontfamily {$value}" } fontsize { lappend $object "fontsize {$value}" } effects { lappend $object "effects {$value}" } width { lappend $object "width $value" } rad { lappend $object "rad $value" } } ;# end switch } elseif {"$class" == "hook"} { set state_name [split $object :] if { [llength $state_name] != 2 } { puts "invalid hook in config file" continue } set state [lindex $state_name 0] set name [lindex $state_name 1] set lines [split $entry "\n"] set lines [lreplace $lines 0 0] ;# chop extra newline set lines [join $lines "\n"] set hook [list $name $state $lines] lappend g_hook_scripts $hook set line "" ;# exit this while loop } ;#endif class } } set class "" set object "" } # # Hack for comaptibility with old format files (no canvases) # if { $canvas_list == "" } { set curcanvas [newCanvas ""] foreach node $node_list { setNodeCanvas $node $curcanvas } } # auto resize canvas set curcanvas [lindex $canvas_list 0] set newX 0 set newY 0 if { $maxX > [lindex [getCanvasSize $curcanvas] 0] } { set newX [expr {$maxX + 50}] } if { $maxY > [lindex [getCanvasSize $curcanvas] 1] } { set newY [expr {$maxY + 50}] } if { $newX > 0 || $newY > 0 } { if { $newX == 0 } { set newX [lindex [getCanvasSize $curcanvas] 0] } if { $newY == 0 } { set newY [lindex [getCanvasSize $curcanvas] 1] } setCanvasSize $curcanvas $newX $newY } # extra upgrade steps if { $do_upgrade == "yes" } { upgradeNetworkConfigToServices } upgradeConfigRemoveNode0 upgradeConfigServices upgradeWlanConfigs } #****f* nodecfg.tcl/newObjectId # NAME # newObjectId -- new object Id # SYNOPSIS # set obj_id [newObjectId $type] # FUNCTION # Returns the Id for a new object of the defined type. Supported types # are node, link and canvas. The Id is in the form $mark$number. $mark is the # first letter of the given type and $number is the first available number to # that can be used for id. # INPUTS # * type -- the type of the new object. Can be node, link or canvas. # RESULT # * obj_id -- object Id in the form $mark$number. $mark is the # first letter of the given type and $number is the first available number to # that can be used for id. #**** proc newObjectId { type } { global node_list link_list annotation_list canvas_list set mark [string range [set type] 0 0] set id 1 ;# start numbering at 1, not 0 while {[lsearch [set [set type]_list] "$mark$id"] != -1} { incr id } return $mark$id } # Boeing: pick a new link id for temporary newlinks proc newlinkId { } { global link_list set id [newObjectId link] set mark "l" set id 0 # alllinks contains a list of all existing and new links set alllinks $link_list foreach newlink [.c find withtag "newlink"] { set newlinkname [lindex [.c gettags $newlink] 1] lappend alllinks $newlinkname } while {[lsearch $alllinks "$mark$id"] != -1 } { incr id } return $mark$id } # Boeing: helper fn to determine canvas size during load proc checkMaxCoords { str maxXp maxYp } { upvar 1 $maxXp maxX upvar 1 $maxYp maxY set x [lindex $str 0] set y [lindex $str 1] if { $x > $maxX } { set maxX $x } if { $y > $maxY } { set maxY $y } if { [llength $str] == 4 } { set x [lindex $str 2] set y [lindex $str 3] if { $x > $maxX } { set maxX $x } if { $y > $maxY } { set maxY $y } } } # Boeing: pick a router for OSPF proc newRouterId { type node } { set mark [string range [set type] 0 0] for { set id 0 } { $node != "$mark$id" } { incr id } { } return "0.0.0.${id}" } # end Boeing # Boeing: load servers.conf file into exec_servers array proc loadServersConf { } { global CONFDIR exec_servers DEFAULT_API_PORT set confname "$CONFDIR/servers.conf" if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" r] } ] } { puts "Creating a default $confname" if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" w+] } ] } { puts "***Warning: could not create a default $confname file." return } puts $f "core1 $DEFAULT_API_PORT" puts $f "core2 $DEFAULT_API_PORT" close $f if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" r] } ] } { return } } array unset exec_servers while { [ gets $f line ] >= 0 } { if { [string range $line 0 0] == "#" } { continue } ;# skip comments set l [split $line] ;# parse fields separated by whitespace set name [lindex $l 0] set ip [lindex $l 1] set port [lindex $l 2] set sock -1 if { $name == "" } { continue } ;# blank name # load array of servers array set exec_servers [list $name [list $ip $port $sock]] } close $f } # end Boeing # Boeing: write servers.conf file from exec_servers array proc writeServersConf { } { global CONFDIR exec_servers set confname "$CONFDIR/servers.conf" if { [catch { set f [open "$confname" w] } ] } { puts "***Warning: could not write servers file: $confname" return } set header "# servers.conf: list of CORE emulation servers for running" set header "$header remotely." puts $f $header foreach server [lsort -dictionary [array names exec_servers]] { set ip [lindex $exec_servers($server) 0] set port [lindex $exec_servers($server) 1] puts $f "$server $ip $port" } close $f } # end Boeing # display the preferences dialog proc popupPrefs {} { global EDITORS TERMS set wi .core_prefs catch { destroy $wi } toplevel $wi wm transient $wi . wm resizable $wi 0 0 wm title $wi "Preferences" global g_prefs g_prefs_old array set g_prefs_old [array get g_prefs] # # Paths # labelframe $wi.dirs -borderwidth 4 -text "Paths" -relief raised frame $wi.dirs.conf label $wi.dirs.conf.label -text "Default configuration file path:" entry $wi.dirs.conf.entry -bg white -width 40 \ -textvariable g_prefs(default_conf_path) pack $wi.dirs.conf.label $wi.dirs.conf.entry -side left pack $wi.dirs.conf -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 frame $wi.dirs.mru label $wi.dirs.mru.label -text "Number of recent files to remember:" entry $wi.dirs.mru.num -bg white -width 3 \ -textvariable g_prefs(num_recent) button $wi.dirs.mru.clear -text "Clear recent files" \ -command "addFileToMrulist \"\"" pack $wi.dirs.mru.label $wi.dirs.mru.num $wi.dirs.mru.clear -side left pack $wi.dirs.mru -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.dirs -side top -fill x # # Window # labelframe $wi.win -borderwidth 4 -text "GUI Window" -relief raised frame $wi.win.win checkbutton $wi.win.win.savepos -text "remember window position" \ -variable g_prefs(gui_save_pos) checkbutton $wi.win.win.savesiz -text "remember window size" \ -variable g_prefs(gui_save_size) pack $wi.win.win.savepos $wi.win.win.savesiz -side left -anchor w -padx 4 pack $wi.win.win -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 frame $wi.win.a checkbutton $wi.win.a.snaptogrid -text "snap to grid" \ -variable g_prefs(gui_snap_grid) checkbutton $wi.win.a.showtooltips -text "show tooltips" \ -variable g_prefs(gui_show_tooltips) pack $wi.win.a.snaptogrid $wi.win.a.showtooltips \ -side left -anchor w -padx 4 pack $wi.win.a -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 frame $wi.win.canv label $wi.win.canv.label -text "Default canvas size:" entry $wi.win.canv.x -bg white -width 5 -textvariable g_prefs(gui_canvas_x) entry $wi.win.canv.y -bg white -width 5 -textvariable g_prefs(gui_canvas_y) label $wi.win.canv.label2 -text "Default # of canvases:" entry $wi.win.canv.num -bg white -width 5 \ -textvariable g_prefs(gui_num_canvases) pack $wi.win.canv.label $wi.win.canv.x $wi.win.canv.y \ $wi.win.canv.label2 $wi.win.canv.num \ -side left -anchor w -padx 4 pack $wi.win.canv -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.win -side top -fill x # # Programs # labelframe $wi.pr -borderwidth 4 -text "Programs" -relief raised frame $wi.pr.editor label $wi.pr.editor.label -text "Text editor:" set editors [linsert $EDITORS 0 "EDITOR"] ttk::combobox $wi.pr.editor.combo -width 10 -exportselection 0 \ -values $editors -textvariable g_prefs(gui_text_editor) label $wi.pr.editor.label2 -text "Terminal program:" set terms [linsert $TERMS 0 "TERM"] ttk::combobox $wi.pr.editor.combo2 -width 20 -exportselection 0 \ -values $terms -textvariable g_prefs(gui_term_prog) pack $wi.pr.editor.label $wi.pr.editor.combo -padx 4 -pady 4 -side left pack $wi.pr.editor.label2 $wi.pr.editor.combo2 -padx 4 -pady 4 -side left pack $wi.pr.editor -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 frame $wi.pr.3d label $wi.pr.3d.label -text "3D GUI command:" entry $wi.pr.3d.entry -bg white -width 40 -textvariable g_prefs(gui_3d_path) pack $wi.pr.3d.label $wi.pr.3d.entry -side left -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.pr.3d -side top -anchor w -padx 4 -pady 4 pack $wi.pr -side top -fill x # # Buttons at the bottom # frame $wi.bot -borderwidth 0 button $wi.bot.apply -text "Save" -command "savePrefsFile; destroy $wi" button $wi.bot.defaults -text "Load defaults" -command initDefaultPrefs button $wi.bot.cancel -text "Cancel" -command { global g_prefs g_prefs_old array set g_prefs [array get g_prefs_old] destroy .core_prefs } pack $wi.bot.cancel $wi.bot.defaults $wi.bot.apply -side right pack $wi.bot -side bottom -fill x after 100 { catch { grab .core_prefs } } } # initialize preferences array with default values proc initDefaultPrefs {} { global g_prefs CONFDIR SBINDIR DEFAULT_REFPT tcl_platform # variable expansions must be done here array set g_prefs [list default_conf_path "$CONFDIR/configs"] array set g_prefs [list gui_canvas_refpt "$DEFAULT_REFPT"] if { $tcl_platform(os) == "FreeBSD" } { set shell "/usr/local/bin/bash" } else { set shell "bash" } array set g_prefs [list shell $shell] array set g_prefs [list gui_text_editor [get_text_editor true]] array set g_prefs [list gui_term_prog [get_term_prog true]] setDefaultAddrs ipv4 setDefaultAddrs ipv6 # preferences will be reordered alphabetically array set g_prefs { num_recent 4 log_path "/tmp/core_logs" gui_save_pos 0 gui_save_size 0 gui_snap_grid 0 gui_show_tooltips 1 gui_canvas_x 1000 gui_canvas_y 750 gui_canvas_scale 150.0 gui_num_canvases 1 gui_3d_path "/usr/local/bin/sdt3d.sh" } # add new preferences above; keep this at the end of the file }